//------------------------------// // Goodbye Old Friend Hello New Foe // Story: What is Friendship Now // by Narcissistic Writer //------------------------------// Twilight slowly crept towards the sight that made her paranoid in so many ways she had the felling one of them could just jump out at her at any moment but in truth that could happen in any moment. Twilight then rushed quite quickly to check on her mentor's health condition it wasn't good she had blood dripping from her nose her left foreleg looked broken she had multiple cuts and bruises in her stomach area (which in Twilights mind was understandable due to the parts of the battle where she wasn't curled up in a ball she noticed Luna mainly attacked the lower waist and stomach for some reason) the Princess had been pretty badly beat up even though the fight was not too grotesque for Twilight to vomit or worse but it still looked like Luna delivered the damage,but what still buzzed around in Twilight's mind was what would corrupt her own sister to commit such an act upon her own loving sister she had already technically explained during the distraction for the Princess to recover but that reason didn't make enough sense there must have been another reason apart from sadness,rage and anger something that happened between them that was so critically infuriating for them to fight like this Twilight thought hard through her experience about the Princesses timeline she just needed to go back to the beginning the very beginning "stop it Twilight no time for flashbacks" Twilight told herself as she hurried to help her mentor in need she looked like she had walked straight into a minefield for two hours but that didn't matter well it did matter but ugh she just needed to help her. As she approached the two body's one of them starting breathing Twilight stood so still until oh thank god she had enough luck for it to be Celestia to start breathing now she had to help her before Mrs Maniac wakes up that's if she does she only just was able to lift the mare off the ground but that wouldn't stop her from saving or trying to save her mentor she then went back to trying to get a flashback to come up in her head "A feud between Celestia and Luna that would lead her to wanting to kill her what could it be, wait...Nightmare" "Moon" a familiar voice finished the name she dreaded to say. "Yes you are correct Princess Sparkle that is the thing that drove me insane, you know what's funny I've always been psychopathic hiding it from everyone even my sister and it took me over one- thousand years to get my long awaited revenge". every sentence the corrupted sister said made Twilight shiver just hearing of how someone went insane gave her goosebumps she laughed as she once again approached Twilight still struggling to hold up Celestia while Luna continued her speech Twilight collapsed and the older Alicorn fell on top of her Luna started to violently laugh at the young Princess squirming trying to crawl from underneath her sister's weight was impossible eventually she gave up Luna slowly approached her Twilight thought this was the end for her Luna gave out a hysterical evil laugh as she lit up her horn and levitated another dagger from the armory shut her eyes and.....what?..... she was puzzled, no pain was that how dying worked no pain she decided the most logical thing to do was to open her eyes instead of a dark abyss of nothingness she could move and was....wait...no...it couldn't be....she was....she was..... alive her eyes were blurred but she managed to see dark Blue Alicorn at the end of the room carrying some sort of sharp object but she was also carrying a rainbow mane white hide Alicorn? it didn't take long for Twilight realise what was going to happen Celestia was about to be killed in front of her own two eyes if she didn't do something so she ran and shouted at the Blue mare "it's me you want not her" The twisted sibling ignored her getting back to her business. Twilight needed something more enraging hah she had it Twilight thought about the consequences of these words she was about to say well here goes nothing she had obviously got her attention so it's now or never I guess "your'e a maniac a powerless horse that has never accomplished anything in your life except getting banished to the moon" The mare's finally took notice of her but not in a good way her eyes turned red as she galloped furiously towards the soon to be a pile of mangled pieces. Twilight thought abut this decision and wondered if shed had a plan to get easily out of this sticky situation after panicking so much she had an ingenious plan. As the enraged Princesses's speed increased she now had perfect sight of her target she lit up her horn and shot a magical blast but about two seconds from impact Twilight disappeared and appeared behind Luna obviously trying a sneak attack but this proved ineffective as Luna did the same to avoid Twilights attack. Being the Princess of Friendship she did not have much experience with combat spells or hand to hand combat. At this point Luna had the upper hand throwing Twilight over the ledge of the hole in the wall landing in the room holding the Elements of Harmony she knew what she had to try and do but she also knew her magic might not be strong enough but she had to try she started to light a spark in her horn but she was to weak she couldn't banish Luna to the moon it was only possible if it was done by Princess Celestia Twilight had lots of pain contained in her forelegs and eventually passed out Luna had followed her to this room and when Twilight awoke she found herself in the Throne Room again but this time she was tied to a throne and Luna was ready to kill Celestia she slowly walked towards her but was thrown to the side by an Alicorn Princess Celestia but she was hurt even more than before she was grounded by the the chaotic blue Alicorn they both raised their horns and shot magic blasts overpowering each other differently until Celestia gave in all her magic blasted Luna causing her to skid across the floor. Celestia collapsed but spoke "My faith..ful......student....I am putting......the.....fate...of Equestria in your......hands....End this...war......and restore....peace.....using any means......necessary.....Goodbye...Twilight.................................................................I'm....so...proud" "Celestia....no" Twilight sobbed over her good friend and mentor she had known for years now she had died in her arms and there was nothing she could do both sisters dead nothing to do...............................but there was something to do and it had to be done she could hear the commotion of the tribes outside and flew outside and sat on a watchtower and gave a speech "Celestia a fallen ruler and Princess of Equestria called off a war but since her recent" Twilight struggled to blurt it out "tragedy" she finished the reaction of the tribes below was a gasp "She and her sister met their demise today in a sister versus sister battle to the death Celestia left me in charge of restoring peace any means necessary if those means mean a war then so be it " at this point Cadence was breaking down crying tears sloping down her cheek like a river Twilight felt horrible having to tell Cadence and the other tribes this dreadful news everything seemed fine until one of the ponies shouted out "Celestia died because she was to weak to start a war and end it like Luna said" that was the last straw Twilight wasn't going to stand for this she grabbed the knife Luna dropped flew down to the pony and flung it into his neck blood squirting out of his neck and spitting blood when trying to speak everybody gasped in shock Cadance eyes wide "Any other remarks about our princess" eyerypony shook their head. Twilight asked the Pegasi to collect the box from the armory they did and layed it in front of all the tribes Twilight broke it open revealing weapons when everypony had grabbed one a metalic object was falling from the sky it took time to realise what this was it was a bomb Twilight flew up back to the balcony and heard somebody say "what is that thing " as she pointed to the bomb "WAR!"