Ya dun goofed

by Tyrfang

I bet no one reads these

Actually, it was a scream no one had heard in about a thousand years. It came from the princesses' chambers. When they stopped, they contacted each other through their mind link.



'Wait, your voice...Oh no.'


'You still have that huge mirror in your room?'

'Luna, I hardly see how that i-'

There was a silence...


'Yes Tia?'

'Why do I look young?'

'It appears we have gotten back to our younger selves.'


The pony diarchs were now at the ripe age of seventeen and sixteen, and were currently hiding in corners of their rooms...

...And they screamed again.


Luna walked slowly to the side of her bed, only to see a dark haired teen snore rather comically.

'You know, he's kinda cute,' Luna thought.

She immediately blushed at the thought. How could she say that? What possessed her to say it? While she was entranced in thought, an arm grabbed her, and held her close. She was frozen in shock at the sudden contact.

"This teddy bear is warm..." Nocturne mumbled.

Luna was petrified. Here she was, a teenager in a bed with another teen who just so happened to be the thing that gave her her cutie mark. The princess of the moon and become the teddybear of the Moon itself.

....And it felt okay. She smiled and closed her eyes.

'Maybe this isn't so bad.'


Celestia was having her own issues. She was still petrified. Not because of the sudden age reduction. Not the fact that the literal sun was in her bed, but the fact that he was waking up.

"No...ZZzzyoucan'tblamzzzZZ" Solaris mumbled, " nO DON'T! Huh what?"

Solaris looked around the room. Celestia held her breath, and prayed he didn't see her. He shook his head, and fell back asleep.

'I wonder what he was dreaming about.' Celestia thought. Solaris was indeed having a nightmare. But of what? Celestia caught a bit of it, but could make no sense of it.

'No, you can't blame..?' Celestia mulled over his words. 'Blame who?'


"It was me who kept Celly from going over the deep end."

*current time*

'He can't be. Nah. Impossible.' Celestia stated. She walked toward the sleeping 'star'.

'Besides he's too much of an idiot to-' "Oof" Celestia grunted as she was pulled into an embrace.

"Don't ever scare me like that...I worried for a thousand years that you'd off yourself."

Celestia was silent. She hugged back, and whispered, "I wont again."...She waited for a response. She only got light snoring.

...'He's still asleep. He was sleep talking... That cheeky dickwaffle.' Celestia laughed quietly to herself.

'Now how do I get out of this bed?'

'You don't. Not til my hangover quits.'

'...You son of a...'
And at that moment, the hardest headbutt ever recorded in all the multiverse was done to a certain Sun from a certain Diarch...

...And it hurt like a bitch.


...Or at least that what you thought happened. Or I thought it. Whatever. Anyways, I'm telling a half truth, because it makes a better story. See, what actually happened was...
"I bet I'm bet'r at majik than you, Celly." Solaris slurred.

"Fa' chance in Tartarous, you are, Sol. You can't even spell magic right!" Nocturne laughed.

"Oi, shuddup or I'm gonna give you another crater, Moonboy." Solaris threatened.

"Make me, Plasma breath." snarled the Moon.

Three minutes, twelve bottles of scotch, a game of Monopony, and a single punch from both Celestial beings later, they were out cold. Applejack, Luna, and Dash were laughing, Twilight was writing their habits on a notepad, Rarity was disgusted at the behavior, and Celestia swore to herself that the two would never meet, "He who must not be named."

Where is Pinkie, you ask? She's behind you.

With their bellies full of alcohol, and their minds full of sleep, our heroes and heroines walk/stumble/crawl back to the Castle. The Diarchs wished the elements a good night, and put their Celestial charges to bed. Solaris in the top bunk, Nocturne in the bottom. After looking at the two brothers snoring for a bit, they decided to go to bed, thinking the twins were done for the night. After saying goodnight to each other, Celestia and Luna went their separate ways to sleep.

````````````````````````````````````````========End Flashback======``````````````````````````````````````````````````

Breakfast was an awkward venture. Mainly because the princesses had to explain to their Guards why there were guys in their respective rooms. Half naked guys. Y'know the whole song and dance, 'Oh, it's not like that!!', like they'll believe that.

"It isn't like that, Lt. Sound Garden! He sleepwalked in here!" Celestia claimed.

"I swear it doth not be like it seems, Sir Night Walker! It is surely a mistake!" Luna said, flustered enough that she went into old Equestrian.

"...Righty ho, then!" both guards exclaimed, fully believing their charges' words.

...Seriously? I guess they lowered the bar for guards nowadays. Anyways, after that, they walk/skipped to breakfast. If you've been paying attention, I don't have to tell you who is skipping and who isn't. But I will. Because I'm nice. It's the guards.

"Why are your guards skipping behind us? Isn't that unprofessional?" Solaris whispered to Celestia.

"It's free pie day at O' Marely's, they can't help it." Luna whispered.

"She's right," Nocturne whispered, "And we can go later, Sol."

"How did yo-" Solaris started, but Nocturne cut him off.

"Dude, I've know you forever. Literally."

"Ah." Solaris nodded, because it was true. Well, sort of. Semantics are lame.

The quartet got to the dining hall in no rush whatsoever. Why? Because walking with a hangover is awful. The walls spin, your stomach flips, your mind is-

"We get it!" shouted the brothers.

-Anyways, the Elements were already at the table, waiting for the Diarchs and the twins. As the late arrivals sit down, a horn is blown and the crier with a snobby pot bellied fu-


-with no concern for pony life other than his own...*Ahem* Blueblood entered the room with grace and dignity. A much dignity and grace as you can with a stick up your ass.

As he walked closer to the dining table, he noticed the twins are still present. It was as if his words to the royal guard meant nothing! Did he not tell them that he wanted the peasants out? Outrageous! To think, he, Blueblood was being ignored by his own servants, why, it's just preposterous to thi-....

"Oi, Blueballs, make that crier blow that horn again and there'll be more than steam coming out of your head." Solaris snarled.

"I second that notion." Nocturne stated, his head pounding even more.

"I have had enough of you two...hooligans!" Blueballs cried, "I will make short work of you-"

Blueblood was hit in the face with a spoon.

"Wha-" thwack "Why-" thwack "How-" thwack "Sto-" dodge "Ha!" thwack "Aah!" thwack

Blueblood ran away with his tail between his legs, spoons still being thrown at him.

"Heh, that was fun" Solaris laughed.

"Yeah it was, did you see his face?" Nocturne grinned.

"Priceless!" the twins highfived.

While our heroes are high-fiving, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are having a Pancake eating contest with Fluttershy judging, Twilight is talking to her mentor about a new spell, Rarity is silently thanking the twins for their disorderly conduct, and Luna and Applejack are talking about apples. What? They're in the story too, just not as important to the plot. Maybe. If there is one. Anyways, the gang settles down after a while, and Celestia asks the golden question.

"Are you two staying here in Canterlot indefinitely, or are you going to explore?"

Solaris and Nocturne think for a moment. They huddle up, whispering, looking up every so often. They draw diagrams. They draw blueprints. They write poems, draw pictures, write problems, solve questions. And then, they found their answer.

"Why not both?" Solaris said.

"Yeah, both. Both is good." Nocturne agreed.

"If you want to do both, I'd start with Ponyville" Celestia suggested, "It's practically in the middle of everywhere."

"Nope. Can't do it." Solaris said.

"Why ever not? It's a lovely place" Rarity stated, shocked that they didn't want to visit their quaint little village. Also because she couldn't make them clothes if they weren't there.

"The um...stars aren't in place" Nocturne said hastily.

"Yeah, right. Stars. Can't. Not right now." Solaris agreed, nodding rapidly.

"Then where are you two going to go?" Luna inquired.

The brothers grinned. A big grin. A grin that may have belonged to a cat. One so big, it made Pinkie kinda worried. Not for long though. She knew they couldn't run from her. No where is safe. The brothers took a deep breath and...