//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Love Heals // by OrpheusMorpheus //------------------------------// The summer sun was beating down on my flank as I stared ahead, and a light breeze blew past me. I could just barely make out a shape in the distance slowly walking closer. When the shape grew larger, I could see that it was Twilight. She was carrying a single red rose in her mouth and looked rather excited. Awaiting her arrival, I stood perfectly still. Then again, there wasn't much else I could do. When Twilight reached me, she slowly placed the rose at the bottom of my pedestal with the others. There were a few hundred that littered the ground, one for each day. It had been almost a year since my passing. Twilight sat down and stared up at me. She appeared to be examining me for any blemishes. She stood up and carefully brushed a leaf off of my stone tail and sat back down. "I'm really sorry, but I can't stay for too long today. You're never going to believe what happened." She paused as if waiting for me to guess. "I'm going to the Grand Galloping Gala! I know, it's so exciting! We need to start getting ready to leave soon, so I only have a few minutes left." She stood up and walked closer to me. She wrapped her legs around me in a tight embrace and didn't let go for a few minutes. I felt a single tear roll down her face and fall onto my neck. "I'm so sorry." I wanted to say that she had done nothing wrong, but I lacked the ability to move. Twilight's spell bound my soul to this statue. I was locked forever in an offensive crouch. My horn also eternally glowed red from another nifty spell Twilight had learned. Twilight let go of me and took a step back. She let a fleeting melancholy smile cross her face, then waved goodbye. I simply stood there. She then turned around and started slowly walking away. I watched her beautiful body slowly walk away as I stood there on my stone pedestal. Suddenly, she turned around and started galloping towards me. "I'm so sorry, Red, I completely forgot! Oh man, that would've been bad, right? I couldn't leave you without my daily gift." She looked straight up at me, and I could see her horn glowing purple. A thick magenta haze spewed forth from her horn and enveloped me. I was sitting on the library floor with Twilight. It felt great to have my body out of the coffin that had once housed my deceased love. The purple mare was showing me something in a book she was reading. She said something about how the author had used allusions to foreshadow the end of the story, but I wasn't listening. I stared at her face as she read. Even in my dream, Twilight was beautiful.