//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth // by Bloody //------------------------------// Note: Sorry this took FOREVER to upload, I got sidetracked and I'm currently struggling to get through each day. Chapter 7 I awoke the next day and went about to do my average morning things, aside to the fact that when I was about to take a bite from my toast that somepony decided to knock on my door, I sleepily shuffled over to the door and opened it. "Yes?" I asked sleepily, I had no time to react as an over excited Trixie leapt up into my arms, "oh hey Trixie!" I said surprised as I stumbled backwards and fell into a chair. Trixie smiled happily. "Trixie decided to come and visit her friend!" I nodded, "I can see that." I reached over and took a sip of coffee before looking back to Trixie, "How is Trixie this morning?" Trixie beamed a great smiles, "Trixie is feeling good, how are you Collin?" I gave her my winning smile back, "Collin is doing fine, would Trixie like some coffee?" I said as I poured myself a cup. Trixie gave a polite nod and seated herself at a table. "Yes please!" I smiled as I poured the mare some Coffee into a mug for her. "So what brings you by here so early?" Trixie looked up from her mug, "Trixie was in the mood for some friendship, and Luna is busy in Canterlot cleaning up the mess that those troublesome Changelings caused." Trixie paused to sip, "And Trixie also heard that Collin made a new friend?" I nodded slightly, "Well not a new friend, rather an old friend." I said drinking from my mug, as if on cue Jennifer stumbled into the kitchen, "Morning..." She said with a yawn, she walked over grabbed my mug and drank back the rest of the coffee, I gave her a slight glare, "I was drinking that Y'know." Jenny smirked, "you snooze you lose." I rolled me eyes and looked back to Trixie who happened to be smirking herself, "wipe that look of your face or I'll take yours." I said in a playful tone, Trixie now rolled her eyes, "oh I do hope you don't." She said half mockingly, she gave a slight wave to Jenny whom gave her a sleepy nod sitting beside me. "Trixie Jenny, Jenny Trixie." I said introducing the two of them, they quickly leapt into conversation I sat back quietly sipping from my newly brewed Coffee, I smiled as the two conversed, Michelle woke up a few minutes afterwards and joined the other two talking. This continued for awhile until the four of us had all officially "Woken up." which meant that both Jenny and Michelle had spent over an hour getting ready again. "So what are we doing today?" I asked as they came back out, Both Jenny and Michelle shrugged, Trixie piped up, "I..Trixie has a show in Canterlot tonight..." I looked over with a grin, "Then I guess we know what we're doing tonight!" Trixie grinned widely, "That's great! Trixie can't wait for you to come!" Trixie basically hopped around in circles with that cute little smile she always got when she was feeling really happy. Getting ready was simple enough for me, somewhat casual clothing with a hint of formality, I smiled as I looked into the mirror, I'd gotten Michelle to buffer my wings slightly to make them produce an almost angelic glow to them. "Well don't you look handsome." Michelle commented as I stepped from the room. I smirked, "Not too shabby yourself Mitchy." Michelle shot me that one look that she always gave me when I pushed one of her buttons. She gave a quick twirl in her dress, "Really?" she gave a slight wink towards the end of that and I had to say, "Damn." we both broke off into laughter, Jenny walked in, she twirled around in her dress, "This dress is a little long." she mumbled as she walked over, I grinned, "Here." with a quick magical spell I shortened the dress' length and allowed Jenny to walk normally again. Jenny smiled as she looked up, "thanks Collin." she gave me a quick hug, I looked to the both of them, "Well...It's 8 hours to get there." I said, both Jenny and Michelle looked at me with an expression of "How are we going to get there!?" I grinned spotting the obvious expression, "Collin! It's already 6:30! We can't make it!" Michelle said, Jenny nodded along with her, they both actually looked slightly annoyed, "And that's why I'll be teleporting us there." I said in my usual confident tone. Michelle and Jenny exchanged a look, "Well...Try not to teleport us into a dumpster." The two said with a hint of giggling, "Oh I think you'll love our entrance." I said with a smirk. With a quick snap of my fingers I'd teleported us to the arrival point for most of the carriages, but we didn't arrive in one, no we arrived with a suddenly burst of a flock of doves, Jenny and Michelle looked dumbstruck for a moment but quickly faded into warm smiles as we progressed down the red carpet. Once we arrived inside of the theater we went to our assigned seats; which were to say very nice at that. The opening to the show was like most, the host would walk onto stage and introduce the act, but this time it wasn't just any host it was none other than Princess Luna herself! "Welcome Mares and Gentlecolts!" Luna said with a small smile, "Welcome to the Great and powerful Trixie's late night magic show! prepare to be stunned and awed as she performs her magical feats!" Luna did a quick bow and flashed from the stage, apparently she was beside us the next moment, "Did thou like my entrance?" Luna asked looking over, Jenny and Michelle jumped in their seats slightly, I had a wide smirk being as after a while you'd get used to Luna's relaxed side, "I enjoyed it very much." I said looking over to Luna. She returned the look with that smile that spilled out cuteness with a hint of authority, I'm pretty sure that gave the guards around the palace heart attacks. Trixie stepped out onto the stage, well rather she teleported onto the stage in a puff of white smoke! "Greetings everypony it is I, the Great And Powerful, TRIXIE!" A small amount of fireworks blasted to life behind her giving her that fancy glow with a hint of being "Great and Powerful" Honestly even I enjoyed it a bit, and I was used to these little tricks by this point. Trixie started off with basic tricks and such, but eventually somewhere around the halfway point I found myself standing beside Trixie suddenly, a puzzled expression filled my face and the crowd erupted into a low rumble like laughter, Trixie looked up to me with a cute little grin of hers, "Hello there Collin! Are you enjoying the show?" I looked down to her and returned the grin, "I'd have to say I'm quite enjoying it." Trixie looked to the crowd, "How about all of you?" The crowd agreed with my statement, Trixie stomped her hoof and the stage changed, a small box appeared suddenly, "Collin, could you please step inside?" I gave a quick nod as I stepped into the box, I was pretty sure they'd switch the boxes around or something of the sort, but apparently they has other intentions, Trixie actually used magic and teleported me into a different room, I was rather confused so I sat down by the nearby bench and waited.