//------------------------------// // My Name is Citrine // Story: Dear Princess Luna // by MelodyScribe //------------------------------// Dear Princess Luna, My foster family has grown quite.... unpleasant. They're nothing like my father let me tell you, they just... tend to ignore me. I actually told my foster parents about my problems at school, and they jumped right onto making it right. They told Miss Cherilee about it and she gave the bullies a week of detention. It didn't solve the problem though, as the bullies, called Glittering Gold and Shining Silver, twin sisters, just started calling me a snitch. It doesn't bother me, being called a snitch, it just makes me annoyed, so I ignored them. They didn't give up though, the day after their time in detention was over, they cornered me at the back of the school during recess. I knew they were there, I was already reading a book about magic, so I pretended I was still reading it. But one of them kicked me in the stomach. Hard. The instant she did I had thought of my father, hovering the knife over my head, and striking it down into my stomach. I let out an ear-splitting wail and the twins were so startled they ran back to the playground. I clutched my stomach, my book on the ground, and soon I realized a group of my classmates were hovering over me. One of them, a colt, held out his hoof and helped me up. He smiled at me, I couldn't help but notice his twinkling grey eyes. I didn't really notice many of my classmates, but this colt I remember specifically because he was the only one of my classmates who actually paid attention to me. He once offered to help me with a tricky math problem, and he also shared some of his lunch with me when I had forgotten mine. His name is Interstellar. His coat is light grey and his mane and tail are white, reminding me of a star. Actually, a shooting star is his cutie mark, I assume his talent is astronomy. We'd never actually had a real conversation with each other, and I'm not really sure why he was so nice to me. Is he pitying me? Maybe. I was still rubbing my soar stomach when Miss Cherilee came and asked me what happened. I didn't hesitate in telling her that it was Silver and Gold. I didn't know who was the one who kicked me, but Miss Cherilee didn't hesitate to punish them right away. Interstellar asked if I was alright. I said that I was, but he still offered to help me to get back to class, I move rather slowly, because of my leg. Still, Miss Cherilee pulled me into the the classroom to look me over, and I had nothing but a bruise. Silver and Gold got another week's detention. When I told my foster parents what happened. They were mad and told me I shouldn't engage in fights with the other ponies at my school. I was confused and said that I hadn't engaged in any fights and I was the one trying to avoid the fight, but they didn't want to hear it. Then they sent me to my room, not bothering to consider my leg. So that's why my foster parents aren't very pleasant, but my foster siblings are even less pleasant. Let's just say that my foster parents don't take their responsibilities very seriously. Both of my foster siblings are older then I am and have been with my foster parents for a lot longer then I have. My foster parents spoil them like crazy and it's way too obvious they prefer my foster siblings to me. My foster sister came home late one night way past her curfew, and my foster parents knew it, but they let her go off unpunished. If I try to stay out past dinnertime studying at school for a test they get angry at me and ground me for the rest of the night! Not only that, but the other night, my foster brother--who is only a year older then me I might add--was whining at my foster parents like a filly for putting asparagus in his lasagne, and they gave him a new piece, asparagus-free! If I try to tell them that I don't like a certain food, they just say to suck it up and eat it! And don't even get me started on how they treat our grades at school! My foster brother failed his science test and my foster parents decided to tutor him for his re-test. They did the same for my foster sister when she failed her English test! If I get anything less then an A on any of my tests they scold me and say I should have done better! I'm sorry, I'm just spouting off my anger. Have I mentioned I'm a unicorn and I still can't get the hang of magic? Lately it's been unpredictable, randomly levitating or exploding or destroying objects if my temper gets out of control. I'm worried about it. I don't want to hurt anypony. Just as I was writing my section on my foster family, I noticed that I was unconsciously lifting a book off my shelf and flipping it's pages, nearly tearing one off, it was my old Daring Doo book, the one I was reading on that night. I stopped following the series after that day. I was always so into adventures when I was a filly. And yes, I've been teased for my magic fluctuations, too. Even my levitation spells can be shaky sometimes. Actually, the only spell I've perfected is one my mother taught me. It's a teleportation spell that can send anything to anypony. Which is how I've been getting these letters to you. Your friend, Citrine