//------------------------------// // Sunset Shimmers first human New Years. // Story: Celebration Time // by Dark Nightshade //------------------------------// It was the New Year's eve, and the school was getting ready for a nude years eve party. Almost all the girls were attending, even Fluttershy (surprisingly)! The school had been planning this for months, and it had been decided that the party would be girls only (which was fortunate for the girls like Fluttershy). "So, this world must have celebrations a lot, huh?" asked Sunset Shimmer. "Kind of. We have a holiday every few months, and it also depends on what religion you follow. Why?," asked Applejack. "Five days ago we were celebrating Christmas. Why have another holiday so soon?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Ah'm not sure. But this is the New years eve we're talking about. Celebrating this is pretty important to most people," Applejack said. "Yeah, but do most people celebrate it like the school is?" Sunset asked. "You mean naked? Some people do. And no, Ah don't know why," Applejack said. "Well, Ah got to go, see you at the party tonight!" Later, Sunset Shimmer was walking to school for the party when she saw the rest of her friends. "Hey guys!" Sunset Shimmer yelled. The girls turned and started saying hi, when she notice Fluttershy at the back of the group, sweating. "Wow, Fluttershy, I didn't know you were going to do this!" Sunset exclaimed. Fluttershy let out a "meep" and shrunk back. "Yes, this is her first time at a Nude years eve party," Rarity said. "Oh course. Me too. Don't worry Fluttershy, we aren't going to judge you," Sunset said. "Yeah! Don't worry, we all get nervous the first time, even me!" Pinkie said, appearing out of nowhere. "So, what exactly do you do at a new years, or in this case, nude years eve party, besides partying naked?" Sunset asked. "Well, you have to stay up until midnight, and then there's the tradition of kissing someone at midnight," Pinkie said, evilly grinning at Rainbow Dash and Applejack. "Don't get any ideas!" Rainbow Dash said, backing up nervously. "You've already got blackmail material of Applejack and me from Christmas!" "Ok, but be on your guard!" Pinkie said evilly. "Can we just enter and get this over with!" squeaked Fluttershy. "Sure, we might as well," Rarity said. "Let me guess, you want to show your body off to random people in there?" asked Rainbow Dash. Rarity gasped. "No! I am not as pervey as Pinkie!' Rarity exclaimed. "That's true," Pinkie commented. "Come on, 'shy, lets go. You coming Sunset?" Applejack asked "Yeah, this might take a while," Sunset replied. "Don't worry, we just finished anyway," Rarity said. "Yeah, we have a little bet set up to see how many people she shows her body off to in there," Rainbow Dash said. They entered the building, got there tickets and went to the locker rooms. "Why is the school party always in the gym?" Rarity asked. "Because it's usually one of the biggest, if not the biggest room in the school," Rainbow Dash replied as she took her shirt off. "Why do I not find it odd that you don't were a bra?" Rarity asked. "Probably because she's an athlete and her boobs are tiny," Pinkie said as she somehow teleported out of her clothes. "How did you do that? Nevermind, I don't want to know. Let's do this!" Sunset yelled as she pulled her shirt (and bra) off. "Wow, you've got even bigger boobs then I thought, Applejack," Pinkie said when Applejack took her shirt off. "Pinkie, what are you planning?" Applejack asked nervously. "Not important," she said slyly. "You and Rainbow Dash should probably look out for her at midnight," Sunset suggested. "Good idea," Applejack said. "Yeah, definitely," Rainbow Dash said. "Fluttershy, you almost ready?" asked Sunset. Fluttershy had decided to get undressed on the other side of the lockers, and hadn't been seen since. "Do I have to do this?" Fluttershy whispered. "You already paid, you might as well," Rainbow Dash said. "Oh, fine," Fluttershy said as she stepped out, v "Holly crap!" Pinkie said. "Your boobs are massive!" And they were big. Applejack's boobs were the closest, but Fluttershy's were still bigger. "How did you hide that from us this long?" Pinkie asked. Fluttershy squeaked. "Ok, stop staring. We're all ready, so we might as well go!" Sunset said. "Ok," the other girls chorused. "Thank you," Fluttershy whispered to Sunset as they walked into the gym. "You're welcome," Sunset said. The gym was decorated with lots of streamers and lights. There were a ton of New years themed food, and there was some music playing. Of course there were some people dancing. "Hey, Pinkie, did you help organize this?" Applejack asked. "Yes," Pinkie said. "Nice. Hey, what time is it?" Applejack asked. Pinkie pulled a watch out of her hair and looked at it. "11:57. Almost time," Pinkie said. "Nice. Wait, why do Ah get the felling that you mean more then it being almost New Year's by saying that?" "Nothing...." Pinkie said. "Who are you going to embarrass?" Applejack asked. "Wow, you cut straight to the point. Who says I'm going to embarrass anyone?" Pinkie asked slyly. "It's you. Let's just say it's a hunch," Applejack replied. "Ok, good point. But you'll see when it happens," Pinkie said mischievously. "Oook," Applejack said, slightly nervous. "We should probably get everyone gathered up, it almost time," Pinkie gasped, looking at the watch. "Everyone, gather around! It's almost time!" Applejack yelled. Everyone that was there started gathering in a circle. "Pinkie, start the countdown, will you?" Applejack asked. A couple of seconds passed. "Ok, 10!" Everyone started counting down after that. "9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" When they reached one, everyone started yelling. Some small firecrackers started going off. Lyra and Bon Bon started kissing. Applejack started to wonder what Pinkie was planning when Pinkie somehow teleported with Rainbow Dash and taped their heads together. "Pinkie, again? Didn't you get enough blackmail material at Christmas?" Sunset asked, noticing what had happened. Applejack finale got the tape off of there heads. "Yeah, come on! Why do you have to do this? Now Ah'm starting to fear what'll happen on Valentines day." "I hadn't actually thought of that. Thanks for the idea!" Pinkie said mischievously. "Oh frick. Did you have to give Pinkie an idea?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Sorry! Ah didn't expect her to take he seriously!" Applejack said. "Whatever. So, Sunset, how was your first human New year's eve?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Interesting. About as interesting as Christmas, actually," Sunset said, grinning. "Good luck with avoiding Pinkie on this Valentines day thing."