Spike and Company

by MinionsFanatic

Once upon a time... in Manehattan

All looked bright with the sun in the sky and ponies looking in the box in the floor, full of babies. Down in a paper was written baby ponies for adoption. What nopony noticed was that inside the box was a baby purple dragon. Where did he came from? Maybe it was in the box for mistake. Bad lucky for him is that everypony who pick a baby, always run in fear away from him, with their new baby pony. In his mind, he always thought he was a little different.

The minutes became hours, and nopony adopted the baby dragon. One night, it was raining like an inundation, and thanks to that, the poor baby dragon got separated from his pony partners, and got lost in the deepest places of Manehattan's streets. Fortunately for him, he was a toddler already, so he could move but not to the box again. Thanks for the dark of the night, the little purple dragon got lost. Scared, he found a trash where he can hide and spent the rest of the night there but still, he was lonely. All he wanted was a family, a pony who loved him, who take care of him. Soon, he realized that he was the only dragon in that big city.

All I want is a home and a family. said in his head.

He felt a warm light in his eyes, so fluttering, he opened them and realized it was already morning. He got up and clean himself up too, because he slept last night in that trash. The first thing he thought was to find a way to get some food, since he was starving.

After hours for looking, he decided to explore a little bit the city. He could see other ponies looking at him with terrified expressions or just screaming. Sometimes he got to get out of there before the police caught him. It wasn't too long for him to realized that ponies didn't accepted him.

Later, he heard a donkey cheering "Hot dogs! Hot dogs!". That was the word he was waiting to hear! He smell in the air the delicious taste of those hot dogs. Dragons weren't fan of them, but when you are starving, it's better that nothing.

He slowly approached to the donkey and tried to get a hot dog, but when the pony looked at him, he yelled!

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!"

The little dragon jumped back and tried to explain.

"I...I was just... taking a hot dog."

"Listen little dragon, I don't really care if you're a pony or not, but if you want a hot dog, you must pay 5 bits!" screamed the donkey.

"But... but... I don't have any bits."

"Then you will not have ANY HOT DOGS!!!"

But the little dragon keep trying get some food, even if he was frightened.

"Please sir..."

"It's sir Cranky to you!"

"Sir Cranky... please...I'm very hungry and... and... I don't know where to go"

"Not my problem! Just get 5 bits and then you can eat." said Cranky while he was turning around. "Life is not easy in Manehattan! Now leave before I called the police... or even animal control!!!"

The little dragon was so scared to get caught, that he run away from there. When he got hide in one trash, near that mean stallion, he just said in his head. "Now what i'm going to do? I don't know how to live on the streets. How i'm going to survive.?

He stay there waiting, and thinking how to get those hot dogs, because there was no way he was going to work to win some bits. He was just a kid!

Not far from there, there was a blue pegasus walking in the streets. She would fly, but she was looking for her dinner. While she was walking, she was dancing a little bit.
Her name was Rainbow Dash; a cool and awesome pegasus, who loved to fly ad always get things her way. She is known in the city as the awesomeness pegasus in Manehattan, but also as a wanted thief for the police. She was pal of almost all ponies in Manehattan, since she always help others when they are in danger but also she got to find a way to survive, and since she was a stray, steal was her only solution. But she never hurt anybody.

"I'm awesome, take caution, watch out for me, I'm..." she was singing until she hear the old Cranky's screamed.

"I told you! No bits, no hot dogs!"

She turned to her right and saw how a little dragon was running away behind some trashes of dump.

"Well, what have we here?" she said with a smirk smile. "It appears that old Grumpy Cranky has company. It's my perfect chance to make a dragon-trouble."

Saying that, she fly to the dragon's hiding place and looked at him.

"You just got the wrong pony; I mean; donkey to get food little buddy."

The little dragon jumped of surprise, since she was the first pony who was talking to him, but he decided to be brave and react like everypony thought about him.

Getting in his four claws he hissed."Get... get away from me!"

Rainbow Dash put her hooves in the air. "Wow! Relax squirt! I'm not gonna hurt you! I don't steal food or anything from little ones like you. I'm just here for lunch, you know a meal." She landed next to the little dragon. "What's your name?"

"Um... I don't know. I don't have one." said the little dragon turning his head away.

"Oh that's sad. Well, I couldn't help noticing that you got a problem with the worst donkey in Manehattan. Son I'm here to help you." said Rainbow Dash.

"And why would you help me?" asked the little dragon.

"Because I want those hot dogs even more than you. I'm a stray too." said Rainbow Dash, putting his wing around the little dragon. "Besides, you're new in this kind of things. I've been living and surviving in these streets for MANY years. I'm an expert in this stuff. So what do you say?"

The little dragon looked at her with doubting but then his stomach growled again. Not thinking twice, he shook his claw with the pegasus' hoof smiling.


She smiled, and said in her head: More easy than stealing. "Great. Now here is what we are going to do"