The Heart of Worlds

by Alchemystudent

J is for Juxtaposition

As they stepped out of the gate, the light began to glow a dark green. After pulsating for a few moments, it shot straight up, through the waters and into the sky. At its apex, the light reached the constellation Truly, making the stars shine and firing a light towards two locations, Tauros and Saddle Arabia. A third light, the one on her cutie mark, glowed dimly and began to point.

In Tauros, Valtor began his walk towards the castle, his servant walking close behind him, "Sire, look."

"What is it...oh, I see," Valtor smiled as he watched the light hit the castle. "The three shall light the door to the fourth gate. Forgiveness’ fall shall foretell Faith, Loyalty will be tested. That's what some of the prophecy meant!"

In Saddle Arabia, in a castle that sits in the land of black sand, a brown eel awakens from sleeping on an obsidian throne, "Master is awake, Master is preparing. Need to awaken guards, need to prepare. Master has returned, plan is ready."

"What in the hey?" Applejack asked, watching as the light glowed.

"Wow," Sunset said as the light shot up.

"It must be leading to the other keys!" Twilight said with a smile,"The three shall light the door to the fourth gate, this must be one of those lights!"

"Well, what are we waiting for, let’s teleport out of her and back to Tydal!" Dash said, flying up to Twilight impatiently

Twilight nodded, and turned to Sunset,"Alright, I can't teleport you all at once, and the trip into that dimension took out a lot of my mana.” she said, letting out a tired breath, “but, Sunset, if you touch your horn to mine, we should be able to combine our magics to get all of us to Tydal's throne room."

Sunset looked at Twilight,"Combine our magics? I've never done that kind of thing before..." She gulped.

"That's okay, I've seen it done, and I've done it with a friend of mine before," Twilight went up to Sunset,"Just touch your horn to mine, and concentrate." She and Sunset touched horns. The group was encased in an aura of magic, and they were teleported to Tydal's throne room.

Rainbow Dash stumbled for a bit, while Applejack shook her head to clear the dizziness. Rarity and Fluttershy held onto each other and as for Pinkie, "LETS DO THAT AGAIN SOMETIME!!" she said as she bounced around the group.

Sunset and Twilight pulled away,"That was amazing!" Sunset said, holding her head with a smile.

Twilight stood silent for a moment,'Something felt off' She looked at Sunset, giving a quick nod,"Yeah, you get that feeling with friends."

Tydal got up from his throne,"You're back! I assume everything went well."

"Yes it was, yer highness," Applejack bowed.

"We," Will stepped forward. "Went through the desert and then we met up with the gate, where we met a spirit."

"A spirit?" Tydal put a hoof to his chin,"Truly..." He looked at all of them,"You must be tired. My guest quarters are open to you."

"Thanks Tydie-widie!"Pinkie cheered as a few capricorns wearing formal attire came to lead the bearers and their two companions to their rooms. Once inside, Pinkie Pie let out a cheer as she ran to the nearest bed, "DIBS!!! Oooh, fluffy!" the pink mare giggled as she grabbed a pillow.

"My word, Tydal down know how to treat a guest, does he not?" Rarity said.

Rainbow Dash said nothing in response, just lowered her head as she walked to the bed in a daze, “I wanted to kill her...I  wanted her dead” she thought to herself, as the image of her heartless laid dieing at her hooves flashed through her mind. Shuddering, she tried to shake the image off.

Sunset ran to her bed,"Oh, I needed this!" She said as she yawned.

Twilight lay on her bed, her mind in a different place,"I felt something in Sunset's mind. What was it?" She muttered to herself.

Fluttershy laid on the soft bed, before looking over to Will, who was busy staring at the heart of Kandrakar. Letting her blue eyes look at the gem, she noticed that it had lost the shine that it had earlier and now back to the dull pink of before. Will looked to Fluttershy, who quickly turned away, "Oh, sorry... I didn't mean to look at your pendant."

"It's ok," Will said, letting go of it. "I just want to try and know why was I given this, and why did it lead me to that-"

"Boring!" Pinkie said, interrupting, "Discussions about mystical pendants later, talk about other worlds now! Because, Sunny," she said, rolling over onto her back and letting her head drop over the side of the bed, " I REEAAAAAALLLLLYY want to know more about other me! Is she as good as baking? Oh, what about Maude?? Oh, does the cakes have the twins yet? What about Mr. Quarry? Is he still alive? What about-"

Rainbow Dash, hearing Pinkie's interrogation, quickly put a pillow over her head and grumbled "Oh, she is going to do this all night isn't she?"

"Sombra? Or what about Sweetie Belle? Is she seeing Button? What about Scootaloo? Is Rainbow Dash her biological sister or just adopted? What about Apple Bloom? How is she? Did you meet a version of Mirage? Is there a version of Cheese? Is Lyra Bon Bon obsessed or just mythological creature obsessed?”

Sunset looked at Pinkie and smiled,"Well, the other you is just as good at baking, I have met Maude, though I can't believe you both are sisters..." Sunset frowned,"I did notice that Mrs. Cake was a little pregnant, Sweetie Belle is a Freshmen, and hasn’t met Button; although me and Rarity did try to get them together. Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash’s sister, and Apple Bloom is doing fine. Mirage, I think you are talking about the crazy cat lady that lives a few miles outside of town. Yes, and we have gone to three of his concerts. Lyra is both, and she has been trying to get you to introduce her. Quarry?" Sunset shuddered,"Oh my Celestia is he huge... And well Sombra is a teacher at a rival school."

“You mean to tell me Mirage is a crazy cat lady in that world?” Mozenwrath laughed,”I’d pay anything to see that!”

Pinkie giggled, "Oh, he was big here too. And ain't Maude the greatest?"

"-and then we nee-Oh, a party! After this is all one, I have got to throw you a welcome to Ponyville and thanks for not being a psycho-kill-me-mare anymore!" Pinkie giggled.

"Was it something special?" Fluttershy asked Will, looking at her pendant.

“Yeah,” Will sighed, letting go of her glowing pendant and letting it rest on her chest. “It is. This thing is kind of a promise between me and my friends, that we are always together.”

Applejack looked to twilight, "Something on ya mind Sugarcube?"

Twilight shook her head,"Uh, it's nothing!" she said,'At least, I hope it's nothing..."

Sunset giggled,"I wouldn't mind that Pinkie. It would make me feel a lot better.

"OH, and we got to invite your family over! Do you know where they are? Huh?" Pinkie asked.

Sunset froze,"I- no." She sighed as she looked down with sadness in her voice."My biological mom left me at Celestia's doorstep. Celestia tried to find her, but her investigators came across nothing. I guess that was part of the reason I went crazy."

Fluttershy flittered over to Sunset, and placed a comforting hoof onto her shoulder. A faint mumbling could be heard from Rainbow Dash as she held a pillow over her face as Applejack sighed, "So sorry to hear that sugarcube." She let out a sigh, looking down at the ground, "Can't imagine what it was like to be without yer ma. Ah mean, my parents were there fer a little while, but they-"

"What are you talking about," Pinkie giggled, "She had a great mom growing up! One of the best, well other than my mom!"

Sunset looked at Pinkie then sighed,"Yeah, the best mom ever, till I spat in her face and left." She hit the bed.

Rarity, who was busy hoof filing, looked up, "Sunset, dear, I am sure she holds no ill will about that. And you weren't spitting her face, you were just... entering your rebellious stage."

"Let me guess, you began to think your mom was too controlling, wouldn't let you do what you wanted when you wanted, and then decided to act it out," Will said, looking at her bed. A part of her could hear every argument she had ever been in with her mother, all of the times she thought she hated her.

Sunset scoffed,"That's one way to put it..." She looked away,"If by acting out you mean wanting to take over the world..."

"Ok I never did that..." Will sighed. "But, ran away, yelled at her, sometimes wished I never was there. The whole bit. But, taking over the world? That's a new one"

“Come on, sugar,” Applejack smiled. “We all had our little rebel days.”

Twilight chuckled a bit,"I bet you didn't hear of how my rebel phase went."

Sunset turned to Twilight,"Excuse me?"

"Well, at first I decided not to ace my tests, I would only get Bs, then I decided I wanted to worship the moon and started painting anything that was gold, silver and replacing suns with moons..." Twilight put a hoof to her chin,"Come to think of it, it wasn't that bad of a rebel phase..."

Applejack laughed, "Are ya kiddin? Yours were tame!"

Realizing that sleep was never going to come, Rainbow Dash rolled over onto her belly, "Ok, I’m curious, how did yours go?"

"Well, Ah kind of did basically start selling carrots for Carrot Top, try to get mah name changed,and tried to disown mah little sister," Applejack joked.

"Oh, mine was simply horrible, I...I..." Fluttershy began.

"You told your mom that you weren’t going to bed one time and kept animals you weren’t supposed to keep and then apologized profusely for it. I was there Flutters," Rainbow Dash said, looking at her and shaking her head.

Sunset began to laugh at this,"Okay, I gotta know, what was Pinkie's rebel phase?"

"Welllllllll," Pinkie waved a hoof to get to everypony to come closer. "When I was seventeen, just a little bit before Twilight came to Ponyville, my rebel phase began. At first, it was the simple things, I started to change the orders, and making weird designs on the cakes. Then, I started to not obey the cakes anymore, and then I began to use Gummy as my secret weapon for scaring ponies. Then... on my last day of my rebel phase, I stepped out when I wasn't supposed to and found an innocent little purple unicorn. I figured, I was going to kidnap her, and force her to enjoy the best party ever!" She then laughed evilly, as only Pinkie could.

Rarity rolled her eyes in exasperation, "And all I did was go goth." before beginning to giggle a little

Twilight raised an eyebrow,"Uh, what?" her mind began to unwind at that.

Sunset giggled at Pinkie and Rarity's statements,"I actually would've loved to see you being a goth, Rarity." She looked at Rainbow Dash,"Let me guess, you never quite left your rebel phase, did you, Rainbow?"

Growling, Rainbow Dash threw a pillow at Sunset, hitting the red maned mare in the face. She then laid back onto the bed, "For your information, I am too cool for a rebel phase!"

Applejack whispered in Sunset's ear,"Translation: No, she never did."

"The point is, dear," Rarity said, looking up from her hoof filing, "We know you have done wrong, but we have all done horrible things in our lifetimes. We have done things to our friendships that would make you wonder how we have stayed together for so long. But, the ones who love you-"

"Would love ya, even if ya turned nightmare," Applejack said, smiling at Rarity.

"Or friended Chaos," Fluttershy smiled.

Sunset smiled,"You girls... really are the best of friends," She looked down.

Pinkie giggled, "And we are your friends too." she then rolled to her side, and then down onto back again. "You know, I think I get it now! Twin students, sisters! You and Twilight!"

Sunset blinked,"Excuse me?" She cocked her head.

"Well, you two!," the earth pony smiled as she laid on her back with her head dangling over the bed. "You two could be sisters with how you two are sitting together. And you are both students of Celestia, so... sisters!"

Sunset looked at Twilight, who looked at her back,"Well, I guess..."

Twilight smiled,"It seems to work for me!" She pulled Sunset into a hug,"After all, you need a sister."

"And a good friend," Applejack said, getting onto the bed and hugging Sunset.

Friends, sisters, and people who can be there for you. I hope mine are out there somewhere.” she then noticed that Fluttershy gave her a look that said, 'You'll find them.' she smiled at that.

"Aw, how sweet, kind of almost makes you forget that there's a sorcerer living in your head planning on doing horrible things to them." Mozenwrath said.

Twilight looked at the sleeping Dash,"She fell asleep quick..." She whispered to herself

"Well, Ah'm heading to bed. Night girls, "Applejack said, getting onto the bed, as the other girls did the same.

Rarity could be heard murmuring, "I am not, messing up the covers..."

As she got herself into the bed, Will took one last look at the heart of Kanaar, "Where are they.?"

Sunset, aged 6, looked up from her drawing,"Princess Mommy, look!" She said, holding up the picture of her and Celestia with a sun surrounding them.

"That's nice, Sunset," THe picture was taken in the princess' magic,"If only you stayed this nice."

The filly cocked her head,"What do you mean?"

"If only you hadn't betrayed me, than you would still be loved!" Celestia's face turned into a skull with glowing eyes,"Then I would be alive!"

Sunset took a step back in fear, only to bump into a body. She turned her head, her body turning into an adult's, and saw her friend's corpses. She looked down at a purple hoof attached to an alicorn skeleton.

Twilight's voice come from the skeleton,"You are a monster, you don't deserve to live! You deserve to be like me!" The skeleton got up and lunged at Sunset.

Sunset woke up in a cold sweat. She looked around, noticing that each of her friends were still asleep, except for one,"Twilight?" She got up and carefully sneaked out of the room.

Twilight looked at the book in front of her, scouring the passages for an answer,"If I could do a more thorough-"

Rainbow Dash woke up to Sunset's yell, and watched as she walked down the stairs. As she made her way to the library, she saw Sunset and Twilight talking to each other. (do it. Give it to them. Finish her)

"NO," Dash said to herself, running up to a window and flying off into the ocean, swimming for a bit.

"You should be asleep." Sunset said as she entered the library.

Twilight squeaked as she put the book behind her,"Sunset! You're up early!" She gave a quick grin.

"What are you reading?" Sunset walked closer.

Twilight looked behind her,"Oh, I, um, I'm studying a few spells for the upcoming trip!" She gave a nervous grin.

Sunset frowned,"Twilight, are you lying to me?" She gasped,"You're working on a reform spell for me, aren't you!?"

"What!? No! That'd be crazy!" Twilight shook her head. She sighed as she pulled the book out,"Look at the author."

Sunset looked at the name,"Sunshine Dawn." She looked at Twilight,"My mother?"

Twilight looked around,"Princess Luna gave me a mission before we left: I was to look for your mother in Tauros where she was last seen. I was hoping that book would give me a clue. I didn't tell you, because I didn't know how you would react."

"You know, Twi?" Sunset said,"If we do find Mom, I don't think it matters if she's alive or not. I didn't know her, so if she's dead, it wouldn't affect me. If she's alive, though, I think I would give her the yelling of her life." She smiled.

"So, you won't feel too bad if she isn't there?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I would a little, but I already had a mom. Princess Mommy." Sunset said with a smile.

"... Princess Mommy?" Twilight snickered.

"I was six when I called her that!" Sunset said.

Sunset took Twilight's shoulder,"Come on, let's go back to bed. We'll find my mom when we get to Tauros."

Twilight frowned,"You're starting to sound like my big brother. Never letting me stay up to study." she muttered

"Well you need your sleep!" Sunset said with a chuckle as they went back to their room.

"She's right sugarcube, ya need sleep!" Applejack said, standing against the doorframe with a smile.

Twilight hopped back in shock,"How long were you there?"

"Long enough to see you two being sweet on each other," Applejack chuckled.

Sunset chuckled nervously,"Not that sweet..."

"Yer right," Applejack smiled as she led the two upstairs. "It was adorable."

"Not as adorable as Princess Mommy." Twilight said as she trotted into the room.

"Again, six!" Sunset gave a mock frown.

Twilight looked down at a bed,"Hey, where's Rainbow?"

"Right behind you," Rainbow Dash said behind Twilight. "HA! Did I scare ya?"

Twilight jumped,"Yes, yes you did!" Twilight said with a growl.

Sunset looked at Dash,"Why was she up?" She thought to herself.

"Perhaps she wanted to kill you." Mozenwrath said,"After all, she was kinda brutal to her heartless."

"What were you doing up?" Asked Applejack, to which Dash shrugged as she went to bed.

"Had to, you know." Dash said, walking into her bed and going to sleep.

Sunset sighed in a bit of relief as she went back to bed. She laid with her eyes still open, almost afraid to go to sleep.

"Don't worry, I'm here," She could almost hear Celestia's voice say as her eyes began to grow heavy.

That night, a blue alicorn fought off some of the worst nightmares imaginable.

Will rolled in her sleep, mumbling to herself, "Heart, friends, as one..."

("Ok, that was awesome!" Irma said, smirking.

"Can you imagine it? A world where we grew up as sisters!" Hay Lin squeed.

"You mean we aren't?" Asked Irma.

Taranee smiled at Will, "Will... how is she?"


" will she come home? Sunset can't-"

"Can't what?"

"Oh, and here we are again Will," Valtor said, his voice a whisper. "You are seeing echoes of things that aren't. You are getting thoughts that may not be your own. Are you a hero? A human? A pony? o you even belong here? do you even have the right to own that heart?"

"I... I"

"You can't recall..." Valtor laughed. "By the way, I hope the minotaurs of Tauros are going to enjoy their hell."


At night a lone wagon reached the outskirts of Tauros. Inside, a young blue mare smiled, "Well, time to begin. Look out you wonderful minotaurs, Trixie is here."

King Minos sat in his throne, watching as the last of the night court finished its rounds. As he stood to call it a evening, the mighty red minotaur heard, "Presenting, the last guest of the evening. Lord Valtor, of the black flame. Conquerer of the order of light, destroyer of the world of hopes, harbinger of conquest, and deliverer of the flames."

The guard then stood to the side as the doors to the throne room opened. Valtor stepped across the threshold "Ah, King Minos, a pleasure to be sure."

"VALTOR! I had thought you to be only legend," said the king, his red eyes glaring down at the black dragon.

"Yes, and Nightmare Moon is but a foal’s tale. But, we are here to talk about my legend," Valtor said, bowing. "We are here to talk about, the key to the gate."

"The key-" the king's eyes went wide. "No. Guards, seize him!"

A small smirk came to Valtor's lips as he turned and breathed black flame at the doors, blocking the guards entry. Behind Minos, he felt a shock go through his body that forced him to buckle to his knees, and turned to look up at an old mare, "Good job, Servant."

"I live but to serve," Servant said, bowing.

" Now, about the key," Valtor said, looking into the minotaur's eyes.

"Buck you," shouted the king, spitting in Valtor's eyes.

"Now, that is wrong. Servant, we seem to be getting nowhere with him, suggestions?" Aske Valtor.

"We can't hit him with the hate plague, the bearers know of a cure," said servant, running her hoof along her staff. "An, if we turn them against the bearers, the fact that you are here will be too obvious. So, I suggest... we do nothing."

"Nothing?" asked Valtor.

"We are here already, the king will now try and hunt us down. The fear that will permeate here will be enough to slow the bearers and Will down." Chuckled the servent as she left through a doorway.

"Where are you-"

"The earth guardian needs a push, and I will give it to her. A little fear for a loved one," Servant said, vanishing into a portal.

The next morning, Will woke up to the sun outside, "You know, I wonder how they are getting the sun down here."

Twilight got up next,"Oh, it's actually artificial light, you see the sea-ponies use magic..." She began to ramble.

Pinkie Pie woke up, watching Twilight. She then giggled and walked to Applejack, "Twily's rambling. Place your bets."

"50 on her trying to fly away. And it wakes up RD," Applejack chuckled, waking up.

"I cannot believe you two, taking bets on such a thing...40 on 5 minutes for flying away, and Rainbow Dash wakes up screaming," Rarity complained.

Fluttershy woke up, looking at a small cat fish. Calmly, she petted it, "Um...I  don't think I want to bet on that."

"Ok Sunset, your go," Applejack said.

Sunset shook her head as she woke up,"Um probably 60 on her screaming, flying away, and waking up Rainbow Dash and she screams a non-sequitur."

Will backed away a memory passing through her mind of a brown earth pony speaking the same kind of nonsense and her friends walking away, "Um, I wonder if King Leo has prepared a feast!" and then flew away.

Rainbow Dash woke up and looked at Twilight, "Oh great, egghead, you scared away the girl."

Twilight frowned,"Some ponies just don't want to learn!" She glared at Rainbow before leaving.

There was indeed a feast waiting for them.

"Banquet!!!!!" Pinkie cheered as she wan to the table.

Applejack saunter up and began to feed like a manticore. Fluttershy softly began to chew on some of the apples, while Rarity dainty began to eat her light salad.

Rainbow Dash began to eat like a maniac while Will began to eat somewhat normally.

Twilight and Sunset began to eat quickly.

Leo laughed as he looked to Tydal,"My hungry, weren't they?"

"I would be too, Leo." Tydal said with a laugh.

Will looked at the food for a bit as she continued to eat, wanting to figure out just how did they get all of this other variety of food. Then one look at Twilight, and one memory of what happened that morning quickly threw that idea out the window. Applejack looked up at Leo and Tydal, "So, pardon me for asking your majesties... but what did Truly do while she was here?"

Leo leaned back and smiled,"Truly. She helped bring my people together with her heart."

Tydal looked ahead,"She helped me... change who I was."

"You mean you weren't always a big capricorn?" Pinkie Pie asked, throwing a sea muffin into the air and chomping on it.

Tydal shook his head,"I was always a capricorn, but I wasn't always this nice. In fact, I pretty much tried to kill everything I could find. Until Truly came and taught me how to be kind. I never opened my heart to others, and take on the help of others."

"How?" Rainbow Dash asked, and then looked to Fluttershy. "What is with you girls somedays?"

Tydal leaned back,"Let's just say, she knew just what she was talking about."

The girls couldn't help but chuckle at this as they continued their morning meal. As will looked to Sunset, she began to ask a question, but was interrupted by Rarity, "So, Sunset, how did you manage to live alone all that time before coming here."

Sunset looked down,"Well, at first I just seduced several guys in order to mooch off of them, but now... well it's mainly Pinkie or Fluttershy who let me stay in with them."

"What? No place... this will not stand!" Rarity said, thrusting a hoof into the air. "As soon as we get home, we are going to find you a few gem deposits to take home with you."

You would do that?" Sunset blinked,"For me?"

"Why of course dea," Rarity smiled. "why wouldn't I?"

"She doesn't know, even if she could come back, there might be a chance that her friends are all..." Will thought to herself.

"Well, I just wasn't expecting you to do that for me, especially if there's a chance I won't be able to come back." Sunset said. “Before I left, Valtor destroyed the portal.”

        "Aw, don't be like that, Sunny. You can find a way, especially if Twilight has anything to say," Pinkie Pie winked to her friend.

Twilight nodded,"I even created a blueprint for a machine just in case I ever needed the mirror again!"

"...When did you find time to do that?" Rainbow Dash asked, eyebrow arched.

"Oh, you know, there are just times when I have a free spot in my schedule to do some planning, make some inventions, and create a list of what I should do if I ever turn evil!" Twilight said with a grin.

Rainbow Dash coughed, "No life!"

"Wait, if you turn evil?" Will asked, looking terrified.

"Yeah, if I turn evil, I better make sure I do it right. As a matter of fact, here's a checklist of things I want to do if I turn evil." Twilight handed Will a list.

1) Turn my friends over to my side, see Checklist #44

2) Stage a coup to overthrow Celestia and Luna, see Checklist #45

3) Distract Shining Armor with a mind-controlled Cadance, see Checklist #42

4) Turn good again after realizing the downsides to being evil, see Checklist #46

"Oh, 'Downsides is even underlined," Pinkie Pie looked at the list.

"Um, shouldn't there be an apologize to the princesses after that?" Will asked.

"Oh, that's for the checklist in case I reform!" Twilight said with a wide smile,"It's right next to the checklist for the exact way to turn my friends over to my side!"

"You know what I did when I was evil? I merely guessed on everything! My big plan was all based on what I found when I went through the portal, and just going on from there!" Sunset said, her hoof falling to her face.

Pinkie Pie rubbed Sunset's back, "That's ok, you just aren't super extra super duper prepared like Twilight is!!!"

"Yeah, she even has a checklist in case one of us becomes a Royal guard working for Celestia to find a cure for a poi-and how were you going to get me to come over?" Rainbow Dash asked with a raised eyebrow.

Twilight pulled out another checklist,"Well, first I was hoping on relying on your undying loyalty to me to get you over, but if that didn't work out, I would agree to make you my Captain of the Royal Guard and Stunt Pony!"

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Yeah, I could work with that."

"I can't believe that they are actually talking about that," Leo whispered to Tydal

Tydal shook his head,"Well, that's what friends do I'm sure."

"Weird, but," he chuckled as he looked at the group. "It seems to have worked for them."

"Ok, so I think we can confirm that Twilight has enough lists to prepare for anything," Applejack said.

"Ok, Me, pick me!" Pinkie Pie squealed, "How would you turn me over."

"Well, I was thinking of letting you have all the fun you want, plus I use your... Pinkiness to my own advantage." Twilight said.

"Cool!" Pinkie said, taking another bite of her apple.

"I would probably just agree without a fight... ," Fluttershy said, looking away a little.

Rarity smiled, "So, for me it would be my nobility and Applejack?"

"Yes and yes." Twilight said, looking at Fluttershy and Rarity," And Applejack, well, she's really stubborn so I would have to convince her that working with me would be beneficial not only for her, but for her entire family as well!"

Sunset gulped,"Um, you guys wouldn't really do all that, would you?"

Rainbow Dash looked evil to Sunset, "Who says we haven't already. Maybe this was just our way of luring you into our evil cabal."

"One of us, one of us," Pinkie said, holding up a plushie of a turkey, "gobble gobble."

Sunset backed,"No," She said,"No!" She shouted overdramatically.

Pinkie Pie then used her turkey to tickle Sunset, laughing maniacally. Will chuckled and leaned to Twilight, "Does it always end like this?"

Twilight leaned in to Will,"Yeah, it does." She smiled as Sunset giggled a lot

“It feels familiar," Will smiled.

Ok, which one of us will turn evil first?" Irma asked.

"Wait, are we really doing this? Putting money on wich one is mostly likely to turn evil?" Cornelia asked."

"Well, I just figured," Irma began.

"You would be the most likely to turn evil, so no contest," Cornelia said only to be hit with a pillow

Will laughed softly as the breakfast finished.

Leo swam over to Twilight,"I assume you are heading towards Tauros?"

Twilight nodded,"It's closest after here. Tell me King," She looked,"Do you know where the key is forTauros?"

Leo shook his head,"I'm afraid I do not. However, you can seek King Minos, and ask him for the key." Leo looked outside,"I've already prepared the manta-hawk to take you there."

"Thank you sir," Twilight said with a bow.

Leo shouted as the group walked to the manta-hawk,"Be safe, my little ponies, there may more dangers ahead!"

"Alright, Rainbow," Twilight chuckled as the group got on the manta-hawk

The manta-hawk let out a small screech as it took off through the water.

Valtor woke up that morning to look across the city from the abandoned building. His mind began to drift back through the past as he thought of the element bearers, "Friends, and a strong heart..."

The woman in black walked with Valtor, passing by several photos, "Do you know who these are, my child?"

"Your... friends?" asked young Valtor as he ran his hand along a picture of a snake becoming a genie.

"No, they are failures, memories," the black fairy said plainly. "and a lesson."

"What is that, mother?" asked Valtor.

The black fairy smiled and hand her green fingertips under Valtor's chin, "To not underestimate the power of a heart, and the bonds that they have made. Look around you, this one underestimated a simple street rat's desire for redemption, (her staff pointed to an image of a demon) this one underestimated the heart of a hero, (This one pointed to a lion demon) this one believed that a boy's guilt would keep him at bay, and (points to a wizard standing fronnt of several emon masks) this one believed that the powers of darkness would keep him in power long enough to take become godlike."

Valtor watch i awe as the fairy opened her cloak and revealed painting after painted of monsters, demons, and mages, "Did even Master Horn King fall like this."

"Who said he fell?" the fairy chuckled. "Remember this, my sweet child, a heart alone is weak. Easy to destroy and crush, but when that heart has friends, or a reason to fight, then it becomes a force to be reckoned with."

"Then, how do you beat that heart?" asked Valtor.

"Simple, you use it. Now, I have to go and practice my own magic, you... look at the paintings, learn the stories of the fallen and learn from their failings," the fairy said.

"Yes ma’am," Valtor bowed, before producing a flower. "Oh, and... happy Mother's Day."

The fairy smiled as she took the rose and caressed it, "Thank you, child."

Valtor smiled before looking back at one painting, "Once upon a time, there was...”

"My lord, I have returned," Servant said with a bow. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh, no, nothing. Why?" Asked Valtor.

"You seemed to be crying, were you missing someone?" Servant asked, rubbing Valtor's shoulder.

"No," Valtor said, resting his legs over the ledge of a building.

"Ok, but remember, I am your friend..."

As the manta hawk breached the water, Pinkie Pie let out a giant "WHOOOOOOOOO!!!" as the creature sailed through the water. Rarity quickly began to fix all of the girls manes as she soared, while Will sat back, "Ok, lets see what we got... My gem is called the heart of Kandrakar, my friends may or may not be in this world, and I may or may not be some sort of superhero. I wonder what else life can throw at me!"

Twilight held on tight to her mane,"Hey, at least you're learning more about yourself!"

Sunset screamed as she held on,"This thing is going too fast!"

"Are you kidding," Dash remarked with a cocky grin, "It's not going fast enough!"

Sunset whimpered,"This is just like when I was introduced to cars..." She said, her tears flying to the side.

"What's a car?" Rainbow Dash asked, watching as everything flew by.

Fluttershy, being a little more sympathetic, gave a hug to Sunset, "It's ok. As long as you aren't getting sick.'

"Something that goes very fast, and it's something that I don't want to go on again!" Sunset yelled at Dash.

"Well, Rainbow, it looks like you're prepared to go through the test. What do you think, Sunset." Rarity looked behind her at the young woman, who was curled up and crying about an old man in the way.

A coy smirk came to Rainbow's lips, "Sounds like my kind of ride."

Twilight's eyes opened wide,"Why did I do this? Why did I do this? Why did I do this..."

Will couldn't help but giggle, seeing the group interact like this. She sighed happily as she thought back to her friends, and to how they have grown together. Walking ahead, she looked at the incoming city, "That must be the port town."

"Wow, you're right! I hope Mr. Hawk is good at landings," Pinkie said from her binoculars.

“I didn’t realize that you like to jump from the water, Mrs. Hawk,” The hawk let out a series of squacks, and Fluttershy nodded, "I see...eeep."

Before any of them could ask, the manta-hawk hit the port suddenly, and literally, causing all of them to go flying off.

Valtor walked to a dark cave, looking down the entrance with a cruel smile, "Why are we here, my lord?" asked Servant.

"The bearers are going to be hunting for the horseshoes soon enough. This will something to play with," the black dragon said, his footsteps echoing in the cavern.

"You mean, a distraction," the servant said, using her staff to light up the cavern.

"Yes, a quaint distraction-

"Who comes to my tomb?" whispered a voice.

"And there we are..."