I Killed Fiddy Men, Not Ponies

by LtMajorDude

Getting the Heck out of Here

"So let me get this straight." Cotton said in disbelief as he and the Pupils sat in the bleachers. "Sunset became a demon, was defeated, then reformed, and Mark and the other students are brainwashed by sirens. How can a damned high school be this crazy?"

"We get the idea, Cotton." Rusty assured as he finished his can of soda.

"Thankfully, Anthony is fixing the walkie-talkie." Gilbert said as he crossed his arms. "I will admit that this is bizarre."

Patch and Jimmy looked at each other as they shrugged.

Phonsawan sighed before his phone rang. He blinked and then answered the phone.

"Good news." Anthony said through Phonsawan's phone. "Walkie-talkie is almost finished. Meet me in the library."

The Pupils left the bleachers and headed for the library. Cotton followed suit until he heard a familiar voice.

"Hello old man."

Cotton turned around with hatred in his eyes.

"Hello Christian."

Christian simply laughed. "I like it here. People are hating each other, that Sunset babe is cute when she's shy, and Mark hates your guts. I honestly don't see why you want to leave this place!"

Cotton simply smirked. "Lookin' for an ass-whupping, boy?" He asked as he cracked his knuckles.

"I'm not." Christian replied as he pointed to Cotton's right. "They are."

Cotton widen his eyes as he saw almost all of the students and faculty members slowly walking towards him, looking at him with their savage green eyes.

"Those sirens thought they can brainwash me." Christian said. "Turns out it's also ineffective if they're trying to brainwash someone who's not from this dimension."

The brainwashed students stared at Christian, who simply smirked.

"Kill the old geezer. And take care of those six guys he's with."

They all nodded and glared at Cotton, who was backing away with a shocked look on his face.

"Christian, Ah'm gonna make sure Ah'll gut you alive!" Cotton yelled as he ran away. The brainwashed students followed him as Christian simply stood where he stood, laughing.

Cotton retreated to the cafeteria, only to meet the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who jumped on top of him. Cotton barely avoided Sweetie Belle, but felt Scootaloo on his back and Apple Bloom grabbing his legs. Growling, Cotton swayed back and forth to shake Scootaloo off his back as Apple Bloom took a big bite of Cotton's leg. Cotton hissed in pain, not expecting a girl like Apple Bloom to give a painful bite.

"Gonna need some help here!" Cotton shouted, hoping one of the Pupils came to the rescue.

"SMASH!!!" Jimmy roared as he bolted through the cafeteria doors and tackled Cotton and knocking Scootaloo and Apple Bloom to the ground.

"Let's get the hell out of here, crazy man!" Cotton yelled as he and Jimmy ran out of the cafeteria, the Crusaders following them.

They entered in the library, pushing a bookshelf to the doors as they panted.

Anthony, Rusty, Gilbert, Patch, and Phonsawan stared at them before Anthony picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Come in." He said as he pressed the button, which emitted light static. "Discord, are you there?"

"Hellooooo!" A cheerful voice said through the walkie-talkie. "I guess you found lil' ol' Cottony?"

"The name's Cotton." Cotton shouted as he walked up to the walkie-talkie. "Mind tellin' us what the hell is going on?"

"It's oh so simple, my dear boy." Discord said as he chuckled a bit. "As Dale ever told you about Rainbow Rocks? The movie?"

Cotton thought for a bit. "He did say somethin' about that. Somethin' about Vinyl Scratch, the other Twilight, and even that Daft Punk thing."

"Well, you're in the movie. Or more like a simulation." Discord explained.

"Simulation?" Cotton asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Exactly." Discord answered surprisingly seriously. "Someone put a powerful spell that makes you trapped in a dimension that doesn't even exist. That's why Twilight enlisted me to find you. Of course, I decided to send in my Pupils instead!"

"Screw you too, Discord." Phonsawan grumbled.

"Thankfully, you just use the stone to go back to the appropriate world." Discord said.

"The stone is broken, Discord." Gilbert replied. "Some ruffian heavily scarred it with a knife."

"Did you try pouring chocolate milk all over it?" Discord answered.

The Pupils and Cotton stared at the walkie-talkie.

"What the hell did Fidel Castro said?" Cotton whispered to Patch, who just shrugged.

"The walkie-talkie is something I made, so, like every other thing I made, the only way to fix it is with chocolate milk."

"God dang ol' pour that brown brown cow thing and dang ol' happily ever after, yo?"

"Correct Patch!" Discord exclaimed. "Well, good luck to all of you!"

As the walkie-talkie turned off, Cotton cleared his throat. "By the way, the school is tryin' to take us out."

"To dinner?" Jimmy asked.

"Ah mean they're goin' to kill us, ya idiot." Cotton groaned.

They immediately heard a bookshelf crashing to the ground, which made them turn around and saw three teenagers standing by the door way. Cotton recognized the teen who had blue hair and held a guitar in his arms.

"Ah know this gay guy." Cotton growled as he pointed to the blue-haired teen.

"I don't believe Flash Sentry is gay." Gilbert replied as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, he has a stupid name!" Cotton yelled as he directed the Pupils to escape to find chocolate milk.

Flash directed the teens to follow the Pupils, leaving him all alone with Cotton.

"I know you." Flash growled. "You're that shinless janitor."

"Ah know you." Cotton smirked. "Ya're that moron wuss who's in love wit' Breaking Dawn."

"Who's Breaking Dawn?" Flash asked.

"Less questions, more ass-whuppin'!" Cotton shouted as he charged at Flash.

He head-butted the teen into the wall and proceeded to punch him in the stomach. Flash gritted his teeth as he kicked Cotton in the chest, knocking him in the ground. Just as Flash was about to stomp on Cotton's face, the old man quickly shoved his foot up Flash's crotch, causing to him to turn red and fall to the ground, whimpering.

Cotton got up, panting. "Ya seem more like a Brad than a flashin' sentry." He said as he ran away.

"Thank God we avoided those two teens!" Phonsawan exclaimed as he and the Pupils ran past angry students. "Look! The cafeteria!"

The Pupils arrived at the entrance of the cafeteria, only to meet two girls holding baseball bats.

"It's those two rich girls, Diamond Spoon and Silver Tiara!" Jimmy shouted as he lifted up his fists.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon charged at the six teens, swinging their bats as they were close. One of the bats in Rusty in the chest, causing him to fall straight to the ground.

"Dang ol' help man dang ol' lil' spoiled girly gonna snuff me, yo!" Patch shouted as Diamond Tiara knocked him in the ground and beat him repeatedly with the bat. Phonsawan grabbed a trash can and shoved it at Diamond Tiara, knocking her out.

Phonsawan smirked as he dropped the trash can. "Cowabanga, motherf-"

"No language!" Jimmy hissed as they ran into the cafeteria and locked the door. Silver Spoon frantically tried to break in.

"Where's the kitchen?!" Anthony shouted as Rusty jumped above the lunch counter.

"Follow me!" Rusty said before being punched by Big Macintosh.

"Oh great." Phonsawan groaned. "How are we gonna get past this big guy?"

"I shall take care of this." Gilbert said as he walked up to Big Macintosh with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hello, Big Macintosh." Gilbert calmly said. "You are looking good."

The Pupils looked at each other with confused looks on their faces. Even Big Macintosh was a bit confused.

"You know, for such a tough man." Gilbert whispered as he was about a foot away from the teen. "You are very gentle to me..."

Big Macintosh frowned as he lifted up his fist, ready to deliver a punch. Gilbert immediately took the opportunity to place his lips on Big Macintosh's lips. The Pupils dropped their jaws at this sight. Jimmy and Phonsawan ran to a trash can as they started gagging.

Big Macintosh backed away with a shocked look on his face. However, his eyes turned back to normal, showing that he was no longer in control. He fell to the floor on his butt, widen eyes and no words to say.

"Why did you KISS him?!" Phonsawan shouted before he gagged once more.

"Simple." Gilbert explained calmly. "I learned from Discord that a kiss is one way to free someone from a siren's control."

"You KISSED him." Rusty said as he shook his head. "I have nothing against homosexuals and thanks for stopping him, but YOU KISSED HIM LIKE THAT?!"

"Oh hush." Gilbert retorted as he crossed his arms. "You all know that I was going to do it sometime in the future. Now then, let us get the milk."

"Yes." Anthony mumbled. "LET'S."

A crash was heard, which caught the attention of the Pupils. They saw a group of teenagers with golf clubs on their hands. They were led by a smiling Trixie, equipped with a sledgehammer.

"I never liked that Twilight wanna-be!" Phonsawan growled as Anthony quickly grabbed a pint of chocolate milk from the fridge.

"RUN LIKE HELL!" Jimmy shouted as they bursted through the cafeteria doors, Trixie and the other teenagers followed their tail.

A confused and shocked Big Macintosh continued to sit on his butt, staring at empty space without a word to say.

Cotton gasped for air as he hid inside a recycling bin. Thankfully, Lyra and Bon Bon ran past him, not noticing him.

"This sucks, this sucks, this sucks..." Cotton groaned as he climbed out of the bin. He growled as he saw a pizza slice stuck to the back of his right leg.

"Stupid teenagers." Cotton mumbled as he took off the pizza slice. "Usin' a goddamn recycling bin as a trash can..."

He stopped when he saw a teenager standing in front of him. She was white-skinned with blue hair and was equipped with goggles and headphones. Cotton's eyes snapped open as he tried to pick up the recycling bin to smash it on the teenager.

However, she placed her hand on Cotton's arm, confusing the old man. She briefly took off her goggles, revealing her eyes to Cotton.

"Yer eyes ain't green like them other students." Cotton stated as he raised an eyebrow. "You ain't brainwashed?"

The teenager smiled and nodded, pointing to her headphones.

"Oh right." Cotton said. "You got them headphones, so you can't hear the siren singin'. Wait...headphones that block out siren singin'...my friend Gribble told me about this! Ya're Vinyl Scratch?!"

The teenager smiled, extending her hand for a handshake. Cotton just stared at her, resulting in Vinyl shrugging and putting her hand away.

"So ya're one of the good guys?" Cotton asked with crossed arms.

Vinyl nodded.

"Any teenager followed ya?" Cotton asked as he looked around.

Vinyl nodded once more.

"Are ya deaf or something? Ya never talk." Cotton asked again as he scratched the back of his head.

Vinyl didn't answer the question as she gestured Cotton to follow her. Cotton looked confused, but he shrugged, since he figured he had no choice. Cotton ran after Vinyl, unaware of five teenagers following him.

"We gotta do this in the band room." Anthony said as he and the Pupils arrived in the hallways of one of the buildings. "There's too much teenagers out there, and the rest of the rooms are filled with teenagers."

"And what makes you think the band room with be safe?!" Phonsawan shouted back.

"Man, dang ol' shut the hell dang up man." Patch growled as he slapped the back of Phonsawan's head.

"Phonsawan's right, guys." Rusty said. "We don't know if it's safe in the band room."

"I am afraid we have no choice." Gilbert replied. "But we just have to trust our instincts. I wonder where Cotton is?"

"OLD MAN THERE!" Jimmy shouted as he pointed at Cotton and Vinyl running towards them.

"Everyone!" Cotton shouted as he approached the teens and pointed at Vinyl. "Meet Vinyl Scratch. She ain't one of them."

"I know her." Gilbert said as he smiled at Vinyl. "I listened to her music one time. Fascinating. Is it true you are in a relationship with Miss Octavia?"

Vinyl smiled brightly as she nodded.

"Are they also not one of them?" Jimmy pointed at the five teenagers running towards them.

Cotton turned around and widen his eyes as he saw Hank, Dale, Bill, Boomhauer, and Kahn running, each with aggressive green eyes.

"Seven against five?" Cotton mused as he cracked his knuckles. "This should be fun. Vinyl, sweetie, do us and favor and find a safe place to run-"

Cotton didn't finish his sentence as he saw Vinyl run up to Bill and kicked him in the groin, causing the fat teen to fall on the ground, wheezing.

"Ah like this girl." Cotton said smiling as he jumped on top of an angry Kahn.

Anthony almost avoided Hank's punch as Boomhauer and Patch were stuck in a headlock. Dale charged at Rusty after Kahn pushed Cotton to the wall, causing the old man to fall to the ground in pain. Phonsawan punched Kahn's face as Hank started to strangle Anthony.

"Help!" Anthony shouted as he started choking. Cotton heard his cry for help and immediately performed a jump kick to Hank's face, knocking out the teenager as he fell to the floor.

"AH'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO DAT!" Cotton howled as Patch performed a piledriver on his brother. Boomhauer gritted his teeth in pain as Phonsawan kicked Kahn in the gut and then grabbed Dale, who was busy punching Rusty on the stomach.

"THIS IS FOR CALLING ME A TIME TRAVELER!" The Laotian teenager yelled as he slammed Dale to the wall, instantly knocking him out.

The Pupils gasped for air as Vinyl walked up to them, some of her clothes were slightly ripped from fighting from Bill. They stared at Hank, Dale, Bill, Boomhauer, and Kahn, who were lying on the ground, either unconscious or busy rolling around in pain.

"By the way, Gilbert kissed Big Macintosh." Phonsawan reminded Cotton. Surprisingly, Vinyl high-fived a smiling Gilbert.

"It was bound to happen to Big Mac." Cotton responded with shrug. "Okay, let's cut the crap. Let's get the hell outta here."

"You actually forgot about us?"

Cotton groaned in frustration before being tackled by Mark. The Pupils and Vinyl tried to fight back but was blocked by Ben, who twirled his cane around to the teenagers.

"You think I'm gonna let you live?" Mark asked with a cruel smile.

"Ya think ya're gonna kick mah ass?" Cotton quipped as he kicked Mark on his stomach, causing the teen to stumble back in pain.

Patch and Phonsawan tried to deliver a punch at Ben, but the teen quickly dodged it and struck his cane at them, knocking them to the ground in pain.

"You know the Crusaders, Flash Sentry, and even your son and his friends, and that damned Kahn, are too weak. I'm, however, a different story." Mark growled as he grabbed Cotton and shoved him towards the ground.

Phonsawan grabbed Ben's leg to help Jimmy knock him out, but Ben was able to counter Jimmy's attack and struck him to a wall. He proceeded to kick Phonsawan's gut, causing him to hold his stomach in pain.

Mark jumped on top of Cotton as he crackled his knuckles. "Goodbye Cotton." Mark said as he lifted his fist up in the air. "One hard punch ought to kill you. Think of this as an opportunity to say hello to the fifty men you killed."

Before he could deliver the punch, he was pushed to the ground by a sunset-haired teenager. Cotton blinked and saw Sunset Shimmer tackling Mark to the ground.

"Run Cotton!" She yelled as Cotton turned around and saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and even a puppy version of Spike. Cotton ruled them off as being evil, since they had no glowing green eyes.

Rainbow Dash charged at a surprised Ben and tackled the teen to the ground. This gave the Pupil the opportunity to run to the band room. Mark growled as he grabbed Sunset's neck.

"Stupid former-demon bitch!" He shouted as Ben got up and tried to tackle Rainbow Dash.

Applejack quickly restrained an angry Ben as Mark kicked Sunset in the gut and tried to grab a retreating Cotton. Twilight, Vinyl, and Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed him, making him struggle with fury. Cotton smiled at the girls and nodded at them. Sunset Shimmer smiled back and nodded at the old man.

"I like this sunset girl." Cotton said to himself as he dashed to the band room.

Once inside, Cotton saw the Pupils standing near the piano. Anthony took out the stone as Patch took out the chocolate milk. Patch nodded as Anthony stuck out the stone to Patch. The teen quickly opened the chocolate milk pint and poured it all over the stone in a hasty way.

The stone began to shake and started to seemingly glitch in front of the teenagers and Cotton. A surprised Anthony dropped the stone as small circuits of electricity surrounded the stone. The group slowly backed away from the stone with a nervous look on their faces.

"Is that supposed to happen?" Jimmy said with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Discord!" Rusty shouted at the walkie-talkie he swiped from Anthony. "The stone is shaking and spewing out lightning! Did we screw up?!"

"Did you get chocolate milk?" Discord asked through the walkie talkie.

"YES!!!" The Pupils and Cotton shouted through the walkie talkie.

"Poured it all over the stone?" Discord asked once more.

"YES!!!" Cotton and the Pupils shouted with a growl on their faces.

"Fat-free chocolate milk?" Discord replied calmly. "You were supposed to get fat-free chocolate milk, not regular chocolate milk."

As the stone started to emit a bright yellow light, the Pupils and Cotton stared blankly at the walkie talkie as Patch checked the chocolate milk pint.

"Dang ol' regular." Patch said.

Cotton left eye twitched as the yellow light covered the entire room. "FIDEL CASTRO, I HATE YOOOOOOOOOOO..."

Cotton opened his eyes as he stood up from the ground, a befuddled look was stuck on his face. He looked around and saw the Pupils lying on the floor as they regained conscious. Cotton groaned as he held his head and looked around, seeing that he seemed to be next to a large bleachers.

He immediately heard a girl screaming as she fell to the ground. Despite falling to the ground from a great height, she got up with only some minor pain around her body.

"Trixie's okay!" She yelled to the top of the bleachers. She turned around and gasped at the sight of Cotton and the Pupils. She seemed to look apologetic at them as she slowly backed away from them. Cotton's eyes widen, but he soon calmed down and he noticed the lack of glowing green eyes on Trixie. He immediately decided that she is not under mind control now.

"L-L-Look, I'm sorry for trying to kil-"

"Ah don't wanna hear it." Cotton interrupted, waving his hand away at Trixie. "Just forget about it and don't ever piss me off again, hypnotized or not. Yer third-person crap has always pissed me off. Thanks for saying 'I' instead of 'The Great and Powerful Trixie' though."

Trixie gulped as she smiled weakly before retreating. Gilbert walked up to Cotton with a raised eyebrow to his face.

"She seemed really sorry for her actions." Gilbert said. "Perhaps you could have just forgave her in a proper way."

"Can it, Frenchie." Cotton grumbled before looking around some more. "Where are we?"

Cotton ears perked up a tiny bit as he turned around and saw a smiling Vinyl Scratch running to him.

"Hey, Scratchy!" Cotton said, getting the attention of the teen girl. "What the hell happen?"

Vinyl just smiled as she directed Cotton and the Pupils to follow him. Cotton rolled his eyes as he did so, with Anthony, Rusty, Jimmy, Patch, Gilbert, and Phonsawan on his tail. As they were led from the behind of the bleachers, they dropped their jaws at the sight of everyone at what seemed to be some concert. Cotton narrowed his eyes and spotted Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Spike, and Sunset Shimmer at the stage. Rusty placed a hand on his chin.

"I think I know what's going on." Rusty said with a raised eyebrow. "Dale wouldn't stop rambling about this. Twilight and her friends were stuck in some basement floor or something, but Spike got Vinyl to free them and even help them to defeat the sirens."

"Wait, we time traveled then?" Phonsawan asked in disbelief.

"I believe so." Gilbert answered with some interest in his tone. "I also heard from Mr. Gribble that Trixie was supposed to fall from some bleachers and say that she is alright. That has happened already, with Cotton scolding her."

"She had it coming, Frenchie." Cotton snarked. "But is Mr. Kahn's kid right, Scratchy? Those sirens or somethin' got defeated and we just stumbled at some victory parade of somethin'?"

"I'm his nephew, you shinless jackass..." Phonsawan said angrily.

Vinyl nodded with a smile. Cotton just shrugged and placed a hand on his forehead. "I'm actually gonna start thinking about killing Castro again..."

"I'm gonna go say hi!" Jimmy shouted as he ran towards the stage. The Pupils shrugged before they followed him. Vinyl lifted her clenched hand at Cotton for a brofist. Cotton shrugged and returned the gesture before following the Pupils.


Cotton turned around and saw Mark and Ben running towards him. He noticed the lack of green eyes on them, so he was relieved to not see them under control.

"Thank goodness you're alright." Mark said before looking away in shame. "Listen. I'm really sorry-"

"No apologies." Cotton said as he cut off Mark. He then smirked and extended his arm. "Let's just call it even."

Mark smiled weakly as he returned the handshake. Ben smiled at Cotton as the old man nodded at Ben. He ran towards the Pupils, who were talking to the Mane 6, Spike, and Sunset Shimmer.

"Cotton!" Sunset Shimmer said as she ran towards the old man and gave him a hug. Cotton's eyes widen with disgust, not liking to be hugged, most of the time anyway. Nevertheless, Cotton smiled weakly at the teen and patted her back.

"Ya did good there, Sunset." Cotton said. "Proud of ya. Thank God ya ain't like your previous self."

"Thanks for giving me a chance, Cotton." Sunset said as she tightened the hug. "Hank and his friends aren't here right now, but they told us to tell you that they're sorry."

"Whatever." Cotton said, disregarding his son and his son's friends as Sunset let go of him. "Though tell Mr. Kahn that there's no worries. By the way, ya don't happen to have fat-free chocolate milk, do ya?"

"I HAVE!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she almost shoved a carton of fat-free milk at Cotton's face.

Cotton flinched as he stopped to stare at the pink girl before taking the carton and slowly backing away from her, mumbling about what drugs is Pinkie Pie on. He walked back to the Pupils, only to find Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna with them.

"Cotton!" Celestia said as she walked up to the old man. "So good to see you. I'm sorry for the bizarre events that happened in this school so far."

"Ya got nothin' to say sorry for, Sunbutt." Cotton said as she waved his hand at her. "Though ya're forgiven and Ah heard better apologies than that

Celestia frowned a bit as Luna let out a small chuckle at her older sister.

"Oh, and Luna?" Cotton said with a smirk.

"Yes, Cotton?" Luna answered.

"Take care of Mark for me, will ya?" Cotton replied.

Luna turned to Mark, who looked away with a sheepish grin and scarlet blush on his face. Luna smiled at Mark and nodded at Cotton. Cotton smiled and walked away with the Pupils next to him.

"Me and these kids gonna, uh, do something janitor things, ya know?" Cotton said as he put his hands on Patch's and Gilbert's shoulders with a big smile on his face. "We'll be back soon."

Eventually, Cotton and the Pupils left the stage as Cotton started to shake the carton of chocolate milk and instructed Anthony to take out the stone.

"You just lied to them. Did you?" Rusty said with a raised eyebrow.

"Who cares?" Cotton replied with a shrug.

Cotton opened the carton and poured the contents all over the stone. Instead of shaking and emitting glitches, it just hummed as it emitted a bright red light.

"Hello~?" Discord sang through the walkie talkie. "Are you there~?"

"Yes, you animal Frankenstein Castro, we hear ya!" Cotton growled as he swiped the walkie talkie from Patch. "We poured the goddamn fat free milk on the stone now! NOW can we go home?!"

"Yes." Discord answered calmly.

"Oh thank God." Cotton said as he let out a breath of relief.

"Though things will be a bit different in your universe because of the fact that you poured non-fat-free milk on the stone. You see..."

As Discord started to explain, Cotton and the Pupils just blankly stared at the walkie talkie as the red light completely covered them.

"Anyone know what the hell is Fidel Castro saying?" Cotton asked.

"It's not so dang ol' hard man." Patch said. "Dang ol' the thingie goes into that and the formula bends which solves for X, man, I tell ya what, trade for ref and then universe becomes this and that, and then for the quantum theory-"


Cotton gasped loudly as he jumped from the ground with eyes as wide as dinner plates. He looked down and saw that he was back to being a pony again. He turned around and saw the Pupils trying to get up from the ground. The Pupils were back to their pony forms, relieving Cotton.

"Looks like we're back to bein' ponies now." Cotton grumbled as he got up from the ground. "And we're back in Ponyville."

"Thank goodness." Anthony said as he dusted himself with an impatient look on his face. "I wish Discord wouldn't make us do these errands for him."

"Well, at least we're getting some action!" Rusty remarked with a smile.

"I agree. Though I usually dislike fighting." Gilbert remarked before he let out a dreamy smile on his face. "But I did get to kiss Macintosh as a human...."

"Oh, don't remind me..." Phonsawan groaned as he put his hooves on each side of his head.

"Dang ol' what in the dang ol' love of tarnation ya doing?" Patch said to Jimmy, who was busy staring at the sun.

"Gonna beat my record..." Jimmy groaned before Anthony used his hoof to smack Jimmy on his head.

"Discord said that because of the milk incident, our universe is going to be different." Anthony said as he noticed Cotton walking around. "I think that also means that we're the only ones, besides Discord, to know about these changes. To the other ponies, they'll probably act like it was always like this!"

"How do you know so much about this?" Cotton asked.

"Eh, I read it on a book once." Anthony casually replied as Cotton stopped walking and raised his eyebrow. "But, I wonder what changed so far?"

"What the hell happened to Breaking Dawn's treehouse?" Cotton asked as he tilted his head in confusion. "Why is there a stupid crystal-looking castle instead?"

"Alright, listen. I coulda took good care of Pops." Christian said through his walkie talkie. "But those Pupils screwed it up!"

"We don't tolerate those who disappoint us, Chris." Alexander replied through the walkie talkie. "But, perhaps we can do something with the Pupils."

"What are we gonna do to those bastards?" Christian said as he took out a red stone.

"Christian." Takeshi said from Christian's walkie talkie "To take down a flock of sheep, you must take down the shepherd..."

Christian smiled evilly. "I've always wanted to see what Fidel Castro looks like when someone's killing him..."