//------------------------------// // Ditzy // Story: The Adventures of Doctor Whooves and The Companion // by Mr_Allusive //------------------------------// "Run Ditzy, quick before they catch up." "I'm running as fast I can." "Well, run faster." "EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE!" 1 week earlier-Morning It was a nice, clear skied evening like any ordinary day in ponyville. The birds were chirping, the ponies were getting along, it was quiet, and blissful. Derpy Hooves, an average pony in ponyville, well, in a way she was a tad less average than a normal pony. She has a condition which makes here have crossed-eyes, but she's perfectly normal in all the other ways. Her eyes and mane are a light shade of yellow and her coat is a light sapphire bluish gray, it made her bright yellow features stand out more. She's a rather happy and cheerful pony. Nothing really bothered her, she was care free, she just lived her life without any care in the world. Even with her condition it didn't stop her from being like the other ponies in ponyville or anywhere, she learned how to control her problem. She says she can actually see with both eyes and doesn't have any type of other problems with them. Regardless of the fact, lots of ponies treat her differently and some fillies made fun of her, but Derpy thought there was a silver lining to everything. She said without her crossed-eyed condition she wouldn't get her muffins half off. Everyday she would always buy a blueberry muffin either when she was going to or coming from work. She didn't let her eyes get in the way of her life. So she got a job she very much enjoyed doing, after being fired from her other ones. She had been in a steady job and planned to keep it. This job was the only thing keeping a roof over her head every night. She works as a mail mare, but sometimes even simple tasks were very difficult for her. Ocasionally, she'd loss mail, hand it to the wrong pony, or she'd leave her bag in her home, a part from those mistakes she does pretty well. She has been going to work everyday now, on time of course, she realized that she had a responsibility to take of. She takes her time when she delivers mail because there wasn't any type of competition in the mail industry, so she just works at her own pace. After all, ponyville isn't a big place, there wouldn't be any reason to have any competing business in such a remote place. When she arrived to work she would always do the same routine when delivering mail. She would deliver mail to houses and ponies closest to her and then she would start working herself around ponyville. She would see many kinds of ponies when she was on her shift. When her shift was over she would always end up in the farthest side of ponyville. It was still about an hour walk back, after all ponyville wasn't a big place. After she was done with work she would go home, it's a long walk home from her job. She prefers to walk rather than fly, because she is afraid she might crash into something and create a mess or start problems. When she walks back home she takes in all the bliss, nopony was around, pure silence. The only sound that was hear was the wind, and the leaves that shuffle together when the wind blew a cool breeze, it was peaceful. Shorlty after, she arrived at home, barely making a sound all day. She sets her mail bag on the nearby chair . She had to carry that bag all day, it's really heavy and bothersome, but it's her job and she just needs to suck it up and deal with it. But on the bright side when the bag isn't full she is able to put a muffin or two in there and eat it when she walked to the post office. Derpy's stomach rumbled. All this muffin talk made her hungry. She quickly went upstairs, opened her room door, and swiftly took her uniform off and hung it on a plastic hanger. She took the uniform and put it in her closet. Whenever the post office hired new employees they would be given a complamentary uniform so they can tell the difference between a costumer or an employee. After putting her uniform in the closet she went downstairs to see if she would be able to find something to eat. Her stomach rumbles again as she went into the kitchen. She saw a muffin on the table, she had to resist eating it because that was going to be her breakfast fro tomorrow. "Man, I'm hungry." She opened the fridge. She looks inside hoping to find something to eat, but there was nothing. She turned around and looked at the muffin that was on the table, it was a blueberry muffin, her favorite. She was going to save it for tomorrow, but she couldn't resist, it looked delicious and she was so hungry. She looked around her own home, oddly enough, hoping that nopony was watching her. There was nopony in view and took a massive bite of her muffin. "Well, there goes tomorrow's breakfast." She went upstairs to the bathroom to wash the crumbs off her mouth. She takes the opportunity to take a nice, relaxing bath. She turned the hot water on and waited a good 5 minutes before the tub was full. She went in slowly, the water was nice and warm. After she was completle in the tub she looked around and grab a rubber ducky that was nearby. The rubber ducky was her favorite bath toy, her mother gave it to her when she was a filly. She would let the toy float in the water and she pushed it every now and then so it can look like it's swimming. She spend a good 15 minutes taking a bath. She got out of the tub, then she dried her mane, her coat, and she even brushed her mane afterwords. She enjoyed combing her hair, her mother would always do it for her every now and then when she was a filly. Something tragic happened to her parents which resulted in her to live and provided for herself. She didn't like talking about it and over time accepted that her parents weren't coming back, she thought that her parents didn't want her to be sad and keep going with her own life. It was nine O' clock, she decided it would be best if she got some rest from all the hard work she did today. She went to her room and walk towards her bed, slowly crawled in bed, slowly laid down. She enjoyed every second of it. It was amazing how all the stress she build up over the day was all gone in a matter of seconds. She layed in her bed thinking to herself, how everyday would be diffrent if her parents were with her, how it's the same old boring routine over and over, day after day, the same route everyday. She wished that something different happened. She was thinking of take the secondary route instead of the primaray one. The secondary route isn't used by male mares because there were barely any houses there and most of the houses weren't even subscribed to the daily newspaper. Derpy slowly closed her eyes, thinking how everything would be if things changed up a bit, everything would be diffrent. Her vision slowly was turned dark, she closed her eyes. In an instant, she fell asleep. Next Day *beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep* "Hmm..." Derpy said. She looks to side where the clock was and set it off, she looked at the time, she couldn't believe what time it was. It was already eleven O' clock, she's late to work. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, how is this even possible." She says to herself, she went to bed early yesterday, she wasn't suppose to be late to work. "Ooohh mmyyy ggoosshh, the boss is going to kill me." she says reaching for her uniform that was in her closet and putting it as fast as possible. She ran out the front door, without a care in the world. She didn't eat, she didn't clean her face or her room before she left. She looked like a slob, but she was super late, and it's about an hour walk from her home to her job. She only had one option if she didn't want to be anymore late than she already is. "I hope nothing bad happens." She said. She proned and move her legs slightly back, it looked like she was about to start running. She extended her wings wide open. With one giant flap she soared up into the sky. She started to fly as fast and as careful as possible. She didn't want to get into any problems, especially not today. She flew for her life, literally, this was the only job she had and the pay wasn't that bad either. She flapped her wings every now and then so she can gain more speed. The mail post was in view, she can see it from where she was, everything seemed fine. All that was left was to land. She stared to descend to the ground, but, suddenly, she retracted her wings completely and she was going to crash to the ground, suddenly a carriage full of hay passed by. She was going to crash in hay, at least it wasn't going to hurt, well, not as much as the ground. She crashed face first in the hay, she pocked her head out and saw the mail post, it wasn't as far anymore. She decided to run for it. She was a mess when she arrived, her uniform was torn up and her mane and coat was covered in hay. "I'm here!" She screamed out. Her boss was in the front door waiting for her. "Derpy..." He said looking at his employee's appearance. " ... Why are you two hours late." he said seriously. "I-I-I over sleeped" Derpy said lowering her head. Quickly lifting her head she said, "But I'm here now and I'm ready to work." With a big smile on her face. "Really your ready to work, then... where's your mail bag." "My mailbag? Oh no, I-I-I left it home. Only because I was in such a hurry." She said remembering she left her bag on the chair. "I don't want to hear it Derpy, what kind of mail mare are you if YOU LEFT YOUR MAIL BAG AT HOME!" He said raising his voice. "You have failed me so many times, Derpy. I hate to do this, but your fired. Get all your things and go, your done." Later that evening All Derpy can think about when she's walking home is her getting fired. She started to cry when she left the mail post. She couldn't do anything about it anymore, she just started to cry. She was thinking what could have lead to this, this was all her fault. She wiped her tears away and decides she isn't going to cry anymore. "No, I'm not gonna cry anymore." She said to herself. "I asked for a change and I'm going to make the best of it." She started the wipe away her tears. *BBOOOOOMM* Derpy Shrieked from the loud noise. She didn't know what just happened. "What was that noise?" In a split second there was smoke and debris everywhere. Luckily, nopony was around other than herself, nopony got injuried. After a couple of minutes the smoke cleared up a bit. She said she was able to see something in the smoke. She was able to make out what looked like some sort of box. It was just a box, no box can take a crash and not even be scratched. All of the smoke finally cleared and the box was even more visible. It was blue and tall. Derpy saw a plack on top of the box that read 'Police Public Call Box'. Derpy thought it was peculiar, she never saw anything like it. The object was oddly shaped as well. The height was longer than the width, meaning nopony would be able to fit inside it. She slowly walked to the blue box. She was careful, she tried to look at her steps while she was walking so she wouldn't step on any of debris that was scattered everywhere from the crash. The box was a few inches under the ground, it was amazing how it didn't have a single scratch. She didn't know what to expect, there could have been an alien or a monster. She looked in the sky to see if anything else was going to fall or if anything at all is up there. She saw that it was all clear and focused all her attention to the crashed object. Wiping the rest of her tears away she got a closer look of the box. She looks around to see if anypony was nearby, but nopony was around. "Umm... " she started to carefully knock on the box that looks like a door. "Hello anypony in there? Please let it be a pony." The door opened swiftly and a cloud of smoke came out. She saw a figure in the smoke, it was slowly approaching. She layed down on the ground, "Oh my gosh, it's an alien, it has to be an alien, please don't eat me. I'm not delicious, all I eat is muffins. Wait, muffins ARE delicious. Please don't eat me." She said closing both her eyes with her hooves. A brown stallion popped his head out. "Oh my, it a stallion, thank Celestia." relieved that it wasn't a monster. "Umm...Excuse me, but are you ok?" She says to the stallion that popped out of the crashed 'box'. The brown stallion carefully walked out of the box and stepped on the ground. "Hmm... Let me see..." he said and did a quick turn, getting used to the four legs. He started moving his tongue in his mouth for some reason. After he analyzed himself he turned back to Derpy. "...nope." he said before collapsing on the ground. "Hey, hey, don't go to sleep right after you just crashed." She said running to his side, she notice that he was unconscious. She wasn't going to get any answers until he woke up. Derpy's house "Aww...my head. Where am I?" He said feeling a slight pain in the back of his head and all over his body. He got up and started to snoop around quietly. He stood up staight and took a big gulp of air. He got aware of his surroundings. He was surprised from what he saw, a large number collection of muffin styled knick-knacks. Everything varied from muffin styled slippers, muffin styled curtains, muffin styled sheets, and that wasnt even the beginning of it. He heard noise coming from downstairs so he proceeded to carefully find his way down. Trying to be as quiet as possible, he notice that Derpy was in the living room watching t.v. and eating a blueberry muffin. She looked like not thing happened earlier, she just watch t.v. She very much enjoyed watching television and eating muffin, it was her favorite hobby, apart from finding muffin styled goods. The brown stallion walked down the stairs and asked, "Where am I, this doesn't look like the tardis. The last thing I remembered is that I was running, but from what. What could it have it been, I don't seem to remember, wait...nah that's not it." After was done talking to himself he said "Where's the tardis." "The tardis? Oh, you mean that blue box thing you where in when you crashed. It's where you left it, I made sure it was locked when I dragged you back here." She said. She didn't know this guy, but Derpy wasn't the kind of pony to leave an injured pony helpless and by themself no less. Derpy stayed calm and let the pony ask questions until it was her turn to ask him questions. "Can I ask what's your name?" Derpy asked the brown stallion. "My name, aw yes my name. I'm 'The Doctor'." He said. "Doctor? Doctor what?" "Nothing, Just 'The Doctor'." He said. "Now, can I ask a question." "Uh, yeah, sure." Derpy said. "Don't take this offensively, alright, but what's wrong with your eyes, they don't seem normal." "Oh it's ok, I get that question a lot. It's a condition I got when I was a little filly." She said talking about her crossed-eyes. "Oh, I-I'm sorry I didn't know." "Oh, no, it's fine, really. My always mom said if you're different from the others you're bound to be special." "Yeah, I guess she's right, in a way. Do I mind asking what your name is?" "Everyone calls me Derpy, Derpy Hooves." "Derpy Hooves? Why do they call you that?" He asked curiously. "That's what everypony called me when I was a little filly, in school they would call me Derpy because of my eyes and I was so clumsy, and that's how they came up with my name." "No, no, no, that name won't do. A lady such as yourself shouldn't have a name such as Derpy. Now, you said you were clumsy." "Yeah, ever since I was a filly. My clumsiness sticked with me 'till now." "Ditzy." "Huh?" "I'll call you Ditzy." Derpy blushed slightly,"Hmm... has a nice ring to it. Yeah, from now on I'm Ditzy." It took her a while to get used to the change. "Yeah, ok. Nice to meet you Ditzy, I'm The Doctor." This isn't what Derpy was expecting her day to go, but then again she did ask for change. This could a nice start, after all she needed something to get her mind off of getting fired from her only job. That didn't matter right now though. Nopony has every treated her like a normal pony before. The old Derpy was gone and replaced with Ditzy. With a big smile on her face she said,"Nice to meet you Doctor."