//------------------------------// // Interlude: Peony // Story: The Fall of Spike the Dragon // by Wrangle Wolfe //------------------------------// I had to hurry! It wasn't safe here! My hooves burned, my lungs hurt, my heart was thumping wildly in my chest. But I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. If I stopped, I wouldn't escape. I refused to let myself die or be a slave. No, that can't happen! Not to me! I hadn't done a thing to deserve this. I was just a normal pony minding my own business. After about an hour of running, I couldn't go no further. I had just used all of my energy. "No... no! NO, NO, NO!!!" I screamed. I had to keep going. I forced myself to keep walking, ignoring my protesting hooves and my burning lungs. My heart was now the only thing I could hear as I kept going. Oh, it hurt so bad. But no matter what, I couldn't stop. If I stopped, that would mean a lifetime of pain. No, that would mean I'd die. I could see it. Yes, once I left Equestria, I could be free. Or at least be in a safer place. Either way, that was better than staying where ponies were being torn to shreds. I'm so close, so very close. The land beyond Equestria. Perhaps I would see zebras. Or griffons. I didn't know where I was heading. Griffonia, Zebrica, the Crystal Empire, I don't know. All I know is that it's so much better than Equestria now. Equestria is hell. All I wanted was to go out and drink some tea. Went to a nice little cafe, had some Earl Grey, and was having a lovely morning. Then the screams came. Oh the screams. They rang in my ears... I could hear the terror in them. I could hear flesh ripping apart. I... I just ran. Left behind those I loved. All of my friends, family... even my coltfriend. Because I was scared. I kind of regret it.. but there was no turning back now. They were surely... dead by now. I shook my head. No, I couldn't think about that right now. Not when I was so close to escaping. I can't distract myself. I've gotta keep going. I've gotta- I bumped into something. When I looked in front of me, I saw a large wall of fire in front of me. What? I tried to pass through again, but I ended up bumping into it again, like it was a brick wall. I dragged myself ten feet to the left and tried to pass through there. It was the same. I pounded weakly on the flame wall, but it was solid. We... we were trapped. There is no escaping. We're all gonna die! I cried and collapsed on the dirt beneath me. Everyone I loved were goners for sure. I'm too young to die. But I'm sure that monster killed young ponies too. It didn't care. It didn't have a heart. Even the elements couldn't stop it. There's... no hope for us. The fire slowly came forward, then surrounded me and soon I was engulfed in the green flames. I didn't try to run as I felt my fur and skin burning. I was going to die anyway. I am Peony... And nopony will be alive to remember that name.