Scars of the past.

by Sim D

Chapter 2: Meet the Elements. Pt.1

Scars of the Past

Chapter – 2

Twists and Turns.

A few minutes after observing the land, Frostbite‘s ears started to ring.

"Eeeyow! What is this infernal ringing!?“ – Frostbite frowned in annoyance. Suddenly, he started to hear a voice in that ringing.

"Testing, testing, is this thing on? It‘s a little grubby.“ – Frostbite could recognise that mischefous voice anywhere.

"General Boo, is that you? " – Frostbite had always wondered why the constant „happy-for-no-reason“ earth pony‘s name was „Boo“. Was it his palish grey body and his ghostly white mane? Or was it his habbit of oftenly pulling scare-pranks on others? Whatever the case, he was the most random pony he knew in his world.

"Ah, you caught me, I thought i might make this more mysterious, but i guess there‘s no tricking a prince, you‘re good.“ – In that tone, one might think he had forgotten why he called in the first place.

"Boo, I hope you‘re not making this a prank call? The Princess might sence the communication spell you‘re using.“

"Don‘t be silly, princy, I can‘t do any magic, Arcane is performing the spelly thingy, I‘m only using it to –„ - Boo was interrupted by Frostbite.

"Okay, okay, just hurry up and tell me, before she does sence my presance.“

"Oopsie, sorry. Your dad told me to tell Arcane so that i could tell you not to rush in to the castle. Observe the place, find places where there are least guards and find a way to sneak in. Also, take a look at other ponies, see how well they are prepared, and bring some ice-cream.“

"Yes, I need to be coutious. I‘ll check every corner of the castle and analyze how well prepared are the guards or any ponies and bring some ice-cr- " – Frostbite paused for a moment. – "Boo, what does our mission have to do with this „Ice-cream“ you speak of?“

"Oh, that‘s not for the the mission, that‘s for me. Arcane told me about it, it‘s like ice, but with flavour, can you believe it?“ – Boo spoke with an excited tone.

"Boo, I swear, sometimes...No, no not sometimes, I always think you are the most ran-„ – Frostbite was interrupted by Boo.

"Opps, that‘s all the time i had, Arcane says he‘s having a migrane from the spell, see you later“ – The communication spell was cut.

"-dom pony I‘ve...“ – Frostbite was left to feel like a fool talking to himself. - "How in the name of every living being did that colt make it to a general‘s rank, I will never know.“
As Frostbite was walking down the cliff and along the road to the village, he thought to himself – "Arcane obviously won‘t be able to channel the spell for another few hours, if not longer, and father is definitely too busy with plans and strategies, which means none of them are keeping an eye of him.“ – Frostbite put on a mischefous smirk.

"Well, since nopony is keeping track of me, mind as well have a tour around this little place. Maybe I‘ll check out that dish Boo called iced-cream. " – He thought to himself.

As Frostbite walked around the village, he was surprised how everypony here were so happy. Ponies chatting, foals playing, smiles on every side. It seems nopony noticed the „New guy“. But was he really that different from the others? Nopony seemed to notice that he was an alicorn. He was sure that he would attrack some attention.

"This place isn‘t half bad, I can‘t remember the last time our world was this cheerful... In fact, was there ever a day in our world that looked like this? " – Frostbite spoke silently.

As he made a quick turn, he saw one pony looking right at him. He could tell this was a filly, her body was light pink and her rediculously curly and bouncy. Frostbite snapped out of analyzing the filly standing before him.

"Why is she staring at me like that? Could I have been discovered so soon? She looks like she knows something, she definitely suspects something about me. What should i do now? " – Frostbite had to think fast.

"Um..hello? " – „Oh yeah, great plan Frost, you gonna tell you where you‘re from next?“ – Frostbite said to himself and put on a sheepish smile.

*Gaaasp* - The pink filly let out a loud gasp and flashed passed Frostbite.

" How did she- so fast- but with out wings...What just happened? " – He was flummoxed, that was about as random as Boo. After he was done compairing them, Frostbite noticed that by now everypony was staring at him. They had finally noticed the new pony. While Frostbite did enjoy attention, he couldn‘t risk getting too much of it in here, so he decided to move along.

Moments after he saw a large farm-house in the distance and a sign that said "Sweet Apple Acres“.

"Sweet? Apples aren‘t sweet, atleast they‘re not in our world, this sign doesn‘t really make sence. " – Frostbite said to himself.

"Yeeehaaw! " – Frostbite‘s attention was caught by a shout a few meters away from him. It was an orange earth pony with blonde mane while wearing a brown hat.

*Buck!* - A strong kick from both pony‘s legs made very apple fall from the tree into the baskets.

Frostbite couldn‘t tell wether this was a light-weight colt or a very strong filly. But from the sound of her previous shout, he‘s betting she‘s a filly. He was just about to turn around and walk away, but the orange pony had already noticed him. Though he doesn‘t know her, it would still be rude to just walk away after making eye-contact. He had no choice, mind as well get introduced. Frostbite was first to walk up to her and speak.

" Good day to you, my name is Frostbite" – Right after he finished his sentance, he felt a strong grip over his right hoof, the pony was shaking it up and down rapidly with a delighted smile.

"Well how‘do mister Frostbite, real pleasure makin‘ your acquaintance. " – She was still shaking his hoof at the same pace. - "Ah‘m Applejack, we here at Sweet Apple Acres, sure do love making new friends. "

"Friends? Uhm, a-a-ctual-ly-y i-i.. " – Frostbite‘s hoof feels like it‘s about to come off.

Applejack had finally let go of his hoof and felt a strange chill on her‘s.

"Heavens to betsy, you‘re as cold as snow, and it‘s the middle o‘Summer right now. "

Frostbite was finally able to stop his hoof from shaking by itself. " She definitely has a strong shake. " And then noticed a conserned look on her face.

"Oh, it‘s nothing, I just..I just slipped in a cold pond that‘s all. " – "Really Frost? A little foal wouldn‘t buy that" – He thought to himself.

"Well doesn‘t matter, ah know just the thing that‘ll warm you up lickety split. " – Applejack trotted to a nearby table where a pie was laying. She took a slice and trotted back to Frostbite.

"Here‘ya are, still fresh ought‘a the oven. " – Applejack was holding the plate near Frostbite‘s nose. While it did smell delicious, he had to end this conversation before he gets invited to brunch or something.

"Thank you kindly, but i really sho-" – Before he could end his sentance, Applejack shoved the whole slice in his mouth. At fist he felt annoyed, just having something shoved in his mouth without warning, but then..

"Oh, this..this is amazing! " – Frostbite now knows why it‘s called the „Sweet“ Apple Acres. This pie was nothing compared to the sour apples from his world.

"A‘hm glad ya liked it, and see? " – Applejack held one of his hooves - " Ye‘r gettin‘ warmer allready. "

Frostbite felt it too. His ussual temperature got warmer a little and that‘s something he hasn‘t felt in a long while. How odd he thought, it wasn‘t fire that warmed him up, nor was it the sunlight, but a simple freshly baked apple pie. Come to think of it, he failed to notice how warm Equestria was at day, much warmer than his world. When he snapped out of his thoughts, he noticed Applejack was still holding his right hoof in hers.

"You alright, sugarcube? Had your head in the clouds for a second there. "

"Oh, uhm, yes, I‘m fine. You‘re right, i was just lost in thought, that‘s all. " – Frostbite let go of applejack‘s grip and smiled sheepishly.

"Al‘righty then, care to sample some more, we have the best apple dishe‘s here your taste-buds will ever taste. "

"This Applejack is so welcoming, so honest. " – Frostbite thought to himself. - "Thank you, but i really must be going, a little business i have to take care of. "

"Sure thing sugarcube, ya‘ll can comeback anytime, ya hear? " – Applejack waved hapilly.

"I hear you. " – As Frostbite walked away from the farm, he remembered how Applejack was holding his hoof. It felt so..warm and welcoming. Frostbite gave a slight blush, but was put out when he remembered what‘s at stake here.

"What‘s wrong with you Frost, you can‘t just begin bonding with the very ponies your father will soon enslave. You have a mission to do. " – He thought to himself

Back at the farm, Applejack looked back at the new colt in town and just noticed. " Was it just me, or did that fella had wings and a horn? Hmm, ah think ah should round-up the girls, just in case. "


Back Frostbite, who was lost in thought again while trotting back to the village.

"Hm, maybe i should observe the village from the sky, wouldn‘t want to attrack more attention. " – Frostbite spread his wings and flew up to the sky, high enough to see the whole village.

"Why didn‘t i think of this sooner? Nopony will think that there‘s a spy in the sky..heh, rhymey. "

Frostbite continued to fly above the village, when suddenly the was a flash of rainbow that passed right through him.

"Hey you! " – A pegasi pony shouted at Frostbite.

"Wha- huh? " – Frostbite gave a confused look. Before him there flew a cyan-blue pegasus with rainbow mane. Frostbite has never seen a multi-colored pony before.

"Yeah you, I dare you to race me to that big cloud there! " – The pegasus had a competetive smile.

"Wait, who are you and-"

"Onetwothree GO! " – With that the pegasus flew with great speed at the cloud she named.

"I don‘t know what‘s this about, but I‘m never left behind! " – Right after he finished his statement, Frostbite dashed after the pegasus.

Both were flying at incredible speed. Frostbite was quick to catch up to her speed.

"Not bad new guy, but I‘m just getting warmed up! "

"Well that makes two of us then" – Frostbite shot back.

The cyan pegasus flapped her wings even faster and left behind a trail of a small rainbow. But Frostbite wasn‘t about to give up. He gave his wings a strong flap that made him burst into speed, once again catching up to his opponent.

None of them noticed how the whistling and soaring sounds attrackted the eyes of the ponies below and how they were cheering.

The cloud was getting close, this might need a photo finish to decide who would win. The two racers were in so much speed that they couldn‘t stop, resulting them into crashing in the cloud. A few seconds after, both raised their heads.

"Wow, i don‘t think anypony was ever this close to beat me in a race. "

"Close? pardon me, i think what you meant to say was: you‘ve never met a pony who has beaten you in a race. " – Frostbite smirked.

"Ha, you wish new guy. Byt the way, name‘s Rainbows Dash, and you are? "

"I‘m Frostbite. Have to admit, you took me by surprise when you swung through me back there, i‘m not so easy to sneak up on. "

"Hehe, sorry, i was just in a rush, didn‘t have time to give you a warning. You were pretty good, but i still say I won. " – Rainbow dash smirked at Frostbite.

"Well, there‘s only one way to find out. " – Frostbite challanged her to another race.

"Sorry, as much as i would love to make you eat those words, i gotta clear the clouds for Ponyville before it gets late. "

"Ponyville? Is that the name of this village? "

"What planet are you from? Hehe, it‘s been cool and all, but gotta dash, see‘ya! " – And with that Rainbow Dash left Frostbite with a trail of a small rainbow.

Frostbite took some time to recover from the race. After a few breather‘s he remembered:
"Darn it, what is with all these distractions? I can‘t work if i keep getting in these situations. " Frostbite then noticed a rich looking building right below him. "Hm, something tells me i‘m going to regrtet this, but that building is so eye-catching, wonder what‘s in it. " – With that said, he flew from the cloud he was resting on and on to the ground near the entrance. He opened the door slowly, making sure nopony would hear him. However he didn‘t expect a bell was above the door, which gave away his position.

"Cooming! " – A voice was heard from the second floor.

Frostbite sighed thought to himself: "Well, no point in hiding now, mind aswell get stuck in another intoduction. "

From the stairs, there came a pure white unicorn pony with a stylish purple mane.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, where every garment shique, unique and magnefique, how may i help you this fine da-wuahAHAh! Oh my goodness, young colt, whatever happened to your graviour? " – Rarity gave a shocked expression.

Frostbite stood confused, he didn‘t know what this „graviour“ was, but aftr glimpsing at a nearby mirror, he had to guess it was his mane and it was a mess, most likely from the race against Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, you needn‘t worry miss, there was simply some strong wind in and i guess i flew too fast, resulting my mane to this. But don‘t worry, i was just curious to what this place was, i will be out of your hair in no time. " – Frostbite smiled, trying to end their chat before it would prolong itself.

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?"

But it was too late. The stylish unicorn started to push Frostbite.

"Wait, where are you pushing me? " – Frostbite was pushed closer to the mirror he glimpsed a few minutes ago, standing confused.

"Um, miss? " – Since it has gone to this, mind as well introduce themselves..again.

"Oh, but of course, how rude of me, i didn't even introduce myself. I am Rarity, the owner of Carousel Boutique, and you are darling?"

"My name is Frostbite, you could say i‘m very new to Ponyville. "

"Ah, we haven‘t had somepony new in Ponyville for a while. But i must say darling, you mane is absolutely horrid. " – Rarity walked over to some cosmetics.

"What‘s wrong with it? Beside‘s being ruffled up by the wind? " Frostbite felt a little insulted. He wasn‘t all that into fashion, but calling his mane horrid was a bit rude. "

"I meant no offense ofcourse, but it feels cold and grubby and I will not let it continue to be like this. " – Rarity walked up to him with a comb and some spray cans.

"I don‘t like where this is going. " – Frostbite thought and widened his eyes.

Rarity began spraying and combing his mane all over. A few minute‘s past and it was done.

"Done, tada~" – Rarity said happily.

Frostbite was scared to open his eyes, he thought what this pony could have done to his mane as it was already bad enough. He opened his eyes slowly and was surprised. It wasn‘t just better than his ruffled up mane, it was better than his old one.

"Well darling, don‘t hide your happiness from me, what do you think? "

"My, this is actually good. " – Frostbite turned to Rarity who was frowning, obviously displeased with his reply. " I mean, it‘s great, magnificient, perfect even! " – Frostbite would, by any cost, like to avoid an angry lady. "

Rarity blushed a little. "Oh you‘re a true gent, but then again, I always leave my guests satisfied. Even though my profession is making beautiful dresses and suits, styling manes jsut comes naturally. "

"I see. " – Frostbite might‘ve gave too much credit for her work, but it was still better than having to deal with an angry lady.

"Well, this has all been delightful, but i really must be going now, some business i must attend to. "

"Ofcourse darling, don‘t let me hold you" – Rarity smiled delightfuly.

"You propobly couldn‘t anyway. " – Frostbite whispered.

"Pardon? " – Rarity raised one brow.

"Oh, it‘s nothing miss Rarity, farewell. " – "That was close" he thought.
Now Frostbite was beggining to feel stressed. It‘s already evening, and he hasn‘t even come up with a plan on how to sneak into the castle. Still, it wasn‘t a complete waste of time. He did meet some friendly ponies here. An honest earth pony, who did not lie about her delicious apples. A loyal pegasus, who puts duty before fun. And a genorous unicorn, who fixed up his ruined mane with no charge‘s.

"I don‘t understand..Father said this world must belong to him, because these ponies are using the balance and harmony of this world all wrong. But how is that? I‘d say they are living here as they are supposed to, why would father want it to himself? "

"Bah, it doesn‘t matter, father has always been right. And i must stop speaking with these ponies or else i might feel sorry for them when father comes. " – Frostbite said that, but he still can‘t shake the feeling that what he is doing is wrong.

In a small distance, Frostbite heard singing. But not just any singing, by the sounds of the voices, those were..birds singing?

This was, among other things, new to Frostbite. He had birds in his world aswell, but none can sing like these do. But it seems to melodie, as if they are being played by somepony else. His curiosity got the best of him, he had to see who was singing.

He followed the road to where the singing was coming from, until he saw a yellow pagasus pony singing along with different kinds of birds. He felt the need to get closer, the singing was so beautiful, he had to hear it up-close. He walked slowly and silently, doing his best not to frighten the birds and the filly.

*Snap* - The birds heard the snappy noise and scattered to different trees, and the young filly yelped in surprise. Frostbie felt a little embarassed, he knew this was going to turn out into another introduction, but how will the filly before him react, after purposely sneaking up to her like that?

To be continued..

Sorry if you were hoping for Frostbite to meet the whole group, but i just thought a two-parter chapter would do.
Again, sorry if this wasn‘t what you were hoping for.