//------------------------------// // Childbirth, Dragons, and Chickens // Story: Legacy of Illumination // by Metool Bard //------------------------------// Could you describe your experience going through labor and childbirth? Once it was all over, how did it feel to see and hold your son for the first time? I'll be honest, Mr. Book. That experience is something that can't really be put into words. It really is a pain that defies all explanation. You wouldn't be able to understand it without going through it yourself. I will say this much, though. I know now why Medley is so disturbed by the concept. But once I held Snapdragon in my hooves for the first time, I felt that all the pain I went through to bring him into this world was well worth the effort. It's just like they say: Every cloud has its silver lining. Does Dragonfly still go out to see the dragons these days? How about you? Dragonfly has made it a point to continue his research for as long as he can, and that means he goes to visit the dragons on a consistent basis; usually during the summer months. As for myself, well, it's a bit more complicated. Sometimes, the dragons will invite me over, and I'm happy to oblige them. But I don't think I've ever gone to see them without Dragonfly by my side. And before you ask, no, it's not because I'm afraid of dragons. I just have trouble conversing with them. Dragonfly often says that their social structure blurs the line between sentience and sapience. That's just a fancy way of saying that they're civilized and uncivilized at the same time, and I don't know many ponies who know how to deal with that. Well, except Dragonfly, but he's spent most of his life around dragons. I haven't. What do you find most interesting about the dragons? The whole civilized/uncivilized thing, mainly. You really don't see that in other Equestrian creatures. They either have civilizations of their own, or they're brutish monsters who act purely on instinct. Dragons are somewhere in-between, and I think if more ponies knew that, they'd also find it fascinating. They'd certainly put more effort into understanding these majestic yet intimidating creatures. The problem is that most ponies are too afraid of dragons to even try to learn about them. That's why Dragonfly's research isn't as recognized as it should be. Most ponies just think he's nuts. I hesitate to say that he has a thankless job, because the dragons he works with do appreciate his company. Still, a part of me laments the fact that his work will probably fade into obscurity. I guess it's a good thing that he accepted that a long time ago. Why did the chicken cross the road? What're you asking me for? I can't read the chicken's mind. Easyglider taught me that one. He can be quite the wisenheimer when he wants to be.