My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. The Light at the End of the Tunnel.

by StormBreaker

Ch.4 1.21 Jigawatts!!!!

"What the heck?" I thought as my vision finished focusing after my startled shock.
"Ow" Pinkie said, her hands on her face while she stumbled back a few feet. I probably hit her when I was abruptly awoken.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Pinkie." I apolagized, quickly getting to my feet.
"Are you ok?" I asked sincerly.
"Yeah I'm fine, hey whats this?" Pinkie asked, noticeing blood was dripping from her nose.
"Aw crap" I said, almost to myself. "Come with me, and block your nose so it wont drip anymore." I continued.
"Okey dokey lokey!" Pinkie said in her usual over-excited voice, apperently she wasn't really bothered by it.
I grabbed some cottonballs and gave them to Pinkie to stop the blood-flow, and asked, "Why are you up this early, it's - 10:30?" I asked.
"Humans sleep that much? They must be reeealy interesting if they need that much rest, so what do humans do? I know what I do, I like to hang out with friends, help friends, solve mysterys with friends, and bake cupcakes with frie-".
"Ok, ok, I get it. So, back to my previous question?" I asked, walking back into the living room.
"Oh, were cooking you colts breakfast!" She replyed.
"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!" the fire alarm sounded. Waking Riley up.
After noteing that I have to teach the girls how to speak properly, I walked into the kitchen what mayham was probably in the making.
As I walked down the hall that lead into the kitchen with Pinkie, and a Groggy Riley, we heard a bunch of clashing pots, and rushed comments.
"Whats going on-" I stopped. The ENTIRE kitchen was in about 12 inches of pancake batter and slowly dripping into the eating area, strips of bacon were thrown around everywere, and a small crocadile with a party hat on was slowly swinging from AppleJack's hair.
"Ha ha ha ha!" I laughed, "How did this happen?" I asked, barely able to get it out from my laughing attack.
"I-I-I'm s-so-sorry," Twilight said, shaking.
"No, no, its fine Twilight! I just can't figure out how you did it!" I hurryed, finnaly stopping to breath for a second.
"Well..." Dash started. "The food wasn't cooking fast enough..." Applejack continued. "Twilight misread a spell." Rarity finished.
"Ooooh." I sounded. "Well get out of that, stuff and lets eat!" I finished.
I noticed as Twilight walked out, she bent down and rummaged threw the gunk untill she picked up my moms oldest cook book. I mean really old, like 40 years old.
"Here Jason, you should get a new one, this cooking spell book isn't very acurate." Twilight concluded.
"Um, Twilight." I asked.
"Ya Jason?" Twilight responded.
"Can I talk to you in private for a sec?"
"Sure." She answered, fallowing me into the other room.
"Um, Twi... in this world... magic dosn't exist, we don't have any spell books, magic dosn't exist here."
"Oh..." Twilight said sadly.
"Other people... besides Riley, the others, and I. You can't trust them, they'll tell people that... would do horrible things to you. I don't won't that to happen. Even to the point of talking of magic and flying even. Most people don't have the capasity for that kind of stuff." I finished.
"Oh, ok." Twilight sulked. "But, what am I supposed to do? My only talent is Magic. I can't just throw away who I am."
"Twilight, theres more to magic then just the abilities. If for some reason, you would never be able to use magic ever again. I know for a fact, everyone in this room, and back at home, would still say your magic Twilight. You, are magic, not just your abilites. You, are magic. Don't let any abilites, or lack of, get you down." I comforted.
"Thanks Jason, thats just what I needed." Twilight said with a sincere smile, grabbing my hand and walking back to the now batter flooded eating room, dragging me along.
"Huh, I guess this whole thing is real." I thought as Twilight pulled me.


"Huh..." John thought, looking at his blinking computer screen. Quickly taking a peak at his suroundings to see if anything interesting had happened in the last few minutes.
Johns office was like those computer war rooms you see in the movies. In the center of the room, were slowly descending stairs, leading to a giant projector screen which showed the overall power consumption of the small state of Utah. Across from each section of stairs, were five workers, each paying attention to a diffrent region companys reach.
At the top of the room, was a balcony that held the Head Executive of the power company, and the Head Supervisors, entrusted to overlook everyone elses work.
"This is so boring... why couldn't I have been premoted last month?" John thought, slowly tapping his pencil on the desk, then speeding up, then slowing down again. "If only I didn't call in sick, I would be siting up there right now."
John quickly took a glance at the balcony, stairing at the head supervisor all the way to the right. Giving him a look like, "Your gonna pay for this", and receaving back a look that said, "Get back to work or I'll fire you."
With a groan, he began paying attention to his screen again.
Sudenly, the screen began to flash red and produce an annoying sound that went alot like a police siren. "Ah!" John screamed, quickly turning down the valume after realising the adjacent worker had pulled a fast one on him.
Shaking, John quickly stood up and grabbed the newly printed results.
"Um, sir?" John question his supervisor.
"Whats the problem?" He said, not looking away from his computer.
"As if his pac-man game is that important... really?" John thought as he scanned the paper. "There was a power influx at the Woods Cross High School.
"How much?" He asked, looking up from his pac-man game.
"1.21 Jigawatts!" John exclaimed, suprised at the extreme power of the problem.
"Really?" he questioned, not believing there actually was a problem. "If your really certain, look at the video footage and see what happened." he said, paying attention to the screen again.
"Finally, maybe I can win back that premotion..." John thought, as he walked back to his desk to investigate.