Seven Days

by Mister Phoenix


Breezies. Little creatures with cuteness and fun. A yellow mare with a long pink mane and tail was in charge of getting the Breezies back home but then the pegasus took a hoof-ful of Breezies back to her home. A cottage by the Everfree Forest because of Spike the pegasus also known as Fluttershy who use to be the pony who was holder of the Element of Kindness.

Fluttershy and her friends get the Breezies back home learning there a thing on being to kind. In return on getting them back home the leader gave Fluttershy a flower to remember her lesson and wrote it in the diary in her friend library and the six friends stay there playing games and having fun. Talking on the way home the six soon saw a event that made them all shocked. A tree from the Everfree Forest flew on top of Fluttershy home lucky all the animals inside escaped before getting crushed.

"My home" is all what Fluttershy could say looking at everything destroyed

Another pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail with cyan blue coat and a lighting bolt shooting out of a cloud with the lighting bolt colours being red, blue, and yellow. Flew up to her friend and just gave her a hug with her wing "I'm sorry Shy but look on the bright side at least no animals was hurt"

"Rainbow Dash is right and looking at this, thinking about it, it would take a week at the most to fix it" said a purple alicorn with a purple mane and tail with a streak of pink in it with her cutie mark of a big star with five little ones around it.

"Twi's right sugarcube you have to find a place to stay for the week and with all your animal friends as well" said a orange earth pony with a blonde mane and tail with three apples as her cutie mark

"You know Shy-Shy I'll have you over but I don't think the Cakes would like to have your animals running around in a bakery" said a pink earth pony with a light pink mane and tail popped up like cotton candy and three balloons as her cutie mark

"I know someone who can help me I just need to write him a letter. Does anypony has a pen and paper?" Fluttershy asked causing Pinkie Pie reached in her mane first pulling out her party cannon 'So that where she keeps it' Fluttershy thought as she continued to pull out a circus, a crystal skull, a lion, and then after a giant place of stuff just out of her mane formed mountain then finally getting a pen and paper. "Thanks Pinkie"

"Do who are you going to stay with darling?" A white unicorn with a purple mane and tail curled up and a cutie mark of three diamonds asked

"Oh that's easy. I'm going to asked Discord"

"WHAT!!!" All her friends asked in shock

"I know he has done a few bad things in the past"

"He turned Ponyville into the Chaos Capital of the World you can't stay with him he might be reformed but he not that reformed" Twilight said trying to change her friend mind

"Anyway you have no way on reaching him" Rarity stated

"Yes I do Rarity you got to remember we been sending letters to each other"

"Then how are you going to reach him then?" Rainbow question her

"Yeah and once your there I need you to get me one thing" Pinkie said looking Fluttershy in her eyes

Slowly going down into she hit the floor "Wh... What do you want?" Fluttershy question

"I want my own Cotton Candy Cloud so I can have all the chocolate milk I want and then if I ever get bored of it I can eat it because it cotton candy" Pinkie said giving Fluttershy a hug and then soon letting her go with Pinkie started licking her lips on the thought.

"Ok I will remember that" Fluttershy said making Pinkie let go of the hug as Fluttershy wrote her letter.

"Dear Discord
I know this is sudden but my home got destroyed and me and my animal friends need I place to stay for the week and my friends cannot fit us both. So can we please stay at your house?"

Once finished she putting the letter inside the mailbox.

"So how long is this going to take?" Rainbow asked growing inpatient

Just then the mailbox made a ding noise making the other just look at Rainbow "Wow Dashie I didn't know you could see the future" Pinkie said jumping up and down "Quick what am I getting for Hearths Warming Eve?"

Fluttershy open the mailbox and readied out loud to her friends to what he said

"Dear Fluttershy
I wouldn't mind you staying here for the week while your home gets repaired and your little pes- I mean animals can stay in my garden now when your ready just send this letter back
From Discord"

"I still think you should stay here but none of us got room for you and your animals. Just stay safe if Discord gets one cut on you" Rainbow said looking like she might hurt him.

"Don't worry Dashie I'll be fine" Fluttershy said to make sure that the cyan pegasus didn't do anything bad.

"Goodbye Fluttershy" their each said hugging the shy pegasus at once and Pinkie being the last to let go. Fluttershy put the letter back in the mailbox and in a few seconds she and her animals disappeared.

Pinkie then pulled out a giant megaphone "DON'T FORGET ABOUT MY COTTON CANDY CLOUD FLUTTERSHY!" Pinkie shouted into the megaphone making the rest cover their ears to make sure that they didn't go deaf. "Do you think she heard me?" Pinkie question her friends

"Pinkie dear the other side of Equestria could hear you" Rarity said to her silly friend

"Good that mean I'm going to get my cotton candy cloud" Pinkie said with a giant smile