//------------------------------// // 1 - Prologue // Story: Doctor Whooves: Born Into Darkness // by tom117z //------------------------------// Location: Earth Time Frame: October 1st 2016 Two figures stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, leaning over the railing to get a good view of the city, behind these two impossible figures stood a blue box. "So Doctor?" Clara asked. "What else is out there?" "Oh all sorts," responded the Doctor By this point in his life the Doctor was over 2000 years old and in his 12th/14th incarnation, depending on whether you count the War Doctor and the Meta Crisis 10th Doctor. In this form, he was a greying Scotsman but still had the same childlike spirit under the gruff exterior. "There are even things beyond our own universe," the Doctor casually mentioned. Clara turned to look at the Doctor. "What? Like parallel universes? I mean I know about the infamous 'Pete's World' and their Cybermen, but how many universes are there exactly?" The Doctor now turned to look at Clara, that childlike glee glowing in his old, old eyes. "Who knows? Billions upon billions, possibly even infinite, every choice leads to branching paths, every piece of fiction creates a new universe based around that fiction, reality is a large place, and well... maybe we will end up in one such universe one day, my travels have taken me to many strange and wonderful places, but I bet there are still things out there that will surprise me yet". 10 months later Location: Ponyville Time Frame: 1784th year of Celestia's reign. The night was peaceful, Luna had brought out the moon and arranged the night's stars to her liking. Along a dark tattered lane, a lone figure slowly trotted towards the town. The figure was equine in nature, with grey fur, a blonde mane and tail along with some slightly mismatched eyes. Derpy stretched her wings and let out a yawn, it was most certainly time to return home where her daughter was waiting, despite this Derpy stopped and looked up at the stars in the night's glorious sky. She couldn't help but wonder what was out there... Other life? Other planets? Derpy let out a sigh, she knew she would never know, in their day and age it was impossible. However, sometimes the impossible does happen if you are in the right place at the right (or wrong) time. A loud bang echoed throughout the night sky almost making Derpy fall over in surprise, a large rift opened as a wheezing sound began to vibrate throughout the environment. Then a fireball emerged from the rift, the anomaly closing behind it. With an almighty crash, it impacted just outside the Everfree Forest. Derpy rushed to the impact site wondering what the hay just happened, when she arrived she saw a large charred crater, in the centre on which was a badly burned blue box marked 'Police Public Call Box'. "Whoa," muttered Derpy as she cautiously crept towards the mysterious and impossible object. Suddenly the doors opened and a heavily injured bi-pedal creature staggered out, himself being incredibly burned and with several open, bleeding wounds. From what she could make out the creature seemed to be getting on in years, it had grey hair on its head and eyebrows which looked like they could open bottles by themselves. The figure looked at Derpy with a serious expression on his face. "I would get back if I were you, what comes next is extremely volatile," the figure said. Derpy, unaware of the TARDIS' translation matrix was surprised the that the creature spoke fluid equestrian, but nevertheless did as it asked and retreated to the edge of the crater. "Thank you," said the figure, resigned to his fate. The figure began to glow a brilliant gold that soon enveloped his entire body, before exploding outwards with such force that Derpy was instantly knocked to the ground. When the explosion stopped Derpy slowly got up and looked into the crater's edge, where the bipedal figure once stood was now a brown coated stallion with a darker brown mane and tail. His cutie mark was that of an hourglass. The figure looked up at the dumbstruck Derpy and stated, "Hello, I'm the Doctor, now listen to me very carefully and answer one very important question!". Derpy slowly nodded and said: "Okay," with a slightly shaken voice. The Doctor smiled and asked. "Am I ginger?" One Year Later Location: Ponyville Time Frame: 1785th year of Celestia's reign. The Doctor had settled well into Ponyville with the help of his friend and companion Derpy. In the past year he had seen extraordinary things from magic to the coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle who is another friend of the Doctors, though only Derpy is aware of the Doctors true past, and finally most recently a parasite called the Tantabus had infected everyone's/pony's dreams in Ponyville, and in said dream he almost got crushed by a living house! The Doctor has been loving every moment of his time in Ponyville, so much so he hasn't even made a trip through time and space since arriving, though he has promised Derpy that he will take her on a trip one day. In Ponyville he went under the name 'Doctor Whooves' as a play on his old favourite question 'Doctor Who?'. He also serves as Ponyville's timekeeper, meaning he is in charge of keeping the clock tower up and running as well as keeping the time during events such as 'Winter Wrap Up'. The Doctor trotted through town towards his home and workshop where he performed experiments mixing time travel and magic, he was still a little disappointed he regenerated into an Earth Pony and not a Unicorn or Pegasus but regeneration is a lottery after all. "Hey Doc," sounded a familiar voice. "Princess Twilight Sparkle, your most benevolent highness," the Doctor responded to one of the four alicorn rulers of Equestria. "Oh come on you know I don't like friends referring to me as 'Princess'," said Twilight, a little annoyed. "Well I don't like being called 'Doc'," the Doctor retorted with a smirk. "Well fair enough I guess, where are you heading off to anyway? Twilight said curiously. "Oh just heading back to the workshop for some, er... timey wimey stuff," the Doctor said cryptically, he couldn't tell her about his plans to take Derpy back to Ponyville's founding next week. "Cryptic as always," sighed Twilight. "Anyway I've really got to get back to the castle, the map is apparently highlighting something, an immortal princess' work is never done." "Yeah, I know what you mean... Or at least about the immortal thing, not the princess thing, well actually saying that there was this one time... ah, actually never mind that I've got to get moving. See ya later, Twilight!" the Doctor said before hurrying off, leaving behind a slightly confused Twilight. "There is definitely something odd about that pony..." she muttered to herself. The Doctor reached his workshop and closed the door with a bang, once again he almost revealed his true nature through his ramblings. He had already decided he would tell the princesses of his identity, but not yet. "Derpy? Are you here?" The Doctor shouted, getting no answer. The Doctor wandered through his lab towards a seemingly barren wall, when at the wall he removed a secret panel to reveal a large switch that, when activated, caused the wall to slide away and reveal a hidden room where a familiar blue box laid in wait. "Hello old girl," the Doctor greeted happily as he walked into the TARDIS. The control room had been reverted back to its coral design with grates lining the floor's, big coral pillars reaching into the ceiling with the central console glowing a vibrant green around the controls. Of course, the controls themselves had been modified to be better used by a being with hooves and not hands. Oh and round things lined the walls, plenty of round things. The reason for him going back to the coral design was that this new regeneration of his seemed to have his 10th self's personality, just a little ponified. The doctor walked up to the console, on said console there sat a band which he slipped onto his left foreleg, onto this band was strapped his sonic screwdriver, still sporting the same design its had since his 11th self. One thing that still perplexed the Doctor was that he seemed to be able to pick up objects like the sonic with his hooves, the laws a physics in Equestria were certainly odd. Then the cloister bell rang out. The Doctor looked around in worry as the bell continued to ring, signifying some sort of temporal emergency. The Doctor brought round the consoles monitor and observed the readings on the display. "History's being rewritten!" the Doctor exclaimed in panic. Suddenly the whole TARDIS shook violently as it dematerialized itself in an attempt to protect them from the temporal anomaly. Several round things exploded and part of the console burst into flames as the TARDIS continued to be rocked throughout the changing time vortex. "Oh come on old girl find us a safe place to land!" Suddenly the shaking stopped and the TARDIS began to materialize in a new location. The Doctor looked at the display and observed they were still in the right time period, only a few seconds since he entered the TARDIS in Ponyville in fact, he also seemed to be in Canterlot Castle and the unstable re-materialization had left a slight hole in the dining room wall. "Whoops," remarked the Doctor, well if he was going to tell the princesses the truth now was probably the time. Outside Canterlot a hooded figure watched silently as his plan fell into place. All the chaos of this new timeline would empower him for centuries! And this new unsuspecting world had no idea he even existed, that rift had led him to a new universe ripe for the taking, and he would soon feed. Scanning over more of the display The Doctor saw the TARDIS had taken severe damage and wouldn't be moving again for a while. Sighing the Doctor left the console behind and exited the TARDIS, only to be met with several angry looking solar guards and a bemused looking Celestia. "Doctor Whooves what is the meaning of this? And what is this box exactly?" Celestia asked in her usual calm tone. "Oh that, well funny story that you see..." the Doctor started before Celestia cut him off. "Actually, tell me later! The rulers of the Crystal Empire will be here soon and I have to make sure security is at its best, I don't trust them not to try anything even for an occasion such as this," Celestia hurriedly remarked. "Rulers of the Crystal Empire? You mean Cadance and Shining Armor?" asked the Doctor as the cogs in his brain began to turn. "Cadance an...? No, King Sombra and Queen Nightmare Moon!" responded Celestia. At that the Doctor face fell as the cogs in his brain began to turn faster, realisation dawned upon his face as he figured out what the anomaly had done. One of the solar guards approached Celestia. "Your Highness, why are the dark King and Queen coming here?" "To introduce me to somepony," She responded, before turning to address the rest of the ponies in the room. "Their daughter and my niece, the dark princess Twilight Sparkle!" "Twilight?" the Doctor muttered as his face formed a look of pure horror, this was going to be a long day.