//------------------------------// // Letter of a Lifetime // Story: Infinity // by TranscriptBrony //------------------------------// It was a cool, cloudy day in Ponyville. The temperature would soon rise as spring was coming ever so close, along with the festive "Winter Wrap Up" event. Never the less snow still covered the ground in blankets. It had reached a record of 7 1/2 feet at one point. A certain purple mare was beginning to wake up from her peaceful slumber. Twilight slowly reached her morning consciousness and a smile grew wide on her face. Today was the day her and her friends had planned a giant hang out day! Every waking moment of the day was to be spent with her friends. Well, almost every moment. They weren't supposed to meet till noon. She quickly got out of her soft bed, she regretted this for a short moment but she had better plans. Careful not to wake Spike, she waltzed down the stairs and began her morning routines. She combed and brushed her mane to the point of perfection, brushed her already pearly white teeth, took a quick shower, and ate her usual breakfast of dandelions and Apple Acres specially made apple juice. After all this was completely finished Twilight decided it was time for Spike to wake. "Spike, time to get up! We gotta big day planned!" "Ugh," groaned Spike. "I don't feel really good today...." Burp! Just then, a letter from Celestia appeared from within Spike "Nevermind..." moaned Spike. " A letter from the Princess? I wonder what is so important..." said Twilight. She graciously picked up the scroll from the floor and began reading. Dear Twilight Sparkle, I do hope that the recent reveal of the space research program is within your knowledge. I also hope you know that they have recently announced a historic event. However, I was approached by the directors of the program and was asked to find at least six ponies who I thought were qualified to become their first Astroponies. It did not take me long to think of those six lucky ponies. I would like to ask you if you and your friends are willing to become the first ponies in space. You still have time to think about it but when you have a full answer, write to me. I will then send you information on what to do next. From, Princess Celestia "Oh my gosh! Spike?! Do you know what this means?!" screamed Twilight. "I hope that this is a good thing," said Spike, "cause the last time you said that Equestria was almost taken over by Nightmare Moon." " Of course it's good this time you silly dragon!" Laughed Twilight, "Being asked to do this is a big honor in itself! Plus, it one doosie of an adventure." "When are you going to tell the others?" asked Spike. "When we meet up at Sugarcube Corner later today." said Twilight. "Oh, so that's what the big plan was again..." said Spike. "You really forgot Spike?" "I don't have the BEST memory you know..." "Oh Spike!" laughed Twilight. ............................. As Twilight trotted along to get to Sugercube Corner she took in the sights around her. Ponyville was as busy as ever. Shoppers were rushing about and salesponies screamed and yelled out various deals. The smell of fresh pies and pastries hit Twilight's nose. She looked up and saw the Sugercube Corner sign. She was not only about to have the best day ever with her friends but also reveal the amazing news to them. She waltzed in and was immediately greeted by her best friends. She then sat down and joined in on the conversation her friends were already having. "...I still say we should go to the races for awhile. It would be the coolest thing ever!" said Rainbow Dash. " I would rather not my dear," pleaded Rarity, "you know that I do not like getting filthy, especially at *ugh* the races." "Funny cause I remember a certain pony who put her fear of dirt to the side for her sister..." Grumbled Dash. "That was a serious circumstance! This race is trivial compared to that" "Oh really?!" "Yes, truly so." "Cut the hay you two!" said Applejack, "Now, today is a special day to all of us. It would be better if y'all didn't fight like fillies! "AJ is right! We don't want to have a couple of party poopers! Laughed Pinkie Pie. "The races sound fun.....um..and so does Rarity's idea" squeaked Fluttershy. "What's your take on this Twi? Dash's idea or Rarity's?" asked Applejack. The purple mate squirmed in het seat as now she was in the spotlight. "Um.....what was Rarity's idea?" "Makeovers..." Grunted Dash. "Well....they both sound nice......but, I wanna tell you guys something first." As if on que, all of her friends said "What's on your mind?" in unison. "I got a letter from the Princess earlier and she asked me a question. First, do you all know about that recently revealed space program and their plans?" "Yes." Said her friends. "Well.....she asked if we wanted to be the honorary Astroponies of the mission!" "OH MY GOSH!" screamed Rainbow, " That would be AWESOME! I totally accept!" "That does sound like a fantastic adventure, I accept as well!" said Rarity. "I accept too....if that's okay though...." whispered Fluttershy. "Gee Twi, that sounds fun an' all but I still got the farm to think about...." said Applejack. "Oh c'Mon Applejack!" Squeled Pinkie, "I said yes already and didn't even know about this space thingy, we need all of us to throw a SPACE PARTY!!" "Well, if y'all put it that way.....okay, I except too!" "Then its settled," said Twilight cheerily, "later today i will write the princess a letter saying we accept her offer." "To the letter of a lifetime!!!" They all screamed.