The Four Stallions of the Apocalypse: Broken Formation

by UltimateRuin009

Chapter 2 (Revised)

*Disclaimer* If you have already seen the first episode, just skip this chapter.

Chapter 2

Twilight and Spike sat patiently on a pegasi drawn carriage, the golden rims of the carriage shining in the light of the afternoon sun, almost like a beacon of light approaching Ponyville. Twilight was frustrated at the thought of the princess’s letter, clouding her judgment on things. Spike talking away almost as if the letter meant nothing, aside from the part where it told Twilight to be social, they both were thinking the same thing, that Twilight wasn’t going to go down with this ‘less she was force to do it, in this case she was. Either way, Twilight is going to try to avoid ponies and Spike knows it. “Look c’mon Twilight, socializing isn’t that bad.” Said Spike.

Twilight laughed sarcastically at the sentence of which Spike spoke. “Well back at Canterlot all I had to do was just to go study, making friends wasn’t a priority at all.”

“So basically you never made friends because you never thought it important?” asked Spike.

“Well yeah, no one to bother me and I could be stuck with you and we could read books all day, me personally, I think we had it made.”

“I understand that you looove to read, but, well Twilight I didn’t.”

“What do you mean? I thought you always loved reading.”

“I do but, well, whenever I wanted to socialize with some of the ponies back at the academy you were a lot more focused on your studies than anything else and you forced me to help you out. I love to help but, I’m not like you in that sense. I like to breathe more.”

All at once Twilight had become guilty from what Spike was saying, but at the same time a little insulted by what he had finished up with, but she DID force him quite a bit to help out on reading and finding books and what not. Spike maybe a baby dragon but on the inside he’s a full grown one, one that wishes to leave and breathe out there. Twilight didn’t know what to say and in a result it became awkward, neither one talked to each other until finally, “Hey we’re here!” exclaimed Spike happily.

Twilight decided to look and saw a simple town, nice houses yet a simple town close by. The pegasi decided to park the carriage in a part of town allowing Twilight and Spike to get off. “Thank you boys” said Twilight. The pegasi just neighed and nodded, and without a word they left, heading back the way they came.

“I may understand getting friends may not be that big of a deal to you but you could at least try Twilight.” said Spike. “Here’s a pony right here.”

They both noticed a pink, messed up mane pony…err….BOUNCE up to them in a happy mood, her fur was pink but her mane and tail were even pinker. The mare’s cutie mark had 3 balloons on them, two blue, and one yellow. Twilight sighed, seeing how this odd mare had her full attention, she had to respond without being rude. “Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and-”

The pony gasped all of a sudden, jumping high up in the sky, reaching a whole pony's height up to the sky. When she hit the ground she sped off to who-knows-what, Twilight sighed in disappointment and so did Spike. This was one of the last things that Spike wanted for Twilight yet it happened, a pony that ran from Twilight. “Don’t worry Twilight, I’m sure the next one is going to be super friendly.” said Spike. Twilight just kept walking, bringing along the books that she brought with her to bring to their temporary home.

“You do realize we’re going to be staying in a library right?” asked Spike.

“Shut up Spike.”

After a few minutes they hit the first object of their checkup list for the upcoming celebration. “Alright, sweet apple acres, we got to checkup how the food is here.” said Spike. The decently big check-list of things would keep Twilight busy for quite a bit, but look up more information on the elements of harmony. This was one thing that Twilight was looking forward to at the end of the day, that and the fact that reading is going to be the case as of how she was going to look up more info. She really likes reading but she likes it more if it’s her source of new information, there was always a satisfying end to it after she’s done reading up the facts.

Walking down the dirt road they finally gotten down to a farm, a sign at the entrance portion of the fence said the farm land was “Sweet Apple Acres”. “Good, we made it.” thought Twilight. The land was massive, it put the Acres in Sweet Apple Acres as a major emphasis to how large the land was, everywhere there were acres of apple orchards after apple orchards after apple orchards. No wonder this place and the ponies living in the land was in charge of food for the celebration.

“Yee-haw!!!” shouted a voice not too far away.
Twilight saw an orange pony, another mare and in the same stature as the pink one too. She had a blonde mane and tail put up into a pony tail while her bangs were left rustled and un-bothered with, she wore a cowboy style hat and freckles with attitude, her emerald green eyes made quite a glow under the sun, and her cutie mark had 3 two-dimensional apples for her cutie mark. It wasn’t much of a hard thing to know how the cutie mark came to be, this mare looked like she was born for work on this farm.

The orange mare sprinted up to an apple tree full of apples, jumped and stopped where she landed and kicked the tree as hard as she could. The apples fell down into the baskets around the tree, every single one of them. To Twilight it was pretty cool that a pony could do that with a single kick, to the orange mare it was another tiny thing to do for a day of chores on the farm, despite the fact that she seemed proud of herself for filling up the baskets. Twilight walked up to the pony, engaging into conversation.

“Good afternoon,” began Twilight. “my name is Twilight Sparkle-” all of a sudden she was surprised as the orange mare reached and grabbed her by the hoof, this seemed really forced into by Twilight’s perspective as she was worried her own hoof was going to fall off by sheer force. But instead just got a really big hoofshake.

“Well howdy do Ms. Twilight, a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. I’m Applejack, and we here at Sweet Apple Acres we sure like makin’ new friends.” said Applejack. Still violently hoofshaking Twilight, much to her distress.

“Friends…?” thought Twilight. “Actually…I…uh...-”

“Well what can I do ya’ for?” asked Applejack. Her thick country ascent getting into her voice as she speaks. Twilight not noticing Applejack stopped the hoofshake her arm kept going up and down like she was in one, her eyes closed in worry. Spike saw this and made Twilight aware so by poking her on the side, giggling at Twilight’s extent as she frowned at Spike, embarrassed as of course she’d feel.

Twilight cleared her throat before she begun to speak. “Well I am in fact here to supervise preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration,” the way Twilight was speaking it seemed rush and to the point, none the less Applejack stood there without a sound as her full attention was toward Twilight. “, and your in charge of the food?”

“We sure as sugar are, would you care to sample some?” asked Applejack politely.

“So long as it doesn’t take too long.” said Twilight. She didn’t pay enough attention to Applejack for she was gone when she even started speaking. Applejack decided to ring the cowbell, obviously signaling the alarm for lunch time.

“Soups on everypony!” hollered Applejack. In an instant Twilight and Spike were carried off by a large mob of ponies within the farm’s vicinity, however from a certain view it looked more like the two being trampled. Instead of that it turns out they were carried off to where the Sweet Apple Acre family always ate out at, the only land that wasn’t around the barn houses or houses in that matter that had grass for the ground their hoofs walked. It was in the middle of a place that looked a lot like a park with a gazebo in the middle of it all, a beautiful scenery indeed as branches took hold on the legs of the wooden, worn gazebo to make the scene truly beautiful. Twilight and Spike sat down on one of the benches placed at the gazebo as Applejack began to speak.

“Alright let me introduce ya’ll to the apple family” said Applejack. Everypony looked ambitious to meet Twilight and Spike, with big bright smiles on each of their faces, Applejack didn’t lie when she said the folk here in Sweet Apple Acres love to meet new friends.

“Thanks but I really need to hurry.” said Twilight. Her sad excuse of an attempt to escape the apple family came to utter failure as Applejack already begun to introduce everypony.

“This here is…” began Applejack. Each pony that was called up by Applejack, each one carrying in their mouths a plate of some kind of apple delicacy, each plate piling on top of the other while Applejack said each pony’s name in one breath. Finally she took one deep breath and said the last three names. “This is Macintosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith.” said Applejack, while at the same time stuffing an entire apple into Twilight’s mouth.

Granny Smith was an elder pony, green in general with her mane white, handkerchief tied up around her neck and her cutie mark being an apple pie. She was fast asleep on her rocking chair nearby, at all the while wondering why Twilight hasn’t noticed her before being in that general area. “Up and at ‘em Granny Smith. We got guests.” said Applejack. Granny Smith seemed to be more tired than she was before she decided to sleep in her own rocking chair as she woke up and fully started moving around.

“Uh…wait….what?” asked Granny Smith waking up. She then decided to keep talking but it sounded too much like gibberish to make out what she said in English.

“Well I’d say your already "part of the family".” said Applejack patting a hoof to her back. Twilight spat out the remains of the apple that was shoved into her mouth, Applejack assumed that she just pat her too hard much like how she hoof shook her too hard, but no. Twilight spat out the apple bits due to the amount of friendship being made, she didn’t want to make friends before but she didn’t want to start now. What really caught her tongue was when she heard that she was practically part of the Apple Family, when she just barely met all these country ponies. She did appreciate the gesture of these ponies but there was too much coming in at once and Twilight didn’t like it.

“Ha-ha…okay…well… I can see the food situation is handled so we’ll be on our way now.” said Twilight. All the ponies around her looked a little sad as the smiles quickly turned to frowns in an instant. Next thing you know...Apple Bloom was it? Broke the silence.

“Aren’t you gonna stay for brunch?” asked the young filly, her bright orange eyes brighten up and sad looking looked like she was going to cry, blinking her eyes for much needed effect on the purple mare. Twilight instantly had guilt overwhelm her.

“Sorry, but we have an awful lot to do.” said Twilight.

“Aawwww…” sighed all the ponies around Twilight. The peer-pressure Twilight had felt from Apple Bloom enlarged when everypony looked down to the ground in utter disappointment. She may not want to be social with all these ponies but she sure as hay she wouldn’t like them how they are either. With a look of defeat in her eyes, she bit her bottom lip and looked down with her eyes half open.

“Fine…” said Twilight, sounding more of a complaining tone.

All the ponies around her quickly changed their mood as they cheered for the good news brought upon them, good news for them, not for Twilight and her anti-socialness. However the brunch was good though, for them and Twilight, and certainly Spike too.

Words could not describe how full Twilight was, or how she was feeling about it, it’s easy for anypony else to describe how it looked but the thought in Twilight’s head as she was walking she couldn’t come to herself and realize how full she was. It annoyed her beyond end to have to make herself social and feel like this for eating too much food in her belly, for it seemed almost as if Twilight was having a baby and she was just 3 months due. She carried herself across Ponyville to the next part of the list. “Alright, food’s been taken care of, now time for the weather.” claimed Spike.

He looked behind him and saw Twilight just groaning as she walked. Spike decided to bring his attention back towards the sky, knowing pegasi they always hang up in the clouds and in their world in Equestria, they always handled they weather with care. “We were supposed to meet up with this Pegasus “Rainbow Dash” now…clear up in the clouds.” said Spike in complete thought.

Twilight looked around, distracted from the irritation of her full stomach as her attention went from that to finding the Pegasus pony “Rainbow Dash”. “Well she isn’t doing a very good job is she?” asked Twilight. Her expression doesn’t match her tone for she sounded condescending in a major degree while her face showed no real emotion.

All of a sudden, a flashing multi-colored light crashed right into Twilight, nearly knocking out the lights and crash landing into a pile of mud. The cyan Pegasus pony got up covered in mud like Twilight shaking it off, laughing all the while of what had just happened. “Heh heh…excuse me?” cracked up the Pegasus in a humorous tone. Twilight however was unimpressed. The Pegasus took up and hovered up in the air, laughing a little bit at Twilight’s expense. “Here, let me help you.”

In an instant she was gone from sight, in a couple more seconds she came back with a little cloud being maneuvered by her. She had it hover over Twilight before getting on the cloud and bouncing on it, forcing it to rain on top of Twilight. Getting rid of all the mud but leaving Twilight wet as a dog. “Whoops, heh heh, I guess I over did It.” said the Pegasus. “Oh I know, how about my own patented “Rainbow Dry”?”

The cyan, multi-colored mane Pegasus spun around Twilight in a frenzy, creating a small rainbow tornado, getting rid of the dirt at Twilight’s hoofs and making sure she was all dry before stopping. She did when she believed the purple unicorn was done drying. “Ah no problem, please no thanks it was my pleasure.” said the Pegasus. She took a look at Twilight and saw how messed up her mane and tail was thanks to her “Rainbow Dry” technique, it was almost as puffy as the pink pony’s was when Twilight met her. She gave a dirty scowl at the Pegasus for ruining her mane and tail.

The Pegasus tried to contain laughter as much as she tried but tears ran down her eyes as she laughed her hardest, pointing at Twilight and laughing extremely hard, falling on her back laughing as a result. Spike decided to take a look at Twilight but without hesitation, joined the Pegasus in the laughing fit, doing the same thing.

“Let me guess, your “Rainbow Dash”?” asked Twilight. She was still unamused with the laughter but showed no signs of weakness or anger at all, she worked up a pretty mean poker face being a good care-taker for Spike for the past few years. It was painfully obvious that Rainbow Dash was Rainbow Dash, for one her mane and tail were the colors of the rainbow itself, and her cutie mark showed a rainbow lightning bolt coming from a gray cloud. If nothing else pointed out the obvious that Rainbow Dash was Rainbow Dash then nothing would have made it obvious.

“The one and only.” said Rainbow Dash as she instantaneously got above Twilight’s head. She was a fast Pegasus, all of them are but this one seemed different, faster. “Why, you heard of me?” looking at Twilight with much anticipation getting up in her face.

“I heard that YOU were supposed to be keeping the sky clear.” said Twilight. She was annoyed by Rainbow Dash’s attitude but it didn’t show it, nor would it be right to do so. She gave a tired sigh then said, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, and the princess sent me to check on the weather.”

Rainbow Dash decided to rest herself on a bit of the same cloud used to get Twilight all wet and rested on her back. “Yeah yeah, that’ll be a snap, I’ll do it in a jiffy. Just as soon as I’m done practicing.” said Rainbow Dash. This confused Twilight, usually pegasi take it up as an honor to be doing such things for the princess, it’s always been like that, but this pony didn’t look like she had a care in the world about things. She wanted to be annoyed majorly but it only confused her more than anything else.

“Practicing, for what?” asked Twilight ever-so curious. Rainbow Dash gave Twilight her full attention as her eyes locked onto the purple mare.

“To join the Wonderbolts, duh.” said Rainbow Dash. “They’ll be at the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow and I’m going to impress them with my stuff.” Twilight thought it was too good to be true, she never met a pegasi in her life that was so determined to join the Wonderbolts and believe they can actually get in easy. It would require a Pegasus to train most his/her life to become one of the fastest flyers in Equestria, which of course what the Wonderbolts are. Rainbow Dash was fast but Twilight knew that there had to be more than that if Rainbow wanted to so badly join these Wonderbolts.

“The Wonderbolts?” asked Twilight.

“Yup.” said Rainbow Dash.

“The fastest flyers in all of Equestria?”

“The one and only.”

“Well one thing for sure they wouldn’t let a Pegasus that couldn’t keep the sky clear for just one measly day.” Twilight decided to be sarcastic with the pony, to keep herself amused while the conversation was going.

“Hey, I can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat.” Rainbow Dash was always a fast flyer, and she had encountered another non-believer. She didn’t mind though, haters was always her motivation to keep going where they had failed, to show Equestria what you get when motivation is your drive. Of course Equestria has enough dreamers but Rainbow Dash had a plan to change the face of that.

“Prove it.” said Twilight. Twilight knew enough cocky Pegasus ponies in her life to know when it comes to dreaming they’re all mostly the same, all talk and no skill. Sure Rainbow was going pretty fast before but that’s the average speed of a Pegasus pony.

Rainbow Dash took one second to get off the cloud she was resting upon and began to clear the sky. Dash was going incredibly fast, faster than Twilight imagined she would, she and Spike were in awe of Dash’s speed. And after ten seconds flat the sky in Ponyville was cleared out. “See what did I tell ya?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Ten. Seconds. Flat. I never leave Ponyville hanging.”

Twilight or Spike couldn’t speak, their jaws hit the ground figuratively and her eyes were in disbelief for they were wider then plates. Rainbow Dash was true to her word, she really did clear Ponyville’s skies in ten seconds flat. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but laugh.

“You should see the look on your face.” Rainbow already felt good about herself, so good to fly circles calmly around Twilight in the air. “Your a laugh Twilight Sparkle. I can’t wait to hang out some more.” And with that Twilight’s jaw went back to the appropriate place for her, closed. “Well see you around!” And with that Rainbow Dash left to practice, like she wanted to before. Twilight still stood there, cursing herself that she had made another friend, she was still uptight about making friends but, at the same time she liked it.

“She was amazing!” exclaimed Spike, clearly excited. His attention then diverted to Twilight’s messed up, poofy mane, laughing like a dork while he was playing with it. Twilight grunted and walked off, Spike in close pursuit. “Wait, its actually kinda pretty when you get used to it.”

They weren’t far from their next destination, the town hall for which the celebration was going to take place. Going inside they noticed that everything was already taken care of far as the decorations went. “Beautiful…” said Spike. Twilight had to agree to that statement but Spike’s mind seemed like it was in other places.

“Yes, the décor is coming along nicely. This should be quick, I’ll get to the library in no time.” said Twilight.

“Not the décor, her…” said Spike. Twilight then knew what he meant before. There was a white furred pony with a cutie mark of 3 two-dimensional diamonds, her mane and tail were both perfect streaks of purple, nothing of this pony shouted out false in her beauty, the mare was completely regel. Whoever this mare was, she managed to get Spike to drool with heart shaped eyes without effort, or even paying attention to him at all.

The mare was examining all the ribbons brought up to her by her magic, much like how Twilight gets things in reach of her, they all had different colors as they all shined beautifully in the sun-light seeping into the town hall building. “No…no…no…” she kept going on. Spike even found her voice beautiful, Twilight thought it was funny how Spike was just a little love puppy all of a sudden. The mare knew what she was doing though, each of the ribbons would have made a good match with all the assorted colored banners hanging around in the hall but looks like this pony thought otherwise. Her sparkling blue eyes are what caught Spike’s attention the most, his eyes gotten wider and cartoonishly took up more of heart shapes. Spike felt his heart racing faster then Rainbow could flap her wings.

“How are my spines, are they straight?” asked Spike. He wanted his first impression good and right for this mare, examining himself before talking to whoever the mare was. Twilight only rolled her eyes, she thought it cute and funny at the same time for Spike to have his first crush.

“Good afternoon-” begun Twilight.

“-Just a moment please, I’m in the zone, as twere.” said the white mare. “Ah yes, sparkles always does the trick, does it not? Why Rarity you are a talent.” Twilight then realized she was just busy with herself, confused for a minute there as of why…well…Rarity was talking to herself. “Now um…how can I help you-WHAT?!??!”

She looked at Twilight’s mane with complete horror written all over her face. “My dear stars darling, whatever happened with your mane?” Twilight was curious as of why Rarity would take any interest into her mane at all, sure she realized that Rarity took fashion very seriously but not enough to take interest into her at all, she was new. But Twilight’s assumption told her otherwise.

“Oh, my mane? Well it’s a long story, but I’m just here to check on the decorations and I’ll be out of your hair.” said Twilight.

“Out of my hair? What about YOUR hair darling?” asked Rarity. Rarity rushed Twilight out of the town hall building, Twilight, wanting to stay where she was didn’t want to go anywhere.

“Um, where are we going?” asked Twilight in worry. Spike however said nothing, he just followed along with the love-struck look on his face still there.

Rarity had dragged Twilight towards her own shop and home, the ground floor was where the shop was, it was full of dressed up for sale, and those that seemed to be crafted by hands of professionals. “No, no, no darling, I made all these dresses.” said Rarity. Twilight had a hard time believing all that but after showing dress after dress, seeing as she never saw them in advertisements. To come to a conclusion most of these clothes were probably unreleased and here for display and finally, for purchasing.

Rarity decided to give Twilight a whole makeover, having her try on different outfits, though relatively forcibly, Twilight gave in and decided to keep the dresses coming and going. Finally when Twilight had to wear a simple dress, it was pretty but she had to have her upper torso squeezed like crazy in order for it to fit completely, thought Twilight was happy her mane and tail were the same as before Rainbow decided to mess it all up. Rarity helped out in the squeezing by pulling on a string attached to the dress.

“Oh go on my dear, you need to tell me where you’re from.” said Rarity. Clearly she hasn’t begun at all with pulling on the corset, but now she has.

“I’ve….been….sent…” begun Twilight. The corset was getting tighter and tighter on her the more Rarity pulled the rope, it was getting harder to talk and breathe. Twilight never had to wear stupid corsets like these. “From…Canterlot…to…” Tears began to swell up in her eyes and her voice got more higher pitched. Finally Rarity stopped pulling as she was thrown back at what Twilight just said, and the corset decided to fit around Twilight’s original body shape.

“Canterlot!!” exclaimed Rarity with surprise in her voice. “Oh I am so envious of you, the glamor, the sophistication, I’ve always DREAMED of living there! I can’t wait to hear ALL about it.” She then went up to Twilight and hugged her. “Oh I can tell we’ll be the best of friends.” To anypony else who heard it they would have found it sincere, in Twilight’s case however she found it ironic how she promised herself that she wouldn’t make any more friends unintentionally. Rarity took one look at Twilight’s dress and saw the emerald at the chest part of the dress. “Emerald? What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!” and with that Rarity took off to where all she stashed her gems.

“Quick! Let’s go before she decides to dye my coat a new color!” exclaimed Twilight In fear. She grabbed spike and placed him on his back while she sprinted out of the store before Rarity even noticed.

Spike was still sitting on Twilight’s back, daydreaming of Rarity, he never seen someone so regel in Canterlot so he didn’t know why she was jealous of all the unicorn ponies there. “Wasn’t she amazing?” asked Spike. He was still drooling, even after the 10 minutes of Twilight’s walking, and she appeared without the dress oddly enough.

“Focus Casanova, what’s next on the list?” asked Twilight. Spike came back from dream land and back into reality as he looked upon the parchment for it contained their to-do list.

“Well now we have to check up on the music for the celebration, it’s the last thing we got to do to.” said Spike. Twilight was happy to receive this news, she knew that after this she could study on as much as she wanted on the elements of harmony, nothing to hold her back. Just then, they heard birds chirping loudly, and in number. They realized it wasn’t chirping, it was singing, and it was birds. They came up to the sound as they saw a yellow pegasus floating in mid-air as the mare seemed to be instructing the birds on how to sing as it seems.

The birds were of numerous species, not one bird looked the same as the other. The yellow pegasus had yellow fur and pink hair, she wasn’t a bad looking pony in Twilight’s case either but Spike decided just to stick with Rarity as his crush. Twilight noticed that her cutie mark resembled 3 pink butterflies, by then it didn’t take long for Twilight to connect the dots as of what her special talent was. During the bird’s recital a blue jay was going way off tune and the yellow pegasus knew it too. “Oh my, stop, please, everyone.” said the yellow pegasus shyly. She flew up to the branch where the blue jay stood as she stopped right at it. “Um, excuse me sir, no offence but your singing was just a wee bit off.” The blue jay nodded as the pegasus went back to her spot instructing the birds.

“Um, hello?” asked Twilight. Her loud voice scared off all the birds and the pegasus froze in her own tracks, she floated down to make a simple conversation with Twilight. “Oh…I’m sorry for disturbing but that sounded just beautiful.” The yellow pegasus refused to talk, making it awkward for them both. Twilight looked around, the awkwardness setting in like a flame to wood. “So…what’s your name?” asked Twilight.

“My name is Fluttershy…” said Fluttershy. She was just way too silent for Twilight to hear her as Twilight stared in confusion.
“I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that.” said Twilight.

“My name is Fluttershy…” said Fluttershy again, becoming quieter. Twilight looked around, the awkwardness setting in.

“Are you okay?” asked Twilight, now sounding concerned for the pegasus pony. For some reason the pegasus just…squealed? From Twilights point of view in this situation she wasn’t going to go anywhere with this pony. “Well you’re doing a wonderful job so far, I guess we’ll leave now.”

Oh the thoughts going through Fluttershy’s head now, embarrassed by her shyness and how she made everything awkward. She really hates it when she has to put up with such things made by her. She looked back at Twilight with tears coming in through. When she saw Spike walk out of the bush her mood completely changed, she loved animals so much, as much as she feared dragons, she was calm when she would see a smaller one, one that doesn’t look threatening. “A baby dragon!” shouted Fluttershy, some of the birds flying away from the force of her voice. She galloped over to Twilight and Spike and thrown her over her shoulder as her full attention was directed to Spike.

“I’ve never seen a baby dragon before, he’s sooo cute!” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“Well, well, well.” said Spike. He looked over at Twilight, noticing her dizziness from being thrown over and hitting the ground too hard. He folded his arms and closed his eyes like he was some sort of king or something.

“Wow, he even talks! I never knew dragons could talk,” said Fluttershy. “It’s so incredibly wonderful that I don’t know what to say.” Fluttershy then flew up to the sky, a short distance from the ground and hovered above, a big smile on her face. Twilight managed to recover from her fall as she used her magic to bring Spike onto her back, he too was really dizzy.

“That’s great, but we really must be on our way.” said Twilight. In a hurry she started to walk off. Fluttershy in close-pursuit was coming in though.

“Oh, I do apologize, I don’t know anything much on dragons, think that maybe you could tell me all about yourself?” asked Fluttershy. She wasn’t talking to Twilight though, she was talking to Spike.
“What do you want to know?” asked Spike.

“Absolutely everything.” answered Fluttershy. Twilight groaned at the moment she heard Fluttershy say that, she was now pretty irritated at the fact that now she has an overly shy pony having to follow them around, or more specifically, Spike.

“And that’s all there is to know about my whole entire life, up until today.” said Spike. They all finally reached the library, also known as Twilight’s temporary home while the Summer Sun Celebration goes on. “Wanna hear about today?”

“Oh yes please!” exclaimed Fluttershy. Twilight was already annoyed of having to hear Spike’s life repeated in words and didn’t want to hear anymore story tales.

“Oh I am so sorry, how did we get here so fast?” asked Twilight. It was a sarcastic sound with not much care into it, as anyone would have done. “This is where I’m staying while I’m in Ponyville, and my poor baby dragon needs his sleep.”

“No I don’t.” said Spike. Twilight bucked Spike off hard enough for him to fall next to Twilight with a pained expression on his face.

“Aw, look at him he’s just so sleepy he can’t keep his lil’ balance.” said Twilight. She was baby talking all that while Spike remained annoyed at the gesture. Suddenly Fluttershy picked up Spike and carried him inside.

“Poor thing, we must simply get him into bed.” said Fluttershy, concerned. Twilight had to stop her at the door.

“Yes yes, we’ll get right on that. Well, goodnight!” said Twilight. She kinda slammed the door at her face as she went to go turn on the lights, while being met with a big party, out of nowhere. Having to make friends was one thing but a party in a library? Twilight had no patience for such things.

“Surprise!!” shouted everypony. Twilight did well to hold what anger she had.

“Surprise! I’m Pinkie Pie and I threw this party just for you!” said Pinkie Pie. This was the first pony that Twilight had encountered before, and the first one to interact with the moment they hit Ponyville too. “Were you surprised? Where you? Where you? Huh? Huh? Huh?” Twilight immediately got the message that this was one very hyperactive pony, a very pink one too.

“Very surprised, libraries are supposed to be quiet…” said Twilight annoyed. It’s true though, libraries all over Equestria had a strict sound rule, and now here she is, Twilight, breaking one thing that she swore to up hold in a library. Silence.

“That’s silly, what kind of welcome party would this be if it was quiet. I mean, DUH. BORING!” said Pinkie. It seemed like a smile was always fixated on the pony’s face most of the time, Twilight found it a little ridiculous as she walked away. “I saw you when you first got here remember? You were all “Hello” and I was all, “GASP”. Remember? You see I never saw you before and if I never seen you before that MEANT your new, and I know everypony and I mean EVERYPONY in Ponyville.”

Twilight had gone over to the snack pub, groaning to having to hear the endless rabble of Pinkie Pie, going off about how this party even happened. She then took a cup and a bottle, she wasn’t paying attention as she poured hot sauce into her cup. She had noticed that all the ponies from before, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity, all of them were here. Twilight found it ironic but at that time she felt too tired to care. She drank from the cup and her tongue, it felt like lava was being poured onto her tongue, she never had anything so spicy or hot in her whole life. She reacted much more dramatically then she should have and ran up to what she believed to be her room. To her expense, she was correct.

Pinkie grabbed one of the cupcakes placed on the snack table as she poured the hot sauce onto the cupcake. She ate it as the other 4 mares looked at her in confusion, who in their right mind would eat a cupcake covered in hot sauce? Well…Pinkie Pie. “What? Its good!” said Pinkie Pie. The other’s couldn’t help but laugh, they didn’t mind that Twilight Sparkle was such a bummer at the time and they had fun at the party till night came.