Code Lyoko: EG

by Azure Sandora

05: Five Nights at XANA's

Theme Song: A World Without Danger

05: Five Nights at XANA's

Day 1

Every so often, people get caught up in something called a “fad”. This is when something catches on so much that everyone is talking about it, and you're not cool if you don't know what it is.

This has happened many times in America. Once in the late 1990s going into the 2000s, the TV show “Pokemon” was a big thing, with kids having entire Pokemon birthdays if they had just turned 10 years old. After that came the game “Yugioh”, a card based fighting game that took the world by storm and was still played a lot even now.

In Canterlot though, the biggest craze was a series of horror games called “Five Nights at Freddy's”.

The game was simple in its execution. Players assumed the role of a worker in a particular store called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where you worked as security in the night shift. The thing was that the shop was run by animatronic characters that moved around at night, and when they made it into your room they would kill you.

It was a truly frightening game, yet so many people in Canterlot loved it. It was truly popular among the younger crowd.

Hence why Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was bragging about beating the game.

“I wasn't scared at all,” Diamond Tiara said walking down the hallway, “I laughed when I saw how ridiculous those dumb animatronics looked.”

“You're, like, so brave Diamond Tiara!” Silver Spoon said, gushing over her friend pathetically.

“I know,” Diamond Tiara continued, stopping when she spotted three students who she always picked on when she had the chance. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and their friend Scootaloo.

“Hey dorks!” Diamond Tiara called out haughtily. Scootaloo groaned rolling her eyes.

“Not in the mood, Diamond Tiara,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh? And here I was going to invite you to my birthday party in five days,” Diamond Tiara said with a sigh.

“You wanted ta invite us?” Apple Bloom said folding her arms, “Ah'm believin that.”

“You don't have to believe it if you don't want to,” Silver Spoon said, “But Diamond Tiara is going to have her party in the new pizza shop based off the game.”

“You mean that knock off of Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza down the street?” Scootaloo asked.

“It's not a knock off!” Diamond Tiara fussed, “My Daddy put in good money to make that place authentic. It even has animatronic characters like in the game,” she continued looking proud, as if she put the animatronics there.

“Authentic?” Sweetie Belle asked, “As in, just like the ones in the game?”

“Uh huh,” Diamond Tiara nodded with a smirk, “Just like the ones in the game.”

The way she said that made Sweetie Belle really uncomfortable.

“Of course, if you're too chicken to come, that's understandable,” Diamond Tiara continued, “All us cool kids are going there. Maybe this will be your chance to show everyone that you have a back bone. Come on Silver Spoon.”

“Right away Diamond Tiara!” Silver Spoon said running after her “master”. Scootaloo gritted her teeth watching them walk off.

“Diamond Tiara! She thinks she's slick, doesn't she?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, Ah say we shut her up!” Apple Bloom said, “We'll go ta her birthday party and show her that we're not cowards!”

“Um...” Sweetie Belle wanted to speak up.

“You're coming too, right?” Scootaloo said to Sweetie Belle.

“Y-yeah,” Sweetie Belle stuttered, “I'll be there...”

She looked down as her friends continued to joke and plan. Truth was, she didn't want to go. She knew that everyone else was going, and that if she didn't go then she was being a coward. But that was the problem.

She was afraid.

After her classes ended, Sweetie Belle walked to the gate to wait for her older sister, Rarity, to meet up with her. She didn't have fencing classes on Wednesdays, so they could walk home together. She loved walking with her sister. She was so cool, and so brave, almost like a knight.

Rarity protected her, always.

She wondered if Rarity would have been afraid of the animatronics if they went crazy, like in the game. Would Rarity cry? Would she scream? That just didn't seem like Rarity. Sweetie Belle had a dream a few weeks ago that Rarity was afraid of something, but it was just that, a dream. The real Rarity was Sweetie Belle's personal guardian.

Sweetie Belle heard her sister laugh in the distance. She turned and saw her walking out of the school building with her friends. The one blond girl with the hat always caught Sweetie Belle's attention, as Rarity was more affectionate with her than all of her friends. Even now, instead of merely saying good bye to her like she did with the others, Rarity hugged Applejack before skipping over to the gate to meet Sweetie Belle.

/So Sweetie Belle, are you ready to go?/ Rarity asked Sweetie Belle. When they were alone, they always spoke Russian, as it was Rarity's native language, so she spoke it the best. Technically it was Sweetie Belle's too, but she was born here in America, so she picked up on English pretty quickly.

Still, she spoke pretty fluent Russian herself.

/Yeah Rarity. Let's go…/ Sweetie Belle said somberly. Rarity raised an eyebrow at that, but seemed to let it go for a while as they walked.

/Rarity? Have you played Five Nights at Freddy's yet?/ Sweetie Belle asked.

/Pinkie Pie was talking about that game in class today. It sounded interesting. Why?/

/Ahh, well… Diamond Tiara invited me and my friends to the Pizza Shop that opened that's a real live replica of the game's store. I was thinking about going, but…/

/Are you afraid?/ Rarity asked.

/N-no!/ Rarity raised an eyebrow not looking convinced, /Alright, maybe a little…/

/When is the party?/

/It's in five days./

Rarity pressed her finger to her lips thoughtfully, /Well good. That gives you five days to prepare yourself to see if want to go./

/What if I don't want to go? What if I'm too scared?/ Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity stopped her and got on one knee to look at her younger sister in the eyes.

/If you don't want to go, then don't go. It's that simple. Your friends will understand, I'm sure./ Rarity said.

Yeah, maybe her friends would understand, but Sweetie Belle was sure that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wouldn't let her live it down if she decided not to go. They already teased her enough for coming from a Russian family. She knew that she had to go.

But could she go?

Day 2

Classes went on as usual for Sweetie Belle the next day, but she still couldn't get the idea out of mind that something awful was going to happen at the birthday party. One of the many things that Sweetie Belle was teased for was having a very active imagination. She imagined five days from now the animatronics going haywire and trying to kill everyone at the party, just like in the game.

She of course didn't share this with her friends. They hadn't played the game yet either, but they both knew that it was just a game. If it wasn't for the fact that the animatronics were actually mechanized, Sweetie Belle would have felt better herself.

After class, Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to come to her room. She said that she had a surprise. Rarity had her fencing class today, so Sweetie Belle could stay after for a little bit as long as she left with her sister.

“Alright, so what's the big surprise?” Apple Bloom asked when she and Sweetie Belle arrived. Scootaloo snickered and moved away from her computer, showing the title screen of Five Nights at Freddy's.

“Holy… ya got it?” Apple Bloom asked happily running to the computer screen, completely unaware of the look of dread on Sweetie Belle's face.

“Well, if we're going to make it to this birthday party, we need to be prepared,” Scootaloo explained, “So I talked my Dad into letting me buy it for my computer.”

“This is great!” Apple Bloom cheered, “Ah haven't gotten a chance ta play it myself, since Applejack won't let me play with her an' Twilight. Sweetie Belle, ain't this cool?”

“Y-yeah...” Sweetie Belle said, trying her best to cover up how unnerved she was.

“The best way to experience this game is with friends,” Scootaloo said running over to her light switch and turning it off, making the room really dark, “Also with the lights out.”

“Um… I don't mind playing with the lights on,” Sweetie Belle said, trying to subtly tell her friends to turn them back on.

“Trust me, Scootaloo is right,” Apple Bloom said, “If we're gonna show Diamond Tiara that we ain't cowards, we gotta do this with the full experience.”

“Don't worry,” Scootaloo said, “If nothing else, we'll be here together. That should make it less scary.”

“I wasn't scared,” Sweetie Belle lied, “I just… thought that you guys would want to turn the lights on… for...”

“Nah, we're good, right Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah, but thanks fer bein concerned,” Apple Bloom said. Seeing her friends smiles made her feel better, but the fact that they thought she was trying to protect them only made her even more upset.

I have to be the brave one, she thought.

The three girls sat down in front of the computer and turned the game on, wasting no time. Sweetie Belle had to admit, she thought it was going to be scarier. It was basically just point and click, looking around the-

Wait… why wasn't Chica in the stage room anymore?

Using Apple Bloom's guidance, they were able to keep the yellow chicken animatronic in their sights. They had a few close calls, but they survived the first night with relative ease.

The second night was a little different though. This time they had to deal with both Chica and Bonnie. It was getting really scary trying to keep both animatronics in their sights, especially when they lost sight of Bonnie.

“We're concerned with these two...” Apple Bloom said slowly, “But… what about the other two?”

“There's no way the others activated too,” Scootaloo said, “This is just the second night.”

“L-let's check though,” Sweetie Belle said, “Please? Just to make sure.”

“Alright, let's check real fast,” Scootaloo said, trying to sound tough, but Sweetie Belle could tell her hands were trembling a bit. She looked in the storage room, and was horrified to see that Freddy had also left too.

“We only got another hour left in the day,” Apple Bloom said, “Let's jus' find the animatronics an' get outta here.”

“I agree,” Scootaloo said, frantically clicking around searching for them. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle was hugging her knees in her chair trembling all over, telling herself over and over that it was just a game.

Maybe if she said it enough times she'd believe it.

“Alright, I found Freddy, thank God,” Scootaloo said, “And I'm pretty sure that Bonnie is in the dining room.”

“What about Chica?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Chica?” Apple Bloom said, “Last time we checked she was-”

“GRAAWWW!!!!!!” Chica shouted on the screen right in front of them. All three girls screamed loudly, poor Scootaloo falling back out of her chair. Sweetie Belle immediately ran up to the light switch and turned them on, trying to calm her beating heart. She needed to be ready so she could comfort her friends when…

When they started… laughing?

“Hoo boy! That game is scarier than Ah thought!” Apple Bloom said.

“Geez, I wasn't prepared for that,” Scootaloo said, wiping her eyes from laughing so hard, “This game is awesome! Sweetie Belle, what did you think about it?”

She couldn't tell them what she really thought about it. They clearly had fun with it, so if she told them that she actually thought the game was terrifying…

“I… enjoyed it,” she said simply, “That Chica really scared me.”

“Yeah, an' ta think that this was just the game,” Apple Bloom said, “Can ya imagine what it'd be like if this were real?”

“That would be something,” Scootaloo added, “Like if there was actually a bite of 87 or something like that.”

“What if… something like that happens at Diamond Tiara's birthday party?” Sweetie Belle asked, trying to sound rhetorical even though she wasn't.

“What, and Diamond Tiara's frontal lobe gets bitten off by Foxy?” Scootaloo asked, “Honestly, that might be an improvement,” she joked.

“B-but she could reallly get hurt!” Sweetie Belle said shocking her friends, “We could get hurt! If those things went crazy, then-”

“That ain't gonna happen,” Apple Bloom said, “Remember, the animatronics in the game 're possessed with the spirits of the dead children. Nothin like that can happen in real life.”

“Don't worry about it,” Scootaloo said, completely unaware of the odd eye shaped symbol that appeared on her computer for a split second, “The worst that's gonna happen is a jump scare or two, from Diamond Tiara no doubt. Those machines are just that, machines.”

Her friends decided to play the game some more, but Sweetie Belle had enough. Also, it was about time for Rarity's fencing class to get finished. Since Rarity didn't come searching for her, Sweetie Belle had a feeling that she knew exactly where her older sister was.

Confirmed when she went into the gym and saw two students in fencing gear violently going at it. It was a good thing that those blades were blunt at the end, otherwise they'd kill each other. They might have still killed each other.

Sweetie Belle saw Twilight sitting down with her computer and decided to sit next to her.

“Hi Twilight,” Sweetie Belle said somberly. Twilight sighed briefly.

“Fluttershy, I have to go for now. I'll talk to you more when I get back to the dorm,” Twilight said.

“Alright Twilight. I'll see you later,” a soft melodious voice said from her computer. Before Sweetie Belle could see who Twilight was talking to though, the screen went dead.

“Hi Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said with a somewhat forced smile. Clearly she was doing something important.

“Sorry for interrupting you,” Sweetie Belle said, “I can go sit over there if you want...”

“No no, it's fine,” Twilight said, “My friend and I are working on a complicated program, but we can work separately. Besides, you look like you could use a friend.”

Sweetie Belle smiled. Rarity's friends were so nice. Even though she was keeping Twilight from something important, Twilight still wanted to help her.

“You know a lot about computers and machines,” Sweetie Belle said, “The animatronics at the Pizza Shop, what are the chances of them going bad like in the game?”

“You mean turning homicidal and trying to kill everyone?” Twilight asked bluntly, “Not too likely. They have a pretty simple AI, only capable of following the basic commands given to them, and I'm pretty sure they don't move around at night.”

“You're positive that there's no way for them to become bad?” Sweetie Belle pressed.

Twilight thought about that, “Well, to be honest, machines are machines, so they can malfunction, but the most that should cause is them skipping their notes when they play or something. Anything else would have to be programmed directly into the animatronics in order for them to act. Trust me, I checked their AI.”

“You did?” Sweetie Belle was surprised when she heard that.

“Are you kidding? The second they were put in there I hacked into their systems to check for bugs. The algorithms used to create their digital matrix is so simple it's almost laughable. Give me maybe a day or two and I'd have something made that's way better.”

Sweetie Belle didn't know what was scarier. The fact that a tenth grader had hacked into their system easily, or that Twilight said with confidence that she could make a better system.

“Alright, we finished,” Applejack said walking over to them with Rarity, “Heya Sweetie Belle. Twilight borin ya with her techno babble?”

“For your information Sweetie Belle and I were having a great discussion on the simplicity of the animatronics in Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza, the real store,” Twilight said haughtily.

“You weren't filling her head with anything scary, were you?” Rarity asked.

“Actually, it was the opposite,” Sweetie Belle said, “She was trying to help me feel better.”

“Yer goin ta Diamond Tiara's birthday party with Apple Bloom, right?” Applejack asked, “Ah was thinkin about goin too. Not ta protect Apple Bloom or anythin, jus… ta keep an eye on her.”

“Of course not,” Rarity taunted, “There's no way you're using this as excuse to play guardian angel.”

Applejack whacked Rarity on the butt, making the latter squeal adorably, “Watch yerself Rares, or Ah'll tie ya up an' lock ya in the security room fer five nights.”

“Oh no! Please don't do that!” Rarity cried out playfully, “I'll be good, I promise!”

“Hmm, Ah wonder,” Applejack said with a skeptical smile. Hearing Rarity pretend to be afraid only made Sweetie Belle feel even more insecure about her fears. Rarity was so brave that she could pretend to be afraid. Sweetie Belle on the other hand…

/You are okay, right?/ Rarity asked Sweetie Belle in Russian, to hide their conversation. Sweetie Belle just nodded before getting up.

“I'll wait for you outside,” Sweetie Belle said walking to the door quickly. Rarity pursed her lips frowning, resting her hands on her hips.

“Is she okay?” Twilight asked.

“She's worried about going to party,” Rarity admitted.

“Those animatronics are a little freaky ta watch,” Applejack said, “Not like Ah'm scared or anythin!”

“Right,” Rarity rolled her eyes, “Twilight, should we go to party too?”

“You mean just in case XANA decides to take advantage?” Twilight asked, “Yeah, we better. From what we've seen from XANA's behavior, this is right up his ally. Looks like you will be Apple Bloom's guardian at the party, Applejack.”

“Hardy har har,” Applejack said as she and Twilight walked out of the gym. Rarity thought about her sister's predicament, and wondered if XANA would attack.

He better not, Rarity thought. It was bad enough that he went after her and her friends. If he tried to hurt her little sister, Rarity was going to tear him a new one.

Day 3

Today, Sweetie Belle decided to actually walk into Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Maybe if she actually saw them in action she wouldn't be so afraid.

After class ended, she asked Rarity if she could take her there. Rarity was skeptical of course, but once she explained why she wanted to do this, Rarity relented somewhat, but only somewhat. It was nice that Rarity was so concerned about her and took her so seriously. Rarity always took her seriously.

/Are you sure coming here isn't going to just upset you?/ Rarity asked.

/I don't see how it could./ Sweetie Belle said, /Like Twilight said, they're just machines programmed to do the same thing over and over. I just… need to see this for myself is all…/

Rarity sighed shaking her head. She really didn't like this idea, as she knew it was going to backfire. Even still, she followed her sister's lead. One thing they both had in common was that they were both really stubborn.

When they got inside, they saw Pinkie Pie tending to Foxy while Rainbow Dash sat at a nearby table relaxing. When Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked in, Pinkie Pie smiled and waved to them.

“Heya Rarity and Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. Rainbow Dash looked in their direction with one eye opened.

“What brings you guys here?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Rarity turned to Sweetie Belle, silently asking if it was okay to tell them. When she nodded she spoke up, “Sweetie Belle is… er… anxious about party in two days.”

“Having nightmares about Golden Freddy barging into your room at night?” Dash asked playfully. When no one laughed she hung her head in shame, “I'll go back to sleep.”

“Please,” Rarity said turning to Pinkie Pie, “She was wondering if she could meet animatronics?”

“Oh sure!” Pinkie Pie said, “I was just working on Foxy here. He was a little off key last night, so I'm trying to see what's wrong with him. Sweetie Belle, why don't you come over and say hi to him?”

Sweetie Belle slowly walked over to Foxy, looking up at him. Wasn't this the one that caused the bite of 87 in the games? They lucked out by not running into him when they played last night. He had a much neater look than the one in the game.

“He doesn't look as scary in real life,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Well, we can't have anyone trying to eat with this gruesome looking monster singing,” Pinkie Pie said, “This place was made in honor of the game, but they didn't replicate it completely from the game, thank God.”

“Do you work here?” Rarity asked Pinkie Pie.

“Not always,” Pinkie Pie said, “But I volunteered to be the party planner for Diamond Tiara. Her dad's paying me two hundred bucks! Can you imagine how many video games I could buy off the bargain bin with that?!”

“Er… a lot?” Rarity asked.

“EXACTLY!!! Hell, I might even be able to replace my 3DS with that. The L and R buttons stopped working on mine,” Pinkie Pie said thoughtfully.

“You do know there's an easy fix for that, right?” Rainbow Dash asked, “Do you have it on you right now?”

“Always,” Pinkie Pie said pulling a purple 3DS out of her pocket. Rainbow Dash took it, blew into the L and R buttons hard, and then handed it back to Pinkie Pie.

“Try it now,” Rainbow Dash said. Pinkie Pie shrugged and turned it on, walking off a bit to try it out. Sweetie Belle was alone now with Foxy, who was absolutely lifeless at the moment. Maybe she was being silly and paranoid.

“You're not evil, right Foxy?” Sweetie Belle asked the animatronic, “You're not going to hurt anyone at Diamond Tiara's party.”

Pinkie Pie screamed catching everyone's attention. When they turned around they saw Pinkie Pie run up to Dash and hug her.

“It worked! You fixed it! Thank you so much Dashie!” Pinkie Pie said happily.

“Aw, it's nothing,” Dash bragged, “It happened so many times to me I just figured there had to be a way to fix this myself.”

“You're the best, Dashie,” Pinkie Pie said now nuzzling her friend affectionately, making Rainbow Dash visibly uncomfortable.

“Okay Pinkie Pie, you can stop now,” Dash said, “Seriously, people are starting to stare.”

Sweetie Belle laughed a bit and then turned back to Foxy. It was just a regular animatronic. Nothing sinister about it, right?

So why did she get the sudden feeling that it was actually watching her?

It was night now, and Sweetie Belle was lying in her bed trying to get to sleep. She couldn't get Foxy out of her head, or what she felt from it. She could have sworn that the animatronic was looking at her. Everyone told her that there was no way for it to turn bad, but Sweetie Belle felt it. There was something really sinister about it.

As she closed her eyes and started to relax, she heard something outside. It sounded like footsteps. Metallic footsteps.

No way. It didn't follow her home, did it?

Sweetie Belle slowly sat up, and walked over to the door pressing her ear to it. It sounded like the footsteps stopped. She opened the door and looked outside, noticing something down the hall looking at her briefly before quickly moving behind the corner.

Sweetie Belle almost had a heart attack. They did follow her home, and they were after her now!

Sweetie Belle closed and locked her door, and put a chair at the door nob to keep the animatronics outside. As long as they couldn't get in she was safe, right? She ran back to her bed and put her head under the covers, praying that she would be safe, when she heard something in her closet.

No, she thought. It couldn't be…

She slowly walked to her closet to listen for any movement. It seemed like the second she reached the closet he stopped moving. That told her that there was something in there. The question was what?

And did she even want to know what it was?

Right when she was about to open the closet to see what was inside, she felt something try to push the door open. She frantically pushed against the door trying to close it, and she got a glimpse of what it was. It was Foxy!

The two of them wrestled with the door for a few seconds until Foxy pushed at the door hard, knocking Sweetie Belle to the floor. The red animatronic now looked more like its game counterpart: scary and falling apart, like a demon almost.

But it wasn't a game. It was real.

Foxy slowly walked out of the closet toward Sweetie Belle as she backed away from it on the floor. Foxy lunged at Sweetie Belle, who screamed and scampered away to the door. She quickly pushed the chair out of the way and unlocked her door, but when she opened it she saw Bonnie, Chica, and Freedy Fazbear standing there looking at her, also looking like their game counterparts now.

In Bonnie's hands was a Golden Freddy animatronic. Were they about to stuff her inside of that thing?

Freddie motioned for Chica and Foxy to grab Sweetie Belle. The two animatronics held her by the arms as Bonnie slowly approached her with the Golden Freddy costume. Sweetie Belle struggled as much as possible, but the animatronics had too good of a hold on her. This was it, she was going to die now, unless her last resort worked. She took a deep breath and screamed at the top of her lungs…


Immediately, Sweetie Belle felt someone shake her. She opened her eyes and looked to see Rarity looking at her with a worried expression.

“R-Rarity…!” Sweetie Belle sobbed. Rarity immediately pulled her sister into a loving embrace.

/I knew us going to that place was a bad idea./ Rarity said, /You had a nightmare, didn't you?/

/It was horrible! T-the animatronics followed us home, and they were going to put me in a Golden Freddy suit! I tried to run away, but-/ she broke down, unable to finish. Rarity stroked Sweetie Belle's back in a comforting manner lightly shushing her.

/It's okay, little sister. It was just a dream. Those monsters can't get you now./

/Could you sleep in here with me?/ Sweetie Belle asked, /I can't get to sleep on my own./

/Certainly./ Rarity said with a smile, /I'll protect you from the animatronics tonight./

/Thank you./ Sweetie Belle said. Rarity kissed Sweetie Belle on the forehead and then lied down on the bed next to Sweetie Belle. It was a smaller bed, but thankfully it was long enough for Rarity to lie down on comfortably. As long as they got close they'd be fine, which was perfect as Sweetie Belle had no intentions of letting her sister got for the night. She was her own personal teddy bear now.

/I love you Rarity./ Sweetie Belle said as her eyes got heavier.

/I love you too, Sweetie Belle./ Rarity said, holding onto her sister tightly.

Day 4

“Are you sure XANA's going to attack the birthday party?” Dash asked. Rarity had asked everyone to come to her house so they could discuss their plans for tomorrow.

“It makes sense, doesn't it?” Rarity asked, “XANA tends to target students of Canterlot High most. Also, we have siblings who are going to be there.”

“I have to admit, it would be weirder for XANA not to attack,” Twilight stated, “Fluttershy, what do you think?”

“I checked the composition of the animatronics, and it seems like XANA could hack his way into them,” Fluttershy said from Twilight's lap top, “Though, as we've seen, he's not limited to mechanical objects.”

“Yeah, remember when he took over that stuffed bear and made it go King Kong on the school?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Ah thought we agreed ta never bring that one up again...” Applejack groaned. She was still embarrassed as she made a complete fool of herself trying to get everyone to evacuate the school.

“But that does tell us something,” Twilight said, “XANA wouldn't be limited to just the basic functions of the animatronics. If he does attempt to take control of them, we'll need to be careful.”

“Ah sorta wish Apple Bloom wasn't goin,” Applejack said, “Ah mean, Ah hope we're wrong here, but...”

“We've been right so far,” Rarity said, “There's no reason to believe XANA will break pattern now.”

“XANA isn't like me,” Fluttershy said, “He's a machine in the truest sense. If he sees an opportunity, he'll take it no matter what. The good news is, like a machine, he won't try the same thing if he sees it doesn't work.”

“So if XANA does try something, we just stop him, Return to the Past, and then come back and enjoy the party, right?” Dash said resting her feet on the table, “Piece of cake.”

Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a sharp look, prompting her to remove her feet from the table and look down in shame.

“Sweetie Belle is with her friends right now,” Rarity said looking to the side, “Ooh, maybe I should tell her not to go...”

“Is she still afraid of the animatronics?” Twilight asked.

Dah, she had bad nightmare last night too. Woke up in tears,” Rarity said biting her lip.

“She'll get suspicious if you tell her not to go,” Dash said, “If her older sister tells her something like that, she's going to get worried.”

“But if XANA attacks tomorrow she should be worried, right?” Rarity asked.

“It still needs to be her decision,” Twilight said, “If she does decide to go though, you'll just have to go with her.”

Rarity hated the idea of letting Sweetie Belle go to the party. The one thing worse than not knowing when XANA was going to attack was knowing exactly when he was going to attack, but being powerless to stop it.

Applejack took Rarity's hand into her own, “Ah'll be there too,” Applejack said, “We can keep an eye on everyone tagether.”

“We'll all be there,” Dash said putting her arms around Applejack and Rarity, “I promise, if Sweetie Belle goes to the party, we'll all chip in to keep her safe.”

Rarity looked over at Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy, who all gave her looks of confirmation too. She still wanted Sweetie Belle to stay home, but she felt better knowing that her friends would help keep Sweetie Belle safe.

Rarity waited until Sweetie Belle got home and settled in before she confront her. She knocked on her door lightly, just in case she was still jumpy.

/It's open./ Sweetie Belle said from inside. Rarity walked into the room and saw Sweetie Belle lying on her bed with an unreadable expression on her face.

/About tomorrow…/ Rarity started.

/I thought about it… and I still want to go./

Rarity thought she would say that. Still, regardless of what the others said she had to try and talk her out of this.

/Why? Are you going because your friends are going?/ Rarity asked.

/That's part of it./ Sweetie Belle admitted, /But the other reason is Diamond Tiara./

Rarity pursed her lips, /Sweetie Belle…/

/You don't know what its like./ Sweetie Belle said sitting up now, /You've never been teased like I am. Diamond Tiara already has enough ammunition with me coming from a foreign family, and sometimes slipping up and speaking Russian in mid class. All she would need is one more thing and my life is over./

Rarity sighed and sat down next to her little sister, /You're wrong, you know. I do know what it's like to be teased horribly./

/What? But you're so cool and pretty./ Sweetie Belle said, visibly surprised by her sister's statement.

/Well thank you, but when my family and I moved here to America, I at first spoke horrible English./ Rarity explained, /It was so bad that I had to be held back a grade because of it./ I… still have trouble with some words,” Rarity continued in English, “Big words, and so many unnecessary words that add nothing to sentence, its all so much to keep up with. I'm better now, as you can see, but people can still tell English is not first language.”

Rarity put her arms around her sister, /The point is, I've been where you are,/ she continued, /Which is why… I'm not going to tell you not to go./

/You're not?/ Sweetie Belle asked.

/I'll just have to go with you./ Rarity said slightly begrudgingly.

/Thank you so much, Rarity!/ Sweetie Belle said hugging her older sister, /You're the best!/ For the record though, your English isn't that bad.”

“Well, having American friends helps,” Rarity said, happy that the mood lightened. Hopefully her sister could have good dreams tonight.

After putting her sister to bed, Rarity called Applejack.

“Well? What's the news?” Applejack asked.

“She's still going,” Rarity said with a sigh.

“Yeah, so is Apple Bloom,” Applejack said sighing also, “Don't worry. If XANA does try somethin, we'll be ready.”

“I hope so,” Rarity said, “If XANA hurts Sweetie Belle, I swear I'll kill him myself!”

“That goes double fer me,” Applejack said, “Let's get some rest. We got a big day tomorrow.”

“Right. Good night, AJ. Pleasant dreams,” Rarity said lovingly.

“Night Rares,” Applejack said lovingly. Rarity kissed the receiver before hanging up her phone and lying on her bed. XANA was lucky that they still needed to materialize Fluttershy. If it weren't for that, she'd go right to that computer and turn it off her own damn self.

Day 5

The walk to the birthday was a quiet one. Neither sister was in a completely good mood, for different reasons. Rarity because of the dread of knowing that XANA was going to act, but not knowing when. Sweetie Belle because she just knew something concerning the animatronics was going to happen. It was a good thing this wasn't either of their birthdays, because neither one felt really happy.

/Well, here we are./ Rarity said, /Not too late to change your mind./

/No Rarity, I'm going./ Sweetie Belle said somberly, /Will you stay with me the entire time?/

Shoot. She hadn't put that into consideration. Sweetie Belle was too afraid to be by herself for too long, but she might have been needed on Lyoko. She thought hard about it before answering her little sister.

/Of course,/ Rarity said with an inward sigh, /I'll stay with you./

Sweetie Belle finally smiled and hugged her older sister, /Thank you Rarity. I love you./

Rarity returned the smile and hugged her sister, /Your welcome, Sweetie Belle. I love you too./

Her friends might not like it, but her sister needed her. She wouldn't be missed on Lyoko too much anyway.

When they walked in, the party had already kicked off. The animatronics were already on stage performing, Foxy probably behind his curtain waiting for his turn to perform.

“Hey, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo called out. She and Apple Bloom ran over to Sweetie Belle and Rarity, “We thought you weren't gonna make it.”

“Sorry guys,” Sweetie Belle said averting her eyes, “It took longer to get ready than I thought.”

“Why? Was Rarity takin her time in getting ready or somethin?” Apple Bloom asked. Truth was, Sweetie Belle was the one who took longer, as she was terrified of coming. Rarity wasn't going to let her be outed like that though.

Dah,” Rarity said, surprising Sweetie Belle, “Looking as beautiful as me takes time and effort. Children wouldn't understand.”

“Whatever,” Scootaloo dismissed, “Sweetie Belle, we're sitting over there with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. We'll wait for you there.”

“A-alright,” Sweetie Belle said. When her friends ran off, Sweetie Belle turned to Rarity, “Rarity...”

“No reason for your friends to know how afraid you are,” Rarity said, winking. Sweetie Belle smiled and skipped over to the table, where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had just sat down.

“Well, look who finally decided to show up, Silver Spoon,” Diamond Tiara taunted, “Scaredy Belle finally worked up the courage to leave her hiding place.”

Silver Spoon laughed, “That's so funny, Diamond Tiara!”

“I wasn't scared,” Sweetie Belle defended as Rarity walked over to the table, “My sister just took forever in the shower.”

“I bet you were just hiding in your bed,” Diamond Tiara said shrugging her shoulders, “Afraid you'd end up like the bite of 87?”

“What about you?” Rarity asked placing a hand on her sister's shoulders, “Did you play game without being scared first time?”

That seemed to shut Diamond Tiara up, as she just grumbled and stormed off back to her table with Silver Spoon. All the girls sitting there applauded Rarity as she sat down.

“Damn girl,” Dash said, “Talk about brutal.”

“Sorry,” Rarity said, “But I couldn't stand to let girl tease sister,” Rarity looked around, wondering where the rest of their team was.

“Yer wonderin where Twilight an' Pinkie Pie are?” Applejack asked, “Pinkie Pie stepped out to get some more soda, an' Twilight's back at you-know-where keepin an eye on you-know-what.”

“Ahh,” Rarity said, “Well good. Twilight can warn us if you-know-who does anything.” Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo looked at the older girls in confusion.

“What the heck are you talking about?” Scootaloo asked.

“Don't worry about it, Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash said, “Hopefully it won't be a problem.”

In the Forest Sector of Lyoko, red electricity moved through the cables leading to the furthest tower in the sector, which gained a red aura.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy called out on the computer screen, “XANA just activated a tower!”

“I knew he'd attack,” Twilight said in front of the super computer, “XANA, you are too predictable. Now, let's see if we can stop this,” Twilight pulled out the phone app on her computer and called Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie had just left the store as her phone rang, “Yeah Twilight?”

“XANA activated a tower,” Twilight said, “Can you get the others and come here to the factory?”

“Sure thing, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie said, dropping her bags and running to the pizza shop. She'd buy more soda when they got back from Lyoko. This was way more important than the sodas.

Inside the pizza place, Rainbow Dash's phone rang. When she saw who it was, she stepped away from everyone to answer it.

“Is it time?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It is,” Twilight said, “XANA just activated a tower in the Forest Sector. Fluttershy is moving to another tower that's close to it right now.”

“Got it,” Dash said. As soon as she hung up, she looked at the curtain and saw Foxy walk out of his curtain. That wasn't missed by Sweetie Belle, who grabbed Rarity's arm tightly.

“Rarity...” Sweetie Belle said. Rarity looked at Foxy closely as a kid walked over to the animatronic and took his hand smiling. Foxy looked down at the child, and Rarity saw his eyes shift to the XANA symbol.

“Get away from it!” Rarity called out, catching everyone's attention. The animatronic reached for the child, but Rarity jumped out of her seat and ran over to the animatronic. The kid stepped away as Rarity grabbed Foxy's hand, but Foxy grabbed her by the neck and held her up.

All the kids started screaming.

“Foxy's been possessed!” Diamond Tiara cried out.

“We have to get out of here!” Silver Spoon added. Everyone tried to run to the doors, but they somehow locked electronically right when they reached them. Scootaloo grabbed the door and tried to force it open, to no avail.

“We're trapped inside!” Scootaloo cried.

“What're we gonna do?!” Apple Bloom asked.

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle shouted, looking at her sister. She ran over to Foxy and started pounding his stomach, “Let her go Foxy! Let my sister go!”

Foxy threw Rarity aside into a table, and then turned to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle backed away, bumping into Chica, who also had the XANA symbol in her eyes.

Applejack put on her skates and ran over to Chica, tackling her with everything she had and knocking her back. Rainbow Dash took that as her chance to grab Sweetie Belle and pull her to the side. She then pulled out her cellphone and called Twilight again.

“Hey Twilight,” Dash said, “We've got a problem.”

Pinkie Pie reached the door and tried to open it, surprised to see that it was locked. Her phone rang at that very moment.

“Twilight, the door's locked,” Pinkie Pie said, “I can't get in.”

“Dash just told me,” Twilight said, “Change of plans, you have to come here to the factory on your own.”

Pinkie Pie didn't want to admit it, but the idea of going into Lyoko alone scared her. She hated going into Lyoko on her own, as her fighting style wasn't the best for fighting on her own. She was better at support. Right now though, she was the only one who could get Fluttershy into the tower safely.

“I understand,” Pinkie Pie said, “I'll be right there.”

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and ran to the factory. Hopefully Fluttershy would be close to the tower.

Back in the pizza shop, the kids were all gathered in the security room. For some reason there was limited power as if something was sapping it. The thing that scared Sweetie Belle was that the security room looked just like the one in the game.

“Is this a prank to try and scare us, Diamond Tiara?” Scootaloo asked.

“No way!” Diamond Tiara said, “I'm telling you, this wasn't a part of the party!”

“Rares, are ya okay?” Applejack asked as Rarity finally sat up.

“I'm fine,” Rarity said, “What's going on?”

“We're stuck in the security room,” Dash said, “Pinkie Pie's going into Lyoko.”

“By herself?” Rarity asked.

“She ain't gotta choice,” Applejack said, “We're trapped inside the pizza place.”

Rarity got up and walked over to Sweetie Belle, who was sitting by a corner by herself.

/Sweetie Belle? Are you okay?/ Rarity asked.

/Rarity…/ Sweetie Belle said looking up at Rarity with the saddest expression.

/It's going to be okay./ Rarity said putting a hand on her shoulder, /My friends are going to save us./ Rarity got up and walked over to the security cameras, “I'll keep an eye on animatronics from here,” Rarity said.

“Looks like XANA's usin the power in here ta keep us locked in,” Applejack said over Rarity's shoulder, “We gotta save power.”

“Is this just like the game?” Scootaloo asked.

“If so, we can help,” Apple Bloom added, “We got all the way through the game.”

“Ah'm sure it'll be fine,” Applejack said, putting her attention to the camera along with Rarity. Hopefully Pinkie Pie could get Fluttershy to the tower before they ran out of power.

The elevator opened up behind Twilight, and Pinkie Pie ran inside.

“How bad is it?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Pretty bad,” Twilight said, “It looks like XANA has taken control of all four animatronics, and he's using energy from the main generator to keep them all locked in. The good news is that once he runs out of power the whole place should open up.”

“The bad news?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“The bad news is that once that happens the whole place should open up,” Twilight continued, “including the room they're all hiding in. Every action they take is going to eat away at their power.”

“This sounds eerily like the game,” Pinkie Pie said folding her arms.

“Trust me, the irony wasn't lost on me,” Twilight said, “Fluttershy tried to position herself as close as she could, as usual going into a tower. I'll transfer you right in front of it.”

“Alright, I'm going in,” Pinkie Pie said running back to the elevator and going into the scanner room. She sent Twilight a text letting her know when she was ready.

“Transfer Pinkie Pie!” Twilight said as Pinkie Pie stepped into her scanner, just before it closed.

“Scanner Pinkie Pie!” Twilight continued, scanning Pinkie Pie and connecting her to her cat girl avatar, “Virtualization!”

She pressed the enter key, and Pinkie Pie disappeared from her scanner. A few seconds later in Lyoko's Forest Sector, Pinkie Pie took form in the air, and landed right in front of the tower making her usual “nya” sound. Fluttershy emerged from her tower right then and ran over to Pinkie Pie.

“Looks like it's just us today, Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie said.

“It'll be fine,” Fluttershy said, “Twilight, can you find us the safest route?”

“That's not going to be easy,” Twilight said from the real world, “The pathway is pretty straight forward, and we're short on time anyway.”

“In that case, we'll just have to charge through!” Pinkie Pie said, “Let's go, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy nodded, and the two girls began running to the tower, Pinkie Pie in front as she was running on all fours. As they ran, two bloks started following them shooting their way.

“Pinkie Pie! Two bloks behind you!” Twilight said.

“Yeah, I felt them coming,” Pinkie Pie said, “Rarity is better at fighting those things than me!”

“I might be able to slow them down!” Fluttershy suggested. Pinkie Pie immediately knew what she meant.

“Fluttershy, no!” Pinkie Pie urged, “Changing the environment takes too much memory!” Pinkie Pie stopped running and turned in the direction of the bloks, “I'll make due!”

Pinkie Pie rolled into a ball and tackled the first blok, hitting it right in the eye and knocking it back. She used the momentum to do a homing attack into the second one actually destroying it, but the first blok fired right into her back knocking her forward.

Pinkie Pie: 70 HP

As she was on a narrow passage way, she almost fell off the side into the digital sea. Thankfully though she caught herself right before falling. Once she stood up, the blok started firing at her again, but she jumped to the side out of the way and then jumped over to the blok.

“Homing Attack!” she shouted, hitting the blok in the eye this time killing it. Once that was done, something else started firing at her. She looked and saw a krab walking over to her and Fluttershy.

“Damn it XANA! Quit sending monsters I have trouble with!” Pinkie Pie cried running over to Fluttershy, “We gotta move, now!” she urged.

“Right behind you!” Fluttershy said, running after her much faster friend. High heels were not running shoes. Sad as Pinkie Pie also wore high heels, but that didn't count as she ran like a cat anyway.

On Twilight's radar, she saw Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy about to run into a megatank, which was stationed right in front of the activated tower.

“Pinkie Pie, remember when you asked XANA to stop sending monsters you hate fighting?” Twilight asked.

“Let me guess, he sent a megatank, didn't he?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It's waiting for you right in front of the tower,” Twilight said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood for everyone.

“Ugh! Twilight! I'm not a good pick for this level! Switch me out for one of the other characters!” Pinkie Pie whined, as usual comparing Lyoko to a video game of sorts.

“No such luck,” Twilight said, adding to the joke, “You just need to get good, Pinkie Pie.”

“Both you and XANA are made for each other,” Pinkie Pie groaned. Twilight laughed and put her focus back on another screen, where she saw that the pizza shop was beginning to run low on power.

In the security room, Diamond Tiara saw Bonnie walking down the hall toward them. She immediately pushed the button closing the security door, but had to open it once Bonnie left.

“This is not fun!” Diamond Tiara whined.

“Like, totally the worst birthday party ever!” Silver Spoon whined from the opposite side.

“Hey, quit complaining,” Dash ordered, “We're all tense right now, and you two crying is only making things worse.”

“Rares, how we lookin on power?” Applejack asked Rarity.

“Already down by fifty percent,” Rarity said, “Thankfully I have Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy's locations, but I can't find Foxy anywhere.”

“If its like the game, he's probably with his ship,” Apple Bloom said, “He'll come out if ya don't keep an eye on him, but also if ya look at him fer too long.”

“This ain't the game, Apple Bloom,” Applejack shot, “These things are the real deal.”

“But they're actin like they do in the game,” Apple Bloom said, “We're even in the main room of the game on limited power.”

“I think using the game logic to get through this is smart,” Dash said, “It'll give us a base to work off.”

“Sheesh,” Applejack said shaking her head, “Ah swear, we get outta this, Ah'm never playin Five Nights at Freddy's again! Ah don't care if they make three sequel ta the game.”

“Sweetie Belle, are you okay?” Scootaloo asked her silent friend, “You've been quiet this entire time.”

“Scardey Belle is probably just afraid,” Diamond Tiara taunted, “If you were going to cry, then you should have stayed home.”

Sweetie Belle apparently snapped at that moment, because she stood up and glared at Diamond Tiara.

“You know what?! Yes, I am afraid! I'm terrified right now, because the animatronics went crazy just like in the game! If any of them get in here, they're going to kill us, and we can't over power them! Excuse me for being scared for my life right now, and being on the verge of tears because I don't want to die!”

At that moment, Sweetie Belle fell to her knees and broke down. Rarity immediately got up and ran over to her sister embracing her, speaking soft Russian to her to calm her down a bit before glaring at Diamond Tiara.

“If you feel so indifferent about issue, we could send you outside to investigate,” Rarity said seriously, “See how long you last against Bonnie.”

“Y-you're joking right?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Keep making fun of my sister for being afraid, and see if I'm joking,” Rarity said narrowing her eyes a bit. Diamond Tiara stepped away from Rarity and walked off by herself. It may have been her birthday, but quite frankly Rarity didn't care. She was sick and tired of her making fun of Sweetie Belle for being afraid.

“Sweetie Belle, we're sorry fer draggin ya inta this,” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah, we didn't know you were so afraid,” Scootaloo added, “If we had, then-”

“No,” Sweetie Belle said letting go of Rarity and wiping her eyes, “I wouldn't want you guys to be stuck here alone. We're best friends, so we have to stick together.”

“That's right, best friends,” Scootaloo said with a smile. She, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle hugged. As they watched the three girls embrace, the older kids all heard something metallic walking nearby. Applejack turned around and saw Bonnie standing by the window looking right at them.

“Shit!” Applejack shouted, skating over to the door and slamming the security door button and closing it. She looked to the side and saw Freddy walking up the other window, “Someone get that one too!”

“On it!” Rainbow Dash said rushing over to that door and closing it, “Hey, check the security cameras”

Rarity nodded and ran to the camera controls, where she looked around searching for all the animatronics.

“Chica is in party room number 3,” Rarity said, “Foxy hasn't left his ship yet, as far as I know.”

“Damn it, Pinkie Pie better hurry up,” Rainbow Dash said, “At this rate we might not survive the first night.”

That was true, as just by activating the security doors like that they lost about thirty percent juice from the main generator.

Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy stopped a bit in front of the tower, as the megatank rolled up to them. It opened up and fired at the two girls, forcing them to jump in separate directions.

“Twilight, we have a problem!” Pinkie Pie said as the krab walked up to them from behind and stopped, “I'm literally stuck between a rock and a hard place!”

“That's all we need,” Twilight groaned, “Dash just called me, too. They're running out of power in the pizza place. Fluttershy needs to get into that tower like now!”

“Twilight, I can help Pinkie Pie defeat one of them,” Fluttershy said, “If I use my power I I can defend her from the megatank so she can destroy the krab.”

“What about the amount of memory that uses?” Twilight asked.

“It'll be alright,” Fluttershy said, “Trust me.”

“Mmm...” Twilight really hated this, but there wasn't much she could do except trust them, “Alright, fine, but be careful.”

Fluttershy held her hand out toward the megatank and began singing. Underneath the megatank, the ground began to digitally vanish. The megatank rolled back away from Pinkie Pie, who then jumped into the air toward the krab.

“Homing Attack!” Pinkie Pie shouted, hitting the krab right in the head and killing it. The megatank caught himself and began firing at Pinkie Pie, who rolled to the side just in time.

“Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy is still in danger!” Twilight cried out.

“I'll take care of it!” Pinkie Pie said running over to Fluttershy, and pushing her out of the way just in time before the megatank fired at her, “Fluttershy, run to the tower! Hurry!”

Fluttershy nodded and ran as fast as she could to the tower. At her sides two kankrelats walked up to her and started firing at her as she ran.

“Oh, you wait until now to send monsters I can kill?!” Pinkie Pie shouted rolling into a ball. She did her spin tackle at the kankrelat on Fluttershy's left killing it. As Fluttershy continued to run to the tower, the megatank rolled to Fluttershy's back and charged up its attack.

“Not letting that happen!” Pinkie Pie shouted running in the way of the attack, and taking the full brunt of it.

Pinkie Pie: 0 HP

She devirtualized right as Fluttershy reached the foot of the tower, fazing into it.

Back in the pizza shop, the power finally failed, and all the security doors opened up.

“Shit!” Dash shouted.

“Dash, look!” Scootaloo exclaimed, pointing to the door, where they saw Freddy and Bonnie standing right at the entrance. They turned around and saw Chica and Foxy standing at the other door.

“Fluttershy, if yer gonna deactivate this tower, do it now!” Applejack shouted.

Fluttershy ran to the center of the tower, and floated up to the platform above her. When she landed, she ran over to the main control panel and began typing on the holographic keyboard to break the security on the tower.

Dash was thrown into the back wall by Bonnie. Applejack picked up a wooden board and tired to whack Chica with it, but she grabbed the board and threw Applejack out of the security room as Foxy grabbed Sweetie Belle and picked her up.

“RARITY, HELP ME!!!!” Sweetie Belle screamed.

“SWEETIE BELLE!!!” Rarity shouted running toward Foxy. Freddy grabbed Rarity's arm though and held her, “Let me go XANA!!! Let me GO!!!!”

Foxy opened his mouth and slowly brought the struggling preteen's head to his mouth, as if about to actually bite it. Sweetie Belle screamed, and all the kids covered their eyes as to not see the gruesome image they were about to witness.

NYET!!!!!!” Rarity screamed in horror. It was too late. She couldn't save Sweetie Belle in time. XANA was about to…

Fluttershy placed her hand on the holographic touch screen in front of her.




All the animatronics froze, including Foxy, who stopped just short of biting into Sweetie Belle's head. Rarity pulled out of Freddy's hold and grabbed her sister holding her as they both cried.

/Rarity… I almost…/

/Shh… it's alright now…/ Rarity sobbed, /You'll forget this horrible nightmare soon, I promise…/

Fluttershy looked down into they abyss as the coding on the walls flowed into the abyss below. There was a bright light, followed by a white flash shooting out of the abyss and into the real world.

In the factory, Twilight pushed the enter key, “Return to the past, now!”

The entire world was engulfed in a white light, returning them all to where they were twenty four hours from that point, hitting Rarity and Sweetie Belle last.

Spasibo, Fluttershy...” Rarity said, smiling through her tears.

This time, Rarity actually did take forever in the shower, but they still arrived at the party at the same time as last time. When they got to the pizza place, Rarity saw her friends all sitting at the table waiting for her, this time including Twilight and Pinkie Pie.

“Glad ya decided ta join us,” Applejack said.

“Lady must look her best,” Rarity said with her nose to the air, “Being as beautiful as me takes time.”

“Hey Sweetie Belle, are you okay?” Scootaloo said walking over to Sweetie Belle with Apple Bloom, “You look a little tense.”

“It's just… seeing the animatronics like this...” Sweetie Belle said looking at the ones performing on stage, “They seem so...”

“Yeah, it is sorta unnervin,” Apple Bloom said, “But Pinkie Pie said that they can't go haywire, right?”

“That's right,” Pinkie Pie said, “Twilight made a program that allows us to remotely control their actions. In fact, if you look over to Foxy's ship now...”

Everyone looked, where they saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walking past said ship. Twilight opened her lap top, where Fluttershy was seen on screen.

“Okay, do it Fluttershy,” Twilight whispered. Fluttershy nodded giggling, and vanished from the screen. A second later, Foxy shot out of his ship, growling in a way that included a girl's scream in the background. Diamond Tiara screamed too, jumping into Silver Spoon's arms.

“NO!!! DON'T GET ME FOXY!!!” she screamed. A second later, everyone in the pizza shop started laughing, including Sweetie Belle, who realized that Foxy only did that because Twilight told him to. Intrestingly enough, Foxy looked like he was laughing too.

“Still scary, Sweetie Belle?” Rarity asked her little sister, who shook her head.

“Nope. Actually, I think as of this moment, Foxy is my favorite animatronic here,” Sweetie Belle said. Twilight looked at Foxy, mouthing out “thank you”. Foxy nodded to Twilight, and then got back in his ship, where Fluttershy disconnected with the animatronic.

Soon, Twilight thought, you'll be partying with us in person, Fluttershy.