//------------------------------// // 3 - Born Into Darkness // Story: Doctor Whooves: Born Into Darkness // by tom117z //------------------------------// Location: Canterlot Time Frame: 1767th year of Celestia's reign Two solar guards walked down a quiet street in the dead of night, not noticing a shadow watching them go past. Nightmare Moon crept towards Canterlot Hospital not letting anypony even catch a glimpse of her. Her target was a new-born filly named Twilight Sparkle, her husbands mysterious 'benefactor' had told them that while this filly would be used as a weapon against them in the future, if she were to be corrupted she would prove a valuable asset to them that may shift the balance of the war in their favour. Or at least that's what Sombra claimed, he has never revealed the 'benefactors' identity to anypony, a fact Nightmare Moon found slightly disconcerting. Walking carefully through the mostly empty halls of the maternity ward she spotted her destination. Stealthily entering the room Nightmare Moon observed the soundly sleeping form of Twilight Velvet, next to her was a specialised unit holding Twilight Sparkle. Her heart melted when she saw the cute sleeping filly, Nightmare Moon had wanted a child for some time but Sombra had always been opposed to it. "It's just a shame it had to happen in such a regrettable way," muttered Nightmare Moon to herself, briefly glancing at Twilight Velvet while approaching the filly. Using her magic she slowly opened the unit up and gently picked up the filly. With Twilight Sparkle secured she left the hospital and headed back to the Crystal Empire, trying not to dwell on the family's heartbreak that would occur the following morning. Location: Crystal Empire Time Frame: 1777th year of Celestia's reign Today was her daughter's birthday. Princess Twilight Sparkle was turning ten years old. The past ten years had been the greatest of Nightmare Moon's life, she had come to love her 'adopted' daughter greatly and couldn't be prouder of the mare she was becoming. However one concern she did have was Sombra, he had always been distant from Twilight and Nightmare Moon suspected that he viewed her as nothing more than a tool, an eventual weapon against Celestia. A concept Nightmare Moon found incredibly troubling. She approached the palace library, where else would her daughter be? She placed a hoof on the large doors and pushed, opening them with an almighty creak. She saw her daughter in the corner so engrossed in a book she hadn't even noticed Nightmare Moon enter. Nightmare Moon just stood there and observed the lavender Princess for a moment. On Twilight's flank existed a starburst cutie mark she had gained only a couple of years ago, a rare sonic rainboom had exploded throughout the sky, startling Twilight so much she had an outburst of magical energy that turned several guards into Cacti before Nightmare Moon was able to calm her daughter down. Those Cacti still decorated the hallways to that very day. Nightmare Moon calmly walked up to Twilight and stood behind her, slowly she leaned down and simply whispered into her ear, "Hi." Twilight jumped high into the air with a deafening shriek, dropping her book in the process. The unicorn turned to glare at her mother, who was laughing so hard she had fallen onto the floor. "Not funny mother!" Twilight shouted while using her magic to fling her book towards Nightmare Moon. "Now I've lost my page...". Nightmare Moon stopped laughing so hard and sat up, looking directly at her daughter. "Do you even remember what day it is, Twily?" "Um..." muttered Twilight simply, racking her brain thinking that maybe she had indeed forgotten something important. Nightmare Moon chuckled, using her magic to levitate a wrapped gift towards her daughter. "Happy Birthday, my little star". Twilight's face brightened instantly at the sight of the gift, which was book shaped, her favourite shape when it came to gifts. "What is it what is it?!" shouted Twilight excitedly. Nightmare Moon just sat there grinning as Twilight jumped onto the gift and ripped off all the wrapping paper in seconds revealing... "Daring Doo and The Castle Of Doom!" shrieked Twilight. "But this isn't even meant to be out for another two months!" she stated hugging the book tightly to her chest. "That's not all, look at the bottom." Twilight did as directed, examining the writing at the bottom of the book in wonder. "And its signed by A.K. Yearling herself!" shouted the extremely happy young filly, who preceded to almost tackle Nightmare Moon in a strong hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" "Anything for you my precious daughter," cooed Nightmare Moon, nuzzling the top of Twilight's head. "We also have one more surprise for you later, it may not be as exciting as 'Daring Doo', but I think you will still like it!". Twilight nodded at her mother. Both mares then proceeded to sit down and began to read the new book together, Nightmare Moon cherishing every moment of Twilight's happiness. During this Nightmare Moon thought to herself, 'In a few hours Twilight's next surprise will be revealed, and Twilight Sparkle the unicorn will cease to exist, while Twilight Sparkle the alicorn will be born'. Nightmare Moon nuzzled her daughter's head again, at this moment considering herself the proudest mother on Equus. Location: Canterlot Castle Time Frame: 1785th year of Celestia's reign Twilight sat at her window looking up into the sky, thinking of happy memories she had with her mother, the quicker she was done with Celestia the quicker she can be reunited with her. Twilight Sparkle was surprised that there were no guards left at her door, even more surprising was that there was no magical surveillance surrounding her anywhere. Either Celestia was getting sloppy, or she was up to something. Twilight couldn't help shake the feeling it was the latter, but then again Twilight had a habit of overreacting to things. 'Not that it matters...' Twilight thought. 'By weeks end Celestia will be dead and Equestria will follow suit'. Twilight turned away from the window and approached her luggage, she began to unpack. Among the things she had brought with her were her Smarty Pants doll she's had since she was small, and her entire collection of Daring Doo books. She picked out 'Daring Doo: The Castle of Doom', sat on her bed, and began to re-read it for the 1000th time. Several minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Enter," Twilight called out begrudgingly. A brown coated stallion entered, he had a darker brown mane and tail along with an hourglass cutie mark. "Sorry to barge in on you like this Twilight, I was on my way to do some, er... research in a few things but I decided to check up on you before hoof," said The Doctor in a cheerful manner. "That is Princess Twilight Sparkle to you, Doctor Whooves. And I don't need checking up on!" "It's just the Doctor if you please Twilight, and you do look like a mare who needs checking up on. I can see an uncertainty, and a loneliness in your eyes..." the Doctor's cheerful attitude morphing into a serious one. "I... have no idea what you are talking about Doctor, now if you'll excuse me I'm trying to read!" "Oh right, sorry! Daring Doo and The Castle of Doom, good one that," stated the Doctor. "But just remember this, I know you desire friendship, and friendship just may come from the most unexpected place if you would just give it a chance." With that the Doctor quietly left the room closing the Door behind him, leaving behind a more than slightly confused Twilight. She had a feeling she would have to keep a close eye on that stallion. She then promptly went back to reading her book.