Mur 199

by zalla661

Info and Recon

*PoV Lightning*

I could barely see the sky there was so much going on. Trixie was passed out in the pilot seat and I had control from the co-pilot seat. That little equine sat on her lap looking out the window of the cockpit. I could see its nose pressed against the reinforced glass looking all around.

I would have to clean that glass now. Oh, it's probably getting fur all over my seat! I hate animals. My thoughts were interpreted when one of the flying equines flew over head and looked down at its friend. I assumed so since they tried reaching for one another. It was the rainbow colored one from before and the teal one. They looked like they were trying to talk to the one in the front of my plane, but clearly they weren't successful. They then broke off from me, but the teal one made a rude gesture to me before flying off.

"What a little bitch." I said to myself watching it fly away.

Just then the little equines face peered over the front seat. It looked worried. I wasn't sure why but it kept pointing to the sky at the zeppelins. Then it started talking.

"We can't stay here." it said in a concerned tone. By the sound of its voice I guessed it was female.

While I understood what it said I did my best to give no indication I understood. I simply nodded and turned the plane to face the large zeppelin with the black moon flags once more before I began to circle the small island city in the sky.

*The HMS Moonlight*

Princess Luna awaited atop her flag ship for a report from her scouts. She watched the silver craft circle the Wonderbolt Academy for over five minutes until LIghtning Dust and Rainbow Dash flew up to her.

They saluted and she saluted back. "Report."

Rainbow being lead pony stepped up and gave the Lunar Princess the report.

"Ma'am, the humans have taken Cloudchaser hostage. I don't know of their intentions ma'am." Rainbow said wearily.

Luna sighed rubbing her head tenderly. She hadn't slept since the craft appeared, and after the attack on Canterlot she was determined to bring it down and the 'humans' that piloted it. Just then a letter appeared before her from a swirling smokey mist. Taking hold of the scroll with her magic, Luna inspected it thoroughly. She then rolled it up and put it aside.

Rainbow and Lightning looked up at her expectantly but she remained silent watching the craft continue to circle the academy.

"What are your intentions?"

*Earlier Canterlot High School*

Sunset and the two Dazzlings, Sonata and Aria were heading for the cafeteria with the blue haired siren practically giggling the whole way. After all it was taco Tuesday. The siren was humming to herself a catchy tune about her favorite delicacy.

She had a huge smile as did Pinkie Pie as they skipped along the halls towards the cafeteria ready to devour the delicious hard shells with meat, lettuce, and cheese.

Aria gave an irritated growl crossing her arms with Sunset by her side and the others following close behind. Rainbow and Applejack were talking about an upcoming school competition and Rarity was talking with Fluttershy about her day. To the outside world they were a happy bunch with nothing but the usual High School drama, but all was not well.

Aria had been in a bad mood for the last day and Sonata was worried about her. The blue haired siren confronted Sunset the previous night after hearing Aria humming to herself. She had hummed a tune that Adagio taught her centuries ago back in Pompe, before the city fell to ruin. It was a sign of their eternal commitment to one another and she still sang it.

She would never admit it openly, but she missed Adagio. Sonata knew that. So she told Sunset in strict confidence that it wouldn't be passed to the others. All the while the fire haired girl thought about Adagio and wondered what happened to her after she left on her own. Suddenly Sunset's backpack began to vibrate and glow. Everyone stopped to see her pull out her personal journal with her cutie mark on the cover.

They watched in silence as the girl opened it up and looked over a few lines of text. She smiled saying, "It's from Twilight!"

"Hah! Really?! Let me see."Rainbow Dash grabbed the book and read it over. "Says she was having trouble with a time travel problem and made a new friend. Huh? Time travel? Weird."

"Sunset rolled her eyes taking the book back and read it over again. She then took apen and wrote her thoughts down.

Twilight did you get the messages I sent you?

Seconds later writing appeared beneath Sunset's writing.

Yes, and I must say this is not good. When i got back with my new friend I heard about this, "plane" thing you mentioned. You never mentioned it was dangerous! And the people in it took a pony hostage and killed several other ponies including some of the Wonderbolts!!

Sunset's eyes nearly popped out at the last sentence. She never would have thought the pilots, much less two, would have resorted to violence against the ponies of Equestria. Then again she wasn't sure how they reacted to their arrival and wondered what could have set them off.

Putting that thought on hold she wrote down her reply.

I'm sorry to hear that. Are you, OK at least? Also is this pony hostage alright?

Yes, my friend Rainbow Dash and her partner Lightning Dust saw her and said she was fine. The pilots are taking care of her as far as they know. Currently Princess Luna has them surrounded at the Wonderbolt Academy near Cloudsdale. What do you recommend we do? Is it possible to talk to them?

Sunset didn't respond immediately but gave the inquiry some thought. Unfortunately she didn't know if there really was a way to contact the pilots. Equestria did have radios and towers, but there was only a slim possibility they could use it to reach the pilots.

I don't know Twilight. Most likely not but if you can get a pony to fly to them it is possible for verbal communication. Perhaps send a Wonderbolt to contact them and give them a chance to explain themselves?

Sunset and the others waited for nearly ten minutes before a response came. In all that time they felt tense and what they read after made them feel even worse.

The pilots just attacked the Wonderbolt Academy. Lots of casualties. Deaths. The Princess....

Then nothing. The writing just stopped abruptly. All the girls could do was look in shock.

*Wonderbolt Academy PoV Lightning*

Things always get worse before they get better.

I always thought that in life I could accomplish anything with a few friends and a supportive family. It was a nice sentiment but the real world didn't work like that. Trixie woke up only a minute ago and now was petting the little pegasus on her lap like a dog, or maybe a cat? These ponies acted a lot like cats.

Somehow it made me jealous to see the stupid grin in its face as Trixie pet it. I really hated cute things and now I realized why, Trixie loved cute things. When she saw something cute it took her attention away from me. I was literally an attention whore.

"Trixie. I need the fuel count." I said checking the missile system.

"Fuel count is optimum." she said returning to pet the pegasus. "Aww she's so adorable!"

"Trixie quit playing with it! We need to focus!" I yelled at her from behind making her scoff. I could feel her glare from the rear mirror I installed. Trixie then started talking to the pegasus in English which annoyed me. "Don't worry little one she's just grumpy cause we're lost. She gets over protective of me as well."

"She seems loyal to you." the pegasus replied to her.

"Yes," Trixie said looking into the mirror. "She is loyal to me. She always has."

"You're actually talking to it?" I scorned.

"Lightning don't get so jealous."

"Like you get when I talk to the other ladies?"

"That's different!" Trixie argued back to me. "Besides that harpy Cloudchaser is always trying to get into your pants!"

"And I never let her! All those times in the shower she never got a hand on me." Lightning said trying to bank left with the controls.

I watched as the large ships overhead continued to sit there waiting for something to happen. Surely they were just waiting for me to try and break through but they did nothing. Perhaps they were trying to asses what we were capable of. Maybe-

"Lightning! There's another one flying towards us!" Trixie yelled pointing outside. I looked to see the cyan pegasus from before flying at us until it came to our side. It held up a sign telling us to land so we could talk. I looked forward to Trixie seat.

"What do you think?" I asked her.

"Well, maybe we can sit down and finally talk this through? These little guys are cute and maybe they can be friendly if someone would stop murdering them."

I groaned loudly. "Fine I'll play along but only if to not waste fuel until we can find out where we're at."

Taking the MiG down I landed on the same stretch of landing strip I had before. This time we had a welcome party. A tall pony with a horn and wings stood flanked by several of the ponies dressed as knights. She was dark blue with a star mane and tail that flowed like a flag in the gentle winds. She wore small light blue horse shoes along with a chest piece and a tiny crown. It made me wonder if she was the ruler of these pony things.

As I settled the plane the ponies approached while the pony, Trixie , and I got out of the pane. The tiny one we captured ran to its fiends hugging them all. The one that looked like me glared at me patting is friend on the back. I hated that one. Shortly after the spoke to the big blue one and it came over to me and Trixie with a polite bow.

"Hello there adn welcome to Equestria."