Fighting for Justice and Harmony

by pinkiepie2010

Ponies vs Titans

Twilight blasted Raven again and sent her back father. She ameeditly ran towards her with Applejack close behind. Fluttershy and Rarity stayed to fight Robin.

"Hello again cutie." Rarity walked over to Robin.

"Oh no, you are not kissing me again."

"What, but you kissed me." She moved closer to him.

"You did something to me and I have no memory of it, but my friend told me that you kissed me." Robin backed away from her.

"What could I have I done to you." She turned her back to him.

"You kissed me out of nowhere while I'm in a perfect relationship with another girl. I do not want to lose her."

"You could have told me about," She paused and turned to face Robin. "Did you say I erased your memory?"

"Yes you did, because I don't remember it. The last thing I remember before you disappeared was, you looking into my eyes and saying we be a cute couple." Rarity started to back away from him.

"This is the, worst, possible, thing!" She continued to back away her eyes were starting to water, "I'm a relationship ruining monster. Why me oh, why me? I hoped to have my magic, not this." She ran away balling her eyes out. Robin tried to follow her but had to stop, after almost tripping over Fluttershy who was now in her turtle shell.

"Rarity are you still there?" Fluttershy asked not knowing about Rarity running away.

"If you're talking about the one with the pale skin and purple hair, she just ran away, but it's okay to come out of there." He kneeled down so he could hear her better.

"No," she shouted but quickly quited down, "I know I'll be better off in here." Her teal eyes appeared but quickly disappeared again from the shell.

"If you think I'm here to attack you I'm not."

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy poked her head out of the shell.

"It's the opposite of that. You see I know Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie."

"Are they hurt?" She pulled hands out and covered her eyes. Just thinking about it made her shiver.

"No not at all. But you see they have powers they didn't have back in Equestria. We were worried that you guys would have new unknown powers too."

"I never was able to grow a shell before." Her legs appeared and the shell disappeared.

"I know a shapeshifter he'll be able to help control your power."

"It would be nice to know more about my powers, but we need to find Rarity first. Uh, and I'm Fluttershy." She said the last sentence very quietly. She slightly stretched out her arm.

"Robin." He accepted the offer to handshake.

Meanwhile the fight between Raven and Twilight and Applejack was not going as planned. Before Raven could say anything she was blasted. Twilight also kept levitating objects and hurling them towards her.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack questioned. She looked down to find a smashed remains of a wooden crate behind her.

"Your back just smashed it." Twilight frustratingly said between her teeth "why can't we get this powerless human, we're from the alternate dimension."

"Yes I totally powerless even though you totally saw me levitate over here." Raven sarcastically commented.

"Doesn't matter, was does matter is you're going down." Twilight preparedto blast again but was blasted first knocking her to the ground. "Huh?"

"Opportunity knocked and I answered."

"We have the same powers?"

"Are yours controlledby your emotions?" Raven flew closer.

Twilight burst out laughing, "What kind of powers are controlled by your emotions? That make zero sense. Magic is about your concentration, not how you feel."

"It just so happens mine are controlled by emotions. If my emotions get out of hand so do my powers."

"So you dabble in dark magic because that is fueled by negative emotions. Which proves my point that your trying to capture us." She blasted Raven again only for her to dodge it and levitate a rope around Twilight.

"Yes my magic can by considered "dark", but all powers have the ability to be used for good and evil it all depends on how the person uses them." She used finger quotes when she said dark.

"I couldn't help but overhear ye conversation," Applejack interrupted leaning against a wall, "but it does seem like ye are trying to capture us, and the rope around Twilight here, doesn't help."

"If we were trying to capture you wouldn't she be tied up as well." Raven pointed to Fluttershy who standing nearby.

"And how do we know your little assistant didn't force her stand stand there perfectly fine so we'll trust you."

"I'm not her assistant." Robin explained.

"Fine your partner then," Twilight continued struggling out of the rope.

"Struggling's not going to help," Raven flew closer. Twilight broke her hand free and tried to levitate the rope off her but Raven's magic was stronger.

"Twilight maybe it's a good idea not to fight these two and continue on," Applejack tried to reason.

"We can't do that," Fluttershy explained, "Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are at their home."

"You kidnapped our friends," Twilight interrupted almost bursting into flames.

"Oh no Twilight, you have it all wrong. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie went with them on their own free will and have befriended them. Also Rarity ran away."

"Why in Equestria would she go off and do that?" Applejack inquired walking over to Fluttershy.

"It was something about kissing him," Fluttershy pointed to Robin, "and being a relationship ruining monster."

"Do ye know where she ran off to."

"Already found her," Twilight boasted. Everyone looked to see Rarity running towards them.

"Twilight I need your help I've become a monster," she began as reached the group tears were still streaming down her eyes, "I ruined a relationship. I don't how but a made a boy kiss me and he has no memory of it."

"Don't worry Rarity," Twilight responded. Rarity sobbed and latched on to Twilight.

"Twilight what's around you?"

"That demon over there tied me up."

"Aside from that, Rarity is it," Raven said, Rarity nodded, "it comes to my attention that you and your friends have gained new powers when you entered this dimension. Your power is some from of hypnotism that unfortunately surfaced when you were flirting with Robin."

"But I ruined his relationship with another girl."

"You can explain it to her."

"What if she won't forgive me?" Rarity screamed.

"She will," Robin explained, "she forgave her sister after she tried to get her arrested."

"Then I must go make things right," Rarity marched off, "um where is your house exactly?"

"I'll show you four," Raven said as walked, pulling Twilight along with her. The others quickly followed. "Hopefully the others are having an easier time."