//------------------------------// // The Door Unopened // Story: Radiance Rising // by nihilis3 //------------------------------// Luna: Luna stood in the dreamscape hallway next to her sister. Celestia was having having the nightmare again. Luna stared at her sister who was once again frozen in fear. Luna sighed and ored that Celestia hadn't noticed her yet. 'One more night and we can go see Twilight, hopefully that will help Sister's mood.' She sighed again and prepared to wake Celestia. "Radiance." Celestia whispered sadly. Luna stopped it was the first time she had heard Celestia speak so softly infront of the door. Luna decided to wait and see. "My Radiance." Celestia continued, her horn lighting up gold. The nob of the door was also encased in the translucent glow. She took a deep breath steadying her nerves. "If only to see you once more my Radiance." She was shaking again. Celestia broke out in cold sweat again and her magic failed. She fell back to her haunches letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Luna shook her head in sadness. "We see thou hast failed to face thy fears again." Luna said stepping close to her sister. "Luna you're here again, aren't there others with nightmares tonight?" Celestia asked still staring at the door. She was almost monotone in her response. "Yes dear sister, though non so urgent as thine." Luna replied sitting flank to flank with Celestia. "Though we find it distressing that thou art referring to a persons we do not know." Luna was unamused with this secret. "We believe thou referred to them as thine Radiance." Luna said to her sister's surprise. "Do not use his name lightly." Celestia warned turning to Luna angry. "He died nineteen years ago." Celestia sobbed not caring that Luna saw. "Oh, we dist not mean to pry." Luna said regrettably. "We are concerned thine mind has been troubled deeply." "Its fine I... I need to talk about it. I'm going for it." Celestia said her horn exploding in her golden magic. The door knob shook violently. "Eeeep!" Celestia dove behind a surprised Luna. "I can't do it, Luna wake me up now please." She squeaked out. Luna shook her head and her magic ended the dream. Dusk: Dusk was in Twilight's library with her brother. They were looking up the magic constructs. Twilight was discussing book locations with her baby dragon Spike. The baby dragon had purple scales and green spines on his back. His emerald eyes kept flicking from the talking Twilight to Radiant. The poor guy was still unused to idea of living with the half pony. Radiant for his part tried to answer the baby dragon's questions. Dusk felt a little out of place in Ponyvill. She wasn't used to seeing the other types of ponies and didn't know how to talk to them. Twilight stopped chatting with Spike and walked over to Radiant. "Radiant can ask you a question?" Twilight ask softly. Radiant looked up from his current book, Daring Do and the Vale of Shadows. "You may but was that not a question?" Radiant retorted chuckling at his own joke. "Well uhm actually I was wondering if you could help Spike today. He's heading to the market and needs somepony to help carry stuff?" Twilight asked nervously shifting in place she awaited his answer. "Sure I can help out Spike." Radiant said closing his book. Twilight balked at the fact that he didn't mark his page. Radiant stood and headed out with Spike. Dusk waited till she heard the giant doors shut with a loud clang. "Ok, why did you send him out?" Dusk ask looking up from a 'Encyclopedia Magica.' "Well why doesn't Radiant ever fly or use magic?" She asked in frustration. "I mean he doesn't even study magic." Twilight was now pacing. "He can't use magic and really he wishes he was an earth pony." Dusk sighed as he watched Twilight's jaw drop. "Why would he feel that way. Most ponies would love to ascend as an alicorn." Twilight said shaking her head in confusion. "Our village was not very kind to those who were different. I however would like to see Radiant rise to his full potential." Dusk said with a wistful look in her eyes. "He deserved more then what those xenophobic earth ponies gave him." Anger rose in her soul. Twilight pondered Dusk's words with a sour expression. 'So he was treated as a lower class of pony, it must have been awful.' She looked at the book that he had been reading. 'Was this his first time reading this book.' She thought sadly. She wondered how Celestia would react when she found out how one of their alicorn brethren had been treated. As for Twilight she would remedy the lack of education herself. There was loud knocking on her once more distracting Twilight. 'Who could that be.' She thought walking through the pile of tomes laying on the ground. She made her way out into the large crystal hall that made up her reception area. She grabbed hold of the door with her magic and willed it open. Celestia: Celestia was worried about Luna and her dreams. She was beginning to forget herself in them. Luna had insisted on leaving early and hadn't quit probing about a name she never should have heard. 'She doesn't need to know about Radiance he...' Celestia's thoughts were interrupted by Twilight opening her front door. "Celestia! You're early I thought that you wouldn't be here till tomorrow." Twilight said issuing them inside. "Sister needed to leave the castle we shall stay for a fortnight." Luna said entering the foyer. Celestia hugged Twilight as she walked in. She was tired lack of sleep showing clearly on her muzzle. "Dost thou have our rooms prepared? Sister needs some rest." Luna whispered to Twilight. 'Oh leave off it Luna I don't want to sleep yet.' She thought yawning. "Twilight do you have any coffee ready." Celestia said head nodding in her drowsiness. She was getting a headache and it was showing in her mood. Twilight nodded in understanding. Luna shook her head in disappointment. Celestia felt the pain in her skull spike and with a shriek she collapsed. Applejack: Everything at the market was normal, in fact if she had to say it was better. The Orange coated farm pony was just setting up her cart full of apples. She wore her blond mane and tail in a ponytail as she worked to remove the cart's strap from her waist just above her tri apple cutiemark. And sitting atop her head was her signature tan sestin hat. After she got her cart set up she slid an apron on tying the strings around her neck and waist. She scanned the crowded market place with her green eyes looking for potential customers. "Hey Aj how's it going." She heard the recognizable voice of Spike say happily. "Well howdy there Spike so far s'good, you?" She replied in her country accent. "Ya'all wouldn't be in the market for some apples would ya?" She earnestly inquired hoping to off load a bucket or two. "Nah but maybe Radiant and Dusk might like some." Spike said looking around. He spotted Radiant hanging out between two stalls trying to be invisible. "Yo Radiant over here." Radiant complied trotting over to the baby dragon's side. Spike chuckled at Applejack's look of surprise. "Well you're certainly a big'un, need some vittles?" The apple farmer asked indicating her carts. Radiant stared for a moment unsure of what to say. "No thank you ma'am I don't have any gems with which to buy them with." He said hoping he didn't anger her. Applejack looked him over a bit and noted that he wasn't even carrying saddle bags. "Well I can tell, you're not from 'round these parts so tell ya what, first one's free." She said smiling broadly. Radiant was taken aback by the sudden gesture of generosity. Applejack looked at his shocked face in concern she had never seen a pony react like that to her offer. "Ya'all don't gotta worry one apple won't break this bank." She said proudly puffing out her chest. "Sorry." Radiant said breaking out of his thoughts and taking an apple that had caught his eye. "I'm just not used to being given free things." He admitted still a little disconcerted by how much he was being accepted. "So what brings ya to the market anyways?" She asked seeing Radiant resume his nervous crowed scanning. "Oh Twilight wanted him to meet some of the other ponies in town. I thought we'd hit the market then I'd show him to Rarity, not everyday a pony gets to meet a half dragon alicorn." Spike chuckled as every pony in ear shot looked over in surprise. As he felt the stares of every pony fall upon him, Radiant really began wishing he could fly. Applejack seeing Radiant's muscles tense ready to be attacked stepped in. "I think Radiant would prefer if you didn't announce his presence to everypony." Applejack said to Spike purposely with better grammar to drive her point home. "Oh a Right!, Radiant we should head over to Carousel Boutique and see Rarity." Spike said Pointing Radiant away. Radiant thanked Applejack and followed the baby purple dragon walking on three legs since his fourth was holding an apple. 'What a strange pony.' Applejack mused watching them leave. 'Why not just levitate the darn thing?' Luna: Things were wrong, most definitely wrong. Luna had visited Celestia's dreams enough times to know that. Her sister was not present where Luna had infiltrated. Which oddly seemed to be her room in the castle of the royal sisters. Looking around saw the jumbled mess that was the Solar princess's mind. The dark grey stone of their previous home, some spots new, some a ruin blending jaggedly with the pristine marble of their new one. As she walked the contrasting halls she noted memories like ghost floating in the halls each one quietly playing back the events of Celestia' s life. 'Sister is worse then we thought.' She worriedly thought. She tried desperately to find her sister searching from room to room. 'Oh Sister, where art thou!?' Luna mentally screamed. Then she remembered the door, the door that had terrified Celestia for a week. Celestia had acted as though it held the remains of something precious, something that would break her. Celestia could no longer refuse the call of the door, Luna had seen as much last time. Luna turned a corner and froze at the sight before her. Dripping from the roof of the hall was darkness deep and binding. It oozed from the wall like blood from an open wound and it emanated only feelings of sorrow and dread. 'This is far worse than we thought.'