Adventures with the Son of Chaos and Harmony.

by Godmutt

The Awakening.

When he returned home, it was already early morning, and the sun had risen. He'd had to sneak past the day guards, who weren't as skilled as the night guard, so it was much easier to get back in. Except.. His window was locked. And he'd left the key inside. 'I'm busted. Done for. They caught me.' He thought to himself. He knew that mom and dad had found out he was gone, and made it to where he would have to face them in order to get inside. Utter failure on his part, forgetting the key in his room..

He dropped down to the castle courtyard, and hung his bag on the statue of some explorer that he didn't recognize. The bag looked at home there, and it was a good hiding spot to leave his bag. After making sure that it looked perfect, he walked to the front gates. After being admitted inside by the guards, he went inside, to find that Aunt Luna was waiting for him instead of his mother and father.

'Welcome back, Nephew. I presume you had a nice trip?" She said quietly.

"I only went on a walk around Canterlot." He lied.

"False. I came to sing you a lullaby after raising the moon and stars, and you were gone. You left to-"

All the windows in the castle opened, along with all of the doors, and it was loud. Saved by a sneeze..

"Discord simply must fix his allergy situation.." Luna mumbled quietly. She turned back to Soma, and stopped the draconequus from trying to sneak way; she began to continue her talk.

"You left to do something. What was it?" She asked in a stern, but sweet voice. He hesitated to answer.

"I was looking at my map, and a particular place caught my eye. So I went there."

"And when you got there, did you find something.. Interesting?"

He remained silent.

"You'd better tell me what you found, Soma. Or I'll make sure Celestia knows you left Canterlot without permission."

She knew how to twist him to get an answer.. "..I found a dragon. And the last of her race, too!" He blurted out.

"A dragon, you say?" She asked with a smile.


She didn't know what the rock was... But it was shiny. And she wanted it. But.. it was surrounded by rings of water and magma.. Farthest out ring was a full forty feet from the stone. And it was water. The second farthest was magma, then water. The rings were patterned.

She stepped up to the edge of the first ring. The water was deep, and the ring was wide.

Trouble was, her wings were no good, as she could hardly fly, and she'd never bothered to learn how to swim. Times like these she wished she had a family to teach her..

She sat at the edge of the ring, and reached in, as far as she could, without falling. She still didn't reach the water.

''Too deep to wade through..'' She thought to herself. '' I guess I'm learning how to swim today.''
She stuck her tail in first, only to find that the water was freezing cold, despite the scalding magma right next to it.

"Oh well." She thought. "I'll survive. I hope.. "

And then she jumped in.