Dear Princess Luna

by MelodyScribe


Dear Princess Luna,

How did I get myself into this mess?

Don't worry, Moon Prism hasn't gotten a hold on any of my poems, yet. She's becoming more and more persistent though, it's like she's not giving up until she find what I'm "hiding". I'm certain she plans to show whatever she finds to my school, frankly, since most of the school really doesn't pay any attention to me, it's not much of a threat. My real fear is if the shows to my foster parents! If my foster parents see my poems, they're going to tell me off for focusing too much on the past. Lately they've been on my tail for trying to get into contact for my father. I've forgiven him for what he did, it really wasn't his fault entirely. My parents think my father is a deranged stallion meant to be in an insane asylum rather than prison, but it's more than that, they think my mother was as bad as he is! I really dislike my foster parents. My foster sibling don't come from those backgrounds, there parents died when they were fillies, so my foster parents believe I'm going to be as bad as my father.
Why are my foster parents acting like this? When I first arrived at their house, they were really really nice. They didn't push, they didn't go prodding into my things or my business. They told me they would be there for me, and I believed it. When I told them about my problems with Glittering Gold and Shining Silver, they jumped at the chance to make it right. To make sure that I wouldn't have any more problems. They even specifically requested to talk to Silver and Gold as well as their parents. A meeting that I didn't even go to because I didn't feel comfortable and my foster parents totally respected that. Come to think of it, when my foster parents came back from that meeting they didn't look at me at all. They just said "the problem was resolved" and that was it. What happened at that meeting? What in Equestia changed to make my foster parents hate me? Why are they treating me like this?!
Luna help me. Why do you never write back to me? Why don't you ever pay attention to me? Do you even read these letters? Are you just like everypony else?!

I'm sorry. I had to stop writing for a moment because I started tearing up (and my magic had starting knocking books and stuffed animals off my shelves). I know you're busy, and know you have majors duties to attend to, you can't respond to my letters.
Today, when Interstellar and I went to his house, he asked if I had thought of an element to represent yet. I hadn't, so he just shrugged and said that we could work on his portion of the project. I hate that I haven't come up with an element yet, I know the project isn't due for another week, but I don't want to be the one to hold it down.
The element Interstellar chose was honesty, so we wrote down why Interstellar would represent that element and what it means to be honest with somepony. We covered everything from being brutally honest to keeping promises and even knowing when it's the best time to be fully honest with somepony. I think honesty fits well with Interstellar, he's never one to kid around and has never told a lie (according to his mom as she passes by to check on our work). I have to say that honesty fits on Interstellar like a glove.
I'm not really used to asking for help so I'm kinda scared of asking Interstellar his opinion on what element I would be. There's no way I can ask any of my foster family since they would potentially laugh at my face (hypothetically speaking).
I'm actually almost finished my poem for you. Thankfully, neither Moon Prism nor Running Wind know about it, so I think I can get it done and send it to you (hopefully) without too much problem.

I've probably jinxed myself for saying that.