//------------------------------// // Fillydelphia // Story: Infinity // by TranscriptBrony //------------------------------// Twilight limped slightly back into her home. She had accidentaly stepped on a sharp stone on her way to the races. It has cracked her hoof a bit. Despite the pain she was still amused from earlier events. For about 30 more minutes after Twilight had revealed the huge news, Rainbow Dash and Rarity were still arguing about what to do. The compromise cam from an unlikely source, Fluttershy had suggested they do both, first the races and tgen the makeover. Even though thete was still some hostility.between Rarity and Dash, they agreed. So, in the.end, the day wasn't ruined by "party poopers" and ended quite nicely. The only thing Twilight had to do was write a response letter to the Princess. Twilight winced as she trotted over to her desk. I hope this heals soon she thought. She used her magic to summon a scroll of paper and her quil from nearby. Dear Princess Celestia, After speaking with my friends we have decided that we would all be honored to be a part of this proposed space mission. All we need from you is the information you said you would give us. We thank you for this oppurtunity. From, Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle "Spike!" Yelled Twilight. The baby dragon appeared out of nowhere. "Yes?" he asked. "I need you to send this letter to the Princess please." "Sure thing Twilight!" Spike took a deep breath and blew out emerald green flames. The letter was engulfed by the flames and disappeared in smoke. The letter was sent, dragon class shipping. It only took about ten minutes before a reply cam back from Princess. Dear Twilight Sparkle, Not only does this announcement excite me but will also do so for the program. I am sure you ate wondering where exactly this center is located. Well, in two days you and your friends will take the train to Fillydelphia. From there you will take a carriage to a location not far outside the city. This is where the center is located. I would also pack, a lot. Your commitment means you will have to stay in the area of the center and you are planned to be there for a few months. Remember to tell your friends this information when you can. From, Princess Celestia "That is some really useful info, but I'll wait to tell the girls tomorrow, I'm beat..." Twilight Sparkle yawned. She had a great time today, even though she was slightly injured in the process. She groggily limped up the stairs, creeped past a already asleep Spike, and climbed into her soft bed. It had been quite an amazing day. All days come to an end however, but Twilight's night was also great. She dreamt of great adventures and the mysyeries of space. She couldn't wait for that train ride. ............................. Twilight sprinted faster than she ever had before to the train station. She was almost fifteen minutes late. "I had to triple check my checklist...." she muttered to herself. When she arrived she was exhausted. The conductor helped her carry her bags, she was severely short on breath. When she knew her things were tucked away, she found her friends in the luxury car. Her friends just stared at her at first, the state she was in wasn't normal, for Twilight that is. Her mane was slightly frayed here and there, she was breathing hard, het coat wasn't smooth but spiked out here and there. For Twilight, this wasn't her day and everypony in the car knew it. "Er.....Hiya Twilight...." Said Applejack. "Hey girls," gasped Twilight, "sorry, had to....er.....check my checklist." "Darling....how do I put this?" Pondered Rarity, "You look like you dragged yourself through barbed wire...." "I would say a rock quarry but whatever." Said Rainbow Dash. "You look....um.....okay?" Fluttershy Squeled. "I really look that bad?" Asked Twilight. "No, you look like you had a ton of fun this morning!" Said Pinkie. Just then, the train jerked forward a bit, signifying movement. The conductor quickly hopped onto the train and the speed of the locomotive began to rise. Soon, the train was at a comfortable doors, heading straight towards Fillydelphia. They would arrive in just over five hours with a couple stops along the way, including a stop in Canterlot an hour and a half into the ride. Until then, the group of friends held many conversations and stared out at the passing land. They also played some small games. One game they played was truth or dare, but the game ended when Fluttershy was dared and couldn't take the pressure. She was dared to flick Applejack. After the rest stop in Canterlot, the train gained a bit more speed. It was going to be quite mountainous for a while, and cold. All the windows were closed to keep what warmth was left in the cars in. After about two hours the mountains receded back to beautiful valleys. Everywhere you looked it was grassy green, with an occaisional tree here and there. The temperature also rose a bit. After of about being on trip for three and half hours, Twilight decided she wanted to take a nap. Her hoof had been bothering her on and off during the trip and she just wanted to.get off it. As she fell asleep her friends thought about dosing off as well, only Rainbow Dash actually did though. ..................... The train slowly screeched to a full halt at Fillydelphia station. The girls gathered their bags and trotted off the train. They looked around the area for a while until they saw a colt with a sign saying "Elements". They assumed this meant them and they were right. The colt led them to a dark blue carriage decorated in constellations. The side of the carriage said "Director's Carriage". Inside was also amazing in itself. The seats were made with the highest quality of Equestrian red velvet, the ceiling had a detailed painting of the moon, more stars were painted on the inside, and the Equestrian flag was on the inside of both side doors. They all gasped and awed the high luxury of the carriage, especially Rarity, who couldn't stop talking about its design for the whole thirty minute ride to the center. When they arrived, the building was surrounded by wonderful gardens and a couple of fountains in the shape of stars and their own planet. The front of the building looked very modern and had recently been remodeled. It was made of steel bars supporting glass to give it a bit of a indented look. The sides, however, still looked like they had in their hiding days, like factory walls. The center was built so that the sides faced the city so that whoever looked over at it thought "factory" not "space center". In the center of the courtyard in the front flew the flag of Equestria, right below flew what looked like the flag for the center, a planet with a ring around it, but on the planet was the letter "E". As the girls got their bags out of the carriage, a golden orange stallion in a suit trotted up. His mane jet black, and his cutie mark was of the sun. "Hello!" He said. "My name is Director Summer Solstice, and welcome to the ECGR!"