//------------------------------// // Chapter 23 - Community Service // Story: The Awakening of a Tactician // by Mountainmanmad //------------------------------// While I enjoyed the comforts of royalty during my time with Wade I still found myself missing my average, rickety bed. Not having a constant source of coffee was also a down point. Regardless, I enjoyed the time I spent with Wade and the reward for such was high. I got new clothes, new trinkets and more power. But best of all, I got information. Indeed, while I refrained from bringing it up regularly, Wade still gave me plenty of information regarding the Displaced, some situations others have found themselves in and The Merchant himself. I would have to sort through this and cross reference them with my own experiences, but that can be saved for another time. Today I planned on travelling to Ponyville. I needed to conduct a meeting with the mayor of the town to see if I could set up additional paths through the Everfree forest. I could just simply burn down the forest without a care and no one would be able to do anything to stop me, but I may as well be cordial about it. It would also give me a chance to acquire some books from Twilight to do some further research about this world. I was, quite sadly, heavily uneducated on such matters. However, I have yet to reveal the best part of all this… “What do you mean I have to go with you!?” I frowned downward at Trixie. “Yes, you have to accompany me to Ponyville. I need you there for a number of reasons. For one, with you by my side I’ll appear much less threatening to the populace.” “I think you’re forgetting that the residents of Ponyville don’t exactly care for me either,” she deadpanned. “True, but as a pony you’ll be welcomed far more openly than myself. For the second reason, I want you to get out of this house. You’ve been lingering around here since you first arrived and even I have managed to converse with others in that time.” Trixie grumbled, but she didn’t voice her disagreement. “I also need you with me since you’ll be helping me clear out the path once we’re given permission to do so. We’re going to bring the tomes with us ahead of time and create the path on the way home.” Trixie sighed, but nodded her head in acceptance. She retreated to her own room as she prepared for the visit into town. I myself got the required tomes as well as a thousand bits from my ‘treasury’. The chest filled with gems, minerals and gold coins looked a lot less… ‘full’ than compared to when I inspected it more than a week ago. Who would have thought that gems would be such a common item. After I collected the required materials I waited outside for Trixie who joined me not seconds after. From there we began our trek through the Everfree forest towards the town. We were halfway there when I finally decided to tell Trixie my final reason for bringing her along, “Oh, I almost forgot, there is one more reason why I wanted you to come along.” I heard Trixie sigh. “And what reason would that be?” “I’m going to drop you off at Twilight’s to check out some books for combat magic while I talk to the mayor. I also expect you to be on your best behavior while you’re there.” The resounding scream that followed startled the local wildlife. Well, this is all rather quaint. I stood on the outskirts of the town next to Trixie, taking in the wooden, hay thatched homes. The streets weren’t bustling with activity, but we weren’t near the market district. I caught one or two sets of eyes looking in my direction and the fear behind them was easily visible. “I still think this is a waste of time,” Trixie grumbled, also noticing the looks she was getting. I rolled my eyes and began walking into town. “Nonsense, where’s your sense of adventure?” Trixie followed beside me with hesitant steps. “Back at the cabin with my nose in a book.” “Well now you can be at the library with your nose in a book,” I offered. Trixie snorted as she continued to follow me further into town. The deeper we went the more stares we got. I decided I didn’t feel like wandering around town aimlessly so I asked a local for directions, “Excuse me madam, would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the library?” The cream colored mare I signaled out nodded and lifted a shaking hoof, giving me a route to work with. I gave her a small smile and set off in the direction she indicated. I ignored the looks I was receiving as I rounded the corner of a building to spy the treehouse library. I quickened my pace, wanting to be rid of the stares as Trixie hurried behind me with a noticeable frown on her face. Upon reaching the library I opened the door and stepped in, letting Trixie close the door behind her. The first thing I noticed upon examining the room was the large assortment of books. The second thing I noticed was a small, familiar purple dragon looking up at me with wide eyes. Before I could even reassure him he yelled at the top of his lungs, “Twilight, a strange creature walked into the library with Trixie!” Not a very astute fellow, is he? I heard a commotion from below the floorboards and the sounds of hurried hoofsteps ascending a flight of stairs. A door I failed to notice previously swung open, revealing a surprised, yet smiling, Twilight Sparkle. “H-hello! I-I must say this is unexpected, I would’ve expected a letter telling me of your visit.” I smiled and raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know I needed to announce my arrival when visiting a public library.” Twilight smiled sheepishly as she stepped from the doorway. “O-oh, right. I forget this is a public building sometimes since most ponies knock… and not many tend to visit anyway.” Well that’s rather depressing. I rolled my eyes and stepped to the side, revealing Trixie to Twilight. As adorable as it was to have her hiding behind my legs like a nervous child, she needs to deal with this issue. Twilight blinked as the blue mare came into view, her body tensing just slightly. An awkward silence hung in the air as the two mares eyed each other warily. Twilight attempted to diffuse the situation with a smile, an awkward one at that, but it only managed to elicit a low growl from Trixie. Sensing the oncoming storm I did what any sensible man would do when caught between two angry females. Try to diffuse the situation, of course. I clapped my hands, startling the two from their showdown. “Well, as much as I would love to stick around, I need to be on my way. I need to meet with the mayor to discuss some things. Twilight, I was hoping that you could help my apprentice find some books regarding combat magic,” I ended with a hard stare in her direction, letting the message sink in. I then turned to Trixie and gave her the same treatment, “I can promise you that she will be very accommodating and thankful for whatever help you can be to her. I’ll be back once I’m done with what I need to do.” And with my subtle warnings I exited the library and made my way to town hall, the building clearly visible above the smaller establishments. For all the trouble that supposedly goes on in this town I’m amazed that there isn’t a small force stationed here. I would almost prefer dealing with the legion then the sweltering gaze of the townsfolk. I sighed in relief as I finally entered the main building and away from the gazes. I can deal with most issues, but I can’t handle being stared at. If I had done something, anything to stop it, there would most likely be mass mayhem and screaming. As I looked around the building I noticed a reception desk off to the side with yet another mare seated behind it. Said mare had dropped her jaw along with the papers she was working with as she stared in my direction. I rolled my eyes as I walked up to the desk, noticing her pupils getting smaller with every step. Honestly, do I really look that terrifying to these creatures? I smiled at the mare and offered her a greeting, “Hello, I was wondering if the mayor would be able to fit me into their schedule. I need to have a quick word with them.” She blinked and rapidly nodded. “R-right, um, well,” she shifted around her papers, bringing up a chart, “s-she’s actually free right now, but only for a small period of time before her next appointment.” “Excellent, and where can I find her office?” “D-directly behind me, Sir.” I walked around the desk and entered the room, seeing a grey maned mare sitting behind a desk. Her eyes widened in surprise as I entered, but she quickly calmed herself, concealing her nerves under a mask of authority. I gave her a broad smile, closing the door as I showed her my canines. She flinched as she saw them, but quickly recomposed herself. This is going to be more fun than I thought. I wonder how Trixie is faring? As the door closed behind Robin the two mares returned to staring at one another. The threat from Robin ran through their heads, Trixie especially. While the last thing she wanted was to be nice to Twilight Sparkle, she would still rather fake kindness than upset her master. Trixie took a deep breath, counting to ten before she felt ready to speak, “I need books on combat magic, anything you have.” Twilight frowned at the topic, but didn’t say anything as she scanned her shelves. She might have a book or two regarding such spells, but doubted she had any more than that. She never felt the need to learn offensive spells. Spying something promising, she levitated a book from one of the higher shelves. She grimaced as she saw the state of the book, worn and covered in dust. Giving it a quick wipe down she handed the book over to Trixie. Trixie raised an eyebrow as she saw the state of the book, but said little more as she took the book in her magic and carried it over to the couch. Within moments she was laid out on the couch and had the volume opened. Twilight stood off to the side, shifting on her hooves as she watched Trixie read. Not many ponies read in the library these days and Twilight had come to see the building as a home more than a public setting. The fact that the mare before her was relaxing on her couch was a sharp reminder of reality. While she may be the student of Princess Celestia, she still accepted the job of librarian the day after she first arrived. With that job came responsibilities, one of which was to ensure that any guest was warmly welcomed. Twilight gave a small cough, catching Trixie’s attention. “Well… if you need anything else, just let me know and I’ll be sure to help you in any way I can.” Trixie grunted in acknowledgement and went back to her reading. Twilight sighed and made for her work desk, she might as well get some work done. I sat down in a small chair across from the mayor’s desk as the old mare continued to shoot me cautious looks. “Hello mayor, my name is Robin, and I wanted to ask you a question or two regarding property and the town’s borders.” The mayor blinked in surprise, obviously not expecting such a topic. She cleared her throat and relaxed in her chair somewhat. “Yes… I know who you are, most do at this point. As for my name, I am Mayor Mare, mayor of Ponyville.” The word for a female pony as a name? I gave her a warmer smile this time around. “Well, mayor Mare, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Mare tilted her head in confusion before her eyes lit up in realization. “Oh, no no, you misunderstood me. My full name is Mayor Mare. If you add in my title I am Mayor Mayor Mare.” My smile faltered ever so much as my eye twitched in agitation. These damned ponies will accept any and everything as a plausible name, won't they? I coughed into a fist as I attempted to make myself comfortable in my chair. “I… see. I apologize for the miscommunication on my part then.” She sighed and waved her hoof in the air. “That’s quite alright, it happens far more often than you think, believe me. But, I believe we’re straying off topic. You had some questions regarding… property?” I nodded. “Yes. You see, I’m currently living within the Everfree forest, and while I doubt the woods is included within the town's borders, I wanted to run something by you before I conduct some… renovating.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “While the forest isn’t within the town's borders, I would prefer if you didn’t meddle with that evil place.” “Oh please, the forest isn’t evil, it’s simply dangerous to the point of suicidal upon entry. What I want to do is create a path from my home and link it to the roads outside of Ponyville.” The mayor’s jaw dropped. “Y-you want to create a several mile long path leading from a single home all the way to the main roads!?” Well… maybe not leading directly to my home. I smiled and nodded. “Yes, I do, It gets tiring having to struggle my way through all the brush. Considering I may want to do business in the town at a later date I don’t see any reason why I shouldn’t make travelling easier for myself.” Mayor closed her jaw with a snap as she thought over my words. I don’t see why she wouldn’t let me do this considering all the benefits. A safer path will be created for ponies to travel, the more violent wildlife will be pushed deeper into the woods and the path could lead to further expansions in the future. Afterall, a path cutting all the way through the Everfree could be profitable to traders. And with Ponyville being the first stop out of the woods… Mayor Mare seemed to share much of the same thoughts as her smile grew along with the silence between us. She began rummaging through her desk, taking papers out and piling them upon the wooden surface. I watched in annoyance as the stack continued to grow and I found myself wondering if Trixie was having more fun than I was. Trixie sighed as she closed the tome, finding little of use within the old book. She had been able to take away some knowledge regarding the usage of such spells, but no actual spells to attempt. She had no idea why Robin wanted her to study combat magic anyway. Wasn’t that what his own magic was? Still, she knew that Robin would want to hear some form of progress from her. It’s been a couple hours now so she had to show something for the time spent. The only problem was she had nothing. The only way to get something more was to talk to Twilight Sparkle. Sparkle. Trixie grimaced as she looked around the room, spying the lavender unicorn sitting at her desk. The mare was engrossed in her work, oblivious to the world around her. Trixie cleared her throat and spoke loudly, “Twilight… may I have a word with you?” Twilight’s ear twitched before she turned around in her seat, facing Trixie. “Um… sure, what is it?” Trixie levitated the book over to the librarian. “I find this particular book to be lacking the information that I need. Would it be possible to put in a request for combat spell books from other libraries?” Twilight blinked in surprise, more shocked by the fact that the blue mare was actually speaking to her rather than the question itself. “Well… I may be able to check the libraries in the major cities, but I’m not sure if I’ll get lucky. I can see about requesting some directly from the Canterlot archives, but it would be some time before my request goes through.” Trixie sighed and nodded. “Very well, it’s not like I got anything better to do with my time other than studying.” Twilight paused as she listened to Trixie’s words. She certainly didn’t sound happy at that decision. “Trixie… can I ask you something?” Trixie gave her a bored look. “Does it have to do with combat magic?” she asked. Twilight frowned. “well… no, but-” “Than I’m not interested in anything you have to say to me,” she cut off. Twilight grit her teeth as she bit down her frustration. Why did this mare have to be so difficult? “I’m just trying to start a conversation with you.” Trixie glared at her. “Well I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m still upset about what you did to me last time I was in Ponyville, and I wouldn’t even be here if not for Robin’s insistence.” Twilight growled as she stepped closer. “What I did to you? You were the one who came into town gloating and lying. Then you made fun of my friends when they tried to stand up to you. how could you-” “It was my job!” Trixie screamed. Twilight winced at the sudden shriek, looking gobsmacked at the mare before her. Trixie had small tears in her eyes and her face was contorted into rage. “Of course I lied, of course I boasted and bragged about my skills! It was my job, I was a showmare! It was just another average day for me until your friends decided to try and usurp me. I had no choice but to accept their challenges, it would have hurt my reputation otherwise!” Trixie took in a shaky breath before continuing, “And then the Ursa Minor happened. Those two idiots lured that beast to me, expecting me to fight it. Most normal unicorns are incapable of generating enough magic to accomplish what you did. So when you managed to save the town I was seen not only as a fraud, but a villain! I got blamed for the dammed bear! News got out and circulated around through the papers. I couldn’t show my face in any town, let alone a city. My career was destroyed in a single day by you and your friends!” Twilight fell to her rump in shock as she watched the mare struggle to gain control of her emotions. Thinking over Trixie’s tale she realized she was right. She and her friends had ruined the life of another that was only doing their job.There was nothing she could do for Trixie at this point except… “I’m sorry.” Trixie froze as she heard those two simple words. Did Twilight really think that that was enough to make up for everything that happened? To make up for all the suffering she had to go through? Trixie opened her mouth to give her a piece of her mind, but no words came out. She was… tired, sick of it all. She simply returned to glaring at the mare, hoping her gaze would be enough to burn a hole through her head. The moment was ruined when Robin opened the door and strode into the room, a wide smile on his face. The smile vanished as he took in the depressed Twilight and the tear filled Trixie. His jaw tightened as he looked between the two, unsure of what to say. Trixie took the initiative as she walked up to him. “We’re done here, I’ve gotten everything I could have learned. More reading material will be brought in later, but it will take some time.” Robin looked into her eyes, his expression void of any emotion. “Alright. I’ve finished speaking to the Mayor and I’ve gotten permission to start my project. Come on, let’s get started.” Trixie nodded and made her way to the door, Robin following close behind. She was halfway out when she looked back at the weary librarian. Trixie took a deep breath and spoke in a quiet voice, “Sometimes, Twilight Sparkle, sorry simply isn’t good enough.” Trixie turned and stepped out of the library, Robin following close behind and shutting the door. As the two walked back towards the forest, Robin spoke softly, “Do you want to talk about it?” Trixie shook her head. “No, I don’t.” “Very well.” The trek back to the edge of the forest was done so in silence. I let Trixie alone to recompose herself so she was ready to begin the work. I wanted to comfort the mare, but I wasn’t sure how to go about doing it. Chances are if I opened my mouth I’d end up making things worse. For instance, I wanted to ask her if she acquired any books regarding the planet itself and the life it sustains. Judging by the scowl and the obvious lack of books I figured I would need to make another trip at a later date. Thankfully, it wasn’t long until Trixie began to perk up as we grew closer to the forest. I smiled softly as her eyes grew sharper and her horn lit up as she levitated one of her tomes onto her back. Moments later and the two of us were standing before the entrance to the Everfree. Well, what would eventually become a new entrance. A nice straight path through the forest will work nicely than the winding bends of the original path. From there I could create side paths to connect to my home, Zecora’s and the original path. I looked at the dense forest in front of me, the dark and ominous woods seeming to mock me. It was about time this forest got tamed, and what better way to do so then to use elemental magic? I smirked and grabbed Arcwind, reading a few choice words before holding it tightly against my side. I’ve prepared for this for some time now. The tome was full to the brim with my magic and I even had an extra Arcwind just in case it wasn’t enough. Wind magic used the least amount of energy when casting spells so I could be going overkill here. Still, better to be prepared. I needed to clear a lot of ground for a fair distance. Usually I use wind magic for it’s fast paced style, but it could be just as destructive as the other magics. I pushed my palm forward and concentrated on the magic within the tome. I let it build in power as a small gale appeared before me. Once I felt I had enough energy I unleashed the spell outwards into the forest. The quiet was suddenly filled with the sound of felled trees, the cries of wood echoing against its neighbors as they crashed to the floor. Vines and bushes were decimated by the ethereal wind. I glanced sideways at Trixie. She had her mouth open and her eyes were wide as dinner plates. Thinking back, this was the greatest show of power she has yet to see from me. I chuckled which managed to snap her out of the daze. She huffed indignantly before using her horn to levitate Fire before her. I watched as she read over the text, her mouth moving as she silently recited the old language. Once she was finished her horn lit up, her normal blue aura becoming red. She cast the spell and aimed it at the ground, burning away the forest floor and killing the stumps and roots that remained. I switched to arcfire in the meantime, ready to jump in should Trixie need any assistance. It was unneeded, however, as I watched Trixie use the spell with great control. She managed the size of the fire, and the heat of the flame. She was aware of how close the flames were to the rest of the forest. Should a flame begin to jump to the main forest, Trixie would pull it back. I watched in silence as the minutes passed by until she was finished with her task. What remained was blackened earth and plenty of ash. The Everfree seemed to hold great regenerative powers, so in order to combat that I figured one would need to dispose of everything, including the roots hidden deep within the earth. I re-equipped arcwind and prepared to cut down another section of the forest as Trixie readied another spell. Rinse and repeat. It was almost night by the time Trixie and I returned home, tired and drained after a full day of using magic. While I was used to such activities by now, Trixie was another matter. The poor mare looked ready to collapse upon herself. Her body would grow used to handling this magic in time, but until then she would have to suffer a bit. Still, we did good work today all things considering. We had successfully carved out a decent path through the Everfree and ensured that the forest wouldn’t reclaim it at a later date. It didn’t look as aesthetically pleasing compared to the other trail, but not much can be done when you don’t have the required materials. For now, the blackened earth would serve its purpose as a marker. Tomorrow I would begin work on creating multiple, smaller paths which would lead to other sections of the forest. I had a surprisingly large task ahead of me, but the payoff was well worth it. After bidding Trixie goodnight I returned to my room and recharged the tomes with my magic, readying them for another day of work.