You've Got to be Foaly Kitty Me

by Josh Crapo

June 4, 2015

Wind Rust has been feeling so much better since Monday and he’s gotten used to flying a lot more. And so has Tail Flight. Now, Mom’s gone and we now live by my oldest brother’s rules, that is at home. At greg’s I can really do some recording. I’ve been here writing this while I get a good plan ahead. I jogged again from here to my house and back today, and I’m possibly going to be feeling my thighs again. That’s the reason I didn’t write yesterday.
Back to today, I had to gather up whatever I can so I could go get an extra loaf of bread as well as some peanut butter and jelly just for Wind Rust. By now, I would’ve forgotten Wind Rust was a cat just half a week ago. It doesn’t matter.
I’m actually excited for my plans this weekend. I’ll be jogging over home so I could have a pancake breakfast there, especially since Tail Flight’s diet’s expanded along with Wind Rust’s so I’ll they could have pancakes. I think after that, I’d be able to find me a good time to jog and rest before a practice regents comes up. Yep. This early. My time to shine had always been in exams since my midterms went so well so long ago.
But sorry if this is a little short. If it’s bothersome, don’t worry, It’ll be better when I tell how the practice regents and the night before went.