//------------------------------// // 2 Like Father Like S....Daughter // Story: Gryphon Pride // by ThatOneGuyWhoIs //------------------------------// Gryphon Pride, 2: Like Father, Like S....Daughter The sun rose over the East hemisphere of Reverion in a beautiful swirl of pinks, reds, yellows, and oranges. Inhabitants of this side of the globe gazed at the breathtaking scenery reinforced by the clouds, on the horizon, reflecting what was already a gorgeous phenomenon. But in a smaller area, the citizens of Avesroar went about their day opening shop and walking to work. In the background, one might hear a series of yelps along with the rapid flapping of wings as one Doctor Thaumic Field made a quick descent commonly known as a crash. It was known quite well that once a Gryphon reached about 85 years of age their wings became mostly for show, as they molted and became fairly weak. So this kind of thing was very common, the only part of this accident that turned an eye was as the impact occurred. Thaumic's weird ass "latent" magic created a quick shield, absorbing the shock and keeping the old bird safe. This was definitely NOT normal among Gryphons, for their bodies were not designed to use their mana reservoir for any activity other than flight. So, when Dr. Field shook it off like nothing was wrong, a scrawny little Gryphon definitely noticed, he silently ducked into the darkness of an awaiting alley to prepare for for the next meeting with the boss' second in command. His report consisting of retelling Thaumic's unmatchable sailor's mouth and the shield bubble that sprung out of what could be nowhere. Back to our good pal, slowly, the seemingly flightless bird that was Thaumic got to his talons sputtering and coughing, losing a few secondary flight feathers in the process. Once he was up he began his trek down the market road looking for his daughter's stall. After many mistakes involving shouting at strangers Dr. Field came across the golden Gryphon in a heated argument with a customer complaining about how her pumpkin bread was too stale to be sold at the price of four Grintees, or something like that. Angrily she rebutted with "Listen pal! If you want authentic Goldy's Bakery Bread, you better not argue with me! I am in charge, and I can tell you this bread WAS baked this morning, so pay up or SCRAM!" The burly, bumbling Gryphon grumbled to himself as he dug his claw into his vest pocket and pulled out four of the Gryphon Empire’s national currency units and threw them on the counter. Golden Crest smiled to him sweetly, handed him a baggie and exclaimed "Thank you for your business!" As the feisty Gryphon turned to deposit her money into the safe box she caught site of the ash grey feathers, which could only belong to a Gryphon whom she held near and dear. "Huh, dad's here" she muttered absentmindedly. Thaumic started a countdown in his mind '3, 2, 1...’ “Oh god” The grey Gryphon was tackled to the ground in a glomp of epic proportions as he had the life squeezed out of him by polished black talons. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to visit!" Screamed Golden as she continued to try and meld her father's feathers into her claws, making him fairly uncomfortable. Thaumic grabbed at the air and silently squawked as he tried to pry Golden Crest from his being and signify his need of precious oxygen. He had began to go limp before Ms. Crest let him fill his lungs with the greatness that was a breath of sweet, cool mountain air. It took a while, but his damaged lungs caught up. The old Gryphon started speaking to his daughter in a scolding tone, "Damn Goldy, you know I'm not as young as I used to be. You can't just give me a flying fuckin bear hug like that...." Taking another breath Thaumic spoke up "I saw your little outburst, is business really that bad? You normally wouldn't be selling to customers like that and you shouldn't have to put up with their shit either”. Golden paused in the act of burying her face in his chest to defend her change of business practice "You're right, normally I wouldn't deal with assholes, but as of late, business has been slow, and since the economy crashed, nobody has had any need of baked goods.... So I have to deal with shitheads like that." She was visibly upset, if somewhat angry, about the shitty customers she had had lately considering this business had been the one thing her late mother had passed down to her. The entire business was totally useless because a dumbass prince was completely convinced the entire taxpayers budget was his to spend however he pleased. 'Fucking inbred royals' she thought. "Oh buck up kid....." Thaumic trailed off, looking somewhat uncomfortable. He started up again, "I can fix your business.... actually every fucker's business in the kingdom." He stated with an arrogant smirk on his face. Golden looked up in annoyance mixed with curiosity "What? How?" "Between me and you, I've got a great plan to fix the country..... Remember that wand I told you kids about? The one you called me a dumbass for?" Dr. Field asked grumpily. Ms. Crest sighed in resignation, she thought her poor father had gotten through this 'stage'. "Dad, not this horse shit again.. Even though our family has a magic bloodline, you KNOW that we can't control it, hell, if we could then Forest wouldn't be in jail for murder, would he?" Thaumic's puny little inkling of a smile dropped, a frown took it's place, muttering something about lazy ass gestures. Obviously Goldy still thought that her brother Forest Glider couldn't have controlled that death spell. Deep down they both knew that their magic was tied to their emotions, and Forest wouldn't have killed that pony if he didn't want to. It was likely to happen considering the emotional fire their family shared. Eager to switch topics, Field quickly spoke up "Speaking of family, have you seen your sister Grey Flier? Or better yet, have you seen Bleak Light? I'd really rather not deal with Grey, she grew up to be a pretty big bitch." Golden pulled away and walked back to her stall in a thoughtful state "Yeah, she is a bitch...... Anyway, I believe Bleak is at Glide Cliff training his little sister." Field cocked his head in a questioning manner, "Burst still hasn't learned to get her skinny ass off the ground?" Goldy looked at him "You haven't heard? The doctor, a REAL doctor, has diagnosed her with an empty mana reservoir, the chance of her ever being able to fly is less than anything hopeful...." She admitted with a saddened look that broke Thaumic's hearts. "Oh, I uh... didn't know, I'll be sure not to bring it up." He said with a stiff look on his face. "I'll see you later Goldy........ Oh! and remember, don't take anyone's shit. Be that raging inferno you were as a cub, or at least smack a fucker for me!" Crest gave a sad little smile and waved at him as he departed, thinking about how she ever turned out normal with a crazyass father like Thaumic... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A dark silhouette spoke up in a raspy voice "And you think he's key to our rule?" It asked impatiently. A quivering voice replied eagerly, emanating from a small Gryphon "I believe so Flag sir, if we could just capture this citizen, then we could make him use his magic for us. This would turn the public in our favor and we could strike while they are fooled." He ended confidently. "SILENCE! Be wary of how you speak to me, worm!" cried the one addressed as 'Flag'. "I will see about getting some of our recruits to inspect this Gryphon you speak of, NOW LEAVE US!" He roared. The last thing the courier heard as he scurried away was "Contact Evajoy, inform her of the caster."