Smeagol/Gollum In Equestria

by Oldtakufanboy

Meeting The Princess

The trio have made it to the castle. Smeagol looks upon the castle with amusement. Smeagol has never seen a castle in person before. The only castle he remembers seeing were the castles in a storybook his grandmother read to him when he was little. Rarity and Fluttershy start chuckling at Smeagol. Smeagol looked at both the mares with a cocked eyebrow wondering what they were chuckling about.

"What's so funny?" asked Smeagol.

"Just your face, darling. You look as if you've never been to a castle before." said Rarity.

"We've never seen a castle before in persons. Only in a book." said Smeagol putting a hoof around his head.

"Well, this must be a new a experience for you." said Rarity as she pushed the doors open.

The trio entered into the castle. Smeagol walked around inspecting his surroundings. The hallway was much bigger than he expected. Smeagol's eyes lit up with surprise by how amazing it was to be inside of a castle.

"Come on, Smeagol. This way." said Fluttershy getting his attention.

Smeagol came back to his senses and ran towards Fluttershy and Rarity that have made it to the stairs which would lead up to the throne room.

As the trio made it to the door of the throne room, Rarity walked up to Smeagol and starts straightening out his collar and suit.

"You ready for this, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Yes, Miss Rarity." said Smeagol in return.

"Then let us enter." said Rarity as she pushed the door open.

Inside the throne room, there were tons of books on the shelves, a tree above the round table with pieces of glass hanging from its roots, and a purple pony sitting on her throne. Smeagol thought she was bizarre because she had both wings and a horn unlike most ponies that he has seen around Ponyville. By her side, was a little purple dragon.

"Hi, Fluttershy. Hi, Rarity." said the purple pony as she got up from her to greet her friends.

"Hi, there." said the little purple dragon.

"Hi, Twilight. Hi, Spike." said both Fluttershy and Rarity.

"Hi, Spikey-wikey." said Rarity.

Spike looks away and blushes.

"Aw shucks." said Spike out of embarrassment.

Twilight then looked at the stallion that was close by Fluttershy and Rarity, that was looking around the throne room with amusement. She cocked an eyebrow.

"Hey Fluttershy, who's the stallion?" said Twilight.

"Where are our manners, Twilight, meet Smeagol. He's new to Equestria." said Rarity.

Twilight's eyes went wide. She walked over to Smeagol and inspected him. She walked around him which was making Smeagol a bit uncomfortable.

"So you are the being that I transported here." said Twilight.

"This is the being you transported from a different world?!" said Spike as he walked up to Twilight.

"Seems so."

Spike walked up towards Smeagol. Smeagol walked slowly backwards as Spike came closer to him. He was having a bit of bad memories of the Nazgul that rode on dragons. Smeagol can remember the ear piercing screams the Nazgul make. Smeagol was very terrified by Spike's appearance that it made him rush over to a corner shaking.

"What's wrong, Smeagol?" asked Fluttershy.

"He's a dragon!!! We hates them!!!" screamed Smeagol.

Fluttershy walked up to Smeagol and put a hoof on his shoulder. Smeagol's shaking went to a halt from her touch, which surprised him.

"Don't worry, Smeagol. He won't bite. He's a friend." said Fluttershy in a comforting voice.

Smeagol stood up and walked back over to Twilight and Spike still a bit shaky.

"We're sorry for being scared of your dragon, Miss...Uh."

"I'm Twilight. Princess Twilight Sparkle. Princess of Friendship. And the dragon that's next to me is my assistant, Spike."

"Nice to meet you." said Spike as he held out a hand for Smeagol to shake.

Smeagol stretched out a shaky hoof to Spike. Spike got ahold of his hoof and gave a firm shake.

"Smeagol." said Smeagol as he broke the handshake, still worrying that Spike may attack him when he leasts expected it.

"My love, She's the princess. Asks her about precious." interrupted the Gollum persona in Smeagol's head.

"Um...Miss, Sparkleses." said Smeagol.

"what is it, Smeagol?" said Twilight.

"We were wondering if you know where precious is."

"What's 'precious'?"

"It's our birthday present. It's a golden ring. Has you seen it?"

"Who's 'our'?" said Twilight with a cocked eyebrow.

"HAS YOU SEEN IT?!?!?!" said Smeagol ignoring her question.

Twilight took a few steps back.

"I haven't. Why's it so important?"

Smeagol stood there wide eyed. He was frozen stiff. He then felt a flame growing inside of him. He then let out a scream.

"GIVE US PRECIOUS!!!! WE WANTS IT BACK!!!!" screamed Smeagol as he tried to pounce on Twilight.

Twilight then teleported before Smeagol could land on top of her. He looked to his left and saw Twilight with surprise in her eyes.

"I haven't seen it! Why would you attack me,?!" yelled Twilight.

Smeagol stared at Twilight with a growl. He slowly walked towards her with malice. Smeagol then shook his suit off of himself and threw it to the right. He then thrashed his head back and forth trying to get the wig off his head. The wig eventually did come off of his head and was thrown to the left. The bandage that was given from Fluttershy, was ripped off and thrown away. Right before Smeagol could pounce on her again, Twilight teleported to another part of the throne room. Smeagol looked around the throne room trying to pinpoint her location. He was furious. He then went running after her throughout the throne room, only to pounce onto nothing.

"That was a crime against fashion the way you threw those clothes to the side! How dare you!" yelled Rarity.

Smeagol looked back at Rarity with a sinister look.

"SHUT UP!!" screamed Smeagol.

Rarity put both hooves on her mouth and could do nothing but stare at Smeagol trying his best to get ahold of Twilight.

"Smeagol stop!!" shouted Fluttershy trying to get his attention.

Smeagol looked back at Fluttershy with that same sinister look he gave to Rarity. Fluttershy had a shiver down her spine as Smeagol locked eyes with her.

"Smeagol isn't here." he said with a different tone in his voice.

Fluttershy and Rarity were too scared to do anything. There was something about Smeagol they don't know about, the Gollum persona.

The Gollum persona has taken full control of Smeagol now. He only desired the ring and would do anything to get it back. Before Gollum could pounce again towards Twilight, Fluttershy ran towards Gollum and grabbed ahold of him.

"LET US GO!!!!" shouted Gollum as he thrashed around trying to get out of Fluttershy's grip.

"SMEAGOL!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" shouted Fluttershy.


"SMEAGOL! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!" shouted Fluttershy as she started to tear up.

Gollum finally got out of Fluttershy's grip and smacked her across the face. He then turned around and stared at Fluttershy with fury in his eyes.

"You are in our way to finding precious. Stay away and-" Gollum somehow was interrupted from something from within him. He felt a force that was making him not wanting to hurt her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!" shouted Gollum as he placed his hooves on his head.

"STOP CONTROLLING ME!!!" shouted Smeagol from within Gollum.

"NOT TILL WE GETS PRECIOUS BACK!!!" shouted Gollum as he thrashed back and forth.

"COME ON, SMEAGOL!!! FIGHT IT!!!" shouted Fluttershy.

Gollum thrashed more and finally collapsed to the floor panting.

Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike, and Twilight were puzzled to what has happened. Fluttershy then slowly walked towards the mind controlled pony that was laying on the floor curled up.

"What are you doing Fluttershy? He's not safe." said Twilight as she teleported in front of Fluttershy blocking her way.

"Let me speak to him. He needs me." said Fluttershy.

"I hope you know what you're doing." said Twilight as she moved to the side.

Fluttershy walked towards the curled up pony that sobbed silently on the floor. She placed a hoof on his shoulder which made him flinch.

"Smeagol, is that you?" said Fluttershy.

He stood up with tears coming out of his eyes. She noticed the malice in his eyes were gone. He was back to normal.

"Yes." said Smeagol as he gave out a sniffle.

Fluttershy wanted to hug him, but he walked back from her. Fluttershy was confused.

"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy.

"Stay away from us. We just-" he was cutoff when he noticed the bruise on Fluttershy's face. Smeagol's eyes lit up and pointed a hoof towards Fluttershy's face.

"Did….He….Did he do that?" said Smeagol with worry.

Fluttershy looked away from him for a few seconds, then back at him.

"Smeagol….This isn't-"


"….Smeagol, Please don't…" Fluttershy was speechless.

"No….Stay away from us….We doesn't deserve to be with you….I'M A MONSTER!!!" shouted Smeagol as he ran towards the exit of the throne room.

"Smeagol, come back!" yelled Fluttershy.

Smeagol ignored her as he closed the door behind him.

Fluttershy was very worried about him. She let out a few tears and ran towards the door.

"Fluttershy, wait!" yelled Rarity trying to get Fluttershy's attention. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going after Smeagol." replied Fluttershy.

"Why would you want to help that ruffian? He smacked his hoof against your face. What a brute he was."

"I don't care if he smacked me! I'm going to find him whether you like it or not!" said Fluttershy as she left the throne room.

The throne room got silent.

"I wonder why he would even attack you Twilight? What's so interesting about this 'Precious'?" said Spike. "What do think is wrong with him, Twilight?"

Twilight stood there with eyes wide as dinner plates.


"I think he has another persona." said Twilight softly.

"Come again?"

Twilight came back to reality then looked down at Spike.

"He has a split persona."

"What makes you say that?" asked Rarity.

"When he talks, he says things like 'we' or 'us'. Also when he tried to attack me, I noticed malice in his eyes. His eyes looked different compared to before when I first greeted him."

"Now that you mention it, he does say that a lot around me and Fluttershy." said Rarity in agreement.

"I want to know more about him and where he came from. Hopefully Fluttershy can help him come back to his senses."

"I know she will, Twilight. She seems like the only mare I know that can calm him down."

Fluttershy made it downstairs to the hallway. Unfortunately, Smeagol was nowhere around the hallway.

"Smeagol!" shouted Fluttershy as she flew towards the entrance of the castle.

Fluttershy opened the doors and looked outside of the castle to see if there's a glimpse of him anywhere. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be spotted. He was gone from her sight.

"SMEAGOL!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!" shouted Fluttershy as she flew towards Ponyville searching for him by air.

Cheerilee was outside of the school waving bye to her students as the school bells rang.

"Have a good afternoon everyone." said Mrs. cheerilee.

"You too." said Applebloom as she passed by her to catch up with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Hi, ya'll. Wanna go t' the treehouse?"

"Sure." said Scootaloo.

"Absolutely." said Sweetie Belle.

"What do you think we should discuss when we arrive over there?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"The usual." said Scootaloo.

The trio were a few feet away from their treehouse when they heard soft crying coming from within it.

"Do ya hear that?" said Scootaloo as she held a hoof to her ear.

"Sounds like somepony's cryin'." said Applebloom.

"Let's go check it out." said Sweetie Belle.

The trio walked up slowly towards the door and could clearly hear somepony crying inside.

"There is somepony in there." said Scootaloo.

Slowly, Scootaloo opened the door which made a small creak. The crying suddenly stopped from the sound. Inside, they saw a pale colored earthpony looking at them with teary blue eyes. He then stood up.

"Go away." said the pony.

The trio was puzzled not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong?" asked Sweetie Belle as she slowly walked closer to the pony.

"Stay away...I'm...I'm a monster." said the pony as he sat back down.

Applebloom looked around the treehouse then back at the pony.

"I don' see any monsters." said Applebloom.

The pony then looked at her.

"Please, leave us alone." said the pony as he buried his face between his crossed arms and continued crying.

Sweetie Belle walked up to the pony. The pony looked back up and saw how close she was to him. He scurried backwards, but was caught against a corner worrying of what this tiny little filly would do to him.

"Stay back! I'm a monster! I doesn't want to-" he was cutoff when the little filly gave him a hug. He looked at her with such surprise.

The little filly looked up at his face and wiped his tears by levitating a handkerchief across his face.

"Don't cry. You are not a monster." said Sweetie Belle as she went back giving him a hug.

The pony couldn't resist hugging her back. He hugged her with embrace as little of tears came out of his eyes. Applebloom and Scootaloo joined in as well. All three little fillies gave him a hug.

"Could you tell us your name, please?" said Sweetie Belle as she and the other two fillies broke the hug.

"Smeagol." replied the pony.

"Nice to meet you, Smeagol. I'm Sweetie Belle."



"Together we are, the cutie mark crusaders." said the three little fillies together.

"What's a cutie mark crusader?" asked Smeagol with confusion.

"We're trying to figure out what our cutie mark is. And still no luck." said Scootaloo.

"Hey, I jus' noticed you don' have a cutie mark as well." said Applebloom with surprise.

"How old are you? You should already have a cutie mark at your age." said Scootaloo.

"We're hundreds of years old." said Smeagol.

The trio had their mouths wide open by how old this mysterious pony was.

"HUNDREDS OF YEARS OLD?!" shouted Sweetie Belle.

"Yes." said Smeagol with embarrassment.

"So you're tellin' us that you are hundreds of years old and doesn' have a cutie mark?" said Applebloom in astonishment.

"Amazing" said Scootaloo.

"Would you like to be a member of the cutie mark crusaders?" said Sweetie Belle.

"I...I wou-" Smeagol was cutoff from a noise outside of the treehouse.

"Hey losers, are you in there?" said a cocky feminine voice.

Scootaloo went to check who it was. She saw two little fillies about her age.

"Aw man, why do they have to show up in the middle of us inviting a new member." said Scootaloo.