A Small Breeze

by Shadowmane PX-41

A Stroll Through Ponyville

Twilight and Fluttershy walked out of the castle once again with Trixie staying close to their manes. As they walked out, they saw that the sun has passed its peak in the sky and was starting to begin its descent. With the position of the sun in mind, Twilight and Fluttershy knew that they would not have much time to show Trixie around Ponyville, so they needed to act fast.

After the walk from the castle road to Ponyville, Twilight saw that the town was filled with less activity than before. Most of the stalls and shops were still servicing ponies, but there were noticeably less than before. Some fillies and colts were still playing, and there were even a few ponies who were coming out for some later activities or events which would occur in the afternoon or evening.

Trixie pushed the front hairs on Fluttershy's mane aside so that she could see exactly what Ponyville looked like; despite the fact that had past self had claimed Ponyville as her territory in the past. In her observations of the tranquil kingdom, Trixie noticed that there were pegasi in the air moving the positions of multiple clouds to prepare the evening weather. She could also see the majority of earth ponies were tending to the crops by watering them and giving them fertilizer.

"How do you like it, Trixie?" Fluttershy's eyes shifted upwards as she addressed Trixie. "Aside from Twilight's castle, Ponyville is a rather lovely place to live. Despite the fact that it hangs on the edge of the Everfree Forest..." Fluttershy gulped as she brought the name up.

Trixie, unsure of what the Everfree Forest was, questioned Fluttershy on it in Breezie.

"The Everfree Forest is a scary place, Trixie. Not many ponies dare to venture into it..." Fluttershy was already shivering as she described it.

"The animals fend for themselves in there and the clouds move all on their own," Twilight was much calmer, but even she still twitched as she remembered how much grief the Everfree Forest had caused her and her friends. "Frightening things such as Timberwolves, Manticores, Cragadiles, and more await in that dark place..."

"But let's not dwell on that for too long, Trixie..." Fluttershy changed the subject as she turned to face another area of Ponyville. "Personally, I want to show you the schoolhouse before Celestia sets the sun and allows Luna to raise the moon."

"And if anypony asks who you are, I'll just call you Misty," Twilight made a plan to disguise Trixie's identity. "Ponies here know that Trixie was a bad pony. But at the same time, they just adore Breezies. So instead of me telling them your name is Trixie, I'll give you a fake name so that we can prevent any additional tension and discretion. Does that sound OK with you?"

Trixie put one of her legs to her chin and gently rubbed it. As much as she had the desire to be recognized by the citizens of Ponyville, she also didn't want to be known as a pariah. She eventually decided to agree to being called 'Misty' until Twilight could fix the issue. She verbally agreed and flew into Twilight's mane.

"Alright then, Tri—" Twilight's eyes darted around the town looking for anypony within range of her voice. When there was no-one around, she breathed a sigh of relief "I mean Misty...

"That was a close one," Twilight whispered as she cantered towards the schoolhouse with Fluttershy following closely behind her. "At the very least, Trixie and Misty sound similar..."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked out of the window. After being given some time to reflect on the things that they had said against Twilight, they were beginning to doubt whether or not Trixie really was planning to get revenge on them.

"I just don't get it, Applejack," Rainbow Dash said as she caught a glimpse of Twilight and Fluttershy travelling towards the schoolhouse with Trixie in their possession. "I just stated how it would be better to protect her in here; why is it that Twilight and Fluttershy would be so rebellious? I mean, sure; Trixie has been a massive jerk; but I was just trying to protect her from Ponyville and the dangerous weather..."

"It's not just how you protect someone that matters, Rainbow Dash," Applejack pulled off her hat and put it to her chest. "It's how often you protect someone that matters."

"What do you mean, Applejack?" Rainbow Dash tilted her head and leaned in.

"When ah was a foal; Granny, Ma, and Pa wouldn't even let me out of the barn. They mostly kept me in my room, but took me downstairs to eat with the rest of the Ponyville Apples," Applejack's eyes opened and closed periodically as she recalled her past. "Ah was babied so much that ah eventually got the idea to try and move out and find my purpose in life.

"The same thing can be said with Applebloom. Ah tried keeping her safe too much when she had a mishap with a bowl of spaghetti, and she lost an awful lot of faith in me," Applejack sighed as she put her hat back on. "Ah was blind back when I was a foal, unaware when I was caring for Applebloom, and even now with Trixie. After the third time, I think I've finally learned that overprotectiveness is a sure-fire way for somepony to lose faith in you. You may think you're keeping them safe; but in the eyes of the pony – or breezie in this case – you're trying to protect; you're treating them like a baby. And they don't take kindly to being treated like something they're not..."

When Applejack stopped, Rainbow Dash sighed heavily and drooped her head. "I think I know what you're talking about, Applejack..." Rainbow Dash was beginning to remember her own childhood. "When I used to be a filly, my Mom and Dad wouldn't even let me fly without supervision. They kept going on about if I flew too fast and couldn't change my trajectory, I'd fly straight through the walls of the house and fall to the ground in fear. I kept saying that it was a bunch of baloney, but they eventually started taking fewer and fewer chances. Eventually, they just tied my wings up with rope until further notice." Rainbow Dash winced at the memory of being restricted to fly. But shaking her head, she continued, "I ran off from the dinner table that night, sobbing and crying that my parents were continuously treating me like a foal, even though I was eight years old.

"But despite all this, sometimes being treated like that can be a good thing," Rainbow Dash's smile returned as she spread her wings, flew towards the map and stood on it with her chest puffed out. "The next day, Mom and Dad signed me up for Flight Camp. I was away from my parents, I met Gilda and Fluttershy, and I learned the Sonic Rainboom which made me the pegasus I am today..."

"Despite the fact that parents do their best to keep their children safe, they do still love them with all of their hearts; even if their methods make their children hate them," Applejack had a warm smile as she walked towards the door. "Ah'm going to apologize to Twilight, Fluttershy, and Trixie," She stopped when she reached the door, turned back to Rainbow Dash and said, "You can join me if you want..."

Rainbow Dash dwelled on it as Applejack opened the door up. She took in the memories that both she and Applejack had had as they were fillies, then thought about Trixie as a Breezie. After careful consideration of what she had been talking with Applejack about, Rainbow Dash's finally decided that Trixie had changed for the better. She followed Applejack out of the throne room, down the corridors, and towards the doors of the castle.

The sun was setting over Ponyville as Twilight, Trixie, and Fluttershy returned from the schoolhouse. As the ponies walked across the dirt road, they were talking about the beauty of the world during a sunset. Trixie didn't do much talking, but she did like hearing the conversation that Twilight and Fluttershy were having.

"It's been nice talking with you, Twilight, but I think that it's time for me to head home," Fluttershy walked ahead of Twilight and eventually spread her wings. "You're not the only pony with a pet. I've gotta make sure that Angel Bunny and the rest of the critters get fed tonight..."

"Alright then. Have a good night, Fluttershy!" Twilight waved as Fluttershy flew back to her cottage. Then when she was gone, Twilight continued her brisk trot towards the castle.

In Ponyville, Rarity was busy shopping at a craft store for a fabric for some dresses. She glanced at the many different shades of blue on the rack and sweated with the indecision. "Ooh... They're all quite elegant. Sapphire, Cobalt, Seablue, Skyblue, I just can't decide!"

"Uhh, Ma'am, you're gonna have to make a decision soon," a salespony addressed Rarity. "The shop's closing in five minutes."

"Five minutes?!" Rarity's pupils shrank to pinpricks. She turned back to the fabrics and was chewing on the tip of her hoof as her eyes darted among the colours. "Let's see... Cobalt would be nice for a vaguer, more accessorizeable option... Amethyst is the in thing right now so I'll need to work fast... Periwinkle could wait until the winter season..." eventually, the pressure was too much for her to bear, so she threw back her head and screamed, "I CAN'T HANDLE THE DeCISION!"

Rarity swiftly snatched up all of the colours she had been looking at before, as well as the ones she had been stretegizing for future dressed. She threw her Bits at the salespony screaming, "KEEP THE CHANGE!" as she ran out of the door with the materials.

After she ran out of the shop, Rarity immediately crashed into Applejack and fell flat on her back. Whilst she was stunned, the dress fabrics flew out of her grip and tumbled down over Rainbow Dash and Applejack's bodies. Rarity shook her head and used her magic to pick up her purchases and put them back in her saddlebags.

"I am ever so sorry for crashing into you like that," Rarity said as she pulled each layer of silk and linen off of Applejack and Rainbow Dash. "I do hope you can forgive me for being suc—"

"It's alright, Rarity," Applejack smiled as she hoofed her the last piece. "If anything, we were just about to apologize to Trixie for being overprotective..."

"Oh? So you've made your decision, have you?" Rarity's brows furrowed as she listened on what Rainbow Dash and Applejack had to say.

"Yes, Rarity," Rainbow Dash moved forward. "It's our fault for trying to protect Trixie that way. We didn't know that we were going too far in keeping her safe and that Twilight and Fluttershy had it all under control..."

"We were much like our own parents; raising somepony in a way that seems unsatisfactory and would make them and their friends lose faith in us," Applejack took her hat off again, sighed, and hung her head. "Can you ever find it in your heart to forgive us?"

"I can, dears," Rarity said, shaking the hooves of Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "But I think that you should rather be saying this apology to Twilight and Fluttershy personally..."

"Yeah..." Pinkie Pie poked her head out one of Rarity's saddlebags.

"Gah!" Rarity stumbled backwards and fell on her flank as Pinkie Pie leapt out of the saddlebag. "Pinkie Pie? What in Equestria were you doing in my bags?!" Rarity demanded as Pinkie landed.

"I was just wondering what you were doing before we all go to sleep," Pinkie Pie explained. "I mean, I knew that Twilight and Fluttershy were gonna be showing Trixie around Ponyville, and that I would have been baking cakes for me to wash down with a glass of milk tonight. So I decided to go fabric shopping with my friend; Rarity!

"After all, since I knew that Dashie and Applejack would be moaning mopey-wopey ponies, I thought it would be best not to check on them," Pinkie Pie's eyes squinted rather violently as she turned to face Rainbow Dash and Applejack. She marched up to them and got right in their faces. "Speaking of which... I just hope the two of you are ready to apologize to Twilight, Fluttershy, and Trixie..."

"They've had some time, Pinkie Pie. Stand down," Twilight used her magic to levitate Pinkie Pie away from the two ponies, enabling them some room to breathe. "Well, Rainbow Dash? Applejack? Have you got anything to say to me and Trixie?"

"Wait? It's not Fluttershy as well?" Pinkie Pie was thunderstruck that Fluttershy was missing.

"Sorry, Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy has to tend to Angel Bunny and the rest of the animals in her house," Twilight explained as her ears fell. "But I'd gladly accept Fluttershy's place in the apology on her behalf..."

"Oh. Okie-dokie-lokie!" Pinkie Pie's smile came back, but it was quickly lost when she glanced back at Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Twilight... Trixie..." Rainbow Dash started off as she stepped forward. "It's our fault for getting defensive towards Trixie. We were only trying our best to protect her from the outside world. With all of the townsponies that could have noticed her from her hair, body colour, and Cutie Mark, me and Applejack got the impression that you could have lost her forever by taking her out to Ponyville..."

"In our haste, we had completely forgotten that we had become overprotective and that we were restricting Trixie on the freedoms that she deserves," Applejack took over as she stepped forward as well. "Both of us upset the applecart, and because of that..."

"We're sorry..." Applejack and Rainbow Dash said with a sigh as they hung their heads low.

"I accept your apology, Rainbow Dash and Applejack," Twilight said, allowing her friends to stand back up normally. "I can understand how you feel in keeping Trixie safe from harm; but you need to remember that I found her, and it's primarily my responsibility to care for her. Your input is fine as well, girls; but it's my word that stands in deciding how Trixie is cared for. I know you didn't understand this, but hopefully you'll remember this in the future."

Pinkie Pie's smile came back once again after Twilight had made up with Rainbow Dash and Applejack. She squealed as she tackled Rainbow Dash and Applejack, then stood on her hind legs and gave them a big hug.

"Pinkie... you're... crushing my lungs..." Rainbow Dash said as she struggled to catch her breath whilst in Pinkie's hug.

"Sorry..." Pinkie Pie immediately stopped and let Applejack and Rainbow Dash fall to their knees, gasping heavily for breath.

Trixie flew out of Twilight's mane, approached Rainbow Dash and Applejack, and spoke in Breezie to them. But without Fluttershy to translate, Trixie's praise fell on deaf ears. The two ponies merely raised their eyebrows and tilted their heads; unable to comprehend what she was saying to them.

"What is she saying, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked as soon as Trixie was put back in Twilight's mane.

"To be honest, I don't even know..." Twilight's eyes looked skyward as she felt Trixie shuffling around and getting comfortable. "The Breezie language is so complex that I'm not even sure it physically can be translated..."

"So how in the hay are we gonna find out whether or not Trixie was thanking us or insulting us?" said Applejack.

"Like I said; I can use the transformation spell that I used in the past to allow us to become Breezies again. But it's getting awfully late, and I've heard that tonight's got a little bit of a thunderstorm scheduled..." Twilight saw the sun sink into the horizon, prompting the pegasi to strike the darkened clouds. The noise of thunder reverbated throughout the town, and the first few drops of rain began to fall. "You should all get to your homes now. I'll give Trixie her last meal and get her to bed. Then tomorrow, we can get started."

"Despite the fact that it's late, I do need to get one of my latest products ready before amethyst goes out of style..." Rarity already began the walk back to the Carousel Boutique. "Have a good night, everypony..."

"I'd better be getting back as well," Pinkie Pie said, "The Cake Twins usually never sleep through a thunderstorm without me reading them a good bedtime story..."

"I'll be supporting the late night weather team, then a quick read of a Daring Do novel should put me to sleep in a flash," Rainbow Dash's words were accented by a quick bolt of lightning lighting up the sky. "Sleep tight, Twilight..." she said whilst flying through the cloud cover which was beginning to form.

"Ah'll be headin' home as well," Applejack was the last to leave, "Good night, Twilight..."

After all of Twilight's friends went their separate ways for the night, Twilight walked back towards the castle herself. But during her travel, she felt like her hair was being pulled out by something. Looking up, she saw that Trixie was using Twilight's mane as a safehaven for the rain and thunder. She was quivering as she held the hair together, making things uncomfortable for Twilight.

"It's alright, Trixie... I'm here..." Twilight lit up her horn and created a tiny orb around Trixie. The rain dripped down the orb and around it as if Trixie was encased in a glass sphere. "Just relax; there's nothing to fear as long as I'm keeping you safe..."

Trixie heard that the noise of the outside world had been muffled, but Twilight's voice was echoed as she spoke. Taking her words to heart, Trixie snuggled into Twilight's hair and was on the verge of falling asleep.

With Trixie safe from the rain, Twilight sighed in relief as the irritation in her hair died down. She slowly walked into the castle and shut the door quietly. Locking the door tightly, Twilight walked down the hallways towards the kitchen so that she could prepare Trixie her last meal before bed.