//------------------------------// // 7 - The Trickster and The Doctor // Story: Doctor Whooves: Born Into Darkness // by tom117z //------------------------------// A mortally wounded Twilight lay in the Canterlot Gardens. Regaining her senses she attempted to stand up but found herself too weak to do so, she was not ready for combat so soon after her botched attempt to kill Celestia. Looking up, Twilight saw Sombra approaching, horn glowing with dark magic ready for the killing blow. "It's a shame, Trickster saw so much promise in you, sadly it would seem you did not live up to that promise... goodbye Twilight," Sombra sneered. Twilight closed her eyes, waiting for her end as she heard Sombra fire the magical beam. It didn't come. Opening her eyes she was met with Nightmare Moon facing away from Twilight with a shield around her. She had saved Twilight! King Sombra growled as his now former wife glared at him challengingly. Nightmare Moon's eyes glowed a bright white as in her Royal Canterlot Voice she addressed the dark king. "Nopony... tries to kill... my... DAUGHTER!" With that her shield warped back into her horn and was then fired at Sombra as a powerful energy projectile, soon enough Sombra and Nightmare Moon were locked on a battle to the death. "Twilight!" Twilight heard several voices cry out just before six pony's crowded around her, with one bright alabaster alicorn breezing past the group and joining her sister in the battle against Sombra. With the battle raging in the background, the Doctor pulled out his sonic and began to scan Twilight as the mare grew paler. The Doctor's expression turned to sorrow. "She's hurt, badly. I don't know what I can do in this case, I'm sorry." Fluttershy looked down at the injured alicorn. "There there Twilight, we are here for you," she cooed, suppressing tears. Applejack nodded in agreement,."You bet Twi! We are ya friends and we ain't goin' nowhere!" Twilight weakly looked up at the group. "Honesty, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness and Laughter, I couldn't have asked for better friends, I love you all!" With that final declaration from Twilight the five elements began to glow and emit beams of light, these beams mixed just above Twilight and a lavender crystal in the shape of a star began to form. "Don't forget, Twilight, the most elusive and powerful of the elements," The Doctor said his mood lifting significantly. "Your element, magic..." When the elements where done on top of Twilight's head sat a golden crown with the Element of Magic embedded in the centre, all six elements began to glow and Twilight's wounds seemed to heal themselves. "No!" shouted Sombra who tried to fire a bolt of magic at the group, but was intercepted by Celestia. The Doctor stood back as Twilight got to her hooves. "You ready girls?" she asked the group, who nodded in confirmation. Before they used the elements on Sombra however, a shadow seemed to form in front of the group and a familiar bi-pedal monstrosity stepped out, the Trickster had arrived. "Twilight Sparkle, how disappointing, but its not too late, I can make a deal with you. Join me and we shall kill all three of those combatants, and I can put you in charge of this entire empire, all that power yours to command as you see fit..." Twilight stared at The Trickster for a few moments before giving her answer... "No." "What?" The Trickster was surprised by her rejection. "No, that's not who I am anymore," she stated with conviction, the dark magic that had flowed from her eyes for so long finally dissipating turning from them from a sickly green to a wonderful lavender that matched her coat. The Doctor laughed in victory before directly addressing the Trickster. "You were right about one thing Trickster! Every time I beat you in the past I had companions, friends, and here they are! That's how it should be and that's how it will always be! Because Trickster one thing you will never, ever, understand is that it is our friends, not your stupid deals and dark magic that gives us true power, power to face down the whole universe and any other universe that may exist! And that is why you will always lose!" The Trickster snarled at the triumphant Doctor. "Well Doctor, let's see how you like losing your friends." The Trickster outstretched one of his hands and from it great discharges of energy resembling lightning erupted, striking the Element Bearers who all shouted out in pain as their elements dulled slightly. "Watch as they die Doctor! Watch their pain as they-" The Trickster didn't get the chance to finish his sentence as he was tackled to the ground by none other than the Doctor himself. "I can't hold him for long, use the elements!" the Doctor shouted. The six Element Bearers got to their hooves and looked to the Doctor with worry. "What about you? You will be hit too!" shouted Twilight with great concern. "I'll be fine!" the Doctor shouted as he struggled with The Trickster. "Just hurry up already!" Twilight nodded and began to charge the element of magic, all the other element bearers followed suit quickly, the three combatants stopped their fighting and all turned to look at the scene before them. "Oh horseapples," muttered Sombra in defeat. The six mares levitated off the ground and Twilight eyes glowed a brilliant white as a rainbow coloured aura blasted out and struck both the Trickster and the Doctor head on. In the distance you may have heard the TARDIS cloister bell sound as time began to reset with the defeat of the one who had changed it in the first place. The elements cleansed all his tampering and darkness, the restoration bringing back all that was lost. The Doctor opened his eyes and was met with a bright blue sky, looking around her could see eight other ponies all collapsed on the ground of the garden but all were beginning to wake up. The Element Bearers were no longer wearing any armor and the elements were gone, being embedded in the tree of harmony in this timeline. Nightmare Moon was also gone and Princess Luna was in her place. The group all got up and examined their surroundings in confusion, Rarity was the first to speak. "Well, what are we all doing here? Were we not just in the castle examining the map?" "No silly!" Pinkie spoke up. "Don't you remember the alternate timeline where Twilight was evil but then she wasn't and then we all became friends again and beat the bad guys!" "I do," said Celestia. "But it's hazy, almost like a dream, will it be like this for all my little ponies, Doctor?" "No of course not!" the Doctor exclaimed happily. "Just you lot because you were caught in the edge the element's blast. So for all of you it will be like a vivid dream! Well, except for Sombra that is because he's dead in this timeline but yes, it did all really happen." Twilight and Luna approached each other rather sheepishly. Luna looked at Twilight and asked. "In that timeline were you..." "Your adopted daughter, yeah...." "So does that mean..." "I have no idea..." Twilight and Luna just sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say, much to the amusement of Celestia. Finally Twilight spoke. "You know what, Luna? For the record you were a great mother..." she said smiling at Luna, who smiled warmly back. "Hey, what happened to the Trickster?" asked Twilight, turning her attention to the Doctor who was scanning the air with the sonic screwdriver. "Well Twilight, only those at the centre of the blast carry on perfectly from the aborted timeline, which is me and The Trickster, who is alive but seems to have been disembodied permanently. I think we're breathing him right now..." Rarity put her hoof to her mouth to stop herself from then throwing up before fainting onto a fainting couch so thoughtfully provided by Pinkie, who seemed to get it from thin air. Twilight rolled her eyes at their antics before turning to the Doctor again, this time with concern in her eyes. "And what about you Doctor? Did you really escape the element's blast completely unharmed?" "It seems that way!" the Doctor twirled his screwdriver before placing it back in its holster. "I've never felt better! In fact I would say that... that..." The Doctor paused, a sudden realisation dawning over him. "Oh no." The Doctor doubled over in pain causing panic among the others present, who all ran to his aid. As the Doctor got up a small golden glow appeared to come from his body before vanishing. The others backed away to give The Doctor some space as he motioned with his hoof. "No..." the Doctor muttered. "My usual reward then..." The Doctor stamped his hoof in anger before shouting to nopony in particular. "One year! Is that all I get? One measly year before another has to take my place?!" "Doctor? Is thou alright?"asked Luna "The elements appear to have triggered my regeneration..." "Regener-what-now?" asked a confused Applejack "Regeneration, when a Time Lord dies we have a way of cheating death, we can only do it a certain amount of times but rather recently I got a new cycle, but the downside is it means I have to change." Twilight's concern grew. "Change? In what way?" "In every way," deadpanned the Doctor. "Well almost, I'm still the same man, or stallion in this case, so my core personality traits stay the same but my appearance and some of my 'outer personality traits' change..." The Doctor sighed before quickly pulling out his screwdriver and summoned the repaired TARDIS which materialized with the ever so iconic wheezing sound. "Where are you going?" Celestia inquired. "I promised Derpy a journey in time and space and before I go that's what I intend to do! But don't worry, when the time comes I will return, it will be nice to have some friends at my side this time around." The Doctor looked between them, smiling. "You know something, you were brilliant, all of you, fantastic even. It may have been just a year, but I will always remember this, every second of every day, I'll always remember when the Doctor was me..." With that The Doctor jumped into the TARDIS without another word which dematerialized moments later, the blue box disappearing into the time vortex once more. Later that day Twilight and Celestia just sat on a balcony overlooking Canterlot discussing recent events, events that no longer existed it would seem, but they knew that while they didn't exist, hey still happened, time travel is complicated like that. "Well I'm just glad I didn't kill you Princess, sorry about that by the way..." Twilight shrunk down a little bit at the thought of that particular memory. "As am I, but you have nothing to apologise for Twilight. It wasn't your fault but the fault of a monster that in a way was worse than Discord ever was," Celestia responded to Twilight's relief, before something else that had been bothering her came to the surface. "It's not fair," muttered Twilight. "After all he did for us he has to die..." "Fate is rarely kind, my most faithful student," Celestia sighed. "But I have a feeling while this chapter is ending for him, his story will not be ending anytime soon."