Blockcade on the Road

by Emberspirit

To a new path

Tonight is a bright dusk over the Wonderbolt Academy, as many of the cadets and officers were getting ready for the night and finishing up chores during the much needed free time. Of the many hallways in the main building sat a white, very fit and muscular stallion in a Wonderbolts cadet uniform complete with goggles around his forehead. Said stallion was slightly bigger then the average pegasus... well lets not kid ourselves here... he's pretty huge for his race, and when seen close up on his back, he has foal sized wings on his back and a dumbbell cutie mark on his flanks . His light amber mane and tail is styled in a short cut with a very stylish gold hoop on his left ear. His face is neutral, vivid red eyes steady at the office door labeled 'Captain Spirfire'.


A feeling that's not very common in Bulk Bicep's mind, as he's waiting in front of the office at the middle of free time at the Wonderbolt Academy. From the results of the following weeks of training at the academy, he was still the slowest out the group of cadets. Because of that, his team consisting of him and his lead pony and friend, Cloudchaser, would be last during the speed training regiment. Even though he was bringing down the team, Cloudchaser would only have words of encouragement, if not, lighthearted jabs, both metaphorically and physically. The other cadets, especially the ones from Ponyville, have given encouragement and remind him that he's here in this training camp with reason. He's beaten other tryouts for a spot at the Wonderbolt Academy with his own talent and skill. With the positive reinforcement from his fellow peers his head is still held high, but he still slightly doubts himself on his condition.

Foal Wings Syndrome. Pegasi has a chance of their wings being unable to grow and will always be the size, if not a little bigger, of when they were at their foal years. Thus bringing the chances of being able to fly to a minimum or none at all when growing. The chances of having the syndrome get bigger when the pegasus in question have an earth pony heritage; the longer the heritage, the bigger the chance. Within his father's family, he comes from a long line earth ponies. His father, being the first pegasus in many generations, dodged the syndrome bullet only to have the bullet hit Bulk instead. When taken to a doctor in Cloudsdale when the condition was noticeable, the small white foal sat there on the cloud table about to cry when it was revealed by the doctor. His pegasi parents did not shed a tear however, but showed conviction that they will support him no matter what. He looked at his parents, he sucked in his tears and showed the similar conviction and vowed that this condition will not bring him down.

It was then on for many years after the reveal that he trained on mind, body, and soul. The mind to ignore the jeers among his pegasi peers about his condition and telling him there's no chance at the moon that he'll be able to fly; the body to not only fly but fly at the speed of his peers; and the soul to be able to never give up and never give in to his past failures. But why build his body so bulky that by laws of physics that it would be much harder for him to fly? After being able to fly, he considered it to be too easy, why not make it challenging he thought. Embrace his earth pony heritage by training the body they're known for. He will be living poof there's not always a right body for every day actions. He already showed his naysayers he can fly, so why not test his limits and see if he can be one of the best fliers of Equestria with his size by being a Wonderbolt.

But now, his limit has been reached, the challenge he made for himself is almost at its failure, he knows. His eyes shifting from the clock to the front of the door, every now and then, the feeling of dread only fluctuating better to worse as he's thinking why Captain Spitfire would have a conference with him only. His conclusions ranged from just saying hi to the decommission of his cadet status. In the middle of his thoughts the door opened and came out one of the officers helping Captain Spitfire around the academy.

“She's ready to see you.” he says as makes a motion for him to go in. Bulk Bicep takes a deep breath and trots on in and the door is closed by the officer from outside leaving the conversation to the only the two in the office. There sitting in the office with hooves put together in front of her face, was the aforementioned stoic faced Captain Spitfire, brilliant orange irises focused on him as he came in. Her orange and amber mane untamed as possible while not looking like a slob, her gold coat can be seen rarely since she's wearing the blue academy uniform with her medals adorn on her chest. He salutes, she does the same and motions him to sit. He does so in a very stiff manner, still nervous to his core.

“Be at ease Cadet Bulk Bicep, this is gonna be a long conversation.” She relaxes herself into her chair. He copies her as she relaxes but not too much out of tension.

“Before we get to the main part, let me ask you a few things...” Bulk could only nod and tried to smile, only coming out an awkward grin. “Can you refresh me on why you want to be Wonderbolt if you don't mind me asking?” she says as she eyes him with one eyebrow raised.

“I've come to prove that I have the guts and determination to be a Wonderbolt with my condition. MA'AM!” a grunt was heard from the captain. “To whom?”

“To the ponies who didn't believe in me, MA'AM!” Spitfire sadly smiled as she took a deep breath.

“Do you know why I accepted you in the Academy?” Bulk shook his head no with a straight face. “Because you are the first pegasus with your condition to pass at the bare minimum results needed to get in... ever. You are a pony that has beaten full winged candidates fair and square to get to this spot in the academy.” He swelled with pride as well as as the grin became less awkward at the remarks, but as her face went to a frown and gave a huff, the grin was flat out gone. “But you haven't been improving in the speed aspect these past days of training. You're certainly faster then you were before. But from what I'm viewing, even though your group is the slowest, Cloudchaser would be faster if you weren't dragging her down. I'mma tell you outright here Bulk, we need the most agile and fastest ponies to be able to do the actions required within our job. I thought with the training that we could do that for you but...” She sighed right here and at this point Bulk already knows where this is going, “...without drastic improvements I have to let you go Bulk, please hoof over your wing pony badge.”

He could only pull a face of disappointment as this is where his limits could get him, but no tears were shed. As he knows that he gave it his all and shouldn't have any regrets. He salutes and does as he's told then slowly turns to the door. “Ah ah ah... we're not done yet Bulk, that wasn't the main part. Please be seated.” she motions him to sit again, her face neutral. Curiosity pips in his mind, but doesn't show in his face as he sits back down stiffly. If him getting kicked out of the Wonderbolts is not the main part of this conference, what in Tartarus is?

“Now you know the history of the Wonderbolts right?” she questioned.

“Yes MA'AM! The Wonderbolts were created to celebrate the anniversary of peace when E.U.P Guard was established, MA'AM!” Spitfire chuckled at the explanation.

“That's correct, but Bulk there's no need to be formal and… loud here, you're out of the academy, relax and think of this not as a conference but as a conversation between two friends, alright?” she said as she leans back on her chair with front legs on the back of head and hind legs propped on the desk.

He scratched the back of his head, grinned sheepishly as he visibly relaxed, Spitfire took this as a signal to go on. “Well what you don't know is that we're also on military duty when the time comes. We're a 'on call' military branch per se. If something happens that needs an... 'artist's expertise', they call on us.” Bulk Bicep nodded in understanding. “It's why we not only do acrobatic and speed training, but strength and martial training on a bare minimum.” Spitfire finished.

After a brief pause, “Now if you don't mind me asking... what will you do now that you're out of the academy?” Spitfire questioned as she's still leaning, front hooves together in front of her face but eyes directed to him.

Caught off guard from the sudden genre change, Bulk sat thinking about it for a little bit, right hoof on chin while looking up, but came to the only reasonable answer he had. “Well, now that I think about it... I'll go back to Ponyville and continue working with the weather team over there.” he says.

Spitfire only nodded with a slight frown adoring her features, “I hear ya, nothing wrong with going back to being a weather pony. BUT, what if I told you I have a proposition for you.” She said as she smiled at his direction.

On the outside nothing is shown on his face but on the inside the curiosity grew. “Go on.” He politely signals for her to continue.

She talks with a slight excitement to her tone as she sits back straight up, “Well let me state these facts if you haven't noticed yet. You have broken academy strength records by a good margin. You are probably strong enough to go hoof to hoof in weight activities with the strongest of earth ponies even.” She said in one stroke. Calming herself of the slight excited tone she had, she drinks from a glass of water that was on her desk.

Bulk's eyes were wide at the fact given to him, but isn't too surprised. He kinda assumed he did something amazing when he did those strength tests in front of the wide eyed overseers. But to be on par with the strongest Earth Ponies? That is quite a shock, maybe thinking she's probably over saying it. The sound of the drinking glass setting on table shook out of his reverie.

“Now besides of the record breaking strength you have, you have great coordination and instincts. Your run-throughs with Cloudchaser on the obstacle courses, have improved very much since the first time. Your team may be the slowest but you are the cleanest group of the squads, even saved Cloudchaser a couple times where she was about to get hit. During the cloud clearing competition, you had a very efficient way of clearing clouds, you and Cloudchaser would have lower times if you were faster of course.” Despite the harsh ending criticism, a very proud smile beaming directly to Bulk. “I know you aren't suited for the acrobatic Wonderbolts, so I propose this alternative.” She pauses to push out from the desk and bent down to get a paper with her mouth from one of the table drawers. She sets the paper in front of him and as she pulls in the seat back in the table, Bulk eyed the paper. “E.U.P. Guard Academy: Pegasus Branch Recommendation” was in large bold fine print at the top, with little fine print he didn't bother to read in the middle, at the bottom was Spirfire's hoofprint and signature, and below that was a blank boxed space. “Would you give the pegasus branch of the EUP Guard a try? You're not fast enough for the Wonderbolts... but you're great potential for the EUP in pretty much everything. I already signed the paper and just needs your signature as well.” She finished and held out an expected eye towards Bulk Bicep.

As he was staring towards Spitfire, his thoughts ranged to “EUP Guard?” to “Spitfire has pretty eyes”. She clears her throat after a few moments, breaking Bulk Bicep's train of thought. “This is a lot to take in I know... I understand that you were dead-set towards the Wonderbolts but I want you to at least consider this alternative. I know its going quite the opposite spectrum to go from a show pony to a military pony, but I'll give you one day to think about this. You are an amazing prospect for the Guard and I hate to see wasted potential from being sullen for not getting to their main goal.”

He mulled over the thought, but he had a few questions that may want to be shed some light on. “That's awesome, but where do I sleep, can I tell the other cadets, and what about Cloudchaser?”

Spitfire gave a chuckle. “Well you can stay at the dorms of course. About the other cadets, they'll all be told about your termination by the beginning of tomorrow's training. But you can tell them tonight by your own choice, doesn't matter. And about Cloudchaser, she has been quite the lead pony, but I think Rainbow Dash and her would be a great team under Dash's leadership.”

Satisfied with his answers, he got up and, even though he didn't have to, saluted as he left. As he opened the door he said in passing, “You'll have my answer by tomorrow.” Then pushed gently to shut the door as he walked off to the nearest exit in the hall way, indecisive of what to do now.


Not in uniform, with his back on a cloud of his favorite spot around the academy area to go after eating. His eyes were focused on the beautiful sunset by Celestia and shortly after, seeing the moon rise by Luna. His thoughts were quite conflicted on what to think. He's out of the Wonderbolts, that much depressed him enough as it is. He can't be one of the best flyers now that he had been told that he won't, but the thought didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. This was only to test his limits on how far he can go with the body size he made for himself, and he's at least satisfied that he at least passed the test unlike some of his competitors for a spot on the cadet squad.

But now what to do with this invitation to the EUP Guard? This is a great opportunity to show the world that even foal-wings can do important tasks. If he were to take the invitation, he would have to leave Ponyville for awhile to go train and learn the various military training. Which mainly brings the subject of fighting. Fighting... the word that echoed in his mind. It wasn't an aspect that Bulk liked to remember as it was quite a heavy subject in the past...


As this was a time where a young Bulk Biceps trained his body to be stronger but before he trained his mind and soul. Bulk was on a violent streak when peers of Cloudsdale who would make fun of him for his wings. Parents of said peers complained vehemently towards the violence that was directed to their kids was overboard. His parents did they're best to not only calm down the parents but also try to calm down the temper of Bulk. Bulk loved his parents but they didn't understand that he shouldn't take the verbal beating lying down. His parents were close to give up and move Bulk somewhere he could work on his temper.

Then news arrived to the family by mailpony that Grampy Iron Cast is ill and about to reach the end of his lifetime. Iron Cast was the greatest grandfather he could ask for. He was an Earth Pony from his father's side, that was so active in his later years it didn't see seem he was elderly. It was from him that he learned there are times you should speak with a loud voice. It was from him where he gets pointers and tips on how to build the body the way it is now. Iron Cast was not only a great relative, but also a great mentor to him as well.

The family flew quickly as possible to go where he was located on the ground floor one last time before he passes away. Bulk could only shed a tear as he sees the most active pony he ever met laying on his death bed, only to wait for the time to come. Iron Cast could only smile that his son's family arrived in time. Bulk didn't want to see him die before his very eyes, so he sat in the hallway, only to wait, ignoring the whispers and quiet sobs between son and father.

“Bulk, I want you to come here let me hear and see you one last time.” Iron Cast's voice carried over quietly to Bulk's. Bulk didn't want to, but knew he needed to. With a deep breath, he trots on in, stonefaced, ready. Iron shooed away his son and wife to keep the conversation between him and Bulk. “Bulk I heard about your growing violence from your parents.” A slight frown was adorn on his face. Stonefaced still, but looked down to avoid eye contact. Bulk felt the shame emanating from him, “When I gave you advice to train your body Bulk, it was not to be used with such aggression.”

The stoneface dam was slightly breaking as a tear dropped from his eye, “I'm sorry I shamed you gramps.”

Iron only chuckled. “Hehehe, you didn't disappoint me Bulk I'm proud that you stood up for yourself, something your generation doesn't seem to do these days. But using you body as a use to hurt somepony is not something I like to hear...” he said that last part quietly,
With a sigh, Iron again spoke up, “Bulk you're the greatest (and only) grandson to me, and I'm glad that I helped you grow to who you are now. Come here...” Hooves were outstretched and Bulk closed the gap as the dam was destroyed and tears were shed from Bulk, knowing that this is the last hug he will get from his grandpa.

Still hugging, Iron Cast spoke up “Bulk I have one last thing to say to ya.” He pulls away from Bulk and made sure to look at Bulk's eyes. “Don't use your body as a sword to retaliate with the goal to harm, instead not only your body but also your mind and soul should be a shield. A mind to deflect the hurtful jeers. A soul to never break from adversity. A body strong to protect yourself and others.” Bulk only nodded in understanding silently taking a silent oath to pacifism. Iron Body smiled as he laid down. “But when the time comes, Bulk...”


“I thought I'd find you here Bulk, I didn't see ya at the mess hall when I ate.” A deep, feminine, and slightly raspy voice rang in, interrupting his past reflection. A mare with grayish lilac coat with a light cerulean mane and messy tail with white highlights, no uniform or goggles on. The mane is quite intricate where one could say it brings an image of a cool breeze within a cloud, smooth flowing in the back but messy and spikey at the top and her bangs. On her flank was a yellow star with blue and white stripes that contrail.

The mare in question was walking up towards the laying hulk, but Bulk didn't need to turn to look who it is though, already recognizing the voice when she uttered the first few syllables. Bulk sat up anyways to face the mare “Evening Cloudchaser, just had a lot in my head.” he calmly says to her. Cloudchaser's light rose eyes looked inquisitively towards Bulk since...

“Bulk, why are you so... “ She makes a circle motion with one of her forehooves, eyes rolling around searching for something imaginary. “Quiet? I think that's the word I'm looking for. Anything on your mind you want to talk about?” she asked as she treads though the subject lightly, taking a seat next to Bulk. Bulk could only grin sadly, contemplating if he should tell her what transpired these past hours.

After graduation from flight school, he decided to leave Cloudsdale and move to Ponyville to take a job as a weather pony. Because of his loud disposition and his intimidating build, it was awkward at first but over time he was accepted wholeheartedly by the whole town of very nice ponies that he could be proud to call home.

Even though they work the same job, Cloudchaser and Bulk never really met and talked (yelled) much until Ponyville was in charge of transporting water to Cloudsdale from their reservoir via a wing powered tornado. They were slightly acquainted afterwards, occasionally greeting each other, having a small chat (yell) when there was time at work, and even had lunch a few times (mostly with other ponies) when they randomly met at the streets of Ponyville. It wasn't until when they became teammates in the Wonderbolt Academy when they did a big jump from acquaintances to close friends, as they learned about each other in a very haste manner.

Whenever there was time in the Academy, they took the time to study each others habits, fears, interests, etc; as they both decided that 'To make a good team is to know and trust your teammate.' Neither regretting the choice as it showed in their team exercises. Even though, as of a few hours ago, they aren't a team anymore, he doesn't want to break that trust they built up for each other, as friends should.

So he told her of what happened these past hours from his termination to the invitation to the EUP Guard. Of course, Cloudchaser was quick to get up and about to stomp off towards Spitfire office and give her a piece of her mind after hearing the termination. Bulk made sure her flank is back down so she doesn't do any regrettable choices. Then, Cloudchaser sheepishly apologizing when Bulk told her he knew about her slowing down for him. Bulk only waved it off, signaling she didn't need to. Lastly, Cloudchaser took the demoting pretty well since she'll be the wingpony of a great friend. By the time he explained the whole event that transpired, both Cloudchaser and Bulk are laying on their backs looking at the majestic moon brought by Luna.

“The Pegasus Guard? Seems like a great opportunity!” She exclaimed.

Bulk, stoic faced as usual, forgot that Cloudchaser never knew of his past and after much debating decided to be honest. “I was an angry pony in my younger years. When my peers made fun of me for my wings, I hit'em hard. It wasn't until I had a bro to bro conversation with my late grandpa when I took a silent oath of pacifism for him. If I were to join the Guard, I feel like I would be breaking my oath towards him. But on the other hand... this is my chance to show the whole nation out there that a pony in my condition can do awesome things like everypony else. I don't know what to do.”

“Wow...” was a weak response, Cloudchaser knew, but the explanation left her speechless. A heavy silence came between them.

Bulk sat up, scratches the back of his head with his forehoof, a blush staining his cheeks, knowing he probably said too much, Bulk started to apologize, “Hey, I'm sor-”

But Cloudchaser cut him off by waving her forelegs and shaking her head in a frantic manner as she got up from her spot. “NO no no, I didn't mean it like that!” She took a deep breath as she looked him in the eyes. “It's great that you would tell me when something is on your mind that you can't sort out. I appreciate it, since all the team building we've done is still there, even if we're not one anymore.” She smiles but glances away from Bulk. “If you want my opinion, just do what you feel is right.”

Bulk nodded in understanding and was about to thank her, but then he felt Cloudchaser nuzzle him on his cheek promptly making him blush. She whispers to his ear, “I'm sorry I can't be much help, but you know this is something you got to decide for yourself. Good luck.” Then she glides off towards the Academy not once looking back.

Bulk stood up, looking at the fading figure of Cloudchaser. The feeling of the nuzzle fresh in his mind still, and he felt a familiar sensation in his own body that always involves Cloudchaser. Whenever she does a friendly hug or they come to an understanding about each other, he feels his body heat up a few degrees and starts to feel excited. As usual in this subject, he decides to think about that later and go the the main problem at hand. 'Do what you feel is right', the words echoed in his mind. He wants to honor the oath he made, but the respect he'll get from his peers just seems to weigh too equally in his mind. After much deliberation, he chuckles a bit, the answer coming to him as he did exactly what Cloudchaser said. He makes a beeline to Spitfire's office, hoping to catch her before she leaves her office.


In the mare side of the dormitories, many of the female recruits are relaxing, gossiping, etc. However, a cerulean mare pegasus with a prismatic mane is silently studying her friend Cloudchaser. Rainbow Dash had noticed the face of sorrow since she came in to the dormitory. Except now she has her face into a pillow and just whispering something inaudible to herself over and over.

Dash, having the sense of responsibility of seeing her friends mental health being normal, gently walks over her and quietly asks her, “Hey... um, Cloudchaser anything the matter?”

Dash made a face as if there was probably a better way to ask then that.

Cloudchaser slowly rose her head to face the awkwardly smiling Rainbow Dash, mentally debating should she tell her or not. Telling her won out since Dash is her new lead pony and to fortify the big trust between them. She motioned Dash to come closer and sit down, which Dash obliged. Cloudchaser began with, “Have I got news for you...”. Thus came the recollection of the meeting between her and Bulk, trying to give much detail as she can remember. Rainbow's face went to disappointment from hearing Bulk's dismissal, to smiling from hearing Cloudchaser being her wing pony.

“Yea, I can see why you're in this kind of mood, lots of drama being pressed down on ya.” Dash gave a sympathetic smile, rubbing her back in a comforting way. Cloudchaser silently thanked her for the support and let Dash continue her rub.

“Yea, I'm going to miss him if he chooses to accept to go to the guard, he still won't be back in Ponyville when we're done with this term in the Academy. The boot camp takes a long time to complete, I don't mean to sound objective to the idea but I hope he doesn't take it.” As soon as that utterance left Cloudchasers mouth, she already felt guilty and just put her head onto the bed. “Yep, there it is, I said it, I'm probably one of the the worst ponies out there. Like that time I laughed at Fluttershy with Flitter.” was muttered and muffled.

Dash could only roll her eyes. 'And I thought Rarity was a drama queen', thought Dash. But then she thought about this situation, and then wide eyed, started piecing it together; Cloudchaser's sudden depression, her yearning for Bulk to reject an invitation to something that is worthwhile, and her guilt in said subject. “You have a crush on him don't you?” She concluded.

Cloudchaser looked up and rolled her eyes, “No durh.” and went back to moping face down.

'Well, I thought it wasn't obvious...' Dash mentally frowned. “I don't get it, how did you come to like him, I mean. You guys kinda just started really being friends since the beginning of this term, and in this short time you're already crushing? I mean sure you guys shared about almost everything to each other, and you guys trust each other deeply and all. But really?” Dash said confused.

Again Cloudchaser rose her head to face Dash, eyes closed in a fashion where there wasn't a care in the world, along with it a shrug and a slight shake of her head, “Sometimes it's all it takes, Dash”. A loud knock was heard in the dormitory and a pale rose mare with a light golden mane striped with very pale yellow strands, trots towards it to open it.

A greeting was heard and then a booming voice was heard, “IS CLOUDCHASER HERE!?”.

Wild Flower, in her surprised state, couldn't hold on to the door in time only to be blown away from the entrance by the loud force. Dazed, she looks around and met woobly eye to eye towards Cloudchaser and just uttered “Your wing pony is looking for you...”, which afterwards she laid her head down for a quick rest.

Slightly alarmed, Cloudchaser gets off of the bed and looks at Rainbow Dash, giving her a look saying 'We'll talk more later' and Dash agreed with a slight nod and went off doing her own thing as Cloudchaser went towards the door. But as soon as Cloudchaser left, Dash made a bee line towards the roof of the dormitory and stealthily put herself in hearing range of the conversation below.

As she walked out the door there stood Bulk, again looking at the moon granted by Luna. She couldn't help but feel her blood rushing to her face and think that he looked impressive under the moonlight. The white coat shimmering, muscles rippling, his short mane waving along with the slow wind. Her heart tensed a little at the sight of him then dropped when he saw the saddle bags adorn on him, meaning he's made his choice and has decided to leave now rather then later. He heard her hoofsteps and eyed toward her arrival. It took a bit of control to not be lost in those deep red eyes of his. Mentally shaking off of her stupor, she greeted Bulk. “Hey Bulk, I see you made your choice.”

“YES! I SU- *cough* I sure did!” Bulk making a effort to quiet down. Cloudchaser could only smile, knowing he feels a lot better then last time and Bulk trying to be courteous on his volume. “I decided to go to the guard!” Bulk proceeds to show her the form with his and Spitfire's signature and hoofprint at the bottom. Cloudchaser's smile began to falter but kept it in control in front of him.

“That's great! You figured what you want to do so quickly.” She honestly felt proud for him that he's finally decided, but the enthusiasm was slightly toned down of what he chose to do. This did not go unnoticed by Bulk, but decides its just her being tired and should wrap this up quickly so she can be at tip top shape for tomorrows training.

“Anyways! I came here to say 'thanks'! You and I not only make a good team, I also think your an awesome pony to know! You pushed me to my limits and beyond and gave awesome support when I needed it the most when I was here! I'm also here to say 'sorry' as well! If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have been demo-” A hoof stopped him.

Cloudchaser frowned, and slightly glares at him, “Bulk... did you to your absolute best and for us and the team?” With the hoof still on his mouth he just nodded his head yes. She let go, and the glare disappeared, “Then there's no reason for you to apologize Bulk, you did your best and that's all I ask. I'm not worried about the demotion, since I'll be under Rainbow. Though, I'll have to get use to being the slow one of the group now.” She gave a wink and a nudge towards Bulk, to which he chuckled. He turned and started to trot off and about to say his farewells, but then felt limbs around his neck and pressure on the back of his head.

He slightly turns and out of the corner of his eyes he sees the assailant was no other than Cloudchaser. “Leaving without a hug, come on Bulk!” Bulk then laughed in mirth and hugged back with fervor but a portion of his strength. She copied his own mirth and laughed along, being used to his hugs and gained quite the resistance to his strength, only to hug harder as well.

As they give a little space but forelegs still connected, he gets a last look of her for awhile. As Luna's moon shines above her, he can't help but think she's attractive, in a figurative and literal sense. Again he gets that excited feeling, by now he knows its because of Cloudchaser. It started not long after their team-up, and minimally gets stronger the longer being with Cloudchaser. He slightly understands whats going on and by instinct he hugs her again but not hard and forceful like last time. It was surprisingly soft, comforting, protective. Cloudchaser felt the blood rushing again at the intimate way of attention but elated all the same. Bulk still by instinct, nuzzled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was fast, chaste, but by the time Bulk was in control he realized he may have overstepped his boundaries. He was about to apologize then felt pressure on his own lips. In slow motion,a flurry of emotions and thoughts flooded his mind, but he settled on two, 'oh so that's what it is' and 'why in tartarus are you not kissing back? DO IT! JUST DO IT!' Thus the kiss was deepened and emotions were running high on both sides. Both had to back out for air but still connected by their forehead and just looked endearing to each other.

Cloudchaser gives a quick a peck on his cheek and trots away and chirps, “Well this was fun but I'm tired and you need to get going if you intend to make it to Cantorlot by morning, write every week or I'm hunting you down with extreme prejudice. Love you!” Bulk could only blink at the change of pace and what was said, and feel like he should be worried on what he got himself into, but eagerly pushed aside all of that cause this whole event gave him one thing.



Dash could only be impressed by Cloudchaser's boldness at the situation and then snicker when Bulk Biceps was left alone. Though Dash thinks about the relationship as a whole, a relationship that's based on distance and reinforced by sending letters to each others. As she stealthily make her way back into the dormitories, 'I have my doubts still, but they'll make it work somehow'. She mentally shrugs and joins the other mares in the dormitory