//------------------------------// // Fillydelphia // Story: Harbinger // by Tealove //------------------------------// Fillydelphia was city rebuilt into a fortress. On the other side of the outer metal gate into the city was a stretch of open grass maybe six feet across that ran along the perimeter of the city for as long as the eye could see. This open area stood before the real gate into the city in much the way there was an outer and inner wall to old castles. On top of the second wall was something that looked like Pinkie's party canon on steroids. A seat was built into the back of it and a brown unicorn mare with a white mane and tail sat with goggles over her eyes, staring out into the fields beyond the outer wall. Lyra and Rainbow Dash stood before the others newly joining them, both mares wearing very different expressions. At Rainbow Dash's words of despair about Fluttershy, Rarity looked at the rainbow-maned pegasus with wide eyes. “What do you mean she's dying?” Glancing at Lyra, Dash nodded sadly. “Nurse Tenderheart has done everything she can think of.” “What happened?” Twilight demanded. “We were attacked on our way here and-” “Incoming!” Everyone looked up to the brown mare at the canon as she lowered her head to peer into a scope. “Load me up, guys!” “To your stations!” Dash yelled. Lyra bolted off and other unicorns, seeming to appear from nowhere, followed suit. Dash turned to look at her friends. “Get inside, quick!” “What in the hay is goin' on?” Applejack demanded. “Just get inside!” The inner gate opened and a familiar gray stallion with a black mane and tail waved them in. “Hey everypony,” said Clover. “Welcome to Fillydelphia.” What they walked into was almost as startling as the giant boom of the canon atop the wall. Fillydelphia was completely deserted. Nothing moved anywhere, save the two little foals scurrying about by the wall under the canon. “Pipsqueak! Archer!” Apple Bloom jumped off of her brother's back and ran over to them, only to pull up short and make a face. “What in the hay are you doin'?” There was a long hose connected to the canon that trailed down to the ground below, making a loud sucking sound reminiscent of the sound the spirits made as they died. Pipsqueak and Archer were running to and from the hose to a small mountain of corn that was still on the cob and tucked neatly between green leaves. “We're filling the canon!” panted Pip as he ran back to the corn mountain. “Can I help?” asked Apple Bloom. “Me, too?” asked Spike, joining Apple Bloom. “Sure!” They watched the other two carefully for a few passes, taking note of their timing and how easily the corn was sucked up to the canon above. Once they felt confident enough they threw herself into the circuit and got to work. “Come on,” said Clover. “I'll take you to Fluttershy.” Applejack, Twilight and Big Macintosh hesitated but the gray stallion gave them a reassuring smile. “They'll be fine. Really, they're quite safe where they are. With Epona's canon, the unicorn barricade and Rainbow Dash as Commander, in here is the safest place to be.” “Rarity and I should be out there then,” said Twilight. But Clover only shook his head. “We'll put you into the ranks and you'll go out with another shift.” “Another shift?” Merry May asked. “Are there more ponies here?” “I'll show you.” The group moved through town, all but Clover looking around with wide eyes, shuddering when the canon went off. “Epona's an engineer,” Clover explained casually as they walked the empty streets. “She's been invaluable in keeping the city safe. It was her idea to construct an outer wall and her unique vision was what gave us the corn canon. She sees a hunk of metal and comes up with the best ideas. Between her and Dash, Fillydelphia had a new wall around the entire city within a day and it hasn't been breached since it was erected.” “Then what happened to Fluttershy?” Twilight asked the stallion. His easy-going manner darkened some, his expression falling. “It happened before we got here. We were 'ported out to Everfree close to the mountains. Archer and Lyra were with us. We just got to the edge of the forest when we were attacked by a group of them. We knew there were one or two following us but we didn't realize until it was too late...” “They were herding you,” Twilight finished for him. “They did the same to us.” “It was Bon Bon who got the closest. At that point we didn't know what they were or how to destroy them. She attacked Fluttershy and Lyra just froze. She couldn't move, couldn't do anything. Bon Bon and another pony had Fluttershy pinned and were literally tearing her apart. I got to her in time but didn't realize what a hold Bon Bon had on her and when I bucked her away she had an iron bite on Fluttershy's wing and tore it clean off.” Rarity gasped. “Oh my heavens.” “How did you get out of there without them taking over her body?” Pinkie asked, blue eyes wide and horror-filled. Clover smiled weakly. “Dash. She was coming down from the mountain with a group of others when they heard us in trouble. She came with some of them, thundering through the forest like the saviors we needed, and helped us fight them off. We thought we killed them but once we were past and someone looked back they were already getting back up. So together we kept each other safe and made it here. Nurse Tenderheart has been doing everything she can to keep Fluttershy alive but...” Twilight's brow furrowed in determination. “Take me to her. I managed to heal Raindrops' leg once. I doubt I can regrow Fluttershy's wing but there has to be something I can do.” There was another loud boom that was quickly followed by Dash yelling, “Charge!” “Almost there,” Clover promised, nonplussed by the noise at the front of the city. He nodded toward a large covered stadium, a dome of steel and glass that reflected the dying light of day like a beacon. “Even if the city is safe,” said the gray stallion, “we decided it would be better if we're all together. And it feels safer inside something so enclosed.” He led them through the front security gates and down a long tunnel. “This used to be a hoofball stadium. Now it's what we call home.” The hall opened up into another hall, one that was wide and clearly wrapped around the entire field. Doors to the different seating areas were closed, lights in the public bathrooms flickering. “There's still electricity but it comes and goes. Filly doesn't have a hydroelectric dam like Ponyville so we're not sure how we're getting it but we're not questioning it, either.” Now Clover led them through a set of security doors and down a long, wide flight of stairs. It seemed as though they would never get to the bottom but when they did, Clover paused before the closed double doors and turned to look at the others. “I'll take those of you that wish to see Fluttershy to the triage tent. Did anypony get shot?” Merry May raised a hoof. “Big Macintosh and I both did.” “You should see the nurse then. You as well, Raindrops. She might be able to do something for your leg.” He backed through the doors and the entire group followed him. The light was the first thing that got to them; it was so bright inside that it was disorienting to start. Then as eyes adjusted they found they could look around and see how this one time hoofball stadium had become its own little community. There were tents pitched everywhere, some with makeshift signs pinned to the front of them, most without. There were ponies in the seats surrounding the field, while many ponies milled about on the field itself. There was even a small group of children sitting by an older mare that appeared to be telling the, a story. “We all have meals together down at the south end of the field. Like everything else that needs to be done, everyone is put on a shift circuit so nopony is stuck doing one thing all the time and everypony contributes equally.” Clover nodded toward a long tent closest to them. “After you see Fluttershy you'll be taken back here to sign in and given your tents and put into the roll of different jobs. Unicorns mostly have gate duty but there are other things to do as well.” “How long have you been here?” Raindrops asked, wonder in her eyes as she looked around. “We've only been here for five days but there are others who have been here since day one,” Clover answered. Applejack ran a hoof over her face. “How many days has it been since it started?” “Today is day nine,” said Big Macintosh tiredly. “Nine days since the world ended.” “Not ended,” Clover offered. “Just reorganized and under temporary new management.” “Where is Fluttershy?” Rarity asked, not appreciating her neighbor's humor. “Right over here.” There was another long block of tents, though these had signs of a red cross hanging from their tops. They passed the first three open tent flaps and left Raindrops, Merry May, and Big Macintosh in one with a trained medical pony, then headed for the largest of the group. “You have to keep quiet,” said Clover. “The worst of our injured are in here and most of them are sedated but still. I have to get back to the gate but Archer's sister Bottlecap will be able to help you when you're ready to settle in.” He nodded toward a blue mare with an even darker mane and she waved and gave a nod in return. “See you at supper,” Clover said, then trotted back the way they'd all come from. Standing there alone, the four friends left looked at one another. “Come on, girls,” Twilight breathed. “Let's go see our friend.” The atmosphere inside the tent was almost the exact opposite from life in the stadium. Here there was almost no light save that coming from the small fire pits that had been carefully set up around the perimeter. Holes had been cut in the high ceiling to allow smoke out and fresh air in, but the heat was stifling. Ponies big and small and of every race lay scattered on cots and blankets. Some were fighting to stay awake through the sedatives given to them while others still were fighting just to breathe. As the four anxious mares walked through the tent they looked for Fluttershy and hoped hers would be the only face they would recognize. “Girls,” Pinkie whispered, pointing a hoof at a nearby cot. “It's Mr. Greenhooves.” The elderly earth pony lay on his side breathing heavily with eyes closed. “What do you think is wrong with him?” “Don't know,” said Applejack, sadness in her eyes. “But look. There's Fluttershy.” She was laying on the floor on a thick bed of blankets, curled into a tight ball. Her mane was tangled and matted with dried blood and for all it appeared most of her trunk was wound tightly in a white bandage that was stained in the middle by what could only be blood. Her eyes were closed and her body shook in slight tremors. “Fluttershy,” Rarity breathed, tears in her eyes as she sank to the ground beside her best friend. “Oh my dear, dear friend. What have they done to you?” The others surrounded her, sweating in the heat of the tent. Fearful, Rarity looked up at Twilight. “Can you heal her?” “I don't know,” the unicorn answered weakly. “I couldn't reset Raindrops' leg a second time, I couldn't heal Cheerilee...” “You healed me,” Pinkie said. “But not fully and you weren't as bad as the others.” Twilight shook her head in doubt. “I don't know if I can do it.” “You have to try,” Applejack prodded. “If anypony can do it it's you, Twi.” “You're the strongest unicorn we know,” Pinkie added, giving her friend a smile of encouragement that did not hide the fear in her eyes. “Please, Twilight.” Twilight looked at the shivering Fluttershy and swallowed hard. What if she failed? What if Fluttershy ended up dying like Cheerilee had? She may have been safe from harbinger spirits in the stadium but if medicine and magic weren't enough? If Twilight wasn't enough herself? What then? She looked at the other three, felt the faith they had in her and the unintentional pressure that came with it. Taking a breath in, she looked down at Fluttershy. “Okay,” she said at length. “Everypony, step back.” Quickly, Rarity got to her hooves and took a few steps back with Applejack and Pinkie, the three of them huddling close together despite the heat. They watched as Twilight took a step forward. Her horn glowed softly at first, a pink hued light in the tent of nothing but firelight. As she bent her head toward Fluttershy the glow brightened. Twilight put everything she could of herself into the spell causing the tent to fill with the light of her magic. Her legs shook beneath her but she gritted her teeth and gave one final push of power before sinking to the floor. “Twilight!” Her friends rushed forward as the tent flap flew back and a blue earth pony rushed in. “What is going on in here?” “Did it work?” Twilight panted, feeling as though she'd just run from Ponyville straight through to Filly without stopping. The nurse stepped forward wearing a deep scowl. “Who said you could be – oh! The Element bearers.” “Nothin' to worry about,” said Big Macintosh as he drew up behind the group. His green eyes settled on Fluttershy, shocked at seeing the state she was in. “How's she doin'? Did it work?” “We don't know yet,” Applejack answered, helping Twilight up. She looked at Nurse Tenderheart. “I think you should check her.” “Her dressings need changing anyway,” the nurse pony said quietly. Careful and as efficient as only a trained pony could she cut away the bandages around Fluttershy's middle, the timid pegasus crying out in her sleep when the air touched her exposed flesh. Rarity gasped and turned away, burying her head against Applejack's withers. Twilight shook her head in confusion and hurt. “Why didn't it work?” Nurse Tenderheart didn't answer, only pulled fresh bandages from her saddlebags and got to work. “You tried, sugarcube,” Applejack said in a choked voice. But Twilight wasn't listening. She turned and ran from the tent. Pinkie Pie and Rarity followed her, leaving the Apple siblings there to watch Fluttershy be wrapped up once more. Applejack swiped at the tears that rolled down her snout. “Think,” she said to herself. “Before we had Fluttershy we had to take care of the farm animals ourselves when they were sick or hurt.” She looked at the nurse pony. “What have you done so far?” “Her wound has been cleaned and she's been stitched up but it won't stop bleeding.” “Antibiotics?” Applejack asked. Nurse Tenderheart nodded. “She's had a full course. Anymore and it will start to have negative effects. If she has methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus then that will make it more difficult for the medicine to work.” She rubbed the back of her hood across her brow to wipe the sweat away. “I have twelve seriously injured ponies and others who need periodical medical attention and I'm only one pony. I will admit that I have not been able to care for her or any of the others as I could if I had a full medical staff at my disposal.” She gave a little laugh that sounded slightly mad. “I'm not even a doctor, I'm just a nurse! I can only do so much!” “Then you gotta start trainin' people!” Applejack looked at her without pity. “You got a whole field of capable ponies out there an' nopony is helpin' you? Throw clinic duty into this round of jobs y'all got rollin' around here. This ain't a joke, do they know that? Ponies are dyin' here!” She stepped forward to look the nurse pony in the eyes, glaring. “Right now you an' me are gonna go round you up some help. I don't know about you but I think this whole thing is pretty darn unacceptable.” Expression softening some, she looked down at Fluttershy. “I don't wanna leave her alone, though. It just don't seem right.” “I'll stay with her.” Applejack looked at her brother and he nodded. “We gotta open up this tent more, though. All this heat is only helpin' in keepin' ponies sick.” Nurse Tenderheart looked at him in a panic. “But the fires keep the spirits away!” He shrugged. “Clover said y'all have been safe in here.” “We have, but...” “AJ, help me put out these fires, will ya? Then we'll throw back the tent doors an' let some air in here.” “Anypony got anythin' contagious?” Applejack asked. “No, but...” Applejack didn't need anymore of an answer than that. She trotted out of the tent and whistled, calling some pegasai over to help her tie the tent flaps back, then ordered a few unicorns to help her get some water into the tent to help douse the fires. Knowing his sister had things well in hoof, Big Macintosh walked carefully around Fluttershy so her back was to him. He leaned down so his ear was close to her muzzle. Gently, he nuzzled the fur on her neck. When he looked up there was anger on his face. “She's dehydrated.” “I've used the last of the saline drips and I've had to keep her sedated-” “Go get me some water. Right now.” Maybe it was his size or how low his voice got when he was upset, but something made Nurse Tenderheart rush from the tent. He huffed and lay down beside the medicated pegasus, frowning. “We're gonna get you well, Fluttershy. Got my word on that.” He listened to the quickened way she breathed, a line of determination forming between his brows. “Not losin' anypony else. Not on my watch.” As the fires were put out and fresh air started to pour in beneath the quickly escaping smoke, a bowl of water was brought in and laid beside Fluttershy. “You can give her somethin' for the pain but she needs to come out of it so she can drink. Now you listen to my sister. She'll set you right.” Rainbow Dash came in with Epona, the three foals, Spike, and her army of unicorns as supper was being served. Others went out to take their place and Dash was treated like a war hero returning to dish our orders for a long hard battle. Only instead of receiving the attention she was being offered as though it was her due she brushed comments off and headed for her tent. Applejack watched the strange way her friend was acting and excused herself from playing nurse, knowing it was now in many capable hooves. Trotting across the arena, she stuck her head into Dash's tent to see her washing her face in a bowl of water. “Apple Bloom's fine.” Applejack blinked, wondering how Dash knew she was there without even turning around. “I knew she would be with you out there.” Clearly exhausted, Dash rubbed her damp face on a clean towel hanging over the end of her bed before looking at her friend. “Is everyone registered?” “Yep, an' already rockin' the boat.” Dash smirked. “I expected no less.” She reached for the hat she'd tossed on her bed and placed it on Applejack's head. It made Applejack blush slightly. “Thanks, Rainbow.” “I figured if I kept it I'd see you again someday. I won't tell you what I thought when I found it.” “You don't have to.” The earth pony walked fully into the tent and wrapped her hooves around her best friend. “I'm so glad you're okay.” “Ditto.” Dash pulled away and shook her head. “We can't lose Fluttershy, Applejack.” “We won't.” She frowned. “Rainbow, Nurse Tenderheart hasn't had anypony helpin' her at all.” “Seriously?” “Not'a one. I fixed that right quick, believe you me. But in tryin' to keep this little settlement of yours runnin' smoothly one of the most important parts of this place got overlooked.” Dash scrubbed a hoof over her face. “I've been so busy trying to keep us safe... I don't know how it happened.” “Are you...” Applejack tilted her head. “What are you here? I saw you come in an' all the ponies that rushed over to you like you were all kinds of important.” The pegasus headed out of the tent toward the other end of the field, Applejack at her side. “After Luna teleported us away my group quickly met up with a few others. They were all so scared and scattered that I had to take charge. Lyra, believe it or not, was awesome. She was kind of like my second in command or whatever. Until the whole thing in the forest.” “Clover told us.” “Anyway, by the time we got here I already had all these ponies looking to me for some sort of guidance. There was a good number of ponies still here and Epona...” Rainbow Dash snickered. “We got here and she went to work talking about building a second wall and her canon. So between her and I we kind of cleaned house of the spirit things and figured out how to run this all smoothly. I didn't make it so ponies would make me their Commander on purpose, it just kind of happened.” Applejack nodded. “Whether you meant for it to happen or not I think it's a good thing.” Dash looked at her askance and Applejack nodded once more. “Everypony needs a leader in situations like this. An' with neither of the princesses around...” “Apple Bloom told me you saw Luna when we were walking back here.” “Yeah. She has no idea where Princess Celestia is. But I don't think that should be too widespread.” “Agreed. It would only lead to more panic.” Dash took a deep breath as they neared the tables where ponies sat eating together. “Applejack, I'm making you my Lieutenant Commander. We think a lot alike and I think that will help us in the long run.” “I accept. But before we make anythin' official, can we eat? I'm starved.” Twilight didn't show up for dinner. Instead she followed the new shift of unicorns going out to guard the gate and pealed off from them at the first chance so she could walk for awhile by herself. If it had been daunting during the day, a silent Fillydelphia was downright spooky at night. It was too quiet for a setting that screamed of activity and noise on a regular day. Still, she felt safer within the protected walls than she had since the entire thing had begun. She'd learned a lot about the harbinger spirits by fighting them, through others who'd had encounters with them and from Luna. It was so much easier to fear something she didn't understand. With the knowledge she now had Twilight thought of them more as terrible annoyances, dangerous beyond a doubt, but pests none the less. Her hoofbeats echoed off the tall buildings around her making it sound like she wasn't quite alone. It was as comforting as the clear sky above her that perfectly showcased a million tiny stars and Luna's high beautiful moon. There was no purpose to where she was going, no particular destination. She just walked. Occasionally she'd pause to listen, thinking she heard another pony close by, but then when her ears found nothing but silence she would move on. Somehow she found herself on the balcony of a restaurant just staring up at the sky. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the cool air that rushed in and out of her lungs with every breath. And then she lost it. Some Element of Magic she turned out to be; she couldn't even save her friends. Cheerilee died because Twilight couldn't save her and now Fluttershy was facing the same fate. It was impossible to imagine a world where the sweet, tender-hearted pony did not exist. She was such an important part of Twilight's life, of all their lives. At some point in their knowing each other Fluttershy and the rest of the girls had stopped being friends to her but sisters. To imagine losing a sister was like trying to imagine losing a piece of herself. And it would be all her fault. Someone behind her cleared their throat and Twilight whipped around to see Clover standing there with a sheepish expression on his face. “What are you doing here?” she demanded. “I'm sorry. I was on may way in from the gate and I saw you leaving. I couldn't let you walk out here alone.” “I'm fine.” She turned back around, gaze dropping to the ground below. “No, I can see that,” said Clover, staying in his spot a few feet away. “I often isolate and cry alone on balconies when I'm fine.” When she didn't move or say anything he slowly moved forward to cover the distance between them and stood next to her, blue eyes watching her with sympathy. “Anything I can do?” “Make my magic work better?” He grimaced. “Sorry, I don't think that's in my bag of tricks. Besides, your the Element of-” “Magic, I know. Which is what makes this whole thing all the more frustrating.” Twilight shook her head and lifted her gaze to stare out at the deserted city. “Some magical prodigy I turned out to be. I can't save my friends, let alone anypony else.” Clover frowned down at her. “Who said you have to save anypony?” Fresh tears spilled from her eyes. “I'm Princess Celestia's protege. I'm the unicorn who has more power than I should. I'm the one who figured out the Elements in the first place!” “So that means you have to be the savior in every situation? Don't you think that sounds a little self important?” She blinked and looked up at him, shocked by his words. But Clover didn't back down. “Twilight, you're only one unicorn. Yes, you're ridiculously talented and the princess obviously has great things in store for you but that does not mean when things go to pot that you have to be the one to save us all. Our lives do not depend on you coming to the rescue. You're putting unnecessary stress on yourself by allowing yourself to think that way. Nopony is going to die because you couldn't save them or because your magic and efforts weren't enough.” He turned so he was fully facing her, empathy in his eyes. “I know it hurts to see ponies you care so much about suffer, die, and be taken over. But you have to understand that it's not because of you.” Twilight hiccuped on a sob and sat, covering her face with a hoof as she cried. When Clover put a foreleg around her and pulled her close for an embrace she didn't try to stop him. For awhile they stayed like that, even once her tears had stemmed. She never allowed anypony that close besides her friends, let alone a stallion she didn't really know. But it was comforting to have that contact of another warm body. Eventually she sat up and took a cleansing breath. “Thank you,” she said softly. “I know you're right. Somewhere deep down I know you're right. I'm just so scared.” “I know you are.” Clover lowered his head a bit to be at eye level with her. “We all are. You're not alone, Twilight. You don't have to carry this burden all by yourself.” “I'm still getting used to this whole friendship thing, even after so long. With the others girls it's easy...” She tilted her head. “Why did you follow me? We live in the same town but you don't really know me.” Clover blinked. “Sure I do. Besides all the obvious stuff that everypony know, I know you come into the cafe every Wednesday for the corn chowder and that you like paprika in it. I know you go to the stargazing hill when you're into a really good book and don't want interruptions. And I know you were the prettiest mare at the Gala that first year you went with all of your friends.” Twilight looked up at him, a mixture of confusion and reluctance on her face. “Okay, now you just sound like a stalker.” Laughing, Clover shook his head. “I'm Rarity's neighbor, remember? Or at least I was until all of this happened. Caramel and I pulled your carriage to the Gala that year.” “Oh my gosh,” Twilight gasped. “Really?” “Yep. I know about the cafe because I'm there just about every day since I own it and I know about the stargazing hill because I do the same thing.” He gave her a small half smile. “And sometimes I go just in hopes of seeing you.” “Clover...” “I know, I know. You probably had no idea of who I even was until now. And my timing could really not be worse.” “That's not true. I can't say I've always known who you were. That night at the Gala was so hectic and crazy. But I knew about you from the cafe and some from Rarity.” “It's okay.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “I don't even know why I told you. It was never my plan. You just... you looked so sad and I wanted to make it better if I could.” “You did.” She smiled softly. “Thank you for letting me get all of that out and especially for calling me out on my role in all of this. As much as I love my friends I don't think any of them would have said that to me, and I really needed to hear it.” “I like being real and honest with ponies.” “It's a good quality to have.” They shared a smile and said nothing for a moment, but Clover eventually sighed and said,“We should probably get back soon before...” He trailed off, his gaze behind Twilight. In one quick motion Clover was on his hooves and pulling Twilight behind him. His ears lay flat against his head as something shimmed in the air over the balcony, ready to lunge. But the shimmer exploded in a quick flash of light that faded to reveal another pony. Clover righted and stopped himself just before bowing, knowing how she hated it. “Luna.” “Luna!” Twilight came from behind Clover. “Is everything all right? Did you find the princess?” But Luna shook her head. “No, I have not found my sister, and everything is not all right. Twilight Sparkle, you must stay here.” “Why? We were going to Appleloosa.” “Appleloosa is no more.” The unicorn swallowed the lump of fear in her throat. “But we sent half of our party to Appleloosa.” “I am sorry,” the alicorn said sincerely. “They may yet be alive and if they are, they will be coming here shortly. The word has been spread. All survivors must assemble here. Here is where we will face the final battle.” “Final battle?” Clover asked. “How much time do we have?” asked Twilight, momentarily ignoring Clover's question. “It is impossible to say for certain but I fear it will not be long now. You must stay here and prepare yourselves.” “Will you stay with us now? Help us?” But Luna shook her head. “It is not yet my time to join you, Twilight. There are still things I must do, preparations I must make myself. Just know when the time comes I will be here.” She made to leave but Twilight stopped her by saying her name. “I just wanted you to know... Rainbow Dash is here and safe.” Luna smiled. “I am glad. And Fluttershy?” Twilight bit her lip and shook her head. “She's been severely injured. My magic can't help.” She looked up at the alicon with a hopeful expression but Luna only shook her head once more. “I have faith in you, Twilight Sparkle.” She glanced at Clover for the quickest moment before smiling kindly at Twilight. “I have faith in all of you.” Just hearing the words helped, and Twilight nodded. “Thank you, Luna. Please be safe.” “You as well.” As Luna disappeared in another flash of light, Twilight turned back to Clover with determination. “Come on. We have a lot to do.” “For this battle, right? What battle are we talking about?” Twilight was already heading for the stairs and glanced back at Clover with a smirk. “I'll fill you in on the way.”