Return of the Changelings: The Rebellion

by RainbowShimmer

Chapter 1: C78463 (Shifty)'s POV

I was 22. Although Changelings don't have ages, I counted the years I'd been alive and made that my age. Anyway, to the story.
Queen Chrysalis was thinking of a revenge plan as I spoke with my friend Changeling 61048, although I always called her Truffle, due to her love of growing mushrooms. She always called me Shifty, as I was very sneaky and could change form more quickly than others.
"Did you hear about Queen Chrysalis' plan for revenge?" Truffle asked.
"She made up her mind on a plan?" I answered.
"Yes. And this plans a crazy one."
Truffle said that Queen Chrysalis was planning to go back to Equestria in 3 days to attempt to take over again , seeming like the number of Changelings had increased, and there were a lot more of us. It was also absolutely required to battle against Equestria.
"But I don't want to." I said.
"I know, and that worries me..." Truffle faced the floor.
I knew why she was upset. All Changelings are supposed to be evil, and if they find one that isn't evil, they have to die. All Changelings are destined to grow up and fight for the queen. That is our only purpose. Nothing else. And then I got the strangest idea.
"Truffle, I got a great idea."
Truffle turned her attention toward me, clearly still upset.
"I'm not staying with the Changeling Army. I can't stay here, or I'll die. So I need somewhere else to stay. I was thinking I could borrow your computer for a Google Images picture of an Equestrian pony for my disguise."
Truffle nodded.
"I need to get one of those tattoos Equestrian ponies have on their flanks from that place down the street."
"Shifty, wait. You're getting far ahead of yourself here." Truffle interrupted. "No, Truffle, you don't understand. I have to do this."
Truffle nodded. "If you know what you're doing. Which I'm sure you do."