//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Re-Education for Benevolence // by JusSonic //------------------------------// My Little Pony: Re-Education for Benevolence The multiverse is big with various realities and possibilities. If you were travelling, you would have no idea where you're going to. But if you end up in a universe, pray you don't end up in a bad one. Such universe is the Mirrorverse. In that world, the princesses of Equestria that we know and care about, Celestia and Luna, are evil tyrants trying to take it over with King Sombra, the opposite version, trying to stop them. They were defeated and reformed with the help of the Mane Six, Spike, Ben Mare, and Other Sombra's lover Celestia, along with Luna, from Equestira Prime. But sadly, it came with a price: to stop Other Celestia and Other Luna, Other Sombra took the power of the Elements of Harmony and uses that to drain Evil Celestia and Luna of their dark ways and absorbs it himself, becoming his evil self, much to the heart broke of Good Celestia. Mirrorverse Verse has lost a ruler, causing Captain Goodguy and Other Chrysalis to take over. During this time, the evil versions of the Mane Six, the Erroneous Equines, and Evil Spike are looking for talismans of power... But during this time, as the heroes of Equestria return to fight their evil selves, some training is in progress. ---------- Other Trixie hums as she walks down a hallway, going past the guards. She finds it amazing that she, the Element of Humility, has been asked to help Other Celestia and Other Luna on the path to redemption. Won't be easy considering what they did before, but they are willing to try. After passing the guard, Other Trixie came into the room where the former villainesses, Other Celestia and Other Luna are at. She hums, clearing her throat. "Welcome, Celestia, Luna." Other Trixie said to the two Alicorns, getting their attention. "Welcome to Tr...err, I mean my class. I know it has been a difficult month." "It has been." Other Celestia said with a sigh. "We have been here for a while now." "Come on, you are eager to relearn, I can tell." "How can we? We cost this world its ruler, and cost my sister's good self's lover." Oher Luna said sadly. "Even I am not sure if we could return to the outside world." "Celestia, Luna...you did wrong. You admit it. But, you can learn on how to help Equestria, our world, and deal with situations in a completely just manner and save violence as an absolute last resort." Other Trixie said calmly. "You have the power, the power to do good. You just need to know how to use it right and maybe someday...who knows? Equestria can accept you." Other Luna, chuckling, said to Other Trixie, "Its times like this you remind me of my old pupil Sunset Shimmer." "I know you're just saying that to be nice, but I still appreciate the compliment. Sunset foalsat me back before I became Sombra's personal student and I can honestly say I could only hope to be even a quarter as good as her." "Sunset Shimmer?" Other Celestia ask Other Luna, wondering whom her sister is referring to. "Sunset Shimmer was my personal pupil from back before you briefly corrupted me, sis." Other Luna explains clearly to her sister as to whom Sunset Shimmer is. "Indeed. I knew her in the final two years of the time Sunset spent with Princess Luna." Other Trixie said, sighing as she shakes her head. "So she's dead?" Other Celestia ask, fearing the worst. Other Luna shakes her head as she corrects Other Celestia, "Nah. She just left for another universe after her training period was complete. Said something about seeing a world of evil that needed the help more than our world did." "At the time, Sombra, Princess Luna, Captain Goodguy and Chrysalis had this world in pretty good hooves." Other Trixie said in concern. Out of all of those heroes, only two are left to help Equestria, the Mirrorverse now. "Quite so. However, before she left, Sombra and I helped her create a special medallion that would allow her to still retain her powers in the other universe." "Speaking of help, I overheard a conversation that my former student and her friends are causing trouble." Other Celestia said, recalling a conversation. "True, true. The Erroneous Equines are looking for evil talismans to try to take over Equestria since you have already cost it its ruler." Other Trixie said, making the former evil Alicorns worried. "Don't worry. From what I heard, Captain Goodguy and Chrysalis are getting help." "You mean, my other self is back?" "Actually, no. The Mane Six and Spike from Equestria Prime. I'm sure they will help in stopping those evil fiends." "I can only hope they are reformed by then." Other Luna said in concern. "If the talismans are what we think they are, the Mane Six won't have an easier time." "Don't worry, fate will find a way." Other Trixie said with a nod. She is confident that the Mane Six and Spike will stop the evil versions of themselves. "Now then, I will leave you both to Muffins right now." Other Trixie leaves the room as Muffins, AKA Derpy Hooves the Element of Wisdom, came in. She spoke in a clear voice, "All right, are you ready, princesses?" --------------------- Other Trixie walks down a hallway, wondering if she could be involved in the matter at hoof. Then again, Captain Goodguy insists that the heroes can handle this. She just handle the rehabilitation progress. During this time, Other Trixie passes by a unicorn in armor: Boris. He is the Mirrorverse of the villain Boris. Except here, he is the Captain of the Royal Guard and has been his universe's Trixie's best friend since they were both seven years old. "Hi Boris." Other Trixie said with a light giggle, rubbing her tail under his chin. "Trixie, please. Not while I'm working." Captain Boris said to Other Trixie with a chuckle. She smirks a bit. "So how does it go?" "Oh, the princesses are having doubts, but no worries. When the time comes, they will be ready." "We can only hope. We're still having no idea as to where our former king is." "At least Captain Goodguy and Chrysalis are keeping up the fort. I am looking for mom, dad, and my good brother Merluck." Other Trixie said passingly and fondly. "If I know where they are, perhaps they would help out." Other Trixie is referring to her parents and her brother Other Merluck, who, in the Mirrorverse, is firmly on the side of good, Other Merluck, in particular, was a very good friend of Other Sombra before the latter was corrupted. In this universe, Trixie's mother still being very much alive. "They are already visit helping out in the major battle against the Dark Mystic Ponies...even if we could find them, they would be too busy at the moment." Captain Boris said to Other Trixie with a sigh. "I see. Well, keep up the good work...of what you're doing." Other Trixie said blushing. She flew off quickly, making Captain Boris sighs. Why does he feel so weird around Other Trixie? ------------- Other Trixie was looking through some scrolls. She is indeed in worry. The Alicorn hears that the progress to stop the Erroneous Equines isn't doing good so far...and they are on their way of finding the remaining talismans! Equestria will be destroyed unless... "Hey Trixie." The other version of Flim, one of the ponies of the Element of Fairness, came in. "Hey, how is it going?" Other Trixie ask Flim, pondering his and his brother Flam's progress with the princesses. "Doing good. My brother Flam is teaching Celestia and Luna how it is fair to treat others the way you want to be treated. They are doing well in that department." "Good. Keep up the good work and I will be down there shortly." Other Flim pauses, deciding on getting to a different subject, "Trixie?" Other Trixie ask Other Flim, wondering what her friend wans now, "Yeah, Flim?" "With all due respect - why is it so obvious to everybody EXCEPT you how Captain Boris feels about you?" "What do you mean by that? Boris and I are just friends. I mean, why would anybody think of me as anything more than a friend? I'm nopony special, really. Boris is handsome, courageous, intelligent and a gentlestallion in the truest sense. He could have his choice of any mare in this universe. I might be an Alicorn with a somewhat above average talent for magic, but I'm not delusional enough to think I deserve more than I have." "Look, I know your thing is supposed to be humility, but, honestly, you think it's fair to not give him a chance?" Other Flim ask Other Trixie in concern. Everyone but Other Trixie sees that Other Boris likes her. She should give him a chance. Other Trixie pauses to do some thinking. It would be good to do so...but the mare sighs, "Look, my love life, or lack thereof, is none of your business. Right now, we have two recently reformed Alicorns to focus on re-educating." "Just think about what I said. That's all I ask. Sombra obviously saw something worthwhile in you before he was corrupted. Something that made you worth becoming his personal student. And it's not hard to see why. In addition to your talent for magic (which, if anything, you actually UNDERstate), you are also one of the most compassionate and responsible mares in the land." "Okay. I WILL, at least, THINK about it - later on." Other Flim took his leave. Other Trixie prepares to go back to work, but stop as she thought about what he said. Could she, will she, give Captain Boris a chance? ----------- Captain Boris begins training the troops. If the Mane Six and their allies fail to stop the Erroneous Equines, they are Mirrorverse Equestria's only chance left to stop them. "Captain Boris." Muffins said as she flew in. "Trixie is already at work on training the princesses." "That's good to hear." Captain Boris said with a nod. "If we fail, those princesses are the only chance left." "Captain Boris?" "Yes?" Muffins gave a serious look to Captain Boris as she got to another subject that Other Flim gave to Other Trixie not too long ago, "With all due respect, when are you going to work up the nerve to ask Princess Lulamoon out on a date?" Other Boris blushes a bit as he spoke, "Why would you think I would want to ask Trixie - err, I mean Princess Lulamoon - out on a date?" "Look, it's obvious to everypony EXCEPT YOU how she really feels about you- and we aren't oblivious enough to miss the fact that you do return those affections." "Look, I know she's been my best friend since we were both seven years old. That's one of the reasons I volunteered to be her bodyguard after she became Sombra's personal student. I will also admit she is beautiful, intelligent, compassionate - aww, horse apples. You caught me. But with Sombra's recent corruption and Trixie busy helping with Celestia and Luna's re-education on top of having to take over Sombra's duties, I'm afraid she might not have the time for that sort of stuff." "Okay, sir, but I WILL say this. Don't wait too long." Muffins said to Captain Boris, leaving his side. Captain Boris groans as he tries to get back to the task at hoof. Why must folks get in the way of his love life? Still... ------------ "And so, working together, friendship can be magic!" Other Trixie announces to Other Celestia and Luna proudly. "Incredible." Other Luna said with a nod. "Simply incredible." "Thank you. I hope you both learned from this." "Yes, violence can only be used as a final resort." Other Celestia said with a thoughtful look. "We will help spread friendship and try to help this world stay alive." "Princess Lulamoon!" Other Flam exclaims as he comes into the room. "Yes, what is it?" Other Trixie ask Other Flam impatiently. "We got word: good news! The Erroneous Equines has been defeated!" The Alicorns, all of them, gasps in surprise and amazement. The Erroneous Equines has been beaten? "How was it possible?" Other Celestia ask Other Flam in amazement. "Their good selves from the other worlds has used their own Rainbow Power to beat them. The Cutie Mark Traitors are reformed...but the good ones are still their bad selves." Other Flam said seriously. "Looks like not every good power would work. They’re in the dungeon right now." "Trixie? Let me talk to my former student. Try to reach her." "Yes, of course. Class is dismissed." Other Trixie said as she dismisses the class. If anyone could reach Evil Twilight, it could be her former teacher. ------------- The Erroneous Equines are in the dungeon (having been delivered there by Captain Goodguy and Other Chrysalis after the Equestria Prime Mane Six and Spike left). Evil Twilight fume, "This tenth rate cracker box won't be enough to hold us for long. No matter how long it takes, we WILL get out and get even with our goody-four-horseshoes counterparts!" "Hey, Twilight Jerk!" A Royal Guard exclaims as he came in. "You got a visitor." Evil Twilight turns...and who to show up but her former teacher turned goodie two shoes...Other Celestia! Great! "Hello, Twilight. It's been a long time." Other Celestia said, giving out a voice of sadness and regret to her former student. Evil Twilight scowls, spitting at Other Celestia as she spoke, "I am evenly divided between too long and not long enough." "I deserved that." "Oh, you deserve FAR worse than THAT! And if you didn't have a clear power advantage, I would gladly give it to you." "I blame myself for your anti-social behavior." Other Celestia said in sadness. If only she was good before, Evil Twilight would've done better. Evil Twilight scoffs as if wanting to hit her former teacher, "You SHOULD. You TRAINED me. You tried to make me a living weapon in your arsenal." "I will not deny that." "But you taught me JUST enough for me to be useful to you, saving all the best tricks for yourself." "I won't deny THAT either." Other Celestia said, feeling like breaking into tears, something that the former villainess would never have done. Evil Twilight, smirking that the Alicorn appears to be breaking, remarks, "And, then, once I outlived my usefulness, you would have double-crossed me at the first opportunity." "The way I was back then, that's an almost definite." "Thank the powers below I was smart enough to spot that in time to get out BEFORE you had the chance to betray me." "And you and Spike organized a small group of like-minded ponies to help you with your dirty work and then kept your capers profitable, but small-time enough to avoid my wrath, until Luna and I reformed, after which you got a lot bolder." Other Celestia said seriously. She knew that the seven were able to dodge her and Other Luna when they were evil...up to the reformation anyway. "Well, duh!" Evil Twilight remarks as if kicking Other Celestia while she's down. This causes the former evil Alicorn to cringe. Was she really that disrespectful? "Look, I know it's too little too late, but I would like to say I'm sorry." "You're right - It IS much too little, much too late." "Well, I know it will take A LOT of hard work to get through to you, but I AM willing to put in the effort." Other Celestia said in determination. It won't be today or tomorrow, but maybe someday. With that, Other Celestia took her leave, leaving Evil Twilight with her pals. The redeeming progress won't be easy for them as they are with the Alicorns. Other Luna was waiting for her sister who left the dungeon. She sighs, "I take it the talking didn't do well." Other Celestia didn't answer, she just shakes her head. "Typical. I wish I have a nephew so I can forbid him from going out with her." Other Celestia comment to herself, "I'm actually glad none of my attempts to seduce a stallion actually worked. I might have ended up pregnant and I would have been a terrible mother." The Alicorn sighs as she trots off. "I almost feel jealous of how my other self has done..." -------------- It was almost midnight as Other Trixie looks up at the stars at a balcony of the castle. The re-educating progress has done well, the Erroneous Equines are captured; everything in Mirrorverse Equestria is doing fine for now. "Bit for your thought?" Captain Boris ask Other Trixie as he came in. "Boris, you are always welcome." Other Trixie said gently as her friend came onto the balcony. "So I take it the talks didn't do well." "Twilight is still her mean self. I am so glad I didn't have a crush on her." "Me too, unless your other self, I bet." The two ponies laughs a bit before calming down. They sure hate to meet this other Boris that may have a crush on the good Twilight! Captain Boris clears his throat as he spoke, "Trix - err, I mean Princess Lulamoon, now that we have a moment alone, there is something I would like to discuss with you." Other Trixie put a hoof to his mouth as she said gently, "Honestly, Boris, there is no need for the 'Princess Lulamoon' part. We've known each other since early school age." "Right. Sorry, Trix." "And there is no need to apologize either. Just, please, tell me what you wanted to talk to me about." Captain Boris grunts, got to do this. He spoke, "Well, Trix, I really like you." Other Trixie chuckles, unclear as to what Captain Boris was talking about at first, "Of course you do. We've been best friends since we were both seven years old." "Actually, I mean 'like you' in the 'I want to ask you out on a date' way. You know, dinner, dancing and a show." Other Trixie looks at Captain Boris. For a moment, the unicorn fears that she would say no...but to his surprise, the mare reaches in and kisses him fully on the lips. Captain Boris looks startled but smiles as he kisses her right back. Once the two parted lips, Captain Boris ask, "Is that a yes...or a no?" "Do you need an answer?" Other Trixie ask Captain Boris with a chuckle. "Pick the time, show, places, and bring flowers." Captain Boris grins as the two new lovers nuzzle each other. Yes, it's turning out to be a great day. The End