Dear Princess Luna

by MelodyScribe

Nice to meet you

Dear Princess Luna,

How are you? Are you well?

Actually, it's been a couple of years since I've written to you before. I don't mind that you haven't written back, I know you're busy. Royal duties can never wait, can they?
I'll say, a lot has happened in those years. Things that were going on that I didn't say to you before because I wanted to protect my family. I'm in foster care now, my mother died and my father's drinking got worse. It was bad before but I couldn't live under those conditions. When my mother died, he would come home even more drunk and even more angry. One night, he grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer and came to my bedroom. I was foolish enough to think that he wouldn't do anything bad. I was very wrong.
When he came, I was reading the latest Daring Doo book, so I wasn't paying very much attention when he said something I don't remember. When I didn't hear him he ripped the book out of my hands and threw it across the room. He then brandished the knife at me with his unicorn magic and said he was going to play a game of Chase with me. It was an old game my mother would play with me all the time when I was very young. I was scared, and he didn't wait for me to run and lunged the knife at me, I barely dodged it and wound up with a cut on my right cheek, under my eye. I hurried out of my room. I was so scared I barely noticed my braced leg as ran and nearly tripped down the stairs. My father was so drunk he was staggering after me. Since speed wasn't my strong point I was lucky to get away from him in the first place. I fumbled with the door as my father drunkenly bounded down the stairs, crashing into walls multiple times. I threw open the door and ran out of our apartment in Manehattan. I limped down the hall crying for help, I was getting tired from trying to drag my leg with me. My yells, as well as his making so much racket a couple of ponies looked outside to see what was going on and was shocked to see a stallion chasing after his daughter with a knife. One pony launched himself on my father, knocking him over and losing control of the knife.
Hearing my father yell, I stopped to turn around and look at the scene. My father was now wrestling with the other pony. Some other colts jumped on top of him to pin him down to the ground. Others were trying to protect me and shield me from my father. And one of them called the police.
The police were on the scene within ten minutes and arrested my father kicking and screaming. I didn't have any other family aside from my parents, so I was put in foster care. My foster family is really nice and I have a foster brother and sister. I live in Ponyville now, and I'm in grade 5 at Miss Cherilee's school. I really like her.
Actually, even before my mother died, my father would physically abuse me, even before I first wrote to you. I didn't mention this because I didn't want to be separated from my family. I would always wear clothes to school, to cover my bruises. I loved my parents with all my heart. Before my mother fell ill, we were very happy, my father and mother loved each other with all their hearts and loved me in the same way. I didn't want to leave them. Even when my father started drinking I still loved him. There are times when I wish I could visit him. I never got any details on his sentence except that he would be spending at least five years in jail. The cut on my face never fully healed and turned into a scar. So, the bullying and teasing haven't stopped. I haven't found my cutie mark yet either, I'm the only one in my class without one, so I'm being called a Blankflank as well as Scarface and StickPony because of my leg. But my foster family has done the best they can, so that's an improvement.

Your friend,