//------------------------------// // Bullies // Story: The Nightmares Fear // by LunarGaurd //------------------------------// Another dreamless sleep. That's all I ever have though, so I'm used to it. "Sweetie?" That must be my mother. "Sweetie it's time to get up." Better do what she says. "Alright mother, I'm up. You can stop pestering me." I heard her giggle in that soft voice of hers. "Okay hun, just come and get some breakfast before it gets cold." She told me as she trotted away. Once I heard my door close I got out of bed and let loos a yawn as I stretched. When I was done with that I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. There is no mirror in there do to specific things about me that I don't like being reminded about. But that's not the point, so I brushed my teeth and then went down stairs to eat breakfast. I could smell what it was long before I could see it. "Mmmmm. Hay-bacon and eggs with Prench toast." Apparently, my mother and father both heard me as they both chuckled. When I walked into the kitchen with a smile on my face my father decided to speak up. "Well, our little Unicorn sure looks happy. Good nights sleep I take it?" Then his eyes widened in realization at what he said, and I got a sinking in my stomach and instantly got depressed. "Oh my Celestia. Son I'm so sorry, I just-" "Don't," I interrupted him. "*sigh* I need to get ready for school." "But what about your breakfast?" My mother asked with a slight hint of concern. My stomach growled at the thought of food. "Not hungry." I said as I made my way back up the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs I did't go to my room to pack, after all, I still had an hour before I need to start walking in order to get there on time. Instead, I when to my parents Master Bedroom's restroom, the only room in the house that has a mirror. I often do this when I'm reminded that I'm a Unicorn. Why, you ask? Because I have no magic. No really I'm not joking, I don't even have enough magic to give me a cutie mark. So not only am I a Unicorn that cant use magic, but I'm also a blank-flank for life. So yeah, that's just awesome. This of course leads me to be bullied a lot, both in and out of school. In all honesty the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because of what it would to to my parents. It would destroy them. I'm an only child so it would be that much worse on them, and that is the last thing they deserve. My mother and father are the best ponies on Equis. My mother is kind and gentle, but not afraid to stand up and speak her mind if she needs to. My father is bold, confident, courageous, and caring. he would gladly die himself if it meant his family could live. So I guess you could say I'm to much of a pussy to kill myself on top of everything else. And back on the subject of not getting a cutie mark, this also means that I'm not especially great at anything. Just average at everything. Well, I've been siting hear thinking to my self for long enough. I should probably get ready for school now. So I got up and left for my room to pack the things I need, but I can't help but fell like I'm forgetting something... "Eh, I'm sure it'll come to me eventually, it can't be that important if I forgot it." I say to myself as I leave my room and and head to the door with my saddle bags hiding my blank-flank. "Bye mom, bye dad! I'm off to school!" "Oh! Would you like one of us to walk you there, sweetie?" My mother called. "No thanks!" I replied as I walked out of the house and closed the door behind me. *8* After walking for about 20 minutes, I finally arrived at the school house and I almost immediately spotted my only two friends. "Hey guys! Over here!" I called to them. They turned and there face lit up in surprise. "SPECTRAL?!" they yelled as they galloped over to me. "What are you doing here!?" Midnight Star shouted at me once she reached me. "I'm going to school...?" I replied curiously. "Is there any reason why I shouldn't?" "YES!" Thunderbolt whisper-shouted at me. "And that would be...?" I said, getting a little impatient. They shot each other worried looks and then turned to me and spoke in union. "It's cutie-mark show and tell day." With that news, (Witch was what I was forgetting earlier) my demeanor changed from semi-cheery, to chronically depressed. And as I turned to make a run for it, the bell rang signalling the start of class. "Oh no." "Come on, Spectral." Midnight Star said, "We'll hide you in the back of the class so you will have less of a chance to be picked." Thunderbolt nodded his agreement. "Alright, lets go before we're late for class." I said glumly. *8* After we got through the main lesson plan for the day, we had enough time for three show and tells. I was in the back right corner of the room, with the teachers view of me blocked by my friends. "Alright class," Mr.Stein said. "we have enough time left to finish off our cutie-mark show and tell with are final three students, Midnight Star, Thunderbolt, and Spectral Nightmare. Midnight, your up first." As she got up she whispered "Sorry" back at me and I scooted over to the side to hide fully behind Thunder. And as Midnight reached the front of the class to tell us how... I'm sorry, I just realized that I haven't told you what me and my friends look like. Well, Midnight Star is a unicorn and has a midnight purple (imagine that) coat and a dark blue mane with golden eyes. Her cutie mark is a star with the full moon above it, this means that when she puts on a performance for entertainment (things like song, dance or a play) at night she will be a star. Of course my perverted male mind immediately thought "Strip dance" when I herd that. Thunderbolt is a Pegasus and has a sort of faded shadow-black coat and an unkempt windswept stormy-gray mane with electric blue eyes. His cutie mark is a circle of electricity with a lightning bolt in the center. He got it when he did a variation of the mythical 'Sonic Rainboom'. Essentially he wanted to know his limits, as in just how fast he can go. So he started flying faster and faster, a mach cone started to form and he kept on flying when it broke there was an extreme explosive sound and a ring of crackling electricity expanding in all directions. Thunderbolt himself looked as though he was a living lightning bolt. When he landed and looked back at what he made, he decided to call it a Thunder Blast. Me on the other hoof, unlike them, I don't really have a theme in my color scheme besides bland. I have a tan coat and a bleached white mane with brown eyes. And as you know I'm a unicorn without magic and a black-flank for life. Not much else to say about me. So, after Midnight and Thunder did there cutie mark show and tell it was my turn, but thankfully Mr.Stein hadn't seen me yet so it looked like I was home free. That is, until Hockey Puck spoke up, (He's the class bully along side his pals who's names I can never remember, so I just call them Bitch 1 and Bitch 2.) "Spectral is in the back corner Mr.Stein!" "Ah, thank you Hockey. Spectral, would you please come up and show us your cutie mark?" That's it, I officially HATE Hockey. He has bullied and beaten me in the past, but at least back then It was just him and his goons. Now the entire class will probably be bullying me. "Do I have to?" I asked pathetically. "Yes. Why? Is there any specific reason why you don't want to?" I was about to answer but Midnight and Thunder beat me to it, "I'll have you know know that there IS a reason why, but his reasons are his own!" Midnight started. "And if he doesn't want to share then he doesn't have to!" Thunder finished. Did I mention I have two amazing friends? "I'm sorry but he does." Mr.stein persisted. Apparently Hockey got impatient, "Ya, you two. Let the Blank show us his Flank!" I could feel myself getting mad. Very mad. And my anger just kept growing. "Oh please, Hockey. Do you honestly expect us to believe he's a Blank Flank at his age?" (I'm 15 btw) Said Mr.Stein. "So, Spectral. Will you please get up here and tell us about your cutie mark?" My anger had reached a boiling point so I did as asked and went up to the front of the class. But rather then get in front of everypony, I stopped at the front row next to Hockey's desk and quickly wiped the smug smile of his face when I turned, bucked, and with a sharp CRACK, knocked him unconscious and left him with a split skull bleeding on the floor. As I exited the class, I made sure everypony had a good view of my blank flank. The students were to shocked to do anything, but the teacher barley got his wits together in time to stop me from leaving the class. "Hey! Spectral wait!" He called out, "You can't just do something like this and leave! You have to-" I wasn't having any of it. I turned around, with fury burning in my eyes and stomped up to him, forcing him to back into a corner and tremble slightly in fear, "NO! I WILL leave! You will NOT try and stop me, and if you DO!? You will end up JUST. LIKE. HIM! I am tired of the BULLSHIT that is my life and for once I WILL get what I want! So leave... ME... ALONE!!!!!" With my message... Clearly, instilled in there minds, I left without any further interruptions.