The Rescue of Princess Twilight Sparkle(redone)

by Jeffrey1225

Chapter three

"Shining Armor! We need some solution to save Twilight, Celestia, and Luna!" Cadence had been ranting for what seemed like hours. Her family was kidnapped, and Double Rainboom wasn't on YouTube anymore.

"I don't know what to do! Why are you looking at me? I never get a part! At least you show up!"

"You did have a part!" Cadence seemed offended.

"In which story line?"

"Our wedding, and when Tirek took over."

"Your part was bigger though! You sang a song... I never get to sing."

"Yeah, but you showed up!"

"You got a spin off story!"

"You had some dialogue! And that spin off story was with Discord, he stole the show."

"Tirek turned me into a snack. I was there just so I could be knocked out of the story."

"That's not true!"

"Yes it is! Even Discord got to sing!" Shining Armor seemed really upset about his lack of singing.

"No it isn't. Besides he just talked, and animated some instruments."

"Okay! Fine! You win. Back on track Cadence! We need to help Celestia, Luna, and Twiley."

"How do we do that?"

"We could ask the demolition team to blow a hole through the roof, and go in with elites and Wonderbolts." Shining seemed happy that he made a plan. That was usually Luna's job.

"That, is a good idea."

"We shouldn't do it though."

"Why not?"

"DHX can't sell any toys of us blowing up a building."

"Hmm, you're right, but we aren't gonna get any episodes this season."

"Okay, let's do it."


A newspaper titled Equestria Daily span around while a deep voice said; "Meanwhile! In the neigh-doers base!"

Luna groaned, Twilight grunted, and Celestia... Well Celestia was still unconscious.

Wait... Celestia snorted and shot strait up, well as straight up as one could be with their hooves tied. She whipped her head around, trying to get her bearings.

A cage... Really... You put a god with the power of the sun into a cage. She began to melt the cage... Well she would have if her horn wouldn't have been inhibited by a ring. Hmm.

She was stuck, oh, and Twilight and her Sister were there too. Great, no Princess of Friendship to Deus Ex Machina her out of this situation.

Celestia thought about how to get out and came to the conclusion that they were stuck until they starved or something.

Coming to this conclusion she got comfortable, and tried to go to sleep. At least it was quiet down here.

Silence, sweet sweet silence.

To quiet... No that's such a generic thing to say! Just sleep.

"Why can't something just... just explode!" Celestia yelled out in frustration.

Her voice echoed around the room for a moment, drifting back into silence. She seemed to have startled her sister and Twilight. "Sorry!"

Luna rolled her eyes. "Now Twilight, witness the ADD of my sister."

"Isn't it ADHD Luna? I don't mean to brag but I know A LOT about psychology, and ADD has nothing to do with impatience... It was to do with not being able to concentrate on one thing for a while. Speaking of psychology, I talked to someone once who said they constantly heard explosions, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"


"I think I do now..."

"Huh? I can't hear you!"

"Explosions do that to you."

"Luna! Don't sass at Twilight."

"Thanks Princ-"

"That's my job" Celestia interrupted.

Suddenly the cages disappeared, so did the rope, and the inhibitor rings.

"Hmm I guess we just leave then?..." Twilight asked.

"No I think we should stick around for a while."

"Luna, what did I tell you about sass."

Pop. Shining Armor and Cadence teleported into the room, Shining sighed and handed Cadence a bag of bits.

"I told you all they would do was bicker." Cadence said of so smugly.

Shining Armor cleared his throat, "now then Princesses, shall we leave."

"Sure. So is there a ladder, or an elevator."

"You aren't wearing inhibitor rings... Why don't you try, oh I don't know, TELEPORTING."

"Sorry if Cadence seems a bit, eh, temper-ey. Her favorite episode is gone off of YouTube." Shining Armor gave a fake laugh.

"Brother, you do know 'temper-ey' isn't a word right?"

"Look! Is this really the place to have an argument! Sister, Niece, Twilight. Let's go!"

"H-Hey what about me!" Shining seemed offended that Luna left him out.

"Honey, pay her no mind, she is just jealous that she isn't hanging out around the coolest princess."

"SHUT UP!" Twilight cast a group teleportation spell and sent them all to Canterlot Castle."

There was a big banquet celebrating the rescue of the princesses, the music swelled up, and everything got smaller, and it everything got consumed by black.