//------------------------------// // Revelations // Story: Spartans are a Flutter // by fabianguzman18 //------------------------------// i try to look at least menacing as possible but with this suit and my helmet on i doubt i'm doing any good at it.Slowly the creature comes out into the open. the little pony came out into the open it had a purple mane and tail and an orange coat it walked over to Isaac and Vinh and stared not with fear but with curiosity not being able to stand the tension Vinh tried to bend down and touch the pony but the little pony ran off straight to Fluttershy and buried her head in fluttershy chest Isaac walked over to her “Oh i'm so sorry its just that ..well scootaloo doesn’t know how to react to aliens in presence” she chuckled “Hey Scootaloo was it don’t worry i’m not gonna hurt you ok” he bed down and slowly began to take off his helmet “See harmless” As soon as he did this Vinh’s blood began to boil. She hated his easy and relaxed demeanor, his ability to trust others but now showing his face to a freak horse thats it. She grabbed Issac by the arm dragged him out the cottage and closed the door. “ why did you do that we're not supposed to show our faces to anyone” “ really who told you that?” “huh look if we're gonna trust them we got to show a little trust of your own.” “Thats just it Issac it don't trust them and i don’t get why you do.” “ look if you put your trust out there people will rise to the occasion.” “Sometimes i just don’t get you, Green team must have really rubbed off on you.” Isaac smiled “haha what can I say Kurt was a good leader probably even the best.” They went back inside the cottage and sat down on the couch. Soon Scootaloo began to talk about how she and her friends are searching for their cutie marks, but quickly backed tracked to explain what a cutie mark was and what it meant. ------Vinh’s POV--------- It’s so strange they're so cute and i feel safe around them even more so than my brothers and sisters. oh man im gonna regret this. slowly she began to take off her helmet and soon she began to smile “What i know im pretty but you don’t have to stare.” “oh i'm so sorry i jus-” “It’s ok it was just a joke” Isaac did something he hasn’t done in a long time he gave me an approved look. Soon Scootaloo began to talk about her idol Rainbow Dash and how she wanted to be just like her when she grew up. Its funny cause she reminded me of me when i was that age curious about everything. and invincible idol to look up to. hmm i wonder what would how my life would be like if I had a normal childhood. After a vegan dinner we got back to chatting until we realized how late it was so fluttershy sent scootaloo of to bed leaving the three of us alone. ---------fluttershy’s POV--------- I began to simply to stare at them and tried not to tear up because after scootaloo went to bed they began to tell them about the horrors of the spartan program about being kidnapped at the age of 6 and forced to train year after year. Given biological augmentations of which only 33 survived relatively unharmed 12 were disabled some beyond recognition and of course 30 had died for what to simply kill rebellious humans and that they will never be allowed to go home, but the one thing that really got to fluttershy was what isaac told her next. -----isaac’s POV------ “ A few fellow spartans Daisy, Joseph, Ralph and two others realized that this program wasn’t worth it so they escaped.” “Joseph was captured shortly after,but the others made it back to their homeworlds and found the most shocking thing ever they found clones of themselves apparently Dr.Halsey didn’t want anyone finding out about the program so she cloned all of us the clones would die shortly after and it would be as if we never left.” “Anyways after reaching their homeworlds Ralph went crazy and killed his clone and Daisy thought about it and left but not before the clone approached her and gave her a teddy bear.” “wait what about the other two?” trying to compose himself he said “the other two committed suicide” fluttershy was in shock to take your own life must be something awful and something terribly awful must happen before you even think about anything like that. “But how do you know this Isaac?” “Daisy told me during the Harvest Campaign. i almost cried when they told me she had died you know to go through so much in so little and still find the time to die at a young age what a cruel world we must live in.” “Hey fluttershy do you think you could set us up with some beds I’m getting kind of tired.” So struck with sorrow and pain fluttershy simply mumbled “ok” Around 7 minutes later fluttershy showed them to the room there were 4 matresses 2 of them laid one after the other to accommodate their large stature the other two laid in a similar fashion only on the other side of the room. I thanked fluttershy laid on the mattress (or mattresses if you wanna get technical) told Vinh goodnight and drifted off into sleep. --------------------- hey guys sorry for such a short chapter but don't worry the next one will be a relatively long one so just remember spartans never die... there just missing in action