Dragon Blues: Spike's Song

by Bit-Bolt

Date With A Dragon

Rarity was still in shock wondering what had saved her and fixed her mane. Looking into the mirror she took a deep breath and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

Half an hour had passed and Rarity used the time to overcome her shock and have a small rant about rude ruffians. Bolt sat arms crossed as Spike stared up at him with admiration. Rarity gave her rescuer a big hug before backing off looking him up and down. “Wait a moment aren’t you that dragon from the race? My you can be gentlemen when you want to. Thank you deeply Bolt. If there is ever anything I can do to repay….”

Bolt cut her off and gave a wink to Spike. “How about a date!” He asked in a cool raspy tone.

Rarity was caught off guard and uttered out. “Beg pardon?”

“I want a date. Come on a mare as beautiful as you must be used to being asked out.”

Spike was fuming in anger as his eye twitched from seeing another dragon hit on Rarity.

Rarity responded a little off put by the fact she found Bolt unappealing. “Uhh…I you must understand dear a pony and a dragon cannot…..” She tried to put delicately the fact that even though she found his face attractive the sharp teeth and large horns were just off putting. Bolt smiled smugly as Rarity was stammering over her words and Spike was marching over to give Bolt a face full of fire.

“Come on you don’t want to disappoint Spike do you? I don’t want the date. It’s for him. The little guy likes you so much he even wears that stupid apron you made him.” Bolt said helping himself to a large handful of Rarity’s jewels. Spike stopped and Rarity nodded in relief.

“Of course I’ll take Spike on a date. How’s tonight sound?”

“Perfect, after all the little guy jumped to your rescue even before I did. We’ll meet you tonight. We gotta jam though Twilight needs a few things.” As they turned to leave Rarity started on a small rant.

“I’ll have you know that apron is made from the finest Saturn and silks. Also the heart is simply darling don’t you thi…” Bolt slammed the door shut behind them cutting off the end of Rarity’s rant.

Spike looked up in disbelief at Bolt’s actions then let out a loud. “YEAHHHHHHHH.” Then thrusting his hands towards the air. “Bolt that was amazing! Thank. You THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!” He repeated hugging the blue dragon’s leg. Bolt tore Spike off his leg and tossed him aside.

“See being a jerky dragon doesn’t seem so bad now dose it?”

“No way! You were so cool back there. You were strong smooth and really fast! Dude you aren’t like the other dragons I met.”

Bolt lay across the ground and yawned. “Spike we’re jerks by nature. You ever make rude or cynical remarks to ponies and you don’t know why?”

Spike placed a claw to his head then responded. “Now you mention it yeah all the time. I trash talk Twilight all the time. I don’t know why I just kind of do it.”

“Kid you gotta accept what you are. By nature we’re violent, egoistical, greedy beasts full of power and pride. If you have something you want to take care of you need the power to protect it. Nobody will take away whats yours if they fear you. Not your gold not your girl. Living among ponies is fine but acting like them is holding you back. Twilight is a great girl but you shouldn’t be getting her tea cakes.”

For a time Spike took a seat next to the older dragon and mulled over what he said. He leaned back resting his head on Bolt’s side with his arms behind his back. “You know what you said it makes sense. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there to….”

“You don’t have to. Because next time that happens you’re going to be in tune enough with your evil instincts to do it yourself. “

“Say if your some greedy though guy why wouldn’t you smash an egg for fun? You seemed to be enjoying yourself hurting that guy back there.”

“Kid let me tell you a story.” The blue speedster spoke as the sun begun setting over the horizon setting the atmosphere.

“There was once a little dragon. Like all dragons it started life as an egg. Unfortunately circumstances lead to this egg being badly cracked causing the baby inside to become stillborn. Death before he could even experience life was a terrible fate for one who had never seen the world. On that night the heavens turned black and rumbled with thunder. The little lone egg weathered the storm acting as a coffin for an unborn infant. The darkness of the heavens was pierced by a veil of light in the form of a single flash of lightning. The heavenly light cracked and struck the lone egg. The crack in the eggshell allowed the lightning bolt to reach the baby's body. A blindingly fast bolt of lightning stuck the stillborn. As soon as the electricity struck energy begun to course through the dragon’s body. Soon his dead little heart began beating pumping blood and electrical energy through his veins. It wasn't long before life was brought to the baby blue dragon and it exploded from its eggshell with mighty a roar. Since the lightning literally jumped started his life force it is intertwined with the very core of his being. It was these events that gave me life that also gifted me with my super speed.“ Bolt’s voice grew harsh as this wasn’t an easy topic for him to talk about he cleared his throat and smiled placing his head in his hands. “That’s why I’d never touch an un-hatched egg Spike. I’ve experienced first hand how precious the gift of life is. When death is the first thing you see it’s a fate you’d never force upon others. Anyway enough of the sappy stuff, how’d you like to learn how to act like a real dragon?"