The Adventures of Doctor Whooves and The Companion

by Mr_Allusive

The Beginning of The World

"Well, it seems like it's getting dark and my tardis isn't with me. So it looks like I'll be your guest for the night." The doctor said in a cheerful tone.

"Wait, wait, wait, you can stay over. I only have one bed in the whole house."

"Oh that's fine, we'll just sleep in the same bed. That's not a problem is it." The Doctor said.

"Problem! It's a giant problem!" Ditzy shouted at the Doctor.

"Oh, nonsense." The Doctor said, as he commenced to walk to Ditzy's rooms.

"No, no, no, no..." She repeated as she quickly ran up stairs, pushing the doctor to the side and running passed him. She blocked her bedroom door with her body. "You can't come in!" Ditzy declared.

"What, why not, the bed seemed big enough for two ponies." The Doctor stated.

"That's not the point." Ditzy's cheeks reddened. "I never had a pony over before, specifically a male one." Her cheeks became even more red then before.

"Ahhh, don't worry, nothing bad will happen." He said moving Ditzy to the side. He opened the door to her room and went inside. "See, big enough for two ponies." He said pointing at the bed while he looked at Ditzy. "Well, I don't know about you, but I'm getting some sleep." The Doctor said.

He crawled in bed and covered himself with the blanket that was lying on the floor. Ditzy didn't know what to do, she had no choice to sleep in bed with the mare. Either that or it was the couch downstairs, but it was really cold, especially in the night.

"It's just until you get your box back and then your gone, am I clear." Ditzy said while she crawled in bed next to the Doctor.

"As a bell." The Doctor said before yawning. They both went to sleep moment later.

The Next Day

Ditzy got up early, she had to so she wouldn't be late for her job. But seeing as she got fired she used the opportunity to buy muffins for breakfast. "Hey doc, I'm going out to buy muffins." Ditzy yelled from the front door. "What kind do you want."

The Doctor walked down the stairs. His hair was a mess, it looked as bad as twilight's when she wakes up. "I'll have an English muffin with butter." He ordered.

"Ew, you want an English muffin?" Ditzy said. "That's not a muffin." She added.

"Well, if you don't want me to get it you shouldn't have ask what I wanted." The Doctor said.

"Ok, one English muffin coming up." She said in a grossed tone. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"How about I just go with you. It would be nice to look around." He said. "Plus, I'm not going to stay for long. Once my machine is fixed I'm off."

"Sure, it's whatever you want to do." Ditzy said while she looked for her bag.

Sugarcube Corner

Ditzy hardly said anything while they were walking to Sugarcube corner. She let the Doctor talk the whole time, and most of the time Ditzy couldn't comprehend a single thing he said, he talks way too fast without taking a breath. He reminds her of a certain pony she knew.

When they arrived at Sugarcube Corner the Doctor held the door open for Ditzy. Either though he couldn't stay quiet he is quite the gentlecolt. "Thank you." Ditzy said gratefully. The Doctor replied with a nod, he closed the doors behind him.

"Wow this place looks... colorful." The Doctor said. He looked at the decor. "I never seen so much pink in one place." He added to his statement.

"You can say that again." A pink mare poked her head from the opposite side of the counter. It was Pinkie Pie, the most cheerful pony in all of Ponyville. "How can I help you today."

"Good morning Pinkie." Ditzy greeted her. She walked closer to the counter so she can give Pinkie her order.

"Oh, good morning, Derpy."

"Ditzy." The Doctor quickly cut off the pink pony. "Her name is Ditzy."

"Oh, wow. You have a new name, since when." Pinkie said cheerfully and loudly.

"Yesterday, apparently." Ditzy replied.

Pinkie pie was really excited, "and who's this pony here?"

"Umm... This is the Doctor, he' friend." Ditzy honestly didn't know the answer.

Oddly enough the Doctor was staying quiet for quite a while. Ditzy turned around to see the Doctor aggressively squinting at the pink pony. He was acting strange and Ditzy saw it from the look in his eyes.

"Well, can I get a blueberry muffin, and an English muffin." Ditzy said finally giving Pinkie pie her order.

"With butter!" The Doctor shouted out. He practically got everyponies attention.

After a few minutes of waiting Pinkie Pie came back with a big, brown, paper bag with what they ordered inside. Ditzy thanked her for the goods.

Pinkie replied with a big cheer, "Bye Derp-. I mean, Bye Ditzy." She said as she saw the two ponies walk out of the store. "Wow, that has a nice ring to it." She added.

The walk back

Ditzy and the Doctor commenced their way back home. Ditzy took this opportunity to ask the Doctor a couple of questions. "So, Doc, I couldn't help but notice your english accent and I was wondering where you're from." Ditzy asked.

"Well, lets just say my home is very, very far away." The Doctor replied. "But I decided to move away."

"Why did you move away." Ditzy said putting the paper bag in her saddlebag. "I mean somepony won't move away from their home without a reason."

"I left for reasons. I really shouldn't be talking to you about this." The Doctor said. "How about you, were you born here?"

"Yeah, I lived with my parents. Until I started to live by myself." Ditzy answered.

They could have talked for hours and hours, but Ditzy's house wasn't to far. After half an hour of walking they arrived at Ditzy's front porch. Ditzy opened the doors and invited the Doctor in. Ditzy walk in while the Doctor followed closely behind.

She went into the kitchen where she took the paper bag out of her bag and set it in the kitchen table. "Alright, let's dig in." She pulled her muffin out of the bag with her mouth and setting it on a plate. "Do you want milk or something with your muffin." She said offering a drink to her... roommate.

"Umm... do you have tea?" The Doctor asked.

"Tea? Why would I have tea." Ditzy shouted, throwing her arms in the air. "Muffins..." She pointed at her muffin, "... don't go with tea."

"Right, I guess, I'll get milk then." The Doctor said l, changing his mind.

The two roommates took their goods and refreshments and made their way to the living room. They sat on the couch and watched television. They spend half an hour munching down their food and watching Ditzy's favorite show. It was about to two friends and how they had adventures and talked about their hilarious, ordinary life. Ditzy always broke down in laughter, either though it was targeted for kids. Despite what others said she continued to watch new episodes that aired every week.

"Well, Ditzy, it was a blast, but I think I should be off now." The Doctor got up from the couch. "Would you like to accompany me to my box."

"Uhhh...sure" Ditzy said.

They started their walk to the Doc's box. Ditzy took this opportunity to ask a question before he left.

"What are you, Doc, really? I know your not a pony." They both stopped walking.

The Doctor's happy-go-lucky smile slowly disappeared from his face. He didn't turn around, his view stayed stayed constant to the direction he was walking.

"That day, when I first meet you and I dragged you to my home, I realized you weren't a normal pony." She said. "When I checked if you were still alive I found out you had two working hearts. Can you explain to me what that is all about?" Ditzy wanted answers before the Doc left.

"Your right. I'm not like the rest of you ponies." He turned around and looked at Ditzy. "I have something to confess." Ditzy didn't move an inch, she was about to hear the answers she was looking for. "I'm a timelord."

"Timelord?" Ditzy said. "Wow, does that mean your a time traveling pony." Ditzy shouted in excitement.

"Precisely." He said proudly.

"Then that tardis thing must be your time machine." Ditzy said excitedly until she cut herself off. "Wait, if you a time traveler, then why did you come to ponyville of all places?"

"The tardis sent me here to stop an event that mustn't occur or this world and it's creatures will die." He said, still with the same proud and cheery tone. "But nothing happened and everything seems to be going fine." He said rubbing his chin. "So, I might as well be off."

After walking for so long the tardis was in view, the remainder of the walk they both stayed quiet. Neither one making a sound except for their hooves hitting the ground with every step they took. It was surprisingly awkward. By the time they got to the tardis they had nothing else to say but their goodbyes.

"Well, assistant." He said. He made his back straighter than it already was, "It's back to London."

"London?" Ditzy said in confusion. Of course she would be confused, she hasn't even heard of such a place.

"Yes." The Doctor said happily. "Ahh, London, what a magical place. No horses there, well, no talking ones at least." He went on and on about humans and how amazing they were, but remembered he was still in the ponyville. "Right, I shouldn't be keeping you. I'll be off now."

The Doctor opened the tardis door and closed it when he got inside. Ditzy couldn't believe that she meet a time traveling pony, but he was about to leave.

"Doctor!" Ditzy screamed.

The Doctor peaked his head outside the door, "Yes." He said in a joking manner. The Doctor didn't take this as serious as Ditzy was.

"Doctor." Ditzy said. "Am I... am I ever going to see you again." Ditzy said. Her eyes were wide and a bit watery. It almost looked like she was about to cry.

The Doctor got out of the tardis so he can answer her question seriously.

"No." He was so straightforward. "We only meet by chance. It was a one out a googolplexian chance we'll ever meet again." He said. "But, if it wasn't for the tardis I wouldnt have meet you. And if I didn't meet you then you wouldn't have been my companion, right?" He said trying to cheer Ditzy up.

"Right." Ditzy was looking down, she wiped her face with her hoof, she was about to cry. "Well, then I guess this is it."

"It is." He took a quick peak inside the tardis. "Oh my, I have to go Ditzy. If I don't I won't be able to get back." He lied. He didn't want to make this anymore painful than it already was. "Ditzy..." He looked at Ditzy for the last time. "...remember you'll always be my companion."

He quickly went back into his box and shut the door. The Doctor was a coward, whenever he got himself into a situation he couldn't solve he always ran to his time traveling box and hid himself. While Ditzy was on the other side probably watering her eyes out and all he could do to make her pain lessen was to leave.

"Doctor!" The Doctor heard Ditzy scream out for him from the other side of the door. "And you'll always be my Doctor." The Doctor couldn't help but giggly a bit. He wiped his eyes and moved to the control panel.

"Lodon, here I come."

A week later

Ditzy was walking to sugarcube corner, she decided to buy blueberry muffins for breakfast. The past few days was hard on her. For about a week she's been looking for a job that is best suited for pony like her. It was a troubling time for her, she needs to pay a ton load of bill and taxes for her house and her not having a job didn't help.

A week ago almost around this time the Doctor left. After he went in to his box he vanished, into thin air. It was amazing, it was like he wasn't even here. Ditzy was walking the rocky road when suddenly she heard a loud screeching noise that kind of sounded like trumpets rubbing against each other.

Ditzy decided to check what it was. Never in her life in ponyville has she heard a sound like that. She walked to the direction where the noise was coming from. After a minute the sound had stop. She looked around to see if she was able to see anything. She looked at her surroundings and didn't find anything that would make that sound.

"Probably my imagination." She said to herself. She tried to find her way back to the path that lead to ponyville. She wandered the forest for a while, trying to find her way back. She saw something from the corner of her.

She quickly looked at it, it couldn't be, he said it wasn't possible. Ditzy saw the tardis it was back, just like how it was back then. Ditzy ran towards it, she was going to see him again. She got closer to the tardis, she heard something move inside.

The door quickly opened and the Doctor jumped out and yelled, "Hello, London, it's good to be back!"

Ditzy was confused and also happy at the same time for some reason. "DOCTOR!" Ditzy couldn't help but scream out his name.

"Ditzy?" The Doctor was confused.

"Doctor, it's been a week since I saw you." Ditzy gave him a giant hug.

"It's been a few seconds since I saw you."

"What?" Ditzy was confused almost as much as the Doctor. "That's really hard to believe, you know, since it's been a week." She added.

"Ditzy." He said getting the confused pony's attention. "Time traveler, remember." He said reminding her that he wasn't the same as the other ponies.

"Right." She said. "Still, that's kinda...creepy." She could have sworn it's been a week when they last saw each other. But, the Doctor said it was a few seconds, that was so hard to process. "Ow, just thinking about this hurts my head. It's still really hard to understand all this."

He couldn't find any other simple way to explain it to her. Off the top of his head he thought of one simple way. "How about I show you."

"What?" She was confused. " Show me what?" Ditzy asked.

"Im going to show you how my time machine works." He said. "But, It's not my choice, it's yours."

Ditzy wasn't going to let this opportunity go by, "I-I wanna see." She said.

"Come on in." He moved to the side so he can let Ditzy in.

Ditzy couldn't believe what she saw, it was bigger from the inside. Apart from being huge it was surprisingly empty. The only object that didn't make the tardis fully empty was the control panel that was in the center. There was a ton of buttons and switchs on it.

"Why did you come back? I thought you said you weren't coming back."

"I never left." He said walking inside and closing the door. He went to the controls, "It seems the tardis sent me further in time."

"So, you traveled to the future." Ditzy said.

"Precisely. The tardis isn't allowing me to go back to my home. It seems the tardis send me closer to the event I was originally suppose to stop." He explained. "Looks like there's no helping it, I have to stop whatever the event is going to be."

He turned away from the controls and looked at Ditzy, "Putting that aside, what do you want to see." He said.

"What do you mean?" Ditzy asked.

"We're in a time machine, so what do you want to see." Restating his question.

"Suprise me." She said calling out the Doctor's bluff.

"Fine, how about I show you the beginning of your world." The Doctor faced the control panel. It looked like he was pressing random buttons, it seemed like he didn't even know how to control his own time machine.

The tardis started to violently shake, it felt like they were in the middle of a earthquake. After a while the rumbling stopped.

The Doctor shifted to the door, "Want to see what's on the other side of this door." He said pointing at the door. Ditzy moved next to the Doctor, who know what she might see if he wasn't lying.

The Doctor opened the doors slowly, so Ditzy won't be startled. What she saw was astonishing. In whole life she was never able to see as clear as she did at that moment.

"We-we're in space. We're actually in space." She was touched by what she saw.

"Yes, we are." He looked outside, at the vastness of outer space.

"How are we still breathing?" Ditzy asked.

"The tardis is providing oxygen for the both of us, as long as we are in here we'll be fine." The Doctor answered.

"Wow." Ditzy was speechless. "This is..."

"Amazing." He cut her off. "I know." He said "See that. Over there." He pointed out a object.

"You mean that big rock." Ditzy said.

"It's a giant clump of dust and gas, Ditzy. That's your planet. In a couple centuries it's going to expand ten fold. After it's big enough life will be born. After that it will reproduce. And after that there will be more living things, trees, grass, and other things will take over the new world." He said. "It's amazing, really. It sounds so simple, but it's far from it."

"How do you know all this Doctor." Ditzy asked.

"If you were a timelord, like myself, you would see stars, galaxies, planets, black holes, supernovas, all the time."

Ditzy looked at the Doctor's eyes and saw emptiness, just like darkness of outer space. "Doc." Ditzy said getting his attention. "Are you lonely."

The Doctor didn't reply, he didn't even move a muscle. Ditzy was heartbroken, the Doctor saw all these cool and amazing things, but he wouldn't have anypony to talk about it with. It must be sad to have to say a lot, but no pony to tell it to.

"Don't worry Doc, I'll be your companion. Always." She said leaning next to the Doctor. "Always... till the end of time." They both watched the outer space, the sun, the stars. It was beautiful.

"Thank you Ditzy." He said quietly.