Spike The Osu King!

by Spideze

The Discovery

It was a quiet summer's day in Ponyville. Everypony were out enjoying the hot sun and cool breeze, everypony except for 5 mares and one dragon.

This is the intro i am using for this story. Just imagine spike in it. :)

"I wonder what's taking Rainbow Dash so long?" asked Pinkie

"I don't know but she said it was urgent that we all meet her at the cafe." said Twilight

"Typical Rainbow Dash. We go out of our way to get here on time. then she is the one late!" said a very irritated Spike. He wasn't a big fan of the summer heat, but the way Rainbow had made it sound, It sounded as if something really important was going down. "Seriously, what could she possibly be doing that is holding her up like this?!" shouted Spike

Twilight put a hood on his shoulder. "Spike please calm down. I know the heat is getting to you but disturbing the peace won't make Rainbow Dash get here any quicker."

"Sup guys." greeted Rainbow Dash

"You were saying?" Spike said with a sly grin on his face

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she looked towards Rainbow Dash. "Alright Rainbow, what is so important that you made us drop everything to come and meet you here?" asked Twilight

"Guys i just found the coolest game of all time!" squealed Rainbow. The mares and dragon only groaned in response.

"A GAME!? You made me come out in the unbearable, unending heat for a game? protested Spike.

"I dropped my latest designs for this..." complained Rarity

"I left all of ma chores to Big Mac" noted AppleJack

"Aw come on, it's really fun!" pleaded Rainbow

"Rainbow darling, you know i don't...game..." said Rarity

"This game is different though. it requires skill and precision." said Rainbow. It wasn't so much as getting them to play the game as it was to just get them to like something that she likes.

"Well, i do have precision because of my sewing..." noted Rarity

"Yeah and we did come all the way how here so might as well..." sighed Spike

"Awesome!" cheered Rainbow.

"By the way Rainbow. What is this game called?" asked Twilight

Rainbow turned around and smiled at all of her friends. "It's called Osu." The next hour and a half was spent teaching and showing her friends Osu. all of them were impressed by how fast paced the game seemed to be, and how much skill it seemed to require.

"Wow i must admit, this game looks awesome!" claimed Spike

"Yes. but i simply can't keep up with circles" pouted Rarity

"Ah, don't worry Rares, it just takes time getting used to" Rainbow reassured her friend

"And this game is free to download on your our computers at home?" asked Twilight

"Yup. it's so awesome!" declared Rainbow

"Mind if i give it a try?" asked Spike

"Of course dude! Knock yourself out? said Rainbow

Spike sat down and was about to play when a thought had crossed his mind. "Hey Rainbow. Does this game support tablets?" Rainbow seemed a bit taken back by that.

"Uhhh...yeah of course they do, but they are hard to get used to" said Rainbow. Spike just smiled at her confidently.

"Don't worry, i have practice with a tablet" said Spike. while Rainbow was handing Spike the tablet, Twilight decided to question Spike's statement.

"Spike. How could you have any experience with a tablet?" asked Twilight

"Ha, funny you should ask. You see back in Canterlot, i did a of digital artwork for friends. Celestia ended up finding out and she asked me if i wanted to do any major work for events and auctions." Spike was now finished with setting up and configuring his tablet. "What do the stars mean Rainbow?"

"That is the difficulty of the song, right now the highest i have seen on these computers is like 7.7 stars" said Rainbow

"Hmm..." Spike started flipping through the songs and stopped when he found a song he really liked.

"Uh Spike, that is 5.6 star. I can't even do that." Rainbow exclaimed. Her words fell on deaf ears as spike started the song up.

Find Out Next Time