I've Made It

by Just A Random Pegasus

Finally Here!

Rainbow Dash stood on her balcony, letting the cool nighttime breeze engulf her. It felt like she was reborn; like she had started a whole new life.

Earlier that day, she had become a Wonderbolt. All her life, it had been her dream to be with the most elite fliers. Now, she was one.

She took a look at her uniform, which was blue and yellow. It was a uniform she had always dreamed of wearing. Heck, she hoped to be a part of everything the Wonderbolts did. She started her journey; to be noticed and be a part of the team of her dreams.

Now, she made it. And she couldn't ask for a more perfect night to smile up at the stars.

She closed her eyes and lost herself in the breeze. She could stay outside forever if she really wanted to. Her smile couldn't leave her face. It was like trying to push an elephant to the finish line.

Rainbow Dash then felt a small pang in her chest amidst all the joy. She finished one dream; what about the next? She's already been recognized as the fastest flier in Equestria, and the most loyal. Now, what else could she be the best at?

She looked up at the stars, hoping they would have the answers. She turned around to look back inside. There were many Wonderbolts posters on the walls, along with figures adorning the shelves. Now, she won't be stuck with only seeing the plastic figurines of her heroes.

She smiled at that thought and remembered her playing with the figures as a filly. She had pretended that the Wonderbolts were in danger, and that she was the one who saved them. Little did she know that her imagination would become reality in years to come.

She remembered when she saved the Wonderbolts with the Sonic Rainboom. She had hoped that it would catch their attention, and let her in. She didn't know that she had to test in first, though.

Her mind then drifted to when Twilight helped her study for the test to get into the Wonderbolts Reserves. She helped Rainbow learn what her style of learning was, which was a huge help.

She then remembered the Wonderbolt Academy. It was a great experience, all in all. Even with Lightning Dust crashing a bit of the fun.

There was also the time she practiced with the Wonderbolts for the Equestria Games. Her friends came before her dreams, so she couldn't stay with them permanently like they offered.

Now, she can. She knew that there would be a lot of excitement in the near future.

"Hey, Rainbow!" A familiar voice broke her thoughts. Rainbow looked up to see Twilight hovering above her.

"Oh, hey, Twi!" Rainbow responded as Twilight landed on the balcony, folding her wings. "What are you doing here?"

Twilight smiled. "Well, I came to congratulate you." Her smile then dropped into a frown. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the celebration earlier. I had royal duties with the other princesses to take care of, as you know."

Rainbow Dash smiled. "It's fine, Twilight! You're certainly forgiven."

"Thanks." Twilight then sat down next to her friend. "So... what do you plan to do with the next chapter in your life?"

Rainbow thought for a moment. There were many ways to answer that question. "Uh, I'm not sure yet." She then sighed and looked at a passing cloud. "I've already accomplished my lifelong dreams. I really don't know what's next."

Twilight gave Rainbow a sympathetic look. "I understand what you're feeling. When I became a princess, I didn't know what would come next. And, it is a big thing to think about in one night." She then stood up again. "Are you happy with your new position?"

Rainbow Dash gave Twilight a funny look. "Why wouldn't I be happy? I was probably the happiest mare in the world earlier!"

Twilight then flapped her wings, causing herself to hover into the air. "Well, as long as you're happy. You don't have to hope for something new quite so soon. The future will throw something at you, and it will become your new dream. Just know that you're not finished with your journey now."

Rainbow smiled up at Twilight. "Thanks."

"Anytime. Now, I better get back to the castle. Hopefully Spike didn't destroy the couch again." Twilight responded before flying off into the night, leaving Rainbow Dash alone on her balcony again.

Rainbow looked up to the stars one last time before walking inside. She knew sleep was the best thing for her right now.

She walked through her hallways, looking at the Wonderbolts posters and franchise that was displayed. Her stomach fluttered each time she looked at anything having to do with the Wonderbolts. She even started to imagine action figures and posters of herself. Heck, there were probably a few made. After all, she was the only pony in all of Equestria that could pull off a Sonic Rainboom.

She climbed into her bed and looked out the window, where the stars were still shining bright. It almost seemed like Princess Luna knew the joy Rainbow was experiencing, and created one of the most beautiful nights because of it.

The cyan mare twisted and turned in her bed, trying her hardest to fall asleep. She had a feeling it wouldn't happen, though. She was too excited to start her new life. Even though she would have to wake up earlier to clear the clouds and make it to training, she knew it would be worth it.

Much to her surprise, she found her eyelids closing and her mind drifting off to sleep, with images of the Wonderbolts seared in her dreams.