//------------------------------// // In the forest // Story: Spartans are a Flutter // by fabianguzman18 //------------------------------// Date : September 7,2552 Forerunner Crystal cave underneath Castle Base Vinh and Isaac had just set in Satchel Charges and then Flash all they saw was bright light. ----------------------- Isaac lay on the ground of what seem to be a forest but how was this possible one minute he’s surrounded by crystals and now he’s in a forest all those complex thoughts would have drove a normal person mad but not a Spartan after a moment of thought of was his teammate and friend Vinh “Vinh! are ya there?” “Yeah I’m fine no need you yell.” “Where are we Issac?” “I don’t know Vinh but im guessing its a forest.” Soon their conversation was interrupted by the sound humming “What was that?” “I don’t know quick get in the tree if it’s an enemy we’ll ambush it” “Got it” Soon they climbed on top of the tree and a yellow winged horse appeared out the forest brush happily frolecing through the forest probably looking for food. That's when it happened the branch snapped and both Spartans fell to the forest floor. “Damn it” ------------------Fluttershy POV------------ Fluttershy eeped in terror and immediately froze in place not knowing what to do. She saw two 7 foot tall olive green colored bipedal robots stand up and look at each other and then at fluttershy. “Oh dear please don't eat me!” “Relax we're not gonna eat you we just want a way to get back to our world” It was a female voice slightly deep and very affirmative “Wait you can speak” “Yeah i guess we can question is how can you horses don’t exactly talk where we come from.” this time it was a male voice deeper than the female ones but with a slightly more calm and relaxed tone. “What's your name horse?” “My name is fluttershy and I’m not a horse I’m a pony” ------Vinh’s POV---------- “Great what have we gotten into this time Isaac.” she thought to herself as fluttershy and Issac got to conversing while she just stood there and was quiet. “ listen fluttershy was it we got to go Reach has fallen and we got to get back to defend Earth before th- I had not realized how loud she was yelling and it had made fluttershy tear up. “ look im sorry im just being a little edgy you know being on another world and no way to get out and everything.” fluttershy had stopped crying and began “Wait if you have no way to get out and no place to go why don’t you come home with me?” “We’d love to.” “ Isaac! come with me for a sec.” “What why?” he walked with me just a few feet from fluttershy. then I punched that dumb idiot in his helmet and got so mad I wanted to kill him “hey what was that for.” “look Issac what if she’s dangerous” he began to laugh at my suggestion sure it sounded funny but i meant it. “her dangerous you make me laugh, but seriously we're going with her.” “listen i’m PO1 and you’re PO2 so i outrank you so you’re doing what i say got” I breathed deeply and finally defeated and replied “Got it sir.” Soon we began to take the long walk back to fluttershy ‘s cottage. Isaac felt extremely comfortable with the idea of talking to fluttershy while Vinh didn’t trust fluttershy. “So Um I was wondering why did you guys choose to become spartans.” “Choose?” both said in unison “Yeah you guys did choose right?” Both spartans just simply stood for a moment and were both in complete shock and anger, but unfortunately could not be at her for not understanding of their particular situation so they just said “Yeah sure choose” “Is everything alright I’m so sorry if I said anything wrong” She began to tear up By this point I began to seep with anger at how this pony could be so sweet and innocent never having even come across the thought of the things she has seen and done then she realized it wasn’t rage or anger that I had it was jealousy and envy. jealousy because fluttershy had got to live a normal life while she spent most of my childhood training to kill other humans and envy because I could never be as innocent to the world no never with all the baggage i'm carrying. All i can say is it's a good thing i'm wearing this helmet i don't want anyone seeing my face right now. ---------Isaac’s POV------------- After conversing with fluttershy for a while I learn that this is called the Everfree Forest and that and that they’re four different kinds of ponies unicorns, earth,pegasi like fluttershy and Alicorns which are the rarest and their rulers. after a few jokes she began to laugh in a very familiar way then i get an image of a blond woman in my head again and i realized the reasion why i tust her so much was because she reminded me so much of my mother the innocent and caring nature and the soft spoken voice it made me stop dead in my tracks. “Isaac you ok?” “yeah im fine just need a breather.” All I want to do now is collapse and cry but we got to go to fluttershy house i can cry when i'm asleep Soon we arrive at Fluttershy’s house and we are let in and yet again i'm reminded of my mother all the animals sleeping in their little houses makes me think about the times i’ve helped my mom back on Harvest. how she would be so prou-. My thoughts are interrupted by a movement in the living room. “don’t worry we're I’m not gonna hurt you little fella” i try to look at least menacing as possible but with this suit and my helmet on i doubt i'm doing any good at it.Slowly the creature comes out into the open.