//------------------------------// // Minisode 2: Westward to the Aegeman Sea // Story: Forging Iron Will // by Gabriel LaVedier //------------------------------// The trip to the Aegeman had been delayed for a week. There were plans made to speed the journey along, but they had been made by Rarity, in absolute secrecy, leaving Iron Will to room at Fluttershy’s cottage as some sort of negotiation was conducted between herself and parties unknown. “So, um, mister Will, can you tell me something about your life? You said you were raised by a goat herder. How did he protect you from the king if he wanted you… ummm… not alive…” Iron Will took a dainty sip of tea from a tiny cup, pinky out, nodding his head at the flavor. “At that time, all the islands and the mainland areas that were inhabited had their own rulers that jus left one another alone. So as long as I stayed out of sight and laid completely low, I could be safe. When I left I just covered myself in a cloak and led the goats out into Equestrian territory. I was really lucky I had the guardian I had. He was really good about keeping me out of sight while we worked with the goats.” “Oh, please, tell me about him.” Fluttershy lifted the teapot and offered it wordlessly. “Oh yes, thank you.” The minotaur accepted another cup of tea, little more than a proper sized sip for him. “Well, I’ll tell you, he was sure a nice fellow. A Diamond Dog, of course. His name was Actaeon, and he said he had seen the men of Minos leave me on the hill; he knew it was them because they all wore some kind of crest or something that made them really noticeable. He’s actually the one that gave me something to call myself. It’s from the language they speak there which is like Hipposian, but kind of altered by time. Minotaur comes from Minos, and tauros, which meant ‘the bull of Minos.’ That remind me, I’ve gotta thank that dog for teaching me at least a little Equestrian. It helped when I got here, where I could learn a little more. But you can tell I had to rhyme it first. For some reason, that made it easier.” “Yes, I’ve heard that from another friend of mine.” Fluttershy gingerly sipped her tea and thought to her friend Zecora. What was it about Equestrian that prompted immigrants to rhyme? It was a lovely effect, whatever it was. “Still, it was an easy transition. I was raised on the edge of a territory controlled by the Atheralitian dominion, a major player in the area. They had a strong learning tradition and it sort of showed everywhere. There were always plenty of leftover books and things, so that Actaeon could teach me about math and science and the world. It really made me want to go out and see it. And here I am.” “Maybe when we go back we can see this Actaeon. You haven’t seen him since you left, have you?” “No, I haven’t. Never even sent him a letter; not that it could be delivered. I never intended to go back. But you know, maybe it WOULD be a good idea to go back and see him, just to make sure he’s still alright. He was young when he was raising me, so he must still be around, probably in the same little cottage. Like this, but not quite as nice. This is a lovely home you have here.” Iron Will took a sip of tea and smiled. “Oh, thank you. It’s not very fancy but it’s comfortable, and it’s the perfect house for my little animal friends.” She gave an adorable smile to all the little critters around. She was rewarded with may chitters and tweets. And one scowl from a certain bunny, who pointed down at an empty bowl. It was always something… - - - “I can’t believe we managed to get… this!” Fluttershy looked out in awe as the scenery passed them by in a moderated rush. The clouds bumped the sides of their transport and drifted off, shoved by the motion of a great airship. It was a truly impressive thing, made of finely stained dark wood with metal bracing which was both functional and highly decorative, which had itself been trimmed in precious metals and gems. The great balloon was conical at both ends and secured to the luxurious ship by stout ropes and a covering of shimmering cloth. The name plate on the back read, “Celestial Kindness” and the balloon itself was marked with a giant representation of Celestia’s Cutie Mark. “Why in the world would you be surprised, darling? I wrote to Princess Celestia about this heretofore unknown group of urbane, intelligent creatures, noted we had a native of the land willing to go with us, and simply added that perhaps it would be a good idea to undertake a kind of goodwill mission, with a touch of diplomacy and an attempt at establishing some understanding between our nations.” Rarity stood with her love, resting her upper body partly on the other mare’s back, head turned so she could press her cheek to the yellow Pegasus’ and look out on the passing scenery. “So it’s… a formal diplomatic mission. Oh my. I-I think I can handle that. I like making friends and I’m good and getting ponies to get along.” Fluttershy rubbed her cheek against Rarity’s, looking out over the cloudy atmosphere. It was relaxing. Though home had not been pleasant at all times, it was still comforting to recall. “No need to be concerned, dear. We have a small company of royal guards to keep the peace in case we require them. I will admit to some trepidation at the thought of being among Diamond Dogs once again, but I quickly chastised myself. ‘Rarity,’ I told myself, ‘that is narrow-minded speciesist thinking. You only met a few Diamond Dogs, and not the best examples. Why, if you only knew unicorns like Trixie, or the Flim Flam Brothers or even Jet Set and Upper Crust you would be inclined to start hating yourself because clearly all unicorns must be pushy, insensitive creatures devoid of kindness.’ And with that thought, I made peace with our destination. What IS out first stop in the region? I understand we’re detouring before making for a port to reach Concrete.” “Yes, at the border with Equestria there’s a secluded cottage where Iron Will grew up. He wants to stop and visit Actaeon, the dog that raised him.” “It sounds quite pleasant. It will make a wonderful distraction before we must engage in a diplomatic dance with a potentially hostile king. Truth to tell I would almost rather deal with the Griffin High King. At least he recognizes his need for friendly relations with Equestria.” “I would rather do it because he speaks Equestrian.” “No need to fear, darling. Those charming necklaces I brought are not merely decorative. They are diplomatic tools, allowing up to understand and be understood. They work best on languages known to the caster of the enchantment, and Princess Celestia knows Hipposian. The changes over time will not affect a thing. Don’t worry. This will be wonderful.” - - - “I can’t believe it…” Iron Will kneeled down, staring dumbly at the sight before him. It was a small cottage, or what remained of one. The thatched roof was long gone, and the plaster walls were worn down from the top. It looked to have been abandoned for years. “What happened? It looks like no one has been here since I left.” “Maybe he moved? He didn’t want to have the memories, so he went to a new place. Or he retired. Maybe he moved closer to the coast. There is something to be said for coastal life.” Rarity put on a bright smile, looking at Iron Will with wavering eyes. “Yes. That might be it. We really should ask in town. We have to go there to get a boat. We can’t just fly an airship over the island; we might scare those poor Diamond Dogs.” Fluttershy gingerly placed a hoof on Iron Will’s shoulder, giving him a slow stroke. “Yes, as she said. Come, let us go. The ship will take us to the outskirts and we may walk in from there.” Not long after the three were landbound again, walking down deserted streets. “There does seem to be life in this place. It would appear that the ship has startled the poor souls into their homes.” Fluttershy was looked over the hiding town herself, but her eye caught something different. “Um, did you notice… all these bull heads?” It was true. All through the town there was a profusion of signs, banners, painted depictions and clay representations of bull heads, ranging from simple silhouette to detailed depictions of a figure of great power. “Quite unusual. One might believe these Atheralitians would have the face of their king, presumably a Diamond Dog, though perhaps there is a minority rulership here.” Rarity stroked her chin as they all trotted on towards the harbor. “More pressingly, how will we charter a ship if the population has hidden?” “Doesn’t look like that’s going to be a problem. Look!” Iron Will pointed towards the harbor, where a sail could be seen flapping in the breeze. It was attached to something very like a trireme, though no oars seemed present. On the sail itself was another bull head, standing out clearly. Figures could be seen unloading things from the ship, bipedal creatures that were doubtlessly Diamond Dogs. “Most convenient. Merchantman though it is I am certain it will suffice to take us to the island. Oh sirs! Please do not be in too much haste to leave!” Rarity galloped down the winding stone paths from the town to the docks, shouting and giving small flashes with her horn. As they approached the figures grew more and more distinct. They were, indeed, Diamond Dogs, a motley assortment of coat colors in evidence though most were of the tall and broad variety. They were dressed in a mix of clasped wraps or loose trousers, some wearing head coverings. To a dog they looked strong and hearty, hard-working types not known for getting spooked. And yet, as they saw the three approach they let up a collective scream and dashed away, almost in random directions. Some ran along the harbor, some made it back to the ship and some even jumped into the sea. “Waaaaaaaait!” Fluttershy unleashed one of her infrequent-but-powerful shouts, causing one dog to stumble over a piece of cargo and hit the ground. “A moment, darling. I suspect these will be very helpful.” Rarity levitated a necklace onto herself and then onto Fluttershy. They were golden chains with a sun pedant, whose center was an iridescent jewel. Once the chain had settled the jewel glowed faintly, altering the sounds they had been hearing. All around came the newly-translated shouts of things such as, “Ghost” and “Spirit!” The downed dog was trembling and clawing his way along the stone dock, crying loudly. “No! No spirit, I beg! Leave me be, specter! I promise I will show more honor and duty to my king! I swear it! Pass me by, shade!” “Oh please, calm down. Please.” Fluttershy, in nurse mode, attempted to comfort the trembling canine, with limited success as he crawled and thrashed in terror. “What’s the matter? What do you mean ‘spirit’? What spirit?” The dog pointed up with a shaking finger, directly at Iron Will. “Y-you! You cannot be here. You are a shade from Hades to punish the unfaithful. You must be. Please, spare my life, spirit of my prince! Please release me, prince Asterion!”