Love is in Bloom

by MuddyWaters

Chapter Six: Fluttershy

I let out a gasp when I saw the black bug-like pony-creature inside the small cell. I tried to back away, but I found myself running into Dusk Light. The black stallion looked at me, his green eyes full of concern.

"Are you alright, Miss Fluttershy?" he asked.

"I-I'm fine," I stammered.

"Is that what I think it is?" Twilight asked, cutting off Dusk Light from whatever he'd been about to say.

"If you think it's a Changeling, then yes it is, Princess Twilight Sparkle," Flash Sentry spoke.

I noticed Twilight seemed uncomfortable, and I wondered why. Perhaps it was because Flash Sentry had called her 'Princess'. Even after all this time, she still didn't care much for ponies calling her 'Princess'. Or of course, maybe it dealt with the creature that was laying in front of us. It was clearly asleep, although I couldn't be sure how it was sleeping. After all, it didn't look too comfortable, having it's poor hooves tied together, and it's muzzle bounded and gagged. I felt bad for the poor creature.

"Why is there a Changeling here?" Twilight asked, before her purple eyes went wide with understanding. "It's Chrysalis, isn't it?"

Flash Sentry and Dusk Light both nodded their heads.

"It's sleeping right now, we've been keeping it heavily sedated since we discovered it posing as one of the Royal Guards," Dusk Light spoke grimly.

I felt sick to my stomach at that. I didn't like the fact that they would do that to a poor creature, even if they had shown signs of aggression in the past.

We then exited the small dungeon, and I couldn't of been more happy to get out of the smallish room, and away from the Changeling. It wasn't even the fact that it was a Changeling. It was more because it was still a creature, and no creature should be treated as they were treating it!

We then returned to the throne room, which I was grateful for as well. I didn't like the thought of the dungeon, let alone being in it. When we settled back down, with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia on their thrones, and Princess Cadence and Shining Armor just sitting a little ways off, I was getting ready to say something to the princesses about how they were treating the Changeling, without sounding rude of course, when Celestia spoke.

"Fluttershy," she said, calmly. "I was hoping to have your help with the Changeling. You see, when I discovered it in my castle, I hadn't a clue what to do about it. But, after a day of thinking, our friend, Discord, showed up for a visit. It was just his monthly report on whether there were anomalies in the magical forces, but it got me thinking. I remembered how it had been you who reformed him, and you have an amazing talent for animals and creatures of all sorts. I was really hoping you would help try to understand the Changeling, and befriend it. See if we can figure out Chrysalis's plan before she can do anything."

I let her words settle for a bit. I couldn't really say no to her, after all, she was Princess Celestia. If she really needed me to do this, then I must. But I refused to help the Changeling while they treated it so horribly.

"I'll help," I finally spoke, after thinking carefully about what I was about to say. "But only if you stop treating the poor thing as you are. It's still a creature, even if it's a prisoner. Also, if it's okay with you, I'd rather not have to visit the poor thing in that awful dungeon. It's rather depressing and gloomy." I noticed all the shocked looks at me, and I found myself cowering down the ground, looking at everypony. "I-if that's alright with you," I added nervously.

Dusk Light spoke first. "You can't honestly expect-"

Princess Celestia cut him off. "I'm glad to see you take interest in this," she said softly. "Of course we'll do it. You can keep your meetings up in the room you'll be staying in while you're here."

I nodded my head, pleased as to where this came to. I didn't particularly like demanding things. I wasn't Rainbow Dash. But, I did it when the time called for it. And seeing that poor Changeling being treated the way it had been was just so awful! I was glad that Celestia so easily agreed to what I had asked.

"Perhaps you two should go to bed now," Princess Luna spoke. "Dusk Light and Flash Sentry will show the way."

The two Royal Guards stepped forward, saluted the Princess of Night, and then turned to Twilight and I.

"Let's go," Flash Sentry spoke, as he waited for Twilight and I to move. They fell into their places of Dusk Light being on my side, and Flash Sentry on the side of Twilight.

Twilight whispered to me, "Wow Fluttershy. I knew you liked creatures and everything, but that was amazing! I thought Princess Celestia was going to yell at you for demanding such a thing!"

I lowered my head in embarrassment, and whispered, "I only did what I thought was right. That creature may be a Changeling, but it's still a living, breathing, creature, and oh I wished we knew if it was a male or female. I hate referring to it as, well an it. It sounds rude."

"We'll figure it out tomorrow," Twilight whispered. "Just know I'm proud of you for sticking up for what you believe in." She let out a humongous yawn, and I followed pursuit, except mine was smaller.

I just hoped I knew what I getting into to as I followed the two Royal Guard ponies to what would be my bedroom while staying in Canterlot. What was going to happen if I didn't succeed with the Changeling and Chrysalis managed to attack Equestria this time? We weren't sure what her plan was, or why she would need to send a Changeling in when last time she'd been the one to risk it. Why would that change this time? Was it because she'd failed last time?

Oh, why was I worrying so much about this? I knew that I should be more concerned about being able to deal with the Changeling. What would happen if I couldn't figure out how it acted, or understand it's language? What if it didn't want to speak to me? Oh, everything was relying on me to understand this creature that I'd only ever dealt with as an enemy and not as a friend.

Oh what had I gotten myself into?