A Pink Back Door

by Ponyess

A Faustian Deal: 4

Faust was supposedly the man who made a deal with the Devil. According to the story; he eventually died, of course.

Incidentally, the creator of a show named My Little Pony is also named Faust. One could call it a kind of a Punny, if you can grasp the fun in this particular pun?

My friend Pen Pal, whom I will hence forth refer to as Pen for short was given a gift by mail. Who it was from; a certain Diana Pie. I may not know it, but her full name is actually Pinkamena Diana Pie, commonly called Pinkie Pie by her friends, or simply Pinkie for short. This particular pink mare spends most of her time and efforts towards making her friends happy, smiling and laughing. A worthwhile goal and pastime, if you ask me. Of course; none ever asked me, if it is anything important. But what’s new?

Pen, my friend chose to share the gift and its blessings with me. As she invited me to her home, showed me the gift and offered me to enjoy it with her.

Of course, she had received more of these items; tubes and others, than she could ever make use of, all by herself. I guess I am just lucky, she chose to share the blessing with me. She could just as easily have chosen any other girl among her friends. Or; even a boy, if it was the name and face coming to mind for her.

This comparison does have some shocking and frightening correlations to it. For one, in a sense you as the Human you were prior to inserting the tube known as the Back Door is dead and gone, at least for as long as the Back Door is in effect.

While this rubber tube is in you, you are an entirely different self. Separate from whom you were as a Human. On the other hoof, once you extract said tube, the new persona could be considered dead and gone. Until such time as you once more slip your tube in.

On the other hoof; since you can come back, you are not really dead. You can take the back door to whom you were prior to insertion or extraction at any given time.

The more amusing and exciting detail is that your second self comes with her very own name, and a number of other interesting characteristics.

The convenience is that none can make you extract, or insert the tube. this is in your personal control. You don’t actually lose time, while the other you is there, either, of course. Just as you don’t take any of the injuries inflicted upon you, in the other self. You can’t take an injury inflicted on your brother, so why now? It would be ludicrous and insane to suggest that your body should be damaged, just because your brother was?

Of course, there are so many things to explore, and so much to learn about one’s self. Even if some of these details you learn are completely isolated to one side of you. If they are your original self, or the alternative, or altered self doesn’t really make any difference on that standpoint. Yet, you need to keep track of these details, in a very special and different sense. Not that you will recall what is irrelevant to your separate selves. The original Human self will only remember what is relevant to her, while your alter Ego will remember these things instead of what you do as a regular Human girl.

Naturally, I have learned a few rather radical differences to my self in my alternative form. Not so much the details you can clearly see, when you look at me, but the things about my internal body.

If this has anything to do with the Equine form, or if it is just a curious detail in the design, but I can find the interior of my womb from behind as well, not just from the regular path through the orchid. I guess a designer could find it fun, hilarious and even exciting. At least, some male designers sure would. Yet, I came to terms with it as a mere curious detail as an Equine and Pony.

On second thought, I guess it does make sense on a very different level. The tube was called a Back Door. As a back-door, it is an entry from behind. Why, and what ever gave who ever designed it this idea, I have no idea. I guess I really don’t care. Yet, there is a chilling notion gnawing on the back of my head; telling me that the design was not quite as complete and perfect as one had been led to believe. What if I was creating it as I inserted the tube from behind, as my friend Pen had told me to? Maybe the general details, like the outer Equine characteristics were the design. What if the interior details are still all my creation, conscious or not?

This may be a strange to unsettling sensation, particularly at first; yet I did get used to it. Feeling the slick rubbery tube with my bare fingers, the slippery surface barely affording me any friction or resistance at all.

Then it hit me, upon arousal the rubber grows coarse and is coated with a thick gel lubrication that has a weekly negative friction. I found it strangely exciting to explore, once I got into it. Not to complain, but the sensitivity is a bit over the top.

I can never claim that it is uncomfortable in any way, but it is distracting and makes it hard to pull out of the moment if something calls for my attention with the acute sensitivity I have as I am excited.

Looking closer at it, I had also noticed just how seductively delightful Pen is tasting, when I first explored this with her. Just feeling her coarse rubber coated with thick gel that refused to smear or slide out of the way. How does one put a finger to it all?

Another interesting change is the tendency towards lactation upon specific stimuli to my now large nibbles. I can’t say that it is uncomfortable or discomforting in any way, just one of the chance distractions that came with the change. I do enjoy the feel it gives me as well how it feels as I do it.

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