//------------------------------// // Train Ride to Freedom // Story: Average Joe's New life. // by Kuroy //------------------------------// Every once in awhile in Equestria a pony is born whose destiny pushes the boundaries of what is possible; Musical savants, powerful mages, and even the princesses themselves. These ponies were watched and adored by all, cataloged in the annals of time, but there are a select few who are never noticed… Those ponies that caused innovation, invention, and the every day things that most ponies would never think of and would never be remembered for. Those ponies that push the boundaries in more subtle ways learned of one another. They came together and formed a clan that lasted throughout the generations hidden by modesty and a humble and contented lifestyle. This clan is known know by the name… Clan Joe. The landscape few by as the train, ever timely, sped towards Ponyville. Celestia’s sun was casting a warm glow of oranges and reds as it slowly approached the horizon. This warm light was spread through the train and onto a blue traveler. He was nodding off. The warmth of the sun, the plush seats, and the smell of the wood paneling all were leaving him in a drowsy state. He laid his head on the window frame and saw Canterlot in the far off distance. Canterlot had been many things for the young unicorn. It had been a home. He learned everything he could from Celestia’s academy for gifted unicorns. There was a fortune of memories for him there and countless opportunities. That was the problem. Above Average Joe, had indeed been a gifted unicorn and his talent had made him the center of attention. He received his cutie mark a little earlier than most and it had happened during a very unusual time for the young colt. During a meeting with his homeroom professor and his parents on the topic of his grades it had happened. He had a life changing revelation, as most cutie marks are known to cause. His grades where all…Above average, but the professor believed he could do better if he tried. His grades where B+ across the board, he had shown a number of “so so” talents, and seemed to be decently good at just about everything. Thinking back on his teacher’s words little Joe realized his special talent was, magically like his namesake, to be above average. At that realization a B+ found itself upon his flank, forever changing his life. Now Joe, having grown up in a city of forward thinking unicorns, had come across a problem. His talent drew the attention of nobility and nobility had an interesting way of using other ponies to elevate themselves in both social and monetary standards. Many had realized with a talent like his he could be used to topple business empires just by pointing him in the right direction. A pony whose talent is to be better than other ponies is the pony they wanted making them more and more wealthy. Above Average Joe himself, did not care for such things. It had been the calling card of all in clan Joe to be modest and wanting of a simple life of success, hiding their talent in plain sight while still avoiding nobility. However, being a double-edged sword, his talent garnered him an above average amount of attention and he in turn was noticed. He had never wanted any of this, and he had spent the last couple of months fighting lawsuits from nobles trying to blackmail him into working for them. Thankfully for him the nobility was a tight-pursed group and only hired the average lawyer. Faced with the scum of Canterlot the young stallion chose to flee to Ponyville. His grandfather had left him clan Joe’s Ponyville estate. He had never been there, but Average Joe was excited to be out of the crowds and corruption of Canterlot. He mused and daydreamed of what it would be like. The train whistle blew a loud shrill tone, shocking said stallion sufficiently. Lurching back as the breaks slowed the train, Joe realized he had arrived at his destination. It was only about an hour before sunset, which caused the stallion some worry. Cursing himself for not taking an earlier train he focused on retrieving his luggage. Not one to be sentimental in the cramped confines of Canterlot, Joe didn’t have much. Just a large duffle with some necessities and a picture of his family, wrapped in a scarf his mother had made for him. Though it was autumn his mother insisted that winters in Ponyville could be “downright chilly, especially winter wrap-up”. Levitating his duffle in his magic he made his way off of the train and into Ponyville proper. The instructions he had been given said his grandfather’s estate was located near the Golden Oaks library, just east of the train station. Smiling, Joe started trotting away from the setting sun and towards the rising moon. Awesome, I’m going to live near a library. Donut said that Princess Twilight lived there too and she was a “down to earth” sort of Princess. With no court no less! That means no nobles, no plotting, and no pressure. I’ll just be an Average Joe. That is a good name and it’s inconspicuous. Unknown to the daydreaming “Average” pony a bush was following him a few paces back. That’s right I could be a new pony. I can be who I want to be and not who I have to be or what anypony expects me to be. “Nothing can go wrong.” “Of course not, you have only just got here.” Said the bush in a high-pitched voice. “That’s exactly right! This won’t be like last time. I’ll have all my ducks in a row!” Triumphant and confident Joe did not realize he had just spoken to a bush that had been following him for the better part of ten minutes. “You put your ducks in a row? Why not a circle? NO WAIT!! A semi-circle with two ducks off to the right and then it would look like a smile.” Joe stopped. Something didn’t feel right. His average senses where tingling fiercely. It was like he was missing something that should be obvious. He turned around and spotted the bush… In the middle of the cobblestone street… Directly in the path he had just walked… He sidestepped left. The bush followed. Raising and eyebrow and squinting the alternate eye Joe gave the bush and incredulous look. Feeling courageous he stuck his head in the bush until his muzzle hit something soft. Lifting his head from the foliage the soft pressure on the end of his snoot followed him until he was face to face with what could only be describe as the bluest eyes he could ever see. Being this close aside from her eyes all he could see was a vista of pink. Suddenly those happy blue eyes became lidded and sultry. “See something you like?”