The Adventures of Flux Capacitor from Gallifrey

by fluxcapacitor100

Love and War

June 20, 1983
The Traveler is aged 15, and has been spending months getting used to the wings.

The Traveler is out, looking at the sky. She is thinking about what to accomplish next. She can take off, land, glide and just fly with her wings. And she even got over her fear of heights. It was kind of a trap for her, wanting to fly yet being afraid to. But she can't fly too fast. And that is precisely what the Traveler will practice today.

"This is the last key to finishing up my research...and who knows, maybe when I'm done with this, I may take a liking to these tacky old things?"
The Traveler actually dislikes her final product. The wings are kind of a burden for her to take care of. They are made of an aluminum metal, one of the lighter metals on the table of elements. That's a large part of what makes her wings successful in flight. However, when she sleeps at night, the wings press against her body, and typically are cold. The wings absorb the temperature of where the Traveler is, and intensify it. If it's a hot summer day, you wouldn't want the wings pressed against your body. And at night and winter, the wings become almost as cold as ice. The wings are, however, helpful for picking things up. The Traveler never uses her hooves or mouth anymore, it's all her wings.

The Traveler sighs and bunches up her muscles, and pushes her wings down hard, getting her off the ground. She keeps a steady flap, which keeps her just a few feet off the ground. The Traveler then angles her wings slightly backwards, but still keeps them slightly faced downwards. This angle brings her upwards and forwards, in a diagonal line. The Traveler does a series of exercises for her wings, then when at the height of at least two clouds, she faces forward and flies as fast as she can. Previously, the Traveler took many crash landings trying different techniques for fast flying. She has finally figured out the correct way of flying. And boy, does she have barely any control over this new speed! She has an average wing power of 8.8.

"WOOHOO! Now THIS is flying!" The Traveler is abruptly stopped by a pegasus in a very strange getup.
" you need something?" She asks the pegasus. The pegasus replies in a deep voice.
"You are the one who goes by 'The Traveler'?"
"Uhm...yes. Why do you ask?"

The Traveler is starting to feel a sense of intimidation and fear from being around the pegasus.

"You'll be coming with me, then." The Traveler's eyes widen and about takes off, but the pegasus throws a hard punch, knocking her out. The pegasus catches her and lands, dragging her away.

Gallifrey, the ponified version

" awake? Traveler? We gotta go the boss pony is calling everypony...TRAVELER!"

The Traveler sits up, gasping for air, and sweating heavily. She's under the covers of a military bed, top bunk. There's a stallion holding himself up on the top bunk's border. He has a black coat and gray mane and tail, and he looks extremely curious.

"Who...who are you?" The pony starts to answer, but the Traveler shuts him up by speaking before he can. "Nevermind that question, it's a stupid one. Where am I?" The stallion waits a few seconds, making sure the Traveler won't stop him again, and answers.
"Your at a military base on Gallifrey, of course. And...I know you said the other question was stupid, but I'm Hawk."

The Traveler takes a few moments to take in everything around her, then refocuses her thoughts.

"Gallifrey? What the heck is that? And why am I at it?" She asks sternly.
"Because we're in a huge war right now and our side is losing troops FAST, so we started looking for any and EVERY timepony left," he continues, "Gallifrey is the planet at war. You're here because you're a timepony. They say you showed some potential in combat." Hawk notices the Traveler is giving him a confused look, and explains a little further. "Timeponies look like any old pony, except we have two hearts. And a few other features. Basically, you have two hearts, and you are a timepony."

The Traveler is about to scold the stallion for his ridiculous words, but they get cut off by a pony intruding in on their conversation.

"WHY are you two not in line? I called for everypony in line and they all came. Except you two. Do you think you're too special for MY call? Do you think this war is a JOKE?" The pony looks the Traveler and Hawk both in the eye as he speaks.
Hawk looks nervous. "N-No sir! Sorry sir!" Hawk runs off and finds his spot.
"And what about YOU, missy? Do you think you have the right to disrespect my word?" He intensely stares her down, but she just looks dumbfounded.
"WHAT are you waiting for? Is your incapable equine mind still processing my words?" The pony obviously has little to NO respect for the Traveler. And that's a big mistake on the pony's part.

"EXCUSE ME? How DARE you get angry at me like that after you or one of your stupid little troops KNOCKS ME OUT and takes me to this stupid place BY FORCE? And you expect me to fight in your stupid little war that I know absolutely NOTHING about? There's not even a way I CAN be a timepony anyway, my mother isn't a timepony, and neither am I!" The Traveler is fuming, as the stallion looks a little freaked out, but he pulls out a scanner and scans her with it.

"What the HECK are you doing now?!" She growls.
"This is my scanner. It can tell what species a pony is," he shows her the results, and it says 'timepony' on it.
"Your stupid machine is BROKEN, then!"
The stallion presses a button on the machine and shows it to her. The machine shows the scan of her body, and it clearly shows two hearts. It also shows her skeleton, her muscles, and her nerves. They seem to have partially spread into her wings.
"This is what the inside of your body looks like. Two hearts, the distinctive identification of a timepony. Sorry to burst your little life bubble, but you must have a foster mother. She probably found you out of nowhere and took you in, not knowing what you were or how you got there."

The Traveler desperately tries to reassure herself that the stallion is wrong, but every point she tries to bring up in her mind just supports the stallion's explanation. She sighs, and gives up.

"You're probably right...."

She gets up off the top bunk and gets in line with the rest of the ponies, next to Hawk. Hawk smiles at her, and it oddly kind of cheers her up. The Traveler holds her head up high and takes a breath as the stallion from before gets up and starts speaking.

"Listen up, and listen hard, little ponies! Gallifrey is on the brink of destruction, and it is up to US to save it! Some of you may think you have this combat thing down. Well, let me be the first to tell you, you DON'T. ALL of you have an equal chance of getting killed as an experienced soldier. So, you must ALWAYS be on your guard."
The stallion walks along the line of ponies and assigns them what they are to do. The stallion gets the to Traveler.

"YOU will be on the team of ponies to create new weaponry. You will also be a last minute soldier if needed. Your team is over there,"
the stallion points his hoof to a group of 4 stallions, one looking particularly bummed out, and the rest looking scared as heck. The Traveler walks over in an annoyed fashion.

".......This is crap! I should be a soldier, I should be FIGHTING, not inventing weapons that I should be using! Not to mention, I'm in the NERD group!" The stallion notices the Traveler coming to the group, and suddenly his expression and whining go from bad to worse. "Oh GREAT, now I'm working with a MARE! She probably doesn't know ANYTHING about war OR weaponry!"

The Traveler perks her ears up when she hears his complaints, and rushes over angrily.
"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" She's all up in his personal space. "At least I'm not a WHINY BABY like YOU ARE! And I'll have you know, I know very much about inventing and combat! And I certainly know more about than YOU DO! You aren't a good soldier because you're a BULLY!" Her words and fury just cause the stallion put on a smirk that seems eerily familiar to the Traveler.

"You know what? I think I might take a liking to you in the future." The stallion stands up, keeping level with the Traveler's height, as they are both slightly short. "I'm the Engineer. And you are?"
The Traveler still looks fuming as she answers in a low growl. "The Traveler."

2 Years Later
The Traveler has been working with her team making new weaponry for the war

The Traveler looks outside of the lab, a worried expression on her face. The war is showing no signs of ending, and their small weaponry team is running out of ideas. They do, however, have a massive bomb they developed earlier that year. It is ONLY for dire situations.

"Traveler, why don't we just use the bomb? It could end this war in seconds!" The Engineer suggests. The Traveler takes this into consideration. While it would certainly end the fighting, it would also kill thousands of innocent ponies. Does the Traveler have the right to determine the fate of all those ponies?

"We don't have the right to kill all of our troops and citizens! And what if the bomb doesn't kill of the rest of our enemies?" The Traveler frets, as she's really starting to wind down.
Another stallion answers. "We put the greatest possible amount of concentrated plutonium in it! If the explosion of the bomb doesn't kill our enemies, the radiation will!"
"And besides, if we don't sacrifice a few thousand lives, many MORE lives will be lost than our bomb could ever inflict," the Engineer pushes for her to agree, as she had been nominated the group leader shortly after the team started working.

The Traveler goes over her options in her head. She hesitates and struggles to think of another way when she finally comes to a conclusion.

"We can release the bomb. But I'm going to have to get all of our troops and citizens out of harm's way that I can."

The team complies. The Traveler gets some gear on and runs outside, into all the fighting, dodging bullets and grenades. The Engineer and the rest of the team get in a large helicopter and equips it with the bomb, then takes off. They are waiting for a signal from the Traveler to release the bomb. The Traveler bumps into Hawk.

"Hawk! Thank goodness, you're alive! Listen, you need to help me with something, FAST!" She quickly explains to Hawk.
"Of course, what is it?"
"I need you to get all of our troops and citizens into a safe place, some place safe from explosions and radiation,"
"I'm on it!" Hawk has a determined look on his face as he runs off to inform everypony of the situation. The Traveler runs in a different direction to keep getting ponies to safe ground.

Hours pass by as the Traveler and Hawk meet up. The Traveler is panting, and her left ear is bleeding.
"What happened to you?" Hawk asks in a concerned tone.
"There's no time, it doesn't really matter. But listen, I don't know if we can get all these ponies to safety soon enough...."

The Engineer grows impatient as time passes.
"She's taking too long! we just need to release this bomb right now, I don't care how many more citizens are down there!" The others look startled by his words. One stallion speaks up.
"You aren't suggesting we release it while the Traveler is still down there?"
The Engineer looks at the others before jumping at the release button. All three of the others jump at the Engineer and hold him back, but their strength combined is still weaker than the Engineer. The Engineer breaks loose and presses the button, releasing the bomb.

"...Gallifrey will survive this loss of ponies-" the Traveler stops as she sees a LARGE explosion in the distance.
"Oh no...RUN, HAWK!" The Traveler grabs Hawk and frantically flaps her wings. As soon as both of them are off the ground, the Traveler flies fast, away from the explosion, trying to evade the radiation approaching them quickly. Little does she know, the radiation has already hit them. The massive heat wave afterwards throws the traveler to the ground, forcing her to release Hawk. The Traveler starts panicking, as she can't see Hawk anywhere, and lies there helplessly. Her wounds are open to the radiation. The Traveler blacks out. And there's absolutely nothing that can save her.

Or is there?